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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. This is exactly what I screamed out & have been telling everyone all day!!! YES. So satisfying.
  2. Seasons 1 & 2 were some incredible tv in terms of talent. Except! Can you IMAGINE Santino’s half-ass raggedy shite standing up to the up close examination ?!?? 😅😅😅😅😅
  3. I just read a post on fb where someone wishes that Cersei is pregnant with a dwarf & that she dies giving birth to him/her, with Tyrion looking on!!!!! {prayer hands!!!}
  4. The BIL w the big eyes was awesome. His reactions were all of us!
  5. Well, I'll be damned. I never put it together that Elia Martell (wife of Rhaegar) was the sister that Oberyn was so distraught about dying. TY!!!!!!
  6. I worry about this too, but didn't the previews show a battle?
  7. So, I'm guessing next week (8.3) is the big battle w white walkers, etc. That leaves 3 more episodes, at least one of which will deal with Cersei? And then do we think that the finale will end with a battle or with what/how everyone is doing?? I copied this list from another thread to make it easier 🙂 I have NOT read the books nor am I spoiled in any way!!! These are my guesses; (3) = dies next week/epi 3: Jon Snow: Dead Sansa Stark: Alive Arya Stark: Alive Bran Stark: dead (3) Ghost & Nymeria: alive Cersei Lannister: Dead Jaime Lannister: Dead Tyrion Lannister: alive Daenerys Targaryen: Dead Missandie: Alive Grey Worm: Dead Drogon: Dead (again) (3) Viserion (gold): Dead Rhaegal (green): Dead Yara Greyjoy: dead Theon Greyjoy: Dead (3) Euron Greyjoy: Dead Brienne of Tarth: Alive Podrick Payne: Dead Davos Seaworh: Alive Melisandre: (red witch?) dead (3) Tormund Gigantsbane: Dead The hound & brother: Dead Samwell Tarly: Alive Gilly: Alive Baby Sam: Alive Varys: dead Qyburn: Dead Edmund Tully: Dead Dolorous Edd: Alive Bronn: Dead Jorah Mormont: Dead Daario Naharis: Dead Gendry: Alive Hot Pie: Alive The white walkers: Dead (3) The wall: gone The iron throne: Sansa & Tyrion
  8. On another note, is anyone else’s volume way off? On a scale of 1-100, I usually watch this show on, say, 30. Last Sunday, & now while I’m rewatching, it’s on 85. 🤔
  9. Hell no they didn't. The grief of the families almost 40 years later is gutting me.
  10. I’m watching this right now, it’s heart-breaking. I agree that there was more than one killer. God damn there was little sense of urgency 🤬.
  11. I used to go to a salon called Shear Perfection 🤣 I’ve been going to the same stylist for 30 years & he will occasionally pull a Bibby on me, but what can you do?!
  12. DrSparkles

    S02.E04: Helen

    Reaffirms my decision to never ever never EVER go to Helen. ETA: Ern is an asshole.
  13. Sorry, they all missed an obvious opportunity to be LEGEND!!! As Venny was describing his thing, all I could think was “((I’m not) Captain Save-a-ho!”
  14. I noticed this too, I wonder if something is going to come of it?
  15. I didn’t know him either, & the argument could probably be made that I don’t know fashion. But seeing how excited the designers that knew him were, I realized what a big deal he was immediately.
  16. No, not that. 🙂 This is where I went to my first white party, many 🌙 s ago https://www.gayout.com/white-party-week-miami I identified so hard with this episode!
  18. My god, this is tragic. ETA: One of the things I really like about their beach trips is that most of the time the girls don’t have their make up spackled on and you can see how pretty they all are without it. Also, white parties pre-date Puffy... 😑
  19. As a 55 yo single woman w no kids who has rescued 12 pets over my adult life, all but one being a puppy or kitten, I am mad at myself for not having numerous critter showers!!!! WORD!!!! The whole tootie & boobs showing too!
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