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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. No, this totally speaks to her immaturity and lack of comfort in her personal social and professional life. She is what, 33 or 34? Come on, you are way too old for this high school relationship bullshit. It's just all of Whit's desperation for a relationship and a feeling like it has to be accelerated because of her ticking clock. On one hand I kind of get it, I'm Whit's age, my siblings are younger than me and married with kids, same with most of the people I went to high school and college with and I get there is a little bit of pressure to conform but once you hit your thirties you kind of just need to relax and let things happen, you probably are not going to have the fairytale romance like you might in your early twenties and that isn't a bad thing. If you are in your thirties you should be dating people in their thirties or forties IMO. Ones that have their lives together and are happy and fulfilled being single and see if your lives merge together because once you are that age you really aren't going to change much as a person, you will in your twenties though.
  2. EHHHHHHH..... I mean she did get her small business national exposure for free along with what I am sure was plenty of local exposure. Would I want to come off looking like she did? No but I'm guessing her business got plenty of good exposure out of the deal.
  3. That was my question. I've always been very suspicious of people that pursue advance degrees from places like Strayer but I heard a really, really good explanation once. In certain fields, notably public school systems including administration, a masters or doctorate even from a place like Strayer can qualify you for a promotion or pay raise that more than makes it worth it to obtain one. Now I of course question why they would set up the system that way, I wish it was based on a hard earned relevent degree from a respected university but if you just need to check the box for a pay raise or promotion I can understand why someone might choose to do it that way.
  4. I think MBFFL actually does contribute to keeping Whit from gaining weight so fast, I think that it forces her into activities she would otherwise do, being afraid of being filmed being gluttonous and the schedule keeps her somewhat regimented. When the cameras are not around and she isn't expected to be places at times I don't doubt she picks up a tray of cupcakes at the grocery store as a "special treat" and makes a Irish coffee in the morning and has just one and another two more with nothing else to do.
  5. What I read into that is yes, of course he was late, it is obvious but also it's one of those polite lies you tell for yourself or others out of self-preservation that anyone would have done if Whit hadn't made that face and called him out on it to demean him. Whit is not a nice person, she loves to dish it but feels taking it is some egregious personal attack.
  6. That's a standard part of a home loan and part of the foreclosure process. If you default on your home loan they will eventually send you a notice of intent to accelerate letter, it's basically the final demand that unless you get your payments current they will accelerate the loan and the entire amount becomes due. Then you get a notice of acceleration, Sometimes you can still work out a deal I think but it's basically the final, final demand, either you pay us every penny you owe right now or we are going to foreclose. Part of pretty much any contract like a mortgage is what happens if you breach the contract, in the case of a home loan it means eventually the entire balance of the loan becomes due immediately and if you fail to pay that they foreclose.
  7. Harmful is being a bit light, it is both incredibly dangerous, often fatal and that pets love to eat. That stuff will never enter my house no matter how great it tastes with so few calories.
  8. The look on Whit's face, Buddy's refusal to answer and being all dramatic about it is all the information I need. What a group of losers. Whit is a sad depressed super morbidly obese woman that is desperate for a man and can't find one who won't clean out a litter box that lives with a drunk deadbeat with anger issues. Fabulous life my ass.
  9. I've kind of checked out and haven't finished this episode but this was the finale, no? The next episode is just the recap and discussion? So after all of that bullshit about the dance battle and the dance battle rematch, all of the obsessing over just how critical this rematch was, that Whit will be vindicated once she knows the rules and she doesn't have a fat phobic judge on the panel there is no rematch? What the fuck was half of this season about if we never get to see the thrilling conclusion to the dance battle?
  10. Seeing Whit in that salon chair makes me wonder if she goes to a hair salon that specializes in the morbidly obese because I don't think I have ever seen a salon chair that would accommodate Whit.
  11. You might want to give it a try again, I didn't like coffee until my 30s, actually hated it, now a mini pot of black coffee is heaven in the morning. Same with whisky, I always hated it, I was always vodka and gin until my boyfriend who drinks it exclusively got me to try it again a few times and here I sit sipping a glass of whisky.
