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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Why? She IS a floatation device. And it would probably take her weeks to freeze with all her insulation.
  2. Do quesadillas even count as "cooking"? That's something I make drunk at 3AM if we have left over tortillas from making fajitas earlier in the week. Red onions, why would you make quesadillas with those?And I don't mean that in a snobby she can't even cook kind of way, I am absolutely not a cook but quesadillas literally some shredded cheese, butter and store bought tortillas in a pan, it's like making toast.
  3. Most zoning is zoned up from permitted uses starting from residential through industrial. As long as it meets code residential use is permitted in industrially zoned spaces even if it is often an undesirable use but industrial use is never permitted in a residentially zoned space. But it appears they are in the middle of nowhere so there may be little to no zoning or even code.
  4. I'm saying IMHO vaginas are kind of gross looking and I wouldn't say objectively a very appealing place to stick your penis if it weren't for the whole sex drive thing. But I'm a gay man so who knows, maybe vaginas are very appealing to straight guys on an innate aesthetic level, I think it is mostly well this is where sex happens and it feels good so I'll keep doing it thing though.
  5. Is it possible that David just has no sex education whatsoever? Like no knowledge of female anatomy, thinks masturbation is a shameful sin, thinks an erection is dangerous lust. If he has spent his entire life being told that any sort of self-sexual expression outside of marriage is bad and led a life not only of repressed sexual urges but being told those urges are a sin I could see how the idea of "Well I know this woman has a hole somewhere and I guess I get naked and get an erection and stick my penis in her" would seem like pretty heavy stuff. Like I'm trying to imagine describing having sex with my partner in clinical terms to a straight women that hasn't seen gay pornography and without any male sex education, I can't imagine on the surface it sounding appealing at all, perhaps even off putting because there is no context to it being obviously pleasurable thing for two gay men. I've had sex with women and sticking your penis in a vagina is not the most appealing thing in the world if you don't have millions of years of evolution telling you to do it, it's easy to imagine him being that sexually repressed.
  6. Is it possible that David just thinks sex is a huge deal, like just a very serious, serious subject? A lot of religious people take virginity very seriously and taking a woman's is more or less basically defiling her permanently. Which is OK in the context of your one monogamous life partner but it still has the implication that once you have sex with her she is now damaged goods and there is no taking it back.
  7. I love how she casually mentions slipping on the deck like it is just a thing one expects to happen when cruising. Honey you are in one of the largest man-made structures in human history, a floating resort, you are not yacht racing. It's like if a friend mentioned breaking their arm at the grocery store and the reactions was "Ugh, I hate it when that happens!". No Whit, slipping on the deck of a modern cruise ship is not an occupational hazard, it's a sign of your failing mobility. Look at her legs, she is seriously one "slip" away from being permanently scooter bound.
  8. To be fair I think people are assuming way too much about what Whit is making from her TV show, she is an unemployed narcissist trying to promote her No Body Shame BUSINESS, it's not a charity, No Body Shame is her business. How much do you really think you have to pay a narcissist too fat to work another job to appear on a national TV show where they get to promote their business for free? It' not like the show is raking in a ton of money and other networks are trying to poach Whit. If I were negotiating with Whit I would offer to pay her slightly more per season than any job she is remotely qualified for, maybe $40-$50k? It's not like she has or could have another lucrative career and the show gives her a platform to try and make extra money while not working full time for her No Body Shame bullshit.
  9. OK, I don't agree with but get the "weight loss is impossible, don't even bother trying" but I don't want to lose weight? Come on Whit, you can't breathe on your own at night because of your weight, you don't fit in furniture, you can barely walk or climb stairs, you can't wear clothing, come on, you are a liar if you don't want to be at least 100 pounds lighter.
  10. Also she apparently talked about her drinking problem when she was in Korea in her book.
  11. She doesn't have a job, she probably stays up and drinks until she passes out once Buddy gets home from his shift. Seriously, sleeping problems, the room full of alcohol, depression, weight, lack of drive, her drinking problem in Korea, boundary issues, inability to keep a schedule... I can't say anything for a fact but I've known my fair share of obese lonely girls like her and she is totally the type that drinks until she falls asleep on a nightly basis. Keep in mind at her weight should could easily, easily down 1,300 calories of wine a night and barely feel drunk.
