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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Hahahahahahaaaa! Andy was laughing at Moaner for not knowing what Machiavellianism (or something) was & she asked him, well what is it, & he didn’t know! ???
  2. I am praying to work this into conversation ASAP (I'm tardy to the party tho): you're as smart as a baby dolphin!
  3. WORD!!!!! ... Thank you! This woman works my last nerve. Elegant, gracious, and special she is NOT. Proud of Kathryn though.
  4. I love Michael Moore. Always have, always will. His autobiography was fantastic.
  5. Appearances? (not paid-type appearances, but re: how it LOOKS to people, which is all-important to these people)
  6. YES! And cried big baby tears when I heard it was cancelled!!!
  7. I think Saint is odd looking. I think Shep had to wear the gown bc long pants wouldn’t go back over that knee.
  8. What to say that hasn't been said? Lord! Ashley was out of her mind at that dinner. No way was she acting in any way, shape or form. She definitely has an over-abundance of self-confidence & I think it was chemically enabled on that island.
  9. I was watching a new (to me) beauty blogger this weekend & she mentioned Makeup Forever's Shine On (loose) Powder, so I decided I MUST get it. After many hours of searching, I realize it's not available in the US & now I am beyond sad.
  10. I guess you haven't seen "First They Killed My Father"?
  11. Thank you! Every line in that recap is quote-worthy! I’m going to reread it, you barnacles!
  12. Damn it, by the end of part THREE (!), I was feeling sorry for Jax. Yes he sucks a lot, but those are some shitty friends IMO. Lala is so beautiful, she’s stunning IMO.
  13. $10k for those clothes?!? That Chanel bag is $5,000 USED! So... I might have to zip up there & steal it from desperate Ashley! I’m still team Kathryn. It my all be an act but at least she’s making an effort.
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