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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I remember that scene being so funny but I can't remember what episode it was.
  2. So I work in social services in a state that recognizes common law marriage and last year we had a one partner in a couple all of a suddenly start claiming they were married out of the blue and we were like congratulations, when did that happen? "Oh, we have been common law married for years". There was a very awkward period where we were like, OK, does your partner know about this because legally that is very much a thing, especially as we live in a community property state.
  3. I just thought I would check up on her Instagram, she is 37 and had 8 serious relationships? 8 that she considers "serious"? That seems like a lot of "serious relationships. I'm very close to her age and I have had two, the second of which is my husband. Which is not to say I haven't dated and slept around a lot, I stopped counting somewhere around 130 as far as sexual partners, but "serious"? Does she know what that word means?
  4. I feel like if they were actually concerned they could easy afford to retrofit their house with an elevator, they aren't THAT expensive.
  5. Don't you actually need to have a relationship for it to go anywhere?
  6. Buhhhhhh, luuullllikeee, wuuuuulllluuuukkkkkwhhhhyyyyyYYY?!
  7. Who PAINTS COUNTERTOPS WITH WALL PAINT?! THAT IS NOT A THING! And believe me, I am not a plant person, I often semi-seriously joke that our dogs would be dead if they didn't remind me to feed and water them. But they do, seriously, like, literally just as I was writing this I got the bark telling me that it is almost dinner time. But we have multiple house plants, pick a hardy plant and just like throw a glass of water you didn't finish on them on occasion instead of dumping it in the sink.
  8. I heard about this show in some outlet that while I am not sure where, it was somewhere that caters to my demographic, upper-middle class middle aged people that have an interest in design and they made it sound like something I would genuinely enjoy. I made it through the entire thing and I was actually SHOCKED at how terrible both of them are and their "designs" are, everything is SO CHEAP and looks like something that would only look good in a low resolution Instagram. They are like mid-thirties, wtf is this with the obsession with fake plants and rosé? Spray painting things, cheap wine and fake plants is not a personality and that seems to be what they think their entire one is. It's like they are trying to decorate a dorm room with Walmart gift cards. FAKE PLANTS? They are acting like a snake plant is like some rare orchid, just have the maid throw a glass of water into it every couple of days. Painted countertops? Blue vinyl pool liner? Maybe their obsession with cheap wine is just to make sure their guests are too drunk to notice how terrible everything is.
  9. I feel like they would be if they wanted to. You know that us gay men are often treated as props for straight women's amusement. We quite often do not enjoy it. In my early 20s I almost cracked my head open on my bathtub slipping when I got out of the shower, like, literally, hit my head on my marble floor like 2 inches from the corner of the bathtub because I was washing my favorite bathmat and was too lazy to put another one down. Hell, I almost slipped and fell today because I put a brand new pair of socks on before going to let the dogs out because we just had our hardwood floors refinished a few weeks ago and they are still very slick. Sometimes people slip and fall for various reasons, context always matters, Whit has provided no context besides infantilizing her parents because of their age. Also, Whit's parents might be more receptive to her "concern" if she hadn't gone on TV for years intentionally, at least attempting to show that she could not provide for her own self-care as a 30 something year old woman.
  10. It's like an alien trying describe a used car. "Yes, very car like, 4 wheels, it has seats, I believe they are made out of some sort of textile, as car seats often are. The car, it's blue, which certainly a color that they paint cars, The wheels, they are round, as we all know wheels tend to me. I believe is is capable of going to a speed, a speed that can be measured, at a car like speed, as cars do. “What I’m trying to say basically is that you’re already perfectly well the way you are.” "Perfectly well the way you are" what does that even mean? She is a thing that exists in the world? Like a book, or a lamp. She certainly has all the normal human parts.
  11. Why would a native French person choose to speak in American English? It's like New England WASP hiring forcing their child to into an Appalachian English accent. I mean, maybe if they hated their child, but I grew up in a major city in the south with parents with much more pronounced southern accents and it was highly encouraged that I not develop an accent placable to even say 30 miles outside of our city.
  12. I was really confused by that, Whit barely speaks French at all and she says he speaks English fluently, also English is widely spoken in the EU, there is a damn tunnel under the English Channel from England to France. Sure, Received Pronunciation and General American English dialects are different, but there is absolutely no reason why a French person that is fluent in English would want to learn General American English, much less Appalachian English, which is looked down upon even in the US. I mean I know this is all made up bullshit but this is soap opera level bullshit.
  13. I got about 10 minutes in and I think. I am done. How much can they talk about a relationship that exists entirely in Whit's head with a guy that won't even appear on camera? And god, her house is hideous.
  14. Can someone please explain to me where all this money Georgi is allegedly after is? They keep referring to it like we are supposed to understand that Darcey has all this money but choses to live in a studio apartment in a stick frame over podium building in nowhere NJ and drive the cheapest Land Rover they make that is worth like maybe $30k used in good condition. I have nicer things than Darcey and I work in social services, believe me, no one is after my money.
  15. If his car was repossessed, what makes it more likely that he continued to pay rent on a place he wasn't staying at? I think he was evicted and they boxed up his stuff and held it as a courtesy, which would explain a lot about everyone's behavior in the pick up situation.
  16. Did anyone else notice how much a bigger deal Darcey made about the sock money vs the repossessed car? A repossessed car is a big deal that materially effects their lives as a married couple with regards to credit and even things like leasing an apartment, that is a huge red flag and it was just like mentioned in passing. Also after what money of Darcey's? Their primary income seems to be leaching off their actual father, which is really not a good look at their age.