  12. I have a feeling her sleeping problems have more to do with her weight, her diet, the CPAP, drinking, lack of exercise and general discipline than the lack of a sound machine and a night light. I know the type, I have a feeling that falling asleep after the 2nd (Or at her weight, 3rd) bottle of wine at 5AM and sleeping all day on a weekday is a common occurrence. I am pretty sure Whit is a hardcore alcoholic.
  13. Has there been any indication whatsoever that the No Body Shame Campaign does anything at all? As far as I can tell the entirety of the No Body Shame Campaign is a not great logo for her business enterprise.
  14. What? How? This is the best they can come up with after 6 months of shooting?
  15. Whit seems to have confused confidence with not having any dignity, if she had confidence she would be crying about how she is alone, or in her car eating ice cream, or being afraid of being upstaged with the Fitness Marshall or losing the fake dance battle or all her other stuff and she also wouldn't do half the other stuff she does to be famous/make excuses/pocket some money.
  16. Don't forget her alleged pregnancy scare because she was still totes having sex with him after the end of their fake relationship. She just can't help how sensus she is.
  17. Honestly Whit's primary goal seems to be reminding all of us that she has sex.
  18. True, the reason I got off of Facebook is when I had dinner with an quasi-friend who had an insufferable Facebook full of how much he was in love and what a great relationship he had who told me he hadn't had sex in over a year, his boyfriend had been sleeping on the sofa for months and he was trying to figure out how to kick him out of his house. He posted about his amazing relationship after that conversation.
  19. I get that is how Issa felt, I just think she is being ridiculous making such a big deal out of it for so long. She is the one that keeps talking about sleeping around yet she seems so ignorant about sex, it's weird.
  20. Why do we start with the premise that it is disrespectful? It's semen, not acid, it was going to be somewhere. Not to share too many details of my personal life but this is a frequent occurrence between my partner and me and there is nothing even the tiniest bit degrading or disrespectful about it. Issa needs to get over it, if you give a guy a blowjob he is (hopefully) going to have an orgasm and we really don't have any control after we know it is about to happen. Mouth, face, spit, swallow, getting it somewhere else, it's just part of sex and really not that big of a deal.
  21. I can't believe we are still talking about the oral sex, one of the things I have loved about this show is how frank it is but come on (so to speak)! Maybe We Got Ya'll needs to be having some sex education programs too because all of these people seem to really to misunderstand how sex works.
  22. As a gay man this whole blowjob business is utterly fascinating to me because it perfectly lines up with what I hear all the time with straight women and reinforced with stereotypes constantly shown in this episode. These issues with blowjobs are far as I can tell only exist with straight women, I have never, ever, ever heard a gay guy complaining about getting it in the face or not wanting to give one or not getting proper warning to get away from the release. I mean I am sure there some outliers but I was watching it with my partner and both of us were like Really? Do you not know how this works? Face, mouth, body, finding it gross, this is just not a thing that exists in the gay male community besides extreme outliers, the only complaints I ever hear about are it getting on furniture, clothing or difficult to clean bedding. Like if this topic came up out drinking with friends/strangers people would be like "Uh, so what's the problem, he didn't get you a towel or lick it off of you? The idea that it getting on your face was some sort of issue would be unfathomable as far as my experience short of him like deliberately trying to get it your eye or something.
  23. I doesn't have potential, 3 more episodes and it's done. To be honest I am not even sure why I am still hate watching this because it isn't even good hate but I guess I was committed to see it through after it was cancelled last season. I guess maybe I am hoping that they somehow are about to celebrate the sale of Lady Parts to I dunno, Elite Daily and they all gather, every single one of them in that pastry shop and die in a horrific cupcake fire
  24. Because she likes all the things in cake it's just cake isn't her favorite delivery method for them. From what we have seen on the show it really looks like Whit has a serious compulsive eating disorder and she will shovel anything full of fat, carbs and sugar in her mouth if you put it in front of her. I believe her, I think she doesn't like cake and that's part of the problem. I bet she actually considers herself a really picky eater and doesn't think she eats that much while the eye roll from her mothers says she might say she doesn't like cake but if you leave some left over cake in the kitchen it ends up in her stomach awfully fast none-the-less.
  25. I hate to misappropriate black culture but I'm been watching this show with my partner and we both feel like this show so speaks to us as gay men. I mean sure there are the generalities of the human condition, and we are both minority groups that are often misunderstood and marginalized but the shade, the code-switching, the cast of characters, it all feels so familiar. Like Kelli, we are both like Kelli is TOTALLY Larry.
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