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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Remember how one nothing kiss after horseback riding mean she was dating a girl? Or her crying in the antique store after Roy rejected her? Or stalking Lenny? Whit is just starved for anything resembling romantic attention, I think it is just a pathological need for her and anything, anything at all is just a sip of water to someone dying in the desert.
  2. I think it is just a matter of personal boundaries, I've shared beds with girlfriends before, wasn't a big deal. But also unlike Whit I am not starved for physical attention of any kind so it was just a straight girl in bed with with a gay guy and maybe a little snuggling, maybe not. I mean most people enjoy a little physical attention even if it is completely platonic. A few years ago I was visiting a married female friend and we shared a bed in a hotel. Her husband knew and was fine with it because I'm super gay and I've known her longer than he has. And just to put The Fitness Marshall to rest, he is definitely gay because I have eyes and ears but if you need more evidence: Also there is a video on his instagram of him kissing another guy on the lips. So yeah, giant homo.
  3. It's a running joke with my friends at this point but one of my biggest pet peeves is guys wearing tank tops to bars. You can have the body of a greek god, you can be walking sex with the most amazing chest and arms in the world, some of them have to die for bodies but you are at a bar, wear a goddamn shirt. I don't know why it bugs me so much, in any other circumstance I'm fine with it, by all means show off your body on the street, god bless the hotass shirtless runners, sure, stop by Walgreens in a tank top, you've earned that body but put on a fucking shirt at the bar, we aren't animals. I'm not going to lie, I find Whit's body to be physically repellent but mine is certainly nothing to brag about and if I saw her at my condo pool in a two piece I wouldn't think anything of it but wear a fucking shirt, you are on TV.
  4. Well what she wants to do is be a lazy disabled obese person that accepts no responsibility for any part of her life and wants to be coddled. I doubt Glenn was thrilled co-signing on her house, or having her be a lazy ass living in their home rent free with a trashed out room that doesn't have a real job or co-staring in a TV show about how her daugher is a jobless emotionally and socially crippled lazy entitled brat in her 30s. The fact is Whit is unable and unwilling to join society as a normal, adjusted productive member of society of someone her age so he pretty much as three choices, go along with this ridiculous farce so she can make some money, let her be a leech with no personal development until they die or kick her to the curb and let her collect SSDI and live in Section 8 housing in squalor because she clearly can't take care of herself.
  5. I want to say I think but I pretty much know that Whit is supremely lazy and entitled and when given the opportunity to do as little work as possible she does it which this was a perfect opportunity. Also the production company might have told her to park as close to the door as possible to get the shot of her pulling up to the door with the sign in frame.
  6. Just to set the record straight Greensboro like most cities its size and larger requires a filming permit for a production on the scale of Whit's show and because for some reason cities think filming is so valuable if they have the permit they can pretty do whatever they want including things like parking illegally or generally being a public nuisance in a way that would otherwise be illegal. Around a year ago a production company erected a 9 story tall light right outside of my 9th story window that I am not kidding was designed to simulate the sun. It was there until after 12AM causing significant disturbance to myself and my neighbors. They also blocked access to our parking garage without permission In any other circumstance this would be completely illegal but it was fine because they had a filming permit. And actually they did break the law because they were required to provide us notice which they did not do probably because they knew that if were notified we would throw a fit about it and the permit would have been yanked because we have a lot of sway at city hall. For that my understanding is they just got told don't do it again and please keep filming here. Whit parking in the handicapped parking spot makes her look bad which I am fine with but in reality there was a film crew there with a filming permit, they had rented the facility or had exclusive use of it for free in exchange for promotion and had at least one off duty police officer to control the scene. We all know this isn't reality but her parking in that spot from a legal standpoint was no more not OK than a character doing it with a fake placard in a Hollywood movie.
  7. Just finally finishing this stupid show but she called 1 date that they didn't even kiss a "relationship". Shut up you stupid crazy person.
  8. I haven't finished last night's episode yet but at the kickball scene Todd mentions going to New York and Whitney seems surprised and then mentioned how they had both gone to New York before but never together... Todd lives in New York, I'm pretty sure he has lived in New York for the entire series or at least the last two seasons. Why does this show lie about the stupidest fucking things, things that are easy to check. Todd's facebook which he uses to promote the show says he lives in New York, it's no secret. Is TLC really that desperate for Whit to have someone to hang out with that they feel they have to fly Todd down and pretend he lives in Greensboro and hangs out with Whit all the time?
  9. There is little doubt in my mind that Whit's super morbid obesity would qualify her as disabled at this point and she could easily have handicapped plates which are blurred out anyways instead of a placard.
