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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I'm baffled by this too. I would assume the Avery family would have a significantly family fortune, that has been at least implied but they also mention the many fundraisers so that implies that they are out seeking donations for the foundation and not funding it exclusively from their fortune. Which begs the question, where does Catherine's money come from because I don't see how she would play into the family fortune which is surely in trusts and I doubt the fondation could financially justify Catherine galavanting around in the huge private jet owned by the foundation or S-class limos.
  2. God I feel so terrible but I cracked up at that too. I just Google searched it and of course TLC has the video clip on their site: https://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/my-big-fat-fabulous-life/videos/whitney-goes-skiing They really do hate her, fabulous my ass.
  3. BELIEVE me, I am no prude but the last time I saw anyone "twerking" was my boyfriend and he was not dancing if you catch my drift so I could see how the public display could be found offensive. It doesn't personally bother me but I could see why someone could find twerking rather vulgar in a way that other scandalous dance moves in the past were believed to be back in the day but not really. Again, not offended but I've been grossed out a few too many times by people practically dry humping in bars so I can totally see how twerking might be a bit too much for some people.
  4. In drag? Sure, they are becoming their female gendered alter-ego and as such they are female for the purposes of the performance but never identify themselves as female. Outside of drag, I've never seen it and I don't think Jenzi considers herself to be in drag. As for other uses I mean it's common for gay men to refer to each other by female pro-nouns, (e.g. Miss Thang, She's a mess, where's her boy, etc) but it's not a serious thing and not an attempt to change the subjects gender. I'm guessing Jenzi just doesn't believe that clothing is gendered. I think he wears what clothing he wants to wear and if it is stereotypically considered female clothing so be it.
  5. So Whit spent two entire episodes misgendering him because of body stereotypes. Thanks for the support Twit - The LGBT community.
  6. Oh yes, Whit, the idea of performing for Roy is so gross after you manufactured a non-existing relationship with him. Joking about injuring a horse? Fuck you Whit. The horseback ride was not a date, it was a horseback ride, you kissed afterwards. And you did not break things off, there was nothing to break off because you weren't in a relationship, you kissed a girl once. Whit you look really pathetic with all these relationships you are making up in your head. Whit is just barely waddling around and hitting sticks together and she is drenched in sweat, she must smell terrible. Todd is writhing in pain and ran off and professional choreographer and dance instructor Whit didn't even notice. The one thing to dazzle and make the whole dance is you know the thing fat people can't do. You are her professional dance instructor and you did not know that your student is a better dancer than you? Whit puts a shirt on after they are done? So she is just "dancing" without clothing why? You're glad Todd got hurt? What is wrong with you? You are so about uplifting people and supporting them but as always you are a bitch when it involves you. You know they are filming in your room, spend like 10 minutes picking stuff up, like just throw it in the closet or something. Whit is so lazy. Was the judge on the far right being forced to do this against his will? He looked like a hostage. Whit is not dancing, she is just waddling around. What is this? I see better moves out of people on the dance floor at the clurb right before the go into the bathroom to vomit. Buddy seems to be really into the Trophy Wives and looked disgusted with Whit molesting herself. I was too, gross. And it's not just Whit, I would be grossed out with anyone doing that in an event like this. It's on TV, there are kids there, stop being gross. Buddy looks like a hostage too. No one explained to you what you could do in the fake dance battle that was completely made up for the show about you? No one explained the rules or the fairness about this battle that only exists for the TV show about you? Please.
  7. They made a big deal out of Whit using the word precipice and said they needed a dictionary so yes people listen to them, very stupid people.
  8. Whit can't wear fucking shoes, do you think the professional dancer/choreographer Whit thinks that anything she can't do is relevant to being a professional dancer? Whit does not run a dance class, she runs Zumba for super morbidly obese people.
  9. Just a reminder that Todd is there and lives in NYC, is a professional server according to Whit and does not appear to come from family money despite some suggestion that his family is associated with the broadcasting company so it is a safe assumption that if he is spending much time hanging out with Whit that isn't say Thanksgiving or Christmas that TLC is flying him there to work and not just a spontaneous trip to hang out with her.
  10. I mean parish the thought of her naked but I am pretty sure she has a giant panniculus that is distorting her visible body shape through the clothing that she wears. Whitney has no waist, she has a smaller section between her fat, what you are describing of her waist is like a foot and a half from where her actual waist is covered in literally feet of fat.
