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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Whitney has proven over and over again that she is an incredibly insecure bully, this is all a confidence scam. She deserves all of this, this is her conscious life choice and it's out of greed. No Body Shame as far as I can tell is just a profit making enterprise, it's not a charity. Let her dig her own grave, let her dig it nice and deep so we never have to see her again when her life inevitably falls apart.
  2. The more I think about this the more amazed I am. She engaged in a massive invasion of his privacy by posting his private text messages and his crotch on the internet because he committed a fat hate crime of sighing and readjusting himself? In what crazy world was this any of her damn business?
  3. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a10251611/whitney-way-thore-fat-shaming-airplane/ Good grief, Cosmopolitan is now congratulating her on "calling out" "blatant harassment". Blatant harassment is accusing a guy of taking a photo for which you have no evidence of and reading PRIVATE text messages without consent and photographing them. So taking a photo of someone in public (for which you admit you don't know if they actually did" is not OK but it's OK to photograph someone's personal text messages and post them on the internet.
  4. I am absolutely amazed by this, this is a new low for Whit somehow. This woman was offended by some perceived slight and then invades his privacy? 1. I have the passcode to my partners phone and I wouldn't even consider reading his text messages. Sometimes when he is in the shower or sleeping or otherwise distracted I will glance at the home screen to see if it is important but I don't read the text message, I think that would be a gross invasion of his privacy. And this is my partner, text messages are private and sacrosanct even in an intimate relationship, reading a strangers much less posting it is disgusting. 2. She perceived being slighted, he did nothing overt. That is completely unrelated to the text messages. People are entitled to their PRIVATE thoughts and feelings. I say things to close friends and of course my partner that I would never say out loud or would want to be "on the record". It's a text message, not a public Twitter post. Step off, this guy did nothing wrong, you invaded his privacy, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  5. Owen and Amelia should get on a chopper to pick up Owen's sister at the airport and transport her back to the hospital. Only after take off it needs to crash into like a tanker full of gas that burns for like an hour so we make be assured they are actually dead and not just horribly burned creating another story line for the two of them. And have Minnick be driving the tanker truck because she needs to go too and given the things this show has asked us to believe over the years I don't need an explination on why she was driving a gas tanker.
  6. The last stuff with the rapist was just ridiculous. He is bleeding out, can barely walk, is in tremendous pain and going down stairs. He didn't even have the small scalpel to her throats some of the time. Just throw him down the stairs, even if she went with him it is doubtful that he could have done anything, Then they get locked out of the emergency stairwell? Is that even legal? So he starts a fire, puts the scalpel down she decided to slowly squirt him with flammable liquids instead of stabbing him in the neck or slitting his throat? And she obviously knows that any fire in an enclosed space like that is bad, really bad and she decides to make the fire bigger? then he goes into the open room without a fire door and the door propped open where the hospital is storing massive tanks of explosive gas? This room is also accessible to patients. Why? What are they storing? Why is it stored that way? How does the fire get into the massive tanks so quickly? Why does she notice this and run to the rapist instead of shutting the door or even staying in the room like she told the child to do? What was the plan here? I agree with the other poster, they decided she was going to die in an explosion and worked backwards, no matter what ridiculous things they needed to do to make it happen.
  7. So what is Whit like doing right now? There is nothing on her webpage or facebook about upcoming speeches, people on the speaking circuit typically keep a list, she isn't teaching big girl dance class, she doesn't have her fake radio job anymore. So is she like a temp or something or does she just sit around posting on Facebook all day?
  8. I think they have just basically given up on Whit, she is lazy entitled narcissists with basically a useless degree that couldn't function in any normal workplace and has no intention on changing I think they probably see two options, let her eat and drink herself to death in their home as a leech or pray that she can turn this TV show and no body shame thing into something that allows her to support herself and if that means supporting the TV show by appearing on it that's what they have to do.
  9. BTW does "doctor" mean something else in Venezuela because what I know of doctoring there tends to be very little overlap between physician and thirsty attention whore galavanting around a foreign city where he is not allowed to practice medicine or likely hold any job all summer long.
  10. Speaking of loaves and fishes does anyone believe she was having sex with Lenny in the first place? Like ever?
  11. I watched this with my boyfriend last night. I am sorry to report that we have ended our relationship and are now straight after viewing this show.
  12. Well I mean that is the thing with Whit and why her love life is such a disaster/non-existent, she has made it clear that she has basically no desire for personal development. Or even career development, she doesn't regularly teach the BGDC, she doesn't take care of her body even to the level of washing her hair, she only went to the dance class to learn about the fabulous world of stick dancing because will told her too, even TFM was presented as Todd's idea (Although surely TLC was behind it). Sure, by all means, love yourself but Whit seems happy with the fact that really the only thing about her life different from when her show started is she is fatter. Even when she moved out of her parents house she moved in with two close friends that enable her dependency on them. Uh, really? Roy is as fat if not fatter than Whit, Roy is taller but I bet he has at least 100 pounds on Whit.
  13. What is that in the second clip? Yeah, I'm going with sheet, she is clearly having to hold it up. And Tal is only wearing his underwear in the closet apparently? What? Why? Gross.
