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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Always watch the credits... "Salina, we found the missing Nevada ballots and you won."
  2. And corrected it by pointing out that he dumped his fiance.Yeah, Hank always chooses work first, it's hard to see him giving that up and not giving that up means he is going to have a bad relationship with someone that wants traditional relationship commitment. I dunno, I just wish they would explore that given that there is increasing research and prevalence on the people that choose to be in non-traditional relationships. Set him up with a high-power attorney married to their job too.
  3. Do we even know that Hank wants to be in a relationship? I know many people in their 30-40s myself included that are quite happy being single and in absolutely no specific desire to get into something serious. I mean it's not hard to get into a relationship, I know complete trainwrecks in them, it seems like if Hank really wanted to be in one he would be in one at this point.
  4. I'm not surprised by that, it wasn't an acrimonious separation, there was no dead-beat dad, Callie and Arizona probably very much want to raise Sofia has having a biological father that would be a part of her life had he not died tragically. I'm just saying from a practical and legal standpoint since Sofia's father is deceased and there isn't any other family really in the picture Arizona in the real world would have adopted Sofia just for practical reasons.
  5. Arizona almost certainly adopted Callie's child, the biological father is dead so there is no one to object to it and given that they were married it would just greatly simplify things legally for them both to be the legal parent of the child.
  6. Why is it that people never seem to believe in amicable breakups? I'm still best friends with my ex-boyfriend of 3 years, one of my friends still hangs out with his ex almost every week, another talks to his ex-husband almost every day and my dad's first ex-wife before my mother comes to family gatherings at his house. Sometimes things don't work out and it's no big deal.
  7. All I could think about is what kind of shoddy ass hospital is this that lets potential donors make medical decisions on their employees. I get that it was a big stand up moment for the administrator but come on, why would she even have to entertain such an idea.
  8. Wow, I felt the complete opposite, I think this might have been my favorite episode. All the characters were firing on all cylinders at the best at being bad and I'm going to be very sad to see this show end.
  9. I mean really do we have to speculate on PCOS role Whitney's morbid obesity? We have seen how active she is, we have seen how she eats. I'm not saying that PCOS isn't a factor but it's insignificant compared to that grocery cart full of trash food, the tub of ice cream and the bedroom full of empty bottles of alcohol.
  10. To that point, did Meredith have to act like a complete bitch because "she is friends with Owen" on an issue she knows absolutely nothing about? Did we already forget about Cristina and Owen? Owen doesn't exactly always have the clearest and most correct version of every story and Meredith should know that because of I dunno, Cristina and Owen's pregnancy, Owen wanting kids with Cristina, Owen cheating on Cristina, Cristina divorcing Owen, Owen's responsibility in the plane crash, etc, etc. How about "Oh, sorry, I can't have drinks, I have 3 kids".
  11. I'm going to call it even though I am sure I am wrong, Riggs treated a person or persons responsible for attacking Owen's unit. Queue some medical ethics in war zones aggrandizing in a ripped from the headlines commentary on the US attacking a Doctors Without Borders hospital that was treating Taliban soldiers.
  12. I can hold a plank for a long, long time if I get to put about 12 inches of pillows under my core to lay on.
  13. Things might have made more sense if it was the depicted the hand of an obese person instead of a thin person.
  14. Not to be crass but anatomically I don't think Whitney just "has sex" in the sense most of us do. I mean if it is even physically possible which I question I'm guessing it takes a lot more patience and handholding than say most of us having a few too many drinks with a guy we like on the first date, it's probably a pretty big deal even before you get to Whitney's clear body issues. So yeah, even if the guy wants to have sex with her I could see it being far from a spontaneous thing.
  15. Granted I say this as a gay man but when I say I want to take things slow it means I would still f**k you tonight, but I want to get to you know you better and maybe it would be better if it wasn't tonight. And I might hold to that for a few more dates. Might. We will see...
  16. OK, it's been mentioned before but no I am seeing it, Alex is really packing on the pounds. I know it was mentioned earlier that he was a fat kid but is this a story line or is Justin just getting fat? Derek was one of the leading surgeons in the nation with a family, kids and major financial responsibilities, it is highly likely that he had hefty insurance policies that could have sued the hospital for gross negligence (Which she more or less had admitted to) to recoup their payout.
