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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Don't we all have an Assa in our lives? You know, the one who is too cool & above it all? You get all excited about the latest episode of Game of Thrones (or Married to Medicine) & they're all like "I don't watch tv & I only listen to NPR." Bitch, please. I also feel that GG is sincere in her efforts, none of them are THAT good of an actor.
  2. First of all, thank you to all of you who filled in some of the many blanks for me/us. It was so dark, I couldn't who was fighting whom, nor who died or was captured!! Re: Sir Lorah, I was thinking that after Sam pulls off that nasty greyscale (THANKS SHOW), that he will apply something that is the cure (dragonstone'ish)?? Great episode, it was worth being sleepy today :)
  3. Rebekah Del Rio, No Stars blew my mind! I listened to the entire song, transfixed. Then got up to see if it's on the (pre-ordered) CD. No, or not yet. SO I ordered it! Not recognizing Robert Knepper has me questioning my vision.
  4. I'm sorry about your grandson! But I think you're giving Asa too much credit. :)
  5. Wait, is People's Couch never coming back?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? I wanted to kick Asa in the butt for her STUPID anti-vax comments. Goddamn, antivaxxers make my blood boil Vaccines are SAFE & EFFECTIVE, global climate change is real & human-caused!!! #sciencebitch I don't care if MJ owns the whole building of condos, living in the same bldg. as HER awful mother is a YUGE mistake.
  6. Well, that article is an interesting perspective. Blonde w brown eyes is my favorite combo; my stink brother has them.
  7. This show is so silly!!! I love it!!!!!!
  8. Yep, she thinks she's clean bc she's 'only' on prescription drugs. Part of her stoned look is 3 lbs of eyelashes! i didn't appreciate the mini-Intervention on Shep when at least 1, if not many, of the others drink A LOT. That last bit, Travs voice was shaking; with which emotion, I don't know. He needs to think with his biggest head when around Katherine bc she has a spell on him.
  9. That's kind of what I was alluding to. "Dancer"... In Dubai. Not meaning to disparage any dancers on these boards!!! But 'dancer in Dubai' makes me think... other things.
  10. I may be the cheese that smells alone, but I love Uzo's performance. She kills it & breaks my damn ❤️.
  11. I don't remember what happened to her?!
  12. No one is going to mention the gf's ass hanging out of her shorts at the fortress???? She's a dancer in Dubai?!?!???
  13. This show is so weird & silly! #tardy2party
  14. i want it, I need it, I have to have it, please help me: that big, glass (?) green necklacē Lu was wearing!
  15. i think Patricia is an asshole. I continue to feel sorry for Katherine.
  16. oy, I'm so confused. who were those girls in the booth at the end? and who was that that pointed his finger as a gun? lastly, was that Julee Cruise singing at the end?? Let's just say she helped me 'relax' at the end of many long, dance-filled nights/mornings.
  17. Ok, what? I thought her behind was WAY out of proportion. I can't even imagine how that surgery works!!! Nene was embarrassing. I'd be giggly too if I were that close to Terrance Howard (mean ass as he is), but damn Nene, get ahold of yourself.
  18. So, I'm sure I'm not the first to do this, but I've had only white cats my adult life. Names?: Esmeralda, Clara, Tabitha. Until I went off the rails... Butterbean.
  19. I always LOVED Endora's outfits & makeup!! She was such a hoot to me, even as a kid. Reflecting now, she reminds me of my outlandish granny!!! <3
  20. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, if I coulda been the oreo filling in the Brad/Stephen cookie....
  21. What happened? Too much sun for one. He's almost not recognizable.
  22. True. I felt like I needed a Clorox shower after watching this, but you're right. However, these people were not Euros, nor were the men even close to being nude (and, no, maybe it's not their job to be) but it all still made me feel dirty & gross.
  23. Patricia isn't pushing Landon towards Whitney bc Landon isn't good enough for him (in HER opinion). Patricia would cut a bitch at the opportunity to snag Ravenall but she is MUCH too old for him (in HIS opinion).
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