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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. i will add my experience on the eyelids My doctor did a field of vision test which I failed and insurance paid for eyelid surgery. What a difference in what I saw! I look awake now and its been 10 years .
  2. Interesting. Al Franken made the switch to "serious" after his comedy career. So I guess it is possible.
  3. I'm greatly saddened that Rosie O won't have a platform - she was great on the Craft segment and in interviewing Lucy Liu. Whoopi is a "piece of work". What in the world does she think she is doing? Maybe Rosie O could take over for Jon Stewart. I know that isn't a possibility and probably wouldn't work, but I am losing two favorites in a short amount of time. I might need some therapy to help me recover!!
  4. Methinks it is because she won't stand still long enough for a shoot. Of any length. Best chance is to hold her.
  5. Listening to Neil Patrick Harris's memoir and he says when he made Clara's Heart that Whoopi Goldberg was wonderful to him, showing him the ropes, making him feel welcome, etc. That's the Whoopi I wish we saw on The View. Everyone who has worked with her really seems to like her. Poor fit as talk show moderator.
  6. Turkey is not that hard to cook. Modern turkeys take a whole lot less time than what is called for in older cook books. I have a recipe I've been using since the 60s and the turkey used to take twice as long to cook.
  7. I am listening to Neil Patrick Harris's memoir and he does say that he is best friends with Kelly Ripa and that his family spends some holidays with her family. She mentions that she sees him now and then, on a social basis. Maybe she is different behind the scenes.
  8. Sending positive thoughts and hugs to Maisie and you and your family.
  9. Spencer Hastings - I totally agree with you. I posted something similar a while back. It takes a certain amount of mental energy to pull all that off. And the prospect of being disconnected from everything familiar is probably something they don't want to confront.
  10. Maybe she doesn't know if she "never" or "ever" wants to get married. Also we don't know what kind of prospects JB has presented her with. And we don't know if on closer inspection of her by them that after a few minutes any of them said "no thanks". She is pretty - but what happens in a chaperoned situation with a prospective suitor. Does she clam up? Look bored? Smile a vacant smile and nod? I wonder if there's something going on in the house of JB trying to pressure her and her digging her heels in - oh to be a fly on the wall.
  11. Some of the comments to that Instagram are pretty interesting.
  12. We were loyal WNTW watchers and are giving this a go. Since it is only 30 minutes, after watching 2 shows we are okay with it. Really - could watch the beginning to see what the candidate started as and then FF to see how she ended up. It may evolve. Or not
  13. My girlfriend made those 3 ingredient brownies with the Nutella. They were fabulous. At least to us. We don't do Pinterest so it was a new idea to us.
  14. Funny, Cementhead. I've watched all of the WNTW shows. Her streak is natural she says. She seems a little too animated on this show, although I think she is smart enough and with some toning down and maybe practice she could function well as a substitute co host. Haven't watched her new show yet, but it is on the DVR.
  15. And did anyone notice how bald Whoopi is? I'm guessing pulling her hair all these years has done some damage. Anyone?
  16. Time to write ABC again. I wonder if they will notice that I have been complaining about Whoopi every day she is on lately. I get an automated response. Who know if that's where it ends. I'm thinking of sending a registered letter requiring signature (knowing that a lackey would sign for it)
  17. Congratulations, wanderwoman! Hoping all goes as smoothly as possible and you get to cuddle your little girl at home very soon. Great name.
  18. I am sending an email to "Friends@foxnews.com" asking them to have Ms. Hasselbeck and their team do some real research before they report on something in a half baked way. I'm sure I will get the same automated response I get from ABC when I write often about the Whoopi situation.
  19. As many as God allows - maybe he only allows 2 or 3? It reminds me of the old joke about an all you can eat restaurant. The patron asks for seconds and the waitperson refuses and says "that's all you can eat". But, then again, I'm not sure these folks would accept that - and it is sad that they are into the child bearing competition thinking it makes them better people than everyone else, disregarding that resources will be stretched thin and again thinking God will provide. Would be better if they let in the good sense that God provides. But, there you go.
  20. I just watched Monday's show - it seemed like a big flirtation between Michael and Jennifer Lopez. It was sweet. At least to me!
  21. Mine are saline installed in 1976. Very happy with them. No dr. has ever suggested replacing them.
  22. It just doesn't seem to me that Jana has the mental energy to do all that it would take for her to break away. Picture her telling the parents she wants to try something else with her life. My thought is that they would put so much pressure on her and leave her no opportunity to explore any options. And she would just give in. Unless in her head right now she accepts her situation. For her to get out it would be like going to a foreign country and trying to adapt with limited support. And she would be easy to take advantage of.
  23. Good possibility Cereality. As a retired state employee in another southern state I can say that we were "sent" special people to fill those mid level jobs. They were not well received as a general rule because they bumped better qualified people (for the most part) out of contention. And it took a lot of work for them to realize that they were expected to produce - no matter who sent them. Some left of their own accord for places where they could coast. Not saying this is the way Ben would go. Plus in our state most of the supervisors in the mid level agencies are women.
  24. I am drinking a cosmo and a little looped and I am watching the craft segment. I have to say I love Rosie O. I don't always agree with her and she is sometimes a little "nutsy" but overall she is fun to watch.
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