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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. It's so true. For people who keep preaching about the importance of "family" they sure do have shitty relationships with one another.
  2. I was listening to Margaret on a podcast the other day (she's really a very cool woman) and apparently Bravo didn't pay for the wedding. Oh, and her and Danielle are no longer speaking. She said Danielle was just as obnoxious off camera as on. But yeah, she clearly thought the wedding storyline would make her a regular HW again. Too bad so sad, crazypants Danielle! I think his dad has always been a dick to him. I mean, you saw the way he treated Joe at the Christening. Joe was literally crying and his dad was mocking him. Nonno is an asshole. I don't blame Joe for not wanting to spend every second of his free time with him. I did like the conversation Joe, Tre and Melissa had in this episode, tho. Tre was FINALLY able to articulate why she was so upset, because she didn't want Joe to feel like Tre did after their mom died. But Tre needs to understand that 1. It's not Melissa's responsibility to make sure Tre's desires regarding Joe are met and 2. Joe is not Tre and Joe and Nonno don't have the same relationship Tre and their mother did. She's letting her projection affect her relationship with both Joe and Melissa and that's not helping anyone.
  3. I just sit back and laugh when I imagine ever speaking to my mother the way Kayla speaks to Jaime, ESPECIALLY if I had done it in front of all of my friends, like Kayla did. I'd still be paying the price 25 years later! Honestly, what kind of teenager tells her MOTHER "this conversation is over." Especially while living under her mother's roof? WTF?? It's appalling to me seeing that kind of disrespect just being brushed aside. Jaime comes across as a very meek woman and you just know Kayla has always taken advantage of that. And those matching outfits (especially the skin tight, short BRIGHT RED dresses they all wore to a BAPTISM in CHURCH) also crack me up. I could see myself doing that with my friends in high school, which is why I can't even for a second imagine having had either of my children at that age. Holy hell, it would have been quite the shitshow.
  4. It's actually pretty impressive how accurately they're telling the story. I've only noticed one thing they showed that wasn't explicitly discussed in the real story. Those of us who listened to the podcast and/or read the LA Times article are saying that the conversation with Tonia is literally the only thing they've shown that didn't happen.
  5. What about it do you hate? It's gotten fabulous reviews and everyone here loves it.
  6. I can't believe I'm about to say this but....I kind of like Kyler now that I understand where he's coming from. That poor kid sounds like he grew up a lot like Jade. And I respect any teen father that takes on the role of stay at home dad. Taking care of a baby is a lot of work and seeing a teenage boy take on that responsibility seemingly without complaint wins a lot of brownie points from me. He also seemed to relax a little this episode and actually show some affection and personality with Lexi. Definitely the best dad in the bunch. Poor poor Jade. I can't imagine being surrounded by a bunch of mooches like she is. Apparently she's actually in beauty school now so that's great. I can definitely see her going the Chelsea route, despite not having much familial support. When her mom actually said "I don't ask anything form you" OMG. Props to Jade for not flying over the table and punching her in the face with that one. I can't stand Brianna OR her mother. What kind of mother relies so heavily on her teenage daughter to pay the bills? Her mom is the type to knock on Brianna's door on the morning of her 18th birthday demanding rent money. I guess it could be worse, she could have a mother like Jade but damn. Kayla. I cannot stand Kayla's disrespectful little ass. I was cheering when Jaime kicked her out. I guess Kayla is what happens when you allow your teenager to grow up without ever having any consequences for bad behavior. She legitimately thinks she doesn't have to follow any of Jaime's rules. And she's playing a VERY dangerous game using her new boyfriend to make that psychopath baby daddy jealous. She was clearly relishing Stephen seeing her with her new boyfriend. I know that's pretty typical teenage girl behavior, but it's just downright stupid when you've got a baby in the mix and your ex is a violent nutjob. That stupid little girl is going to be learning a lot of life lessons the hard way. And for the love of god, those extensions are painful, as well as the matching outfits with her friends. WTF?
  7. Every "game" these women play is solely for the purpose of creating drama. I've never before seen a "game" where the goal is to insult the other people in the room (you can call it "shade" all you want, it's an insult.) I mean, they could try a little harder to not make it so damn obvious. Take a cue from the New York ladies. There's still plenty of drama, without any of these stupid "let's all get together and artificially create drama by insulting one another for sport!"
  8. Riley is turning out to be quite the spoiled little brat. I mean, we all knew she was destined to become one since Kandi deals with her guilt about not being around much by throwing money at her, but damn. She just went to Dubai and is complaining Kandi never takes her anywhere because it's been a whole MONTH since they got home? And Kandi just rolls her eyes. My cheek would still be burning if I acted like that towards my mother. I freaking LOATHE Marlo. She's a tacky old hooker past her prime. We all know she's trash but she continues to front like she's some high class lady of leisure. She's also extra well beyond the point of it being entertaining. There's a difference between being entertainingly extra and being completely obnoxious. She's the latter. There's no "almost" about it. You've seen her rap sheet, right?
  9. I think I might be the only one who isn't feeling Captain Save A Ho. The fact that he would go out of his way to look for a woman serving time when there's no shortage of normal, nice women willing to date him is concerning. Something about him is just....off. He seems extremely controlling to me and looks at Brittney as a "project" not an actual person. He's in love with his idea of who she SHOULD be, not who she actually is. I see MAJOR problems for them in the future. She's getting out of prison after nearly a decade, something tells me she's not looking for a warden in different clothes, KWIM?
  10. I mean, you've got to give the guy some credit beyond the color of his skin, he was a master manipulator. I'm a public defender, I represent plenty of addicts. The white ones are no better than anyone else in scamming people by virtue of their skin color alone. A tweaker is a tweaker. John had spent his entire life learning how to con people. Did being a white male help him? Probably, same as being a male helped him. But his success in scamming people for decades goes well beyond those factors alone.