  17. I think this is so emblematic of their entire view of relationships and what a distorted view they have of marriage. I'm not married as expression of being in love with my husband, I'm married because I love my husband very much and as such have built a very intertwined life with him that marriage legally protects what we already had together. Both these women are so obsessed with what marriage is going to make them, marriage doesn't change people or a relationship, it's just paperwork to make sure if I am in an accident that there is no question that the man I have built my life with gets to decide my medical treatment, not my next of kin who I talk to a few times a year.
  18. I also really want to know exactly what kind of "modeling" Florian is planning on doing with that set of chompers? I don't personally find him attractive but I could see his severe look working for some professional modeling gigs as long as his body was great, but oofff those teeth, orthodontia would be a better investment in his modeling career than photos right now.
  19. They are not married in a community property state, it's his money to do as he sees fit with. Darcey is choosing to financially support him, that is on her, not him and it is ridiculous for her to make such a big deal out of it unless say Darcy's only bank account was now a joint account with him. And that was a lot of time spent on suggesting Darcey and Georgie had sex. I absolutely do not understand this, they are an adult couple that lives together and sleeps in the same bed. Darcy has children, we are supposed to be impressed that they are doing the sex?
  20. Besides the obvious green card situation, I don't understand why any of these people want to even be married? Maybe I am just jaded because I didn't marry until my mid-30s after watching pretty much everyone I know that got married and have their relationships implode, but do people not understand that it is basically just a serious business transaction? If you don't have assets to protect or think you might need to access rights under family law, why even bother?
  21. Being a bisexual woman does not mean you have an insatiable craving for vagina that must be met 24/7. Not to engage in bi-erasure but also Hazel is not giving a flattering depiction of bisexuality and I suspect she is more lesbian than bi given how desperate her need to have a girlfriend is as she is just settling down in a heterosexual relationship. They can have whatever relationship they want, if they both decide they want to be in a thrupple, more power to them, but make your bed first, the world is not running out of bisexuals. The strip club, two dudes getting drunk and throwing dollar bills at a naked woman's crotch is not a "bachelor party", just just two dudes being gross, and for all his claims of being a drunk social butterfly, he has, two friends that are willing to participate in this "special" event? Sad. Is the only part of Stephanie's face that can move is her jaw? She looks like a broken nutcracker. I honestly can't tell if Amira is being gaslit or is crazy. Girl, you are beautiful and French, get some help if you are so desperate to being with this American loser. Brandon and Julia are treated like chattel and his employment doesn't add up, how is he working 40+ hours a week and doing all the farm stuff? And mom and dad, your child is 28 years old, what is the farm plan if he does decide to be a grown up and live with his wife in their own home? I get that if they are providing him with room and board that some household responsibilities are reasonable but they treat him like an indentured servant. And the way the mother acts with Julia, how was all this stuff getting done before Julia showed up? Did you have to fire the farm hand to make room for her? Again, some household chores, reasonable, expecting her to become a full time farm hand to stay at the house is not, feed your own damn goats, she doesn't want anything to do with them. And the wedding? Does he have any agency whatsoever at almost 30? I'm a big proponent of marriage but at the end of the day, it's just paperwork, we told our family that we were going to be at the courthouse at 11AM on Saturday, come, don't come, we have some documents to sign in front of a judge. Mike & Natalie, they remind me of my half-sister and her husband, two of the most miserable people that you will ever meet in your life, just two people from the outside that seem profoundly unhappy in their life and relationship and yet, they persist? I swear their entire marriage is like some bizarre masochistic exercise. I wish Mike & Natalie decades of unhappiness together, there seems to be a weird subset of people that actually seem to enjoy hating their lives for some reason. They will spend the next 10 years bitching at each other about the temperature instead of going and buying a fucking space heater and electric blanket. It's cold! There is nothing more to litigate on that point and yet they keep going at it, go to Walmart, they aren't expensive!
  22. Honestly cohabitatting was the much bigger thing for me. After the initial adjustment period it was like, whoa, we have all this extra money now! Marriage was more an annoying paperwork thing since we combined our last names.
  23. Speaking as a, ahm, experienced, gay man the whole Brandon condom thing comes off as a weird brag? "As a sex connoisseur, in my many sexings I have formed very strong opinions about the optimal form of fucking" or like, he has just, you know, heard that condoms suck and doesn't want to seem sexually inexperienced. Condoms are fine, if Brandon buys properly fitting condoms, wears and uses them correctly, I assure you he will not be having a notably sub optimal sex experience. Like, would I go back to using them with my husband? No, but we used condoms when we first starting sleeping with each other and I assure you that the sex was just fine.
  24. I could not be happier with my JP courthouse wedding, 1st marriage, mid-30s, I had been living with my now husband for years, our finances were intertwined, we had already built a home and a life together. Don't get me wrong, I am very much in love with my husband now and then but getting married for me was as much a prudent legal decision about the life we had built together being protected if god forbid something happened to one of us than having others recognize us signing some paperwork, it's not difficult to get married. I dunno, the big marriage always seemed like more a rite of passage into full adulthood for a 20-something, putting their first home together, thinking about starting a family, careers starting to gain steam, about the only thing that changed for me post marriage was my last name and selling my house since we both already owned houses.
  25. Whitney is making real progress towards her weight-loss surgery, weigh-ins are on track, she is doing meal prep, walking the dog with Buddy, until one day she runs into Fitty Smallz on the trail, can you imagine? I haven't seen him since that video! Can you believe it? Whitney finally found the love of her life! She calls off the surgery, know that you can be loved no matter your weight or personality after all! And eats a bunch of frosted muffins. Because she hates cake.
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