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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. I took a short course not too long ago where the professor compared three religions : Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. She was so good we couldn't tell what she thought or believed. Several folks in the class just could not believe that not everyone "believed in Jesus".
  2. I remember the Josie shoulder incident too and I thought it was from Jill's wedding. They are standing outside the house, Michelle in her charming gray layered dress, and while she was talking to someone, maybe the camera, Josie appeared without her jacket on. I guess I was tickled that she could become so flustered by that, until I knew the rest of the story. Which is about the girls being responsible for tempting the boys. Oy.
  3. Jellybeans, I don't have any wise words, except to say I wouldn't want to either. I have my dear brother's ashes on my shelf and can't bear to do anything with them but have them. This isn't about me, but about you, and I do understand the pain of losing someone dear and it is worse to lose a child. More ffhugs to you.
  4. Jellybeans - thoughts are with you as well as virtual ffhugs.
  5. Do we know for sure that none of the kids has pushed for it or is pushing right now? We don't see everything and what we do see appears to be tightly controlled. Maybe there is still hope.
  6. That has been my impression right from the start, even though he does some "sweet things" for her. He just doesn't seem to have the same level of interest in her that she seems to in him. Maybe he is more reserved in front of the camera.
  7. Wow, HFC, that is quite the situation. And nothing you can do on top of it. No wonder you are in the state you are in. The children are beautiful. Please dump as necessary.
  8. Re: the big shopping trip - IMO it is because UP wants it that way. In "real life" with no cameras, maybe they do it differently. A lot of what we see is staged for the show. YMMV.
  9. They are certainly more palatable to watch, and I am watching, but, as pretty a family as they are, they share the same beliefs as the Duggars. Maybe they interpret things differently, if that is possible.
  10. I enjoyed the last show. For me it tied up all the ends neatly.
  11. That would be such an ethical violation for any real licensed "therapist".
  12. Wanderwoman, just adding to the "attagirls" you have been receiving on getting help for yourself. And, about the crying, well for my first session with my very first therapist ever, after going through a (to me) horrendous situation, I cried so much over the first months of my sessions, that I thought she was going to add on a "tissue charge". Picture it. Me surrounded by piles of wet tissues, just sobbing. But that therapist helped me in so many ways that still resonate and this was a long time ago. I've been back to her when I had another horrendous (to me) situation to deal with. Not as many tissues used, and came away with more lessons and able to go on with my life. So I am a big proponent of therapy with the right people. Not the Duggar variety, haha.
  13. I thought I remember them saying that the Whitney/Zach kiss was a "slip up" of sorts and Whitney and Zack confessed to Gil and Kelly about it. Does anyone remember that?
  14. Good point. My local snark group has come to think they present one version of themselves on TV, maybe another one to a group of like minded folks, and then there is what they do in private. Which we think is quite a bit different from the TV version. YMMV
  15. I have said before and I still believe that Michael is way more into Brandon than he is to her.
  16. Happy, I hope your brother is doing well. Sending positive vibes across the inter webs.
  17. Wanderwoman, just want to echo what the above posters have said re: the ease back into life. It will be a new normal. You have a third party in the house now, meaning the beautiful Maisie. The therapist won't be there forever, but Maisie will for the foreseeable future. Life can never be the same as it was, even if Maisie didn't have her challenges in the beginning and now as you solve the hearing situation. You will ease into a new normal as long as you both know this is a temporary situation and if you thing it is going off one way or the other, you will look for help in getting back on track. My first child was born when the then husband was a third year medical student. And I was basically alone. I thought having the baby would be a solution for my loneliness. Except it wasn't. But, baby got older, slept more, I got outside, and all those other things returned to the new normal. (I can't believe I said "new normal" 4 times counting this one!!) But, as someone above said, if you have the baby blues or PPD, you are wise enough to address that. But, although I am not a doctor and don't play one on TV, I am going to guess that a little time will put things back to where you and the Mr. are happy with them.
  18. http://q13fox.com/2015/05/28/why-hasnt-19-kids-and-counting-been-canceled-well-its-complicated/ I don't remember seeing this one posted here - but I am dizzy from all the reading!
  19. I agree with you BitterApple, totally, so yeah. The last bunch of shows were painful to watch. Repeat clips, silly talking heads, younger girls looking like they were awakened from a nap to talk, etc. I watched because it was there, but, there is nothing interesting about them and now that we know what was going on, I don't know if I want to watch more of same.
  20. It strikes me as odd, too, the way especially Jill seems to be with the baby. Kind of like not getting too close to him. I read something about Ron Howard's daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard, who had a baby and PPD. She said as far as she got away from the baby, the better she felt. Luckily her husband and her mother got her treatment and cared for the baby til she was able to. I have a family member who had PPD and she held her baby in the very same way, low down, facing away, etc. I'm not diagnosing, being that I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but there is no diddling, talking silly, etc. Maybe this is all for the camera and things are different in real life. I hope so.
  21. Oldernowiser - just had that discussion with daughter-in-law about the religion channels
  22. I am in the deep south and know personally a Mary Frances (three generations, mama, daughter and granddaughter) and a Mary Katherine, called Mary K
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