  14. What about like hardcore pornography?
  15. Aren't there exceptions for things like acting? Which this certainly is.
  16. Well they do a radio show with a lot of prep about topics that often involves activities outside of the studio and she is ostensibly his intern/employee. Did Whit every say what was supposed to be suggestive about those photos or text messages? I have long strings of text messages including photos from co-workers that almost exclusively involve work, I could scroll the very long text strings full of photos from people at work and the most you would gain from if you read and looked at it is that sometimes I have a shitty job and I need photos to understand how badly things are fucked up or will be.
  17. Ehhh...... I don't know, I'm Twit's age which was right during the transition phase between cursive/print/typing phase where when you were young you opened a bank account to learn about money management and had to come up with a signature (again, learning to be an adult). I vividly remember both my parents teaching me how to develop a signature in my tweens, just like they help me learn to write in cursive which helped developed my signature style which is almost the same as I signed things when I was 13. I give this a pass, my signature is actually very similar to my mother's a very distinctive first letter and very distinctive and uniform series of seemingly random strokes in the approximation of the rest of my name if someone was having a seizure while writing them.
  18. Right? I mean I think I have a pretty good relationship with my boss, we will text each other sometimes about non-work related stuff, we talk about movies, TV, restaurants, concerts, things we did on the weekend, etc. You know what rarely ever comes up? His wife or my boyfriend. I mean sure, in passing, I went with X to do this or that, he knows I am in a relationship and his name, I know his wife's name but it rarely comes up in work conversation, it's typically we this and we that, we know who "we" is. And I work for a very small company and have worked for him for years, why the hell would Roy want to talk about his girlfriend to some fake intern for a TV show?
  19. Just getting around to watching this... 1. Losing the dance battle was one of the biggest disappointments of her life? Really? Ugh. 2. The nurse basically confirming she was pregnant with just a hormone test? I mean granted my only experience with this is HIV tests but unless there is an actual confirmed diagnosis they go out of their way to say it is preliminary if you test positive. Thankfully I have never had a false positive or a positive result in general but they go out of their way to tip-toe around that from the beginning. I mean it's not the same thing but both are extremely emotional things, I would think the nurse would do the same, especially with someone with PCOS which is apparently known to give false positives. 3. OMG Buddy is not well. 4. Cornering Roy again was gross. Shawn saying "Were you forthcoming about having a girlfriend?". It was none of her or his legitimate co-workers business. Why does all of this fall on Roy? Roy has to answer for the relationship that Whit made up? A friendly kiss? Fuck you. 5. YOU ARE NOT DATING A WOMAN! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU ARE 33, ONE BAD KISS IS NOT A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP. 6. Jiya came off well here IMO. I mean it's nothing I would do myself but giving the circumstances she came across well to me. And calling Jenzi a woman again, what the fuck? 7. Common theme is Whitney's followers are fucking nuts. And now Whit, you can not "twerk" or go "crotch to socks", look at you, you can barely walk. 8. Glenn talking about Whit jeopardizing her health to dance, seriously? 9. Seriously, Whit was being such a fucking bitch about the rent thing. Really? I'm actually taking Buddy's side on this. Whitney was clearly trying to throw Buddy under the bus and I believe it is legitimately complicated if they are really good friends and roommates. Yeah. I totally believe if they were close friends that they would exchange financial responsibilities back and forth. I get rent and utilities are different but I have had friends ask me to pick up their bar tab or dinner for whatever reason and asked the same of them. It has nothing to do with being a deadbeat or broke, it's just you pay for drinks and you pay for dinner or I have a bunch of unknown debits coming out and am waiting for a direct deposit to clear do you mind getting me tonight and I will get you next time? And that's before I get to my partner, fuck if either of us know who is paying more, we are probably +/- $1,000+ in either direction at this point. And really? It was a multi-camera on stage and they had that shoulder camera fired up ready to go right when he walked off? 10. What would it mean for her dance class to go on tour with the FM? SHE DOESN'T HAVE A DANCE CLASS! Misc: Whit's makeup was terrible, that lipstick and her eyes, she looked like a drag queen clown. Don't believe Buddy and Heather are still together if they even have been since this season started or ever have been. Nope, not even the least bit of chemistry.
  20. Heteroflexible is a real thing but come on, she went on one fake date with a staged kiss, that means NOTHING more than a Katy Perry song.
  21. I haven't seen the episode yet but yeah, that is incredibly offensive. I get the impression that Whit thinks she is somehow part of the LGBT community and that gives her license to be insensitive. No, Todd isn't any gayer than any other gay man or lesbian and fuck you for suggesting that he is and that it is somehow less desirable because he has more flamboyant mannerisms.
  22. Well contrary to Whit's belief she can't browbeat someone into being a long term partner now is a super morbidly obese woman who can't tie her own shoes or regularly shower that lives with two roommates in her 30s with general personality problems such a fabulous catch. Finding a long term partner is all well and good except someone else has to agree to it and I have feel like her options begin and end with chubby chasers or desperate famewhores.
  23. I don't know that "Do you pay your bills?" falls under tough questions for your average 30 something.
  24. I still want to know if clurb is actually a thing people say or if it was Whit trying to be cute.
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