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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. I just bought myself a nuFace, based on Angie’s reviews. Excited to try it out!
  2. It didn't seem to me that she was actually JUDGING Ricki. I thought she (like I) was amazed at how much crazy stuff Ricki's done/been thru in the past 10 years.
  3. STOP! I'm sitting here, out of the lingo for a while now :(, & thinking 'who the hell is Miss Cabbage???' Then I said it out loud!!!! Made my Monday!!!
  4. I laughed the entire time. Scully & Mulde? Perfection!!
  5. This info is all so interesting & I had not one clue. Good on you! xo
  6. Nema will hit it & quit it IMO. He’s all about the pursuit of GG.
  7. Thank you Jesus for that flashback of MJ and her frozen Chihuahua chasing GG around the house!! i howled!
  8. HOLD UP. Contessa had a double mastectomy & went home THAT DAY?! Got damn.
  9. That sucks Reza was robbed; sure it was stupid, but it sounded like it was his prized keepsakes & not just a bunch of tv’s, etc.
  10. I think the ‘fiancé ‘ is/sounds Eastern Euro? So she’s getting paid to be his beard? It’s 2018, come on out!
  11. I had to point & laugh at all of Kate’s fake ‘hair’. Not even close to real looking.
  12. HA! He confused Andy (which...) but thinks he is SO VERY SMART with his 1x1. NOPE.
  13. I mean, hasn’t it been established that they’re YUGE steeler fans?!
  14. As long as it’s not that wretched Tom Cruise.
  15. Ditto for how Elle McPherson looks. Supermodels indeed!
  16. Yesssss, I lover her, bad behavior & all. God DAMN she’s gorgeous. And Cuba’s comment about flying her assistants coach?! I howled!!
  17. OMG! I’m blaming my typo on my hideous headache!
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