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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I'm going to need brain bleach just thinking about it but I just can't imagine Whit being able to get pregnant. I mean physically how would it happen without a system of pulleys and rope? And even then... I mean as a gay person I know there are a lot of things on the spectrum of sexual intimacy that I would call sex and that's fine, I don't think it is any less sexually fulfilling but there is only one way to get pregnant and I just don't see it being physically possible for Whit.
  2. I am constantly having to remind myself that Whitney is my age, I know one person that treats relationships like Whit does and he is legit mentally ill. Like on medication under the care of a doctor for his mental illness.
  3. Actually probably not, someone who has done work on your house is up there on the list of people you don't want to owe money to because they can file a lien on your house and attempt to foreclosure. It would be a fools errand with Whit because her mortgage would be paid first in a foreclosure and it is highly doubtful that she has enough equity in the house but it would be enough of a legal pain in the ass not to mess with a contract like that. Also Whit has enough celebrity unfortunately to be publically named and shamed if she didn't pay.
  4. I mean it is TV and all and MBFFL is all total bullshit to begin with but being gay around their age and traveling in what I am guessing is similar social circles, unless they have some sort of past or present romantic relationship I seriously doubt Todd or Tal get along really well if at all. I just don't see where their personalities, careers or looks intersect in the single gay spectrum at their age with them both being such fame whores that they want to be appearing on this shitty show. I did some digging and Beasley is apparently a really common last name in NC. If Todd does have family money he is doing a really good job at hiding it. Did you notice Whit not even going up the stairs? Honey it is one flight of stairs. And this is not the first time, I think the preponderance of evidence at this point from the show is Whit is physically incapable of climbing on flight of stairs.
  5. I mean I kind of hate both of them in this even though Todd seems way more likable in general but I'm going to side with Todd on this because THIS IS ALL FAKE. It was clear that Todd was the one that was into the Fitness Marshall, that Todd introduced Whit to the whole thing, that this was Todd's trip to NYC to see friends and crush on a boy(Although he lives there? I kind of get the impression that he moved back to Greensboro for good not too long ago and doesn't want to admit that he couldn't hack it in NYC like so many people before him and to come). Anyways, my entire point is this whole thing was blatant cross promotion, the only reason Whit was in that class, the only reason the dance guy talked to her, the only reason she was asked to be a part of the video was TLC made a deal with a z-list YouTube personality because they both thought they could get something out of it. TLC is completely in control here, let your "eternal dance partner" be in the video, it's all fake anyways. As for the garage studio, is she planning on running her BGDC there? I mean I get the class is fake and no one is paying for it and they have a filming permit and all that but if I was one of her neighbors I would be raising hell, there is no way a business like that is permitted in her neighborhood. AND SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT YOUR FAKE DANCE BATTLE NO ONE CARES!
  6. Pirouette, lol. To be honest I'm kind of surprised that she doesn't crush her toes trying to stand on her tippy toes to reach something on a high shelf.
  7. Whit doesn't really drink? Yeah, which is why a while back we saw her bedroom littered in alcohol bottles. Given Whit's history of depression, her general personality and it generally looking like Buddy is a drunk and people who don't really drink tend to not like living with drunks I'm guessing Whit has a drinking problem that contributes greatly to her weight issues.
  8. I'm always feeling crappy about letting them down. I don't know why I have a thing about that. You don't know why you have a "thing" about letting people down? You don't know why you have something almost resembling a normal human response to disappointing people? The mishap is a huge disappointment for the reality star, as her life revolves around dancing and the injury means she’ll be out of action for four weeks. Her life revolves around dancing now? She does like two classes a week.
  9. It's adorable that you don't think your cable company is selling your data. ComScore says it processes set-top box data form 17 million households, including data from Dish, AT&T /DirecTV, Charter and Cox. Comcast markets it's own data and Dish Network also sells it to Neilson.
