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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. It might be a regional thing, I have personally never heard of "House in Virginia" but I have heard "The High Five" as in "Gurl, you know she has the high five, right?"
  2. People attempting to host a TV cooking show should just assume they are going to have to debase themselves? I mean, sure, they aren't auditioning for the PBS News Hour but it's not Party Down South either, I don't see why he should have just assumed he was going to have to deal with a half-naked fat guy with candy bars taped to him making weird faces and sounds.
  3. If people could just leave a reality TV show when they realized it was going to be a train wreck that was going to probably make them look horrible there would probably be a lot less reality TV, he likely has a contract with major penalties if he refuses to play along, he is there until they tell him he has permission to leave. I don't think he is snooty and above it all for thinking what this show has become is completely unprofessional and undignified, this season is a shocking new low for the series as far as professionalism and how seriously the producers take it. The guy make a mistake, a lot of them probably did but at the same time they likely didn't have any more reason to expect that people like Lenny and Chris would be rewarded for not being able to cut a pepper and stripping half-naked and being taped up with candy bars on a competition ostensibly to host a cooking show than we did.
  4. Appearing in a product placement internet ad for junk food involving a half-naked ridiculous and obnoxious caricature of a cowboy as envisioned through Liberace on LSD has nothing to do with sharing your passion for cooking on TV. I don't think he ducked anything but sacrificing some dignity for a cooking show that clearly doesn't even pretend to be a legitimate competition for on-air cooking talent anymore. I'm still going to watch the show because I hate myself but I'm hardly going to fault a guy for not playing along with something that clearly went completely off the rails this season even by what had become very forgiving standards.
  5. I think he is probably just a conservative and straitlaced guy personality wise that takes his career very seriously and is trapped in a show of foolishness with these whacky characters who really don't seem to know much about food and just doesn't know how to deal so he takes a very defensive posture. It seems like a reasonable question to ask didn't he see the show before but I think we are all in agreement that this season is even more ridiculous than usual.
  6. I always cringe at that commercial because as he is extolling the virtues of fresh fruit they basically just say buy this preserved shit anyways. I get it, I don't have a sophisticated palate, I'm not above eating preserved fruit but when I see that commercial all I can think is Bobby Flay is telling me to stop being so damn lazy and cut up some fresh fruit from the grocery store. Oh he was, it was palpable and I felt so bad for him. He kind of reminded me of myself in that. I'm not a shy guy but there is like a built in part of my personality where I am like physically incapable of letting go of my inhibitions and acting in a way that could be described as silly. I wish it wasn't that way but it is so I am sure he was to the point of being physically ill.
  7. Chris slicing that pepper, again, I'm not a chef, I'm not an amateur chef, I don't even like cooking and he was cutting that pepper like he was trying to demonstrating bad knifes on an infomercial. Ruben got rid of some of that ridiculous beard and hello hottie. Shut up Lenny and put your damn shirt back on, ugh.
  8. So glad Luca is gone, did he do the show on a dare or something? I got the impression that not only did he not want to be there during the show that he didn't want to be there in the first place. Why are you even on the show? And I'm So over Lenny, the cowboy affectation is just too much, too, too much. And the lady adjusting herself outside, actually the whole thing. First of all I do not believe you are heterosexual, maybe you are, that is between you and your lady but I'm not buying what you are selling so just don't. And I have zero skill in the kitchen, I don't cook so I'm not even sure why I watch so much Food Network but you are not some sort of kitchen Jesus because you figured out to put the flour in the onions to save it, that was my first thought. Actually when Reuben told him to put the flour in the onions after they made such a big deal about him screwing up I thought that was Reuben fixing the mistake. Actually I still think that is what happened so I don't know why it got stretched into such a thing.
  9. They really need to tone down the everything about Luca is gorgeous and perfect angle, I mean he isn't ugly but I don't think he or his accent is remarkably attractive either, certainly not more so than Christopher or Rueben. I get everyone has a type and I'm sure plenty of people find Luca very attractive but they really need to stop beating us over the head with it, male model or movie star is not his backup career if the whole TV chef thing doesn't work out.
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