  11. Work crush isn't exactly the words I would use since she spun an elaborate fantasy relationship with him, more or less said he was too fat to get anyone else and then was devastated when told that relationship that existed only in her head was not real and he was not interested. I'm reminded of her stalking Lenny, the whole Buddy drama, saying Todd and her would be together if he wasn't gay and then the whole lesbian thing. I'm pretty sure she is just a sad, lonely, desperate woman that will take anything offered to her or not.
  12. Actually that makes a lot of sense, god how terrible to not be able to see your feet when navigating an obstacle, stairs might be actually a little terrifying. As for Whit hanging onto actual minorities that suffer real discrimination for things like not eating too goddamn much I think it just plays into Whit's victim mentality. She associates herself with people have a legitimate grudge with the way they are treated because it makes Whit feel entitled to be a victim too. Which brings me to the question, Whit knows a lot of this is fake, she clearly was not surprised to run into what's her name outside the clurb, did she know that the producers set up that man to call her a cow or whatever at the gay pride parade? He was clearly mic-ed so the producers knew it was going to happen, did they pull that just to be cruel to Whit or was Whit in on it the entire time?
  13. I'm guessing this is true. I know someone that had a featured role in a "reality show" on a major cable network and they apparently told them to basically consider it an audition for their own show. Maybe it was some puffery on their part and maybe on the show's part but I would not be surprised if the reality TV show production companies are constantly trying to find their next show by seeing if any of these featured roles gain any traction.
  14. Right, the Whitney is an idiot option and repeatedly referred to Jenzi as a woman when he does not identify as a woman.
  15. Check the date stamp on that page, Tuesday, February 14th, 2012, so it's over 5 years old, it is not a website controlled by Jenzi and in the picture Jenzi has much shorter shorter hair and is wearing clothing that is traditionally considered to be associated with males. http://azinformant.com/choreographer-jenzi-builds-confidence-sexiness-with-every-eight-count/ Here is a story on Jenzi from less than a year ago that refers to Jenzi as male but the accompanying photo is Jenzi is in stereotypical female associated clothing with painted nails. So that leaves 4 options, Jenzi transitioned very recently, the news story that was obviously written with the assistance of Jenzi messed up Jenzi's prefered pro-nouns, Jenzi is gender fluid or Whit is an idiot and Jenzi just has a unique fashion sense.
  16. True but I don't think you will find any trans advocacy group that won't go out of their way to point out that when there is gender ambiguity that it is best to be gender neutral unless the person has specified what if any gender pronouns they prefer. And same with referring to previous gender, if Jenzi has transitioned and we don't know that Jenzi has is generally considered offensive to bring up their previous gender. If Jenzi identifies as female than she was never a he and there is a good chance that it is still a really raw area for her with a lot of emotional baggage. Yes there is no big book of gay facts, there is a spectrum of feelings on a lot of LGBT issues. Like in a gay relationship it's generally considered offensive to ask who is the top or bottom or even worse who is the "woman", me, I don't give a fuck but general best practice is not to ask a gay person if they prefer to top or bottom and it's generally best practice to sensitive when there is gender ambiguity. Twit is also an idiot and consistently inconsiderate and rude so I'm not going to base anything off of what stupid stuff comes out of her mouth.
  17. I love that Whit has the idea that Buddy would hold her back physically. I am pretty sure Buddy is less overweight than Whitney. I mean yeah he is fat as hell too but he is also a lot taller than Whit and his weight seems more evenly distributed while Whit appears to have a significant panniculus. I'm pretty that accounts for Whit's lets say unique gait. Just for example did anyone else catch the brief second of Buddy and Whit going down the couple of stairs at the gym? They both held onto the handrail which was unusual but Whit clearly needed the assistance of the handrail and more threw herself down the stairs by shifting her body weight to the handrail than walked down the stairs. Whit may be slightly better conditioned to physical activity but appears that Buddy has significantly more mobility. To be honest I'm pretty sure Whit would qualify as physically disabled at this point, she seems to have major difficulty walking short distances and navigating stairs.
