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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. The hypocrisy of them clutching their pearls over a little weed while chugging down wine by the gallon drives me insane. Medicated chocolate covered blueberries are very popular here. ;)
  2. I listened to the podcast where they interviewed the woman and her daughters and I LOATHED Debra. She was the WORST. Even after everything that happened (I won't spoil it), she STILL giggles and sounds starry eyed when describing him on the podcast. It's sick. I think her and Vicki are VERY similar. People were comparing them long before this reunion and it's NOT a compliment towards Vicki.
  3. I don't want to derail the thread, but I call B.S. on men suffering from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is caused by the hormone crash after delivery. The hormonal crash is from gestating the baby. I'm sure they can get depressed due to situational changes, lack of sleep, ect, but not PPD. Christ, can women have ANYTHING without men trying to take it from them? Also, Steven hasn't even been around Olga more than a week so he can't even claim to have his hormones affected by hers. He's just an immature brat. And is there really much difference between a pleasure hotel and a budget hotel? I mean, the same stuff is going on... ;)
  4. Did I miss where Rosita was being called a slut?
  5. I missed where Steven gestated a baby for nine months (alone), then was sliced open, had a huge ass baby removed from him, sewn back up again and suffered the crash of nine months worth of pregnancy hormones leaving the body at once. Steven is NOT hormonal. He might be tired (not sure why since he was only able to be at the hospital one hour a day, not like he's been up all night with the baby), he might be emotional, he might be scared, but he is NOT hormonal and he is NOT recovering from major abdominal surgery on top of caring for a newborn. Steven is just an immature asshole.
  6. I'm flabbergasted she allows her parents to watch Kloie in that hotel. You're exactly right, they're drug dens. I'm judging her HARD for that. Sean could've kept Kloie with him and watched her. Also? This is really superficial and petty but...what drugs are her mom on that she is still morbidly obese? Every addict I've known (and I've known quite a few in my line of work) are quite thin since both speed and opiates kill your appetite. Usually when someone is that big, it's a sign that they're clean (or a drunk.) I'm fascinated by her size since I'm pretty damn sure she's still actively using. I think Brianna is most like Jenelle, although she's smart enough to keep most of her dysfunction away from the cameras. That scene last season, however, when she practically threw Braeden to her sister and stomped off when her sister dared to question the speed in which she found another daddy for Braedon (mere days), showed me everything I needed to know.
  7. Kayla better watch herself, if any harm comes to Izaiah because she left him with Stephen despite abuse, she can get prosecuted for failure to protect him. Although it sounds like the jurisdiction in which she lives doesn't take abuse that seriously. Honestly, what was up with that? I'm a criminal defense attorney and I see cases prosecuted here all the time with MUCH MUCH MUCH less evidence and injury than what was shown in Kayla's case. I'm scratching my head at that one.
  8. LOL. His hair is like that BECAUSE of the helmet. And he needed the helmet because of the way his head is shaped, not because of neglect. Have you seen his bio dad's triangle head? I don't think that could've been helped.
  9. Theresa is never going to be happy. If Joe doesn't see their father enough, she's pissed. If he DOES see their father (after she guilt trips him nonstop over it) then she's STILL pissed because it must be Melissa's fault he doesn't normally (despite the fact that Tre just asked him again specifically to see their dad when her and Melissa were out of town.) It's annoying as hell. Melissa is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. I liked when she reminded Theresa that she didn't grow up with all of the Gudice family traditions and it's not fair to expect her to live her entire life that way just because she's married to Joe. Why does she have to ignore all of her OWN family traditions in favor of Joe's? Because it's Teresa's way or the highway. And that bit about a wife controlling her husband was REALLY rich considering how both Joe and Tre have spent the last few years of their lives. Some control Tre has had over him, huh? How often is Tre demanding Joe see their father (who kind of comes across as a total dick to Joe whenever they ARE together?) Every day? The man barely sees his wife and children and Tre wants him to babysit their dad daily, too? Come on, now. I'd be annoyed if I were Melissa, too. Tre wants Joe to put their father before his own wife and children and that wouldn't fly with me either. Once a week would be plenty.
  10. In Gina's defense, they were there to film. I don't think the producers would be really happy to see her and Emily ignoring each other and playing with their kids that entire time. Plus, as someone pointed out, we saw about 5 minutes out of what was probably a 2-3 hour trip. I'm not prepared to judge someone as a parent off of a few minutes of edited footage, unless that footage contains them abusing their kids.
  11. Porscha has annoyed me in the past but dammit if I find her mildly endearing now. Although she did amp up her crazy to an 11 over Ceelo staying out and her desperation to get that ring is cringworthy. Poor Gregg. :( I never could and still CANNOT with Marlo. She is pure, unadulterated trash. I'm not surprised her and Porsha are friends now, however. Those two are different sides of the same coin. Eva also needs to tread a bit more carefully on that line between being snarky and being plain bitchy.
