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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. I need to know why we can't find a single fact about any of her other 4 husbands online!!!
  2. Well, it's rained nonstop here the last 2 weekends, but I am still enjoying this shade!!!!! See, I thought it seemed like he DID tell her about the pregnancy, hence the sit-down & prenup talk. WORD. WORD. WORD. This was the most disturbing part of his bio, IMO. Finding this out. Pancreatic cancer does not play.
  3. Hmm. A few years ago, while dealing with some real assholes at work, I read a few books on Psychopaths (I linked to ONE of them, NOT that this makes me a SME by any stretch!!!). I always think of a psychopath as someone who is willing to kill for what they want. This is probably incorrect, but it's how I think about it...
  4. Thank u. I just spit ChikFilA chix tortilla soup on my keyboard!!! (I know CFA is the debbil, but this soup...)
  5. I watched the afer-show videos & got choked up. IMO, they should’ve shown more of this on the show, or better yet, do you a special episode about this whole accident. So scary.
  6. You let them in your house?!?!?! Lort! ;) Let me just say, agreed!
  7. I came here specifically to comment on Leon’s foine behind & leave my digits, just in case. But this... I hollered so loud they heard me up at Lake Bailey. & then @ZaldamoWilder‘s Celica shade!! I have to go lie down. ETA: Destin is part of the redneck riviera...
  8. Regarding the cake woman, for some reason I thought the ONE cake was $900 & then she smoothly said you need TWO cakes (for $1800 total)? But I was also playing spider solitaire... Re: your 3rd para on cancer... Yep. Cancer & its treatments (& here I mean just dealing with the decisions) fuck up everybody's brain. :(
  9. I still love Charlie, so much!
  10. Yes, this really hit me in the 'Emo Aftermath' epi last week, Leah's mama & younger sister weren't all that emotional, but the older sister (who 'got out') was way more so & they all acknowledged that it was due to her not being as involved in $ciento. Also, WHERE'S SHELLEY?!
  11. I commented on Twitter last night that she was funny looking, buuuuut, ROFL!!! Visual aid in geometry class?! DEAD. I agree w @ZaldamoWilder's most recent post re: a makeUNDER. yes. Fix it black jesus. I also do not find Ronnie attractive AT ALL. Even a little. NONE. Kandi is mean as hell. And yes, poor Gregg & FUCK CANCER.
  12. WORD. Also, Contessa’s boobs are perfect IMO. Also, noneya, other M2M women.
  13. Is this where ‘A Legendary Cmas’ should go? I liked it, I love both Chrissy & John. On a shallow note, I didn’t like Chrissy’s red lipstick. And of course, ew Kardashians. The caroling was my favorite bit!
  14. Right?! I ff through the whole thing! Got damn! I do love the friendships, between the men & women! And the sleep # thing, 🤣🤣🤣
  15. OH HELL NO. NO NO NO. Jackie serving her king ‘naked’ & being subservient?!?! HELL NO.
  16. You know who has the ultimate responsibility to make sure their kids have on the life jackets??... Yes, the parents. {this isn't directly at you skycatcher, just in response to the various comments about lack of lifejackets}
  17. Ooooooo, I haven't been drinking this year (weight loss!) but I may have to have a wee cocktail for this tea!!!!!
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