  10. I dunno, it sounds icky but also they are second cousins maybe even further removed so it's not like it counts as incest. Plus they didn't even kiss, you can turn down the histrionics and maybe just enjoy the museum with your cousin. Oh also the date was totally fake from the beginning. And let's get real here, Whit is so desprate that she would date a first cousin if he or she showed any interest in her.
  11. BTW it's legal to marry a second cousin in all 50 states and not really considered incest.
  12. Also I didn't get the gay vibe that some of you did last episode but in that clip the way that he holds his leg and his voice I get it now.
  13. I just watched the clip, after he tells her he adds "Good thing we didn't kiss". Good thing we didn't kiss. You went on a super romantic dance date, Whit even wore quarter inch heels and everything and you didn't kiss? WTF? I know it was a fake date for a TV show but come on, what kind of emotionally stunted person in their 30s doesn't kiss on a first date? If you don't kiss is it even a date? I get that not everyone is a giant whore like me that will fuck on a first date but if it is actually a date there has to be some sort of romantic gesture and a kiss is like bare minimum to signify that there is like any romantic spark at all and it wasn't just two people hanging out.
  14. Oh nevermind... "We are related. We're, like, second cousins or something. I was telling my mom — she asked about the date, and I mentioned your name. … I forgot how the connection was, but she knew everybody's name, and she was telling me how we're tied together somehow in our family, and I was like, 'What?'" http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/fab-lifes-whitney-thore-learns-that-shes-dating-her-cousin-w473834 So they may be related somehow, like second cousins or something. Come on.
  15. Well in the description for this week's show "online date Nathan divulges information that throws Whitney's world into a tailspin.". There is information that throws Whitney's world into a tailspin? Honey, you've gone on one date and it was a fake date for TV, you met on the internet, why information could possibly throw Whit's world into a tailspin? That he's Whit's real father? That he's a secret child from one of her parent's affair? Come on.
  16. I dunno, I've been known to call my SO "the boy" even though he is a 40 year old balding man 7 years my senior. Context is everything, if I had a dollar for every time I've been called, or called someone or myself the f word and had zero qualms about it, well, I would have probably spent it on shots and did.
  17. I only have two points because this episode was blah... 1. Whoever told Riggs to go clean-shaven should be slapped. I never found him particularly handsome but at least the scruff was doing something for him, this look with the hair is just terrible. 2. I think it is time for yet another mass casualty event because there is just too much cast at this point. Isn't Seattle due for a major earthquake? Just have the hospital collapse and take out half of the cast now, make next season about rebuilding. Half of the cast can go at this point, maybe more and I really don't much care who.
  18. I just watched this and OMG. I'm reminded of how my mother used to refer to her mother after she rented an entire house next door to her own for her so she could live with her nurse by herself and remained an abusive alcoholic towards her (although she was always sweet to the grandkids)... "Sometimes you just have to love someone up to heaven." Fuck it, get him a few milkshakes everyday and pour some extra sugar in them, add some extra lard to that gravy, make sure those eggs are good and oiled and those biscuits have plenty of butter. He already has congestive heart failure (I couldn't believe when he said that he was glad that he was OK. No, you are not OK, you have congestive heart failure, there is nothing OK with that). Just let him eat himself to death, it won't more than a few months and you will all be better off.
  19. I've never really done online dating so I guess I don't know how it really works. I'm more remain open to a relationship but don't pursue it, when you meet the right person you will know it when it happens, there is no pressure, things change, people change, feelings change, etc. My boyfriend is the ex-partner of a guy a met at a bar two years before and briefly flirted with for a few weeks and we were pretty much best friends for a year before we started sleeping together and then started dating. My last serious relationship was a guy who was friends with a couple I knew and despised me and for that matter I couldn't stand him for probably a year before hate turned to love and we were together for over two years. I've always thought of dating as a more organic thing and that if you are like Whit and chasing love, kids, building a life together, etc that it is just too much pressure and you end up being dumb about it. Just let things happen, if you put yourself out there they tend to without trying to force it or seek it out.