  12. Is there room for me at that table? I'm beyond over Shannon, Vicki and Tamra. The whole Tres Amigas thing is tired as hell and borderline embarrassing. There's only so much screetching and falling over drunk someone can take. And I don't blame Gina and Emily for clapping back at them with the age stuff, as the "tres amigas" really have been going out of their way to look down on Emily and Gina and play the whole "we've been here longer, you need to respect us" schtick. Is it petty? Yeah, but I get it. I have an involuntary eye roll reflex every time Shannon is on the screen now. She's not nearly as endearing as she thinks she is.
  13. I'm late to the party since I just recently discovered this cinematic masterpiece, but as a mom of two kids, one of who I lovingly nicknamed the demon seed when she was a baby, I didn't see anything wrong with Jade's behavior. Jade has a tough life and was at the end of her rope. The best thing you can do in that situation and what new mothers are told to do, is to put the child down and walk away until you're in a better place to deal with the child. Until you've been the only one responsible for a fussing baby for hours and hours on end, you just don't know how it feels. The best thing to do is walk away sometimes. I've done it. Babies are hard as hell, especially when they're teething (which I'm 90% sure was Kloie's issue) and we all lose our cool. Better to put her down and take some time to gather your own emotions than take your anger out on the baby. Sometimes new mothers just can't win. I'm with you on the handicap placard tho. What is UP with that? This, exactly. People seem to expect these young, inexperienced mothers that typically show bad judgment in many areas, to be picture perfect parents at all times. It's kind of funny, actually. If Jade was a perfect mom and did everything the "right" way, she probably wouldn't be the type to get knocked up at 20 by a drugged up wanna be rapper. Putting the seven month old baby down in her crib and walking away when she felt herself getting towards the edge emotionally was probably the MOST responsible thing she could've done in that moment.
  14. It's not the same kind of trust that you're thinking of. It's not a trust fund, it's simply a separate account that an attorney needs to keep clients retainers in and only withdraw money for fees and such with proper documentation.
  15. I don't know what you're asking. Trust accounts are there to protect client's funds. Monies are withdrawn as needed to pay legal fees or, in the case of Frank, pay for various real estate transactions on behalf of the client. No hearings are necessary. Frank took those monies out to pay his own bills, then tried to cover it up later (badly), going as far as to get his client (who was clearly also a personal friend) to lie for him as well. Under oath. So not only did he borrow money without permission, he attempted to cover it up, committed perjury as well as possibly conspired with his friend to also commit perjury.
  16. I'm reading the disbarment decision now. This was not all one big misunderstanding. He knew exactly what he was doing and deserved to lose his license. Not only did he take money out of a client's trust account to pay his personal bills, he lied about it to the auditor. Repeatedly. I mean, this is the shit they teach you in law school not to do under ANY circumstance.
  17. How are Dolores and Frank NOT married, again? They live together, he supports her financially, they own businesses together, she refers to him as her "life partner" for crying out loud! It's a marriage without sex. Why is her boyfriend (if she's not making him up) okay with this situation? I wish she'd just explain it to someone calmly instead of going all batshit whenever anyone questions her about it. I liked Marge last season but it's episode one and she's already trying WAY too hard. The cutesy Mrs and Mr scene complete with shower peek NO ONE WANTED, "waking up" with a full, perfect face of make-up..come on, girl. No one is buying this.
  18. I loved this episode, it was very Buffesque (goddamn I miss that show) with the dark theme periodically lightened up a bit with the wandering in to the wrong nightmare gag. I like that they seem to be falling into a "big bad per episode" formula.
  19. See, that's what I really liked about it. I watched the 90s show all the time and the fact that it's the same characters in a completely different setting and vibe totally fascinated me. I really liked it. As a fellow pagan, however, the Satan stuff is REALLY annoying. I just keep reminding myself that it's fantasy.
  20. LOL! I just started watching this show since I'm home sick and I keep bitching about this. I used to live in in both SF and Vallejo. I'm further north, now. Vallejo is NOT San Francisco. Not even close. Nice try, MTV. Totally agree. I've lived in SF, Vallejo, Fairfield, Daly City, Napa and Santa Rosa (I moved a lot during college and my early twenties!) I would NOT consider Napa or Vallejo as part of the bay area, tho. If anything, I'd consider both Napa and Solano counties as the North Bay, much closer to Sonoma County than San Francisco. Go ahead and show the GGB to show people they're in northern California, but stop with showing the Pink Ladies and the Haight. No.
  21. I saw a picture of Diego and Fabian at one of Diego's games wearing matching "Beckett" shirts with Fabian referring to Aria as beckett. I find that so disrespectful to Emily. It's just a shitty and immature thing to do. It's one thing for Diego to do it because that's exactly something I'd expect from him, but for his parents to encourage it? Trash.
  22. I don't know if this has been answered yet, but she posted in the FB group that she works a regular job, then has income from the show and her social media posts. Plus, one of the only things Diego financially contributed was one $500 daycare bill. And, naturally, his trashy family is on there defending this and claiming Diego can't possibly contribute because he's just too busy playing football!!
  23. Just found it. You've done the lord's work, my friend.
  24. I have a sneaking suspicion Shannon's recent slim down coincided with her stopping drinking. It's hard to stay thin when you're boozing day and night. There IS a certain irony in someone who strives to be as healthy as they can with herbal supplements, a homeopathic "doctor" ect, yet is slowly pickling their own organs.
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