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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. oops. misread that sentence. ^ This is what I think is going on too; he's using her & doesn't want to let go of that gravy train. Drop him Naomi!!! I do that too (when waiting for people). Hell, I don't wait on ANYONE longer than 15 minutes & I'm including the head of my org.
  2. That's only cool if it's a candidate who married a woman who is thirty years younger. {pls note sarcasm}
  3. Lort knows, I did my share of drinking in my 20s (until I turned to... non-liquid substances ;) ). So, while I was getting ready, a drink or two. Let's say the night started ~10.30 & ended ~4. I could put away ~drink/hour and some shots. LOTS of water & constant dancing too though. Not just standing around drinking. And we went out 4-5x a week, so I can't side-eye Shep too hard (even though he is 30'something). Also, in terms of who Shep wants & why: he wants WHO he can't have. E.g., Cameron, and now new girl. He just wants to compete for her attn. bc Austin has it. Bc he's bored. Bc he doesn't have anything else to do! IMO.
  4. Of course this is NONE of my biz, but I hope all her protestations against having a kid were acting bc if she just got pressured into by both sides of the family, UGH.
  5. See, I thought Kathryn was trying not to cry or show too much emotion. and damn, can't the poor girl let out a smile? To me she's so pretty w no/little makeup on.
  6. OK. I don't think Patty 'throws shade', I think she is RUDE. Isn't she from NY? Writing a book on Southern Living? Nope. I loved Shep's party pants, I can't help it! Trav is so nasty. So gross. So disgusting. I think the realest part of this show (aside from Shep being mean to Craig) is the Craig-Naomi relationship. Her emotions (& his) seem very real & honest. ETA: I thought the dresses the girls were wearing were GORGEOUS. I think it was Chelsea that had on a pink/orange one at the polo sweat fest & maybe crushing-it Landon had on a greens/blues one at the same party? So pretty. I love me a colorful, flowing maxi dress.
  7. This is the wrongest thing I have ever read. It's so wrong, it's back around to right!!!
  8. Dead. I am dead. THUD. I have a cattle dog & just screamed w laughter!!!! (I also agree w the rest of your sentence!!!)
  9. I almost died. I don't watch this franchise any more, but it was on the other night while I had a friend over (who doesn't watch ANY of the shows, or read boards). So, I think it was when Ro & Lu were at lunch & Ro was going on & on about Lu's man possibly cheating. My fried said "What's wrong with her eyes? They are so dark, all pupil... They look crazy, she has crazy eyes." She did not understand my laughing hysterically :(
  10. I dislike Peter as much as anyone, but I lol'd at his "we'd all be fucking" comment! I rewound & watched it again!!!!
  11. The glue that holds everyone together vs the glue everyone sniffs -- BWAH!!!!! Jax sayning he didn't cry, Sandoval is the crier --- BWAH!!! Arianna continuing to be mean to Stassi, boring. Jax pranking Brittany -- shitty. that band sucked, gove me a DJ playing disco/dance music!!!!! i will steal some of Lisa's material for the next wedding I officiate!! was Scheaner driving a Porsche??? I tend to believe Shay, he held eye contact. Scheana didn't need to wear 3 lbs of mascara for a crying meeting. He left w one suitcase?????
  12. UM, YES. I gasped. And paused. I was thinking the drug dealer across the street, WTH is his name?
  13. This is what I thought too, stolen her art work/ideas maybe?
  14. I am NO fan of ANY Kardashian but damned if this episode didn't get me all in my feelings like an episode of This is Us!! When she said she got her head mentally prepared to be raped, ugh. I can't even imagine how scary that whole thing must have been for her (& the concierge) even though it was probably only what 10-15 minutes? They all still need to dial the highlighter down. On a scale of 1-10, they need to aim for a 4 & they're currently at 117.
  15. My god, I died laughing. He. Was. Prepared!! Whilst reading thru this thread it occurred to me: maybe the triplets weren't invited/trip paid for bc then Tom would have felt like they had to be in the wedding party & that might have bumped his true love Sandoval &/or Jax? I have never heard of, or seen, those brooch bouquets either, but I am not on pinterest either. I liked it {small voice}. But, see my name. Like others, I appreciated the lack of drama & stupid. I enjoyed the wedding & thought everyone looked great! I am also able to be an officiant & it's a real pickle as to what to wear. You FOR SURE don't want to upstage the bride (which hasn't been a problem for me yet bc I've only done gay weddings, so they were fine w me wearing a tiara-headband thing), you want to look official, but also ready & able to party down!
  16. I dunno, I saw her on WWHL, & she didn't have much of a top on & they looked sized for her body & also jiggly like a real boob.
  17. LOVE this show. I scream w laughter at least once each episode, and what else can you ask from a sitcom :) Thx Slovenly Muse & Trose for those descriptions!
  18. I haven't been watching this season, but on a cold, rainy Sunday my 2 choice are this or L&O: SVU!! ? Anyway, damn Phaedra, good on you. Those kids' stories... I will donate to this camp (maybe not thru Phaedra, but some way). Well ?? Done ?? You ??!
  19. Ditto. The difference between Obama & now is frightening. I cried a little last night when I heard him say it in the show. <3
  20. I want to vomit when I hear his story. I have a dear friend who suffered a similar fate in Palm Beach co in the late 1990s. When I heard about it (way after the fact), I thought I might die. ETA link to my friend's story: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1998-05-06/news/9805050385_1_steven-goedereis-teens-police-documents
  21. So, So, in the late-80s I was mid-20s (straight white girl) living in South Beach. The plague didn't hit there as early (or noticeably early) as it did in CA & NYC, but when it did... one day someone was there (at work, at the club), the next week, they were gone (dead). It was horrifying & terrifying. I had 2 good friends who probably contracted HIV around the same time & had a similar disease progression. One had the best insurance, the other had Medicaid. I went to dr's appt's with both of them. It was so sad. The one w Medicaid ending up moving (back) to the Keys towards the end, but I spend a LOT of time with my other friend. Both at his apt and at the hospital. I ended up leaving for graduate school in Jan 1994 & they both died in March. I couldn't return for either service & neither of their parents attended either. Broke my heart. This is why I got into HIV research & prevention - 23 years now. I will gladly lose/change jobs when there's a cure. I always watch these shows and I always cry like a baby throughout. I would LOVE to meet Cleve.
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