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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Sweet baby jesus, he’s digging a grave!! I’m worried for her cute assistant... Best uber driver EVER?!?! I like Ronni, she’s ride or die. Also, ‘top 5 favorite chill-wave albums’! Dead! ’I don’t know honey, do you want to call the cops?’ STUPID DEBRA Terra & her dog fighting him off HELL YEAH!!! I hope Denise has a long, happy life now that’s she’s free of that turd brother. Couldn't they have given Terra a gown or something so she’s not sitting in blood-soaked clothes?? She was very kind; miss you Ava Crowder! Even his organs sucked!!! WORD!
  2. One of them was mos def involved. RB's interviews didn't help him any IMO!!
  3. Robert Blake is creepy AF. That Bonny was a grifter and Blake was involved in her murder IMO.
  4. I have developed a strong liking for half-dollar Jackson, mainly from his interviews on this show! 😍 ETA: good on him on a high-dollar champagne AND he knew how much a bottle costs (other celebrity shillers often don’t).
  5. Last night confused me, possibly bc I wasn’t paying full attention. camera angles weird, something about B Cranston?
  6. This may be the best thing I've ever seen.
  7. YES. Troy!! Bana, Bloom, & Pitt in a leather skirt???!! YES.
  8. And all these years later, I still am!!!!!!!
  9. Here's a great (scary) article on the IRS: https://www.propublica.org/article/how-the-irs-was-gutted Helps explain why they can't go after $ciento (or other tax evaders...) if they wanted to,
  10. So cute, I love the boys different relationships w their awesome grandmother!!!
  11. It’s definitely two nekkid people!
  12. RIGHT?! We play them every year & LSU are some dirty dogs!!! I still did NOT want damn UCF to win. They can SHUT UP.
  13. Thanks for the link! In the photo of Brittany where she & nasty are "in full makeup and wardrobe for their main titles scene" -- her foundation is about 2 shades too light!!
  14. I'm not 100% sure how it works/worked, but I *think* you had to guarantee it w your credit card!!!!
  15. The main Baptist church in Jax, FL had its parishioners commit to tithing a certain % a year (10%?) & they had to pay it regardless of whether they moved, got divorced, lost their job(s), etc.
  16. Let us all commemorate it with the adding of liquor to ice.
  17. I HATE mama Joyce. I ff thru all of Kandi’s scenes to avoid Joyce. i do hope Greg’s sons saw through his bullshit about being healed, otherwise they’re in for a yuge surprise in the near future. I also hope they go in for their colonoscopies ASAP, due to family hx. I looooove Leon & Noelle looks just like Cynthia, lucky her!! Leon put the good sense hammer down! Anyone know what part of town Shamari lives in?
  18. Andy Cohen? Call people on shit?! 🤣🤣🤣
  19. This show horrifies me more & more with each episode.
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