  10. Exactly, Whit is acting like they have had the conversation, you know, like this is really serious, marriage is on the roadmap, if something goes wrong we are going put some serious work into fixing it before we go our separate ways. What I suspect actually happened is they were casually dating and since Whit is a lonely child desperate for a man, marriage and kids and feeling like time is running out turned it into a serious relationship in her head and felt completely betrayed because he was the one in her head and she thought they were totally on the same page even though they hadn't talked about it.
  11. Maybe Meredith won't date Riggs because he shaved off that stubble which frankly does his face a lot of favors.
  12. I just want to go back to that x-ray for a second, look at how fat her knee is. Your knee is not supposed to be fat, even if you are significantly overweight there should be very little fat on your knee, you are supposed to easily be able to feel the bone in your knee. Like you can see the crease in there where her knee is supposed to be but it got eating from fat coming from both sides.
  13. They should do an episode with one of the people from my 600 pound life that was actually a success story to tell her what the path she is going down is like. Her knee is shot one one day in the near future if she doesn't change she will be another one of the people that fell one day and never get back out of bed.
  14. I can't find any clear information but isn't doctor/pharmacist shopping a crime? The best thing for him would probably be lock him in a cage for a few years with some prison guards that don't give a flying fuck about appeasing him and can just lock the door and walk away. A few years without drugs, food, internet or phone would probably be the best thing for him.
  15. LOL, I have been known to be the victim of this. Believe me I am as gay as the night is long but I buy most of my clothes from the clearance rack at the Gap down the street from me and would be ecstatic if they came out with an adult Garanimals collection. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a total gay failure, I get regular brow waxings, manis, pedis, overpriced haircuts, you know, bathe and wash my hair, etc but I'm more than happy in a pair of tennis shoes I found on sale at Amazon along with some new socks, a pair of Gap 1969 jeans and whatever shirt I pulled out of the clearance rack. But yeah, working out, whatever is clean and was dirt cheap on sale when I bought it, I'm going to be a sweaty mess anyways, might as well be in black socks that are fraying but have one or two more runs in them before they are thrown in the trash.
  16. I'll never forget the day the food police raided the Golden Corral and started leading fat people off in handcuff on trumped up charges because they don't like fat people or just opened fire killing dozens of fat people for being fat. Again, fuck you Whit, you know what it is like to feel you are actually a victim? When I see the signs at the gay bars saying no bags that appeared immediately after a massacre at a gay bar. Do you know what it felt like to gather for the victims of that with it in the back of our minds that someone might attack our vigil? That going out for a drink the day after it happened was an act of defiance, that many of us were genuinely afraid there would be copycats as were the police watching guard but would not and could not live in fear of being in another gay bar massacre. I'm sorry, fuck you again Whit. Just ask Todd how great it felt to be gay after the Pulse massacre with his "perfect body", yeah, that's exactly the same you feel because people don't want to date you because you don't shower because you are a barely walking fat person stereotype.
  17. I mean I don't mean to have some oppression dance off and as a gay man in a major city I have it pretty easy but the nerve of her, it still fucking sucks to be gay. It's horrible, the suicide rate for LGB youth is 4 times higher than hetrosexual youth, even in my wealthy urban neighborhood or even in the gay part of town a little bit of me worries about holding my boyfriend's hand and for legitimate reason. Yeah, life is so fucking easy for an effeminate single man that grew up in Greensboro, woe is you because you can't put down a cupcake. I really don't want to go into my personal story but as someone around Todd's age if my mother hadn't taken extreme steps at intervention I could have easily been one of those suicide statistics Just shut the fuck up Whit, a lot of my older friends lost most of their friends to AIDS while the government stood by and did nothing, that is the reality I formed my first thoughts about being gay, that's the lens a whole lot of people, even some of my own family view me through. Hell, if my boyfriend hasn't been in a long term monogamous relationship I don't even know if he would be alive today and he is not that much older than me. And you're angry that people judge you for eating because people say you should stop eating so much. Just shut the fuck up Whit, I promise you that Todd knows way, way, way more about being oppressed, getting to love yourself with the expectations and judgement of society and personal pain because of stereotypes. What the fuck is wrong with you? Take a shower and stop eating so goddamn much and don't tell us gay people how easy it is for us.