  20. Really Whit, you want to be dating? You crave that? And you just now noticed? It certainly hasn't been an obsession of yours for 4 seasons now. You weren't craving a relationship when you completely made one up with Roy and then were heartbroken because he didn't want you and you didn't think he could do any better? If the word gets out that you get you are into girls? One kiss barely a kiss on a not a date and you are already into women? And the makeup girl, are you a drag queen? Do you need a trowel? Oh, seeing you in a bathing suit is important to seeing the real you but a quarter inch of makeup is fine? And yes, it is really pathetic that you are having your friends help you out with online dating, you are selling you, not whatever vision of you your gay friends concoct. You have a sordid past with online dating because you were a bitch and didn't respond to someone reaching out with you? I'm sorry, Hi isn't good enough for you? Do you need a poem? You do know that most relationships start out with a hi, right? "Much less thinking about falling in love with someone?" Again, which is completely stunted when it comes to relationships, you don't plan on falling in love with a date, this isn't middle school, it's just a thing that happens, it's kind of the entire point of dating. Jesus, if I saw buddy in person I would tell him to go right to the hospital, something is seriously wrong with him, he literally looks and sounds like he is dying. Spontaneous surprise tattoos? What are you doing, you know those things a permanent, right? What is wrong with you? Oh, I dunno, I'm thinking about dating you but talking on the phone? That's way too far, far too intimate. Is Buddy drunk at the bar? Sure, let's do shots before we have to compete in a fitness competition. Disastrous? Yeah, that is totally what is going to keep you from winning. Yeah, that is not a run, that's not even a fast walk. I love Manny's contempt for Whit, he's not even hiding it anymore. Yes, you have had a man take care of you, you know him as Dad and you were living in his house and eating his food into your 30s. You remember when he co-signed on your house? Hi, we're on the first few moments of our first date and I'm going to shit on your taste in music already. Whit, this is not how dating works, you find a mutual interest, don't shit on their taste immediately. Your cat's are your children? How sad. You don't feel the same excitement or contentment as with Lenny? You mean the guy that clearly wasn't into you and that you stalked because he didn't reply to your texts fast enough? IT WAS YOUR DANCE BATTLE! IT WAS DONE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR SHOW! THE ONLY REASON IT EXISTED WAS JUST FOR YOU? HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THE RULES?
  21. It just all goes back to Whit being unable to form a mature relationship which is give and take and compromise. You're super obese, if some guy is really into having sex with your fat folds I mean honey you aren't in any place to be picky here and part of a healthy sexual relationship is doing things that aren't necessarily your thing but it makes your partner happy if it doesn't cross any bounds for you. There are creepy people out there, they inhabit all interests, fetishes, ways of life but if some guy is into your body sexually be thankful, yeah, that is a fetish, sorry honey but no one is just going to decide they are sexually attracted to your mounds of fat folds because they are just so in love with you. Just because they have a fat fetish does not automatically make them a creepy weirdo, you are a fetish, love your body and find acceptance. I wonder if Whit has ever even been in an actual relationship, she just fundamentally does not understand the kind of compromise EVERYONE has to make in one and how big the compromises she is asking right out of the gate are.
  22. I mean really her only option is fat fetishists. She is FAT. Like fat, fat, like her eventual partner will have to be part time caretaker if she doesn't lose a bunch of weight. There is one thing turning your head and saying you like the person and can ignore 25 pounds, 50 pounds, even maybe, maybe 100 pounds on the right frame but Whit is over 200 pounds overweight, she is carrying around an entire another obese person worth of weight, you have to be into that because her weight is going to dominate your life and your relationship. Whit's weight is going to dictate where you can go for date night, or if she can fit in your car or if your furniture is going to support her. Whit's weight is going to drastically affect your sex life as well. Hell, even basic intimacy like kissing or cuddling on the sofa is going to be challenging if not impossible. Whit talks all about acceptance, tolerance and not being judgemental but reacts with disgust that someone might be turned on my one of the most defining and limiting things about her and her body. Yes, I get there are creepy fat fetishist, there are creepy everything but there is nothing inherently wrong with having a fetish as long as it isn't hurting yourself or someone else. Almost all of us have fetishes and it's OK, no need to sex-shame. And I know the harming yourself or someone else is arguable when you are Whit's size but Whit has basically made it clear that she has no really desire or intention of making a drastic change to her weight so if some guy wants to fuck her fat folds and also genuinely cares about her and isn't trying to make things worse by things like feeding or asking her to stop her very basic workouts then get it gurl. Whit has to understand that she is making a very, very, very big ask right out of the gate, even your first date is going to be dictated as much by if you fit into the chairs as shared mutual interest. Sorry Whit, you are not going to find some amazing catch that is just overtaken by your (shitty) personality and is just going to overlook the whole weight thing, you really have three choices here, famewhore that is just interested in you because of your minor celebrity, fat fetishist (and fetishes are fine) or damaged goods because honey you aren't even the prized pig.
  23. People has a sneak peek too, Whit's doing her dating profile: http://people.com/bodies/whitney-way-thore-bikini-photo-dating-profile/ Oh honey, no, no, no, no, what are you doing with that profile? And strong independant woman? Let's see, you stalked your ex-boyfriend, she just moved out of your parents house in your 30s, you have two roommates in your 30s, you don't have a job, you can't put on your shoes, you made up a fake relationship with a guy and then cried when he rejected you because you didn't think he could get anyone else...
  24. I don't remember Whit ever using a gender pronoun in the presence of Jenzi, just in the talking head shots.
  25. Not only not scripted but it makes Whit look really bad and you finally see the facade crack and that she realizes what she has done and is doing to herself and that it is not fabulous.
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