  18. I can't believe this has not come up yet but can we talk about the shirt Whit was wearing in the last scene? Yeah, she is so nice, so worried about her girls and stereotypes and judgement and she is literally wearing a shirt saying she is going to talk shit behind their back. Fuck you Whit.
  19. I mean not to be too pedantic but as a gay man and a trans ally I have to correct again. Jenzi may be genderqueer or gender fluid or some other gender or no gender identity. Jenzi is Jenzi and there is no need to label Jenzi as anything unless Jenzi has chosen a gender or no gender at all that Jenzi requests to be identified as. Bottom line, Jenzi is not "really a man" or trans or anything. And honestly suggesting Jenzi is "really a man" is incredibly offensive to many people in the LGBTQ community. I know, it's confusing, I'm assuming you don't mean to be offensive. There is clearly some gender ambiguity going on and as such it's best to play it safe and not speculate, if you have a need, and I highly doubt you do, ask Jenzi or Jenzi will make it clear otherwise just avoid gender specific terms.
  20. Taking dance classes in college does not mean you are a trained or professional dancer, most colleges offer arts classes for people not pursuing careers in the arts, it is not unusual at all for a college student to take some or even a lot of dancing/painting/music/pottery classes that are not advanced and not really meant for someone pursuing it as a career. Yes, taking dancing classes implies that she was pursuing it as a career because many professional dancers do in fact get formal training in college to pursue dance careers but I am 99% sure that she was taking them for fun and not as an educational path. As for now, yes, she is a professional dancer. People (TLC) pay her to dance, that by definition makes her a professional dancer, it however does not mean she is any more trained , skilled or qualified than Krystal at Boobalishious having singles stuffed down her panties who is also a professional dancer.
  21. Which is why it is so depressing that all of these people have so many devoted fans. How sad does your life have to be that you look up to Whit or aspire to have her life? I assume most if not all of her fans are very unhappy obese young women with limited social lives because I can't see how anyone, even an obese person with a normal social life would find her life aspirational, it's really emotionally and physically stunted.
  22. I highly doubt Todd thinks he is a professional dancer, he really does not have the body of a NY professional level dancer nor has he demonstrated the skills so far on the show. Plus Whit referred to him as a professional server last episode. As far as I can tell Whit nor Todd has portrayed themselves as trained or professional dancers, more hobbyists. Sure it's been implied, sometimes heavily to keep up the narrative of the show, a fat person dancing for fun isn't remarkable but it seems the only qualifications Whit has is a professional dancer is she has a fake dance class and TLC pays her to have it.
  23. Whitney is all fake it until you make it except I think deep down inside she knows she is never going to make it. That's really what this show is, Whit is incredibly obese but she is still fabulous, loves her body, is fit, is a professional dancer, is empowered, blah blah blah. Of course none of that is true, it's become abundantly clear that she is miserable in her own body and has a really unremarkable life for someone her age but the lady doth protest too much, methinks. Whit is just collapsing under the weight of the facade, at this point we know it is all a lie, she is just a sad super morbidly obese woman who can't even get another super morbidly obese man to fall for her even though she thought he had no other options who can't dance, can't teach, can't bathe, can barely walk and with fake friends living in a house full of cat shit. Sorry Whit, the truth is out, you are every stereotype about fat people you are trying to fight, you are lazy, disabled, unhealthy, addicted to food and you smell bad. You can say you are happy in your body and empowered and worried about your less enlightened girls all you want but we all know the truth, you are a fraud.
  24. What is wrong with people? It makes me a little sad that Whit has obsessed fans that think Jiya's role on the show wasn't completely contrived by TLC. She is a character created by the staff of MBFFL, there is no reason to be angry at her for doing her acting job. It's like holding a personal grudge against Parker Posey over how mean she was to Leslie Knope. I'm sure you didn't intend it that way but just FYI a lot of trans people find the term transexual offensive and it is best to avoid it unless you know the feelings of the person you are referring to. The prefered terms are trans or transgender (And yes, transgender, you should avoid transgendered as well.) I know it seems minor or a distinction without a difference but it really is incredibly offensive to a lot of trans people and given that conservatives have decided to target trans people having lost the battle over gay people I think it is really important to be extra sensitive to the community right now.
  25. Pretty much everyone gets their guide data from TiVo or Gracenote so if the data is screwed up on one provider it's probably going to be screwed up on others.
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