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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Isn’t everything from Colbert Report ‘owned’ by CC?
  2. Omarosa: thinks she’s clever, charming, smart & relevant. Is not. Colbert: is all of these things. omarosa & Mango Mussolini just live for the fact they can now say ‘when I was in the White House...’. Damn it all.
  3. I’m thinking the law school story isn’t over.
  4. Ohmygod, the clip of Lu doing ‘caberet’! Sweet fancy moses!!
  5. I've said it before, Cynthia is GORGEOUS. Always. Nene is ridiculous. Kim is pathetic trash. I think Cynthia & Porsha need to grow backbones & stop being followers. It might be too late for Cynthia (still love her tho!!!). I'm sad these ladies don't seem to appreciate Barcelona, one of my 2 favorite Euro cities (also: Florence!).
  6. She is soooooooo sexy. It used to crack me up how tongue-twisted she made almost all of the TC contestants!
  7. Padma Laksmhi is the most beautiful woman in the world. That is all.
  8. This whole skylight thing, damn! I wonder if she sued the bldg owner? What a horrible accident.
  9. I love Trevor. I think he is KILLING it right now. I haven't seen last night's show yet, but Monday night? He was on FIRE!!!
  10. What? Cake in the face? Guuurrrrrrlllllll.
  11. I’ve had botox. I’ve got the worst ‘11’ you could imagine. My derm gives me two extra pricks to prevent the arched eyebrow effect. You get what you pay for Sherrie. She does look better IMO. Lighter makeup, cuter hair. at the diner at the end, she looked great! Her grammar is not good.
  12. I don't know if this is a real show or not, but damn I laughed!
  13. Trash. BOX!!! So nasty. Why does that nasty woman go everywhere w a red plastic cup?!? Did you see her holding it in her TEETH while she was clapping??? TRASH! BOX!!!
  14. Yeah, on TDS w JS, it was brought up frequently & I’m pretty sure he went to Afghanistan at some point as a reporter! i apprentice Gwennie being able to laugh at herself. She should do that short bob she had during Brad P days.
  15. I just binge watched season 1 yesterday (thanks govt shutdown) & I keep yelling this line to everyone!!!
  16. Yep, Peyton just wanted to win, & is also the kind of girl he usually ‘dates’. Priscilla would have been a good fit, but probably more of a mother. He just wanted the one who got away. So transparent. ETA: that was super shitty to build up that he told Peyton no, and then was like ‘but not you either, hug!’. Chump.
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