  11. Well, if his behavior at the diner with Tonia was any indication, his friends seemed to be douchebags as well. I don't know if this has been answered yet, but I listened to the podcast (I highly recommend it.) The show, so far, has been pretty honest with it's portrayal. Other than changing Veronica's name (her real name is Jaqueline) the actresses seem to be nailing the daughters' behavior pretty well. The only major difference I've noticed is Tonia didn't meet John's mistress in that context. That was dramatized. The message we hear him leave Tonia at the end of the episode, however? That was verbatim. They actually played the message on the podcast. It really is chilling.
  12. Well, Joe cheating on her and calling her a cunt and a bitch on national television certainly involved her. Or verbally abusing her and their children on TV when he was waiting to surrender himself for his stint in prison. Also add to that the fact that Joe not seeing Nonno (which I believe is a really loaded situation, since Joe and his father seem to have a very complicated relationship stemming from decades of perceived wrongs on both sides) isn't something that directly affects Melissa, outside of Teresa harassing her about it. That's also what gets me: Teresa's sense of entitlement that Melissa somehow must convince Joe to do his sister's bidding, despite his sister consistently treating Melissa like shit. It's kind of amazing to watch.
  13. Yes, but are you going around lecturing people about stuff that ultimately landed you in the slammer? Because that's what Tre was doing with all of her "a wife can control her husband" nonsense.
  14. I think all of these women (with maybe Jackie and Marge being the exceptions) are huge misogynists themselves. They've been brainwashed to believe the man should always be in charge (unless it's the way he feels about something, then apparently the woman is in complete control) and the woman is basically a supporting character. Tre has said a number of times in the past that she did 100% of everything when it came to child rearing and it looks like Delores lived a similar way. The men aren't expected to actually be fathers beyond monetary support. It's really antiquated and gross. Delores crosses me as the type to make her daughter (who we never hear anything about) help her with cooking and housework while her son hangs out with his buddies.
  15. Well Danielle is just the most demure, pleasant, blushing bride, isn't she? LOL. No wonder their marriage lasted a matter of days or whatever it was. And I know Melissa isn't super popular on these boards but I cannot handle Teresa. She's either too dumb to have empathy for others or she's just a total asshole. And the fact that she sees nothing wrong with Delores jumping in on every conversation she has with Melissa to back her up but can't BELIEVE the nerve of anyone backing up Melissa is laughable. And then, when she's in the middle of publicly dumping on Melissa she expects Melissa to come at the one person who is actually on her side because she said something Teresa doesn't like? Come the fuck ON. Melissa really can do nothing right when it comes to Tre. Nothing. I would've quit trying years ago if I were her.
  16. I want to know what is last name is so I can look him up. There's no way he's still doing time at 26 (even for a parole violation) for a juvenile adjudication that happened when he was 15. Someone's been lying.
  17. At first I was kind of on Kandi's side but she just will not quit. And considering how pissed she got at anyone who had anything to say about Todd, it's a little bit hypocritical to go talking smack about Dennis on camera to anyone who will listen, even going so far as to bring her friends into it to spill all the tea on camera. That was messy AF and Kandi needs to mind her biz. I'm actually enjoying Porsha this season. She's so bubbly and positive and I can't help but find her endearing. She used to bug the hell out of me but damned if she hasn't won me over.
  18. She had said on a previous episode that she didn't want to be associated with their trashiness. They live in a predominantly white area. It's not really a stretch to think a young black female wouldn't want to be living in THAT apartment where the cops are getting called every other night.
  19. I don't think they're the same at all. I watched Wild Wild Country (GREAT documentary) and revering a leader who, at the height of his popularity, had hundreds of thousands of followers who worshipped him to a godlike level is a very different thing than fondly remembering the beginnings of your relationship with a man you who tried to murder your own child. The two things aren't even in the same stratosphere.
  20. Before fines got jacked up to astronomical rates, this used to be a regular occurrence in misdemeanor courts. Get cited for driving without a license and speeding. Come to court and get arraigned on the charge. Present your newly attained license. Entire case, including speeding ticket, gets dismissed with no fines (and no points on your record) at all. Those were the days. ;) Not to mention the fact that Kayla, despite thinking she's black, isn't. She doesn't recognize the privilege she has. Her friend was definitely hinting that it would NOT be beneficial for HER to be associated with Kayla and Stephan's public trashiness, especially when cops get involved.
  21. I'm a public defender currently in a misdemeanor assignment. At least 60% of my cases are suspended license cases. I HATE THEM.
  22. Isn't that the goal of reality television?
  23. That's exactly what it is. I've worked in criminal defense for over a decade. There is a subset of women that seek out inmates and parolees for those exact reasons. These are the women who will text back and forth nonstop with their "ex" who they've taken a restraining order out against, all lovey dovey until the "ex" says something they don't like. Then they call up their PO (who they have on speed dial) and get their "true love" sent back to prison out of spite. Happens all the time.
  24. I don't think having income coming in from other sources means someone can't be busy at their primary job. He owns his business. That didn't change because Melissa got a side hustle going. I roll my eyes at Teresa's guilt trip anyway since it seems pretty clear Nonno wasn't around for Joe when he was growing up and seems to be a bit of a toxic jackass to him now, anyway. I just don't think Joe has the emotional intelligence to articulate that so he just talks about being too busy all the time. Maybe if Nonno wants Joe to babysit him, he can not be a dick to him whenever he DOES come around. Lord of the Flies says otherwise. :D I kid! I kid!
  25. Yeah, Eric Bana is way hotter. I remember listening to the podcast, wondering what kind of weird OC affect had them pronouncing Chad as Shad. Because...who names their kid SHAD?
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