  17. I think we are getting of course here talking about obesity in general and the mods have already warned us about that. To that point Whitney is lazy and sloppy and factually overeats. PCOS might make things harder but PCOS didn't deliver her that tub of ice cream because she was "hungry". The PCOS was always bullshit, Whitney is lazy, is it a chicken and an egg? I dunno, I would probably be lazy to if I weighed 400 pounds, it's probably not fun carrying that much weight around. I honestly believe that Whitney is suffering from severe food addiction for which she needs serious help, that does not make her "fabulous" anymore so than track marks are. Don't love your body Whitney, your body is making you immobile and causing disease that you are completely in control over.
  18. Really? She is all but diabetic, she can't shave herself, she can barely walk 5k or do her job because it exhausts her, she barely fits in her SUV, she constantly rips clothing, she claims she can't wear normal clothing because of "chub rub", she can barely maneuver through her own home, she can't dance, example after example about how her obesity is making her life miserable yet she can't find any self-control or even managed to act like an adult. Why of all people should she be telling fat people to feel better about themselves? As far as I can tell she lives a pretty hellish existence, maybe her message should be not love your morbidly obese self but don't end up like me.
  19. Her weight is clearly a problem but I think it is more of a symptom of her maturity level, she won't take responsibility for herself and a healthy diet, we see her in a grocery store it it looks like a 8 year old has been handed a credit card and told to go to town. Sure I would love to eat candy and junk all day and if I did I would be as fat as Whitney but instead of going to Walgreens and buying a bag of candy corn for lunch (I inexplicably love candy corn) I am eating a healthy lunch. Grow up Whitney, this is not cute.
  20. Staged or not I just can't get over how bad this show makes Whitney look. Spoiled, lazy, entitled, gluten, selfish, poor hygiene, inappropriate clothing. I'm not saying this is all fat people, it is clearly not the case but when Whitney claims she is trying to change the public perception of fat people the last she could do is not go on TV and parade around all the ugly stereotypes about them. And side note, I had a guy come in the office yesterday that was at least as fat as Whitney probably quite a bit fatter and he was wearing khaki shorts. I would not call them a flattering fit but they clearly exist, and when I say not flattering I mean really not flattering. I'm in the camp that Whitney refuses to wear non-stretch clothing because she would have to find things like khaki shorts in a men's big and tall store and truly confront what size she is and not just squeeze herself in leggings that are way too small and as such constantly rip.
  21. No, I hope I am not straying too far from the topic but there is an insidious "fat acceptance" movement on the internet that will go out of their way to praise anyone doing anything that they think portrays being morbidly obese in a positive light.
  22. Yeah, keep in mind that Derek is one of the best doctors in the world and Meredith would also be extremely famous for surviving a plane crash and having two high profile near death experiences so she would probably stand out to any doctor.
  23. Yeah, I actually just watched the episode late last night, I was going to give up on this series but I got sucked back in reading the comments here. The outfit that she wore was incredibly inappropriate, I can't believe she dresses like that at all much less for a "business" meeting. Also they way she refers to her boss in kind of a condescending way drives me nuts, of course she acts like professional, she is a professional and all said the organization does seem pretty laid back, her boss is not in a pantsuit and there are freaking dogs running around the office. I'm just amazed at how Whitney seems to genuinely treat all of this, I know the job is for TV but she seems genuinely sincere about treating it like an unpaid middle school internship and not actual job with real responsibilities that she is being paid for, she acts like an entitled B and like she is owed something for doing her work besides a paycheck.
  24. I don't follow why the baseball team would have any interest in partnering with a no body shame campaign, where is the synergy? All they would be doing is something to help Whitney.
  25. No, the the plane crash victims owns the hospital along with the foundation, and Webber, The Harper Avery foundation has by far the largest share but the rest have significant stakes in the hospital. Jackson is just the representative for the foundation and holds no ownership stake. Actually that has never been fully explained, the plane crash victims hinted at being in for $10m each but they would have set some other money aside, plus Webber put in a paltry amount compared to the others. Then Christina "gave" Alex her shares but never explained what that mean, did she hand over proxy or actually give him her shares which would have been worth millions and millions of dollars so that seems unlikely.
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