  18. That and Whitney is not a professional dancer in that she is taught choreography and performs it, she is a professional dancer in the sense that she runs a Zumba class where she makes up and teaches her students choreography. Basically her entire job is coming up with choreography and teaches it so why would she be so daunted by basically just doing her job?
  19. She taught English in South Korea and worked as a producer on a local radio show which is not anything resembling the glamorous or well compensated position that it may seem like which explains why she was living at her parents.
  20. I mean I haven't personally smelled her but she gets drenched in sweat from normal activities, admit to frequently not showering and has physical difficulty with her personal hygiene so it's safe to assume she doesn't smell great.
  21. What choice to they have? They don't play along and then what? Everything is the same except their fat, lazy, unwashed, disabled daughter is also broke and probably living in their house again eating their food. I tell you what I would do, clinch my teeth and pray to god Whit can make something out of her life with this I'm fat and lazy and smell but I'm fabulous and love my body scam before she ends up on My 600-lb life even if it means I have to go on TV with her on occasion. And echoing what someone else said, yeah, as a gay man around Todds age it is just wonderful, honey wake me up when you have to genuinely worry about walking to your car because someone might bash your head in for being fat. Tell me what it's like to worry if work finds out you are gay that you might be fired. Oh yeah, all those fat people being kicked out of restaurants. Yeah, life is just so fucking awesome for us gay men with average bodies (Todd hardly has a perfect body). Poor Whit, some people say things about fat people that you don't like, let me alert my friend with a trans kid that she is genuinely worried if she will be able to get him into adulthood without killing himself, she will get right on with making sure people shoveling food into their mouths don't feel bad about it on occasion.
  22. Whit was barely dancing in that class, this was clearly a cross promotional thing and as such there wasn't any reason not to include Todd, like everything else on this show it was a contrived situation to attempt to make Whit like this amazing dancer that everyone is drawn to and Todd was cast in the role of bitchy queen for the plot. Todd was cast for the show, in the shared bed scene he made it clear that he is not really as close to Whit as she thinks he is and this was his moment to throw some shade that he probably has been wanting to throw. I think every social gay has had the fat girl that just hangs around and thinks their biggest BFF in the world when in reality you barely tolerate them. Todd wants an acting career, he is getting exposure out of this and that's all there is to it. I don't get the impression that Todd is much closer to Whit than casual acquaintance that fit the storyline TLC wanted to show, this is just a paying gig for him. Would you want to be good friends with Whit? And shut up about that goddamn dance battle, NO ONE CARES!
  23. She is superior and Whit deserves being talked down to. I get it, it's not very nice but Whit doesn't deserve any respect. I'm also pretty certain that the show is deeply embarrassing to her parents and that they feel obligated to participate in it because TLC says they have to be part of the show for there to be a show and their lazy unemployed daughter who refuses to practice self-care, act or present herself in a way that would make her employable has no other prospects to pull down a decent wage. I want to see Whit in 5 years after her 15 minutes of fame are over, I feel comfortable assuming she will be confined to a scooter if not worse and either living off her parents or or SSDI if she hasn't put a lot of money away from the show in her speaking gigs.
  24. Feel like you are. Yeah, I think Whit thinks way more of her "relationship" with Todd than he does.
  25. Just getting around to watching this episode, Bab's actually saying how embarrassed she is of Whit and Whit's response is it's just a mother's love. No Whit, she is saying you are a lazy fat piece of shit and she is embarrassed that it is being shown all over TV because can't find any other work because you refuse to shower or wear appropriate clothing in the workplace. It has nothing to do with love, she is actually embarrassed by you.
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