  12. Yeah, some people are just that way, my father's retirement lasted all of about 2 years and he retired a multimillionaire who lives pretty modestly, well below they way he could afford to live. I suspect he will work until the day he dies or when he physically can't do it any longer, which is his stated plan. He works part-time with plenty of time to travel which is his one major passion so I figure why not if going into an office three days a week gives him a sense of fulfillment.
  13. You know the thing is if they did want her as producer they almost certainly would have come to her but they didn't. Also I seriously doubt Whit could have handled getting up that early every day anyways.
  14. a. What the fuck is the point of using Splenda if you are going to dump a bunch of cream into the coffee? And we have seen how much cream she uses on the show, it's more like cream with a splash of coffee than coffee with cream. b. Probably oversharing but I go commando most of the time and know a lot of people that do, I don't think it is a weight thing. c. That is just inappropriate when you have roommates and you are their landlord. She is such a selfish woman, clearly that is inappropriate, especially when you have a male roommate with a SO. d. Why? The star of the show can't even hide his contempt from you, you act entirely inappropriate in the workplace and it's not their job to find a job for you. e. I seriously doubt she has any real friends, can you imagine being around that all the time? Plus we know Todd lives in New York and I don't get the impression that Tal and her socialize very much. And why wouldn't she have fat friends? Doesn't everyone have at least one fat friend? More creedence to my doesn't have any friends theory. And what does she mean by "fat" because Donna and that other girl she went to the nail place with are hardly svelte. Does she mean she doesn't have any super morbidly obese to the point of disability fat friends?
  15. Speaking of Heather, what is going on with that? I get that she has kids and Buddy works difficult hours but they have been together what 3 years? At their age you don't have a multi-year casual relationship very often, I would expect her and her kids to have more of a presence in buddy's life by now.
  16. Re: Whit's mobility Remember not too long ago when she was doing stairs at the parking garage with Will? Yeah, no she physically will not go upstairs at her parent's house or even her own. She struggled on a fucking ramp in NY. She required, required, the assistance of the handrail to go down like 5 steps at Will's gym in the most awkwardly way possible. I'm sure Whit will blame her bum knee "which can happen to anyone regardless of weight" but the truth is she is already physically disabled by her obesity to the point that she can no longer function as an able bodied person in the most basic of daily tasks.
  17. God, that just reminded me about something I listened to a while back about studying morbidly obese people, I think ones that had lost a lot of weight. Many of them did not have mirrors in their houses or covered the ones the did have up. Same with personal photos. I don't know why that just came to me but morbidly obese people literally not wanting to look at themselves in the mirror is legitimately a thing apparently.
  18. She can't fit in chairs or put on shoes but thinning hair is just too much to accept about her body?
  19. Funny, I just checked it and one of his posts was celebrating his sobriety. With the speculation that Whit has a drinking problem I wonder if that played into the intervention at all in Tal's mind.
  20. Question: Whit is all about no body shame and loving the body you have and acceptance, I mean that's her entire thing. She has thinning hair, that's the truth, that's her body, why can't she accept that? Lots of women have thinning hair and don't wear wigs or have hair added. My boyfriend has very thin hair and he wears hats about as often as I do with a thick head of hair, I would never ask him to wear a toupee or a hat or even try Rogaine or Propecia. He's not ashamed of his thinning hair. So why can't Whit just accept her hair? Women with thin hair isn't any less socially acceptable than morbidly obese women. She claims her weight is just as out of her control as her thinning hair. She says she isn't worried about what other people think of her body or her personal appearance. So why tape in hair? Is it because you are actually embarrassed by your body but the fix to the hair is quick and easy and someone else does it for you? Where is the no body shaming for all the women that have naturally thinning hair but can't afford to have hair tapped in all the time? You aren't going to stand up for their bodies and lead by example?
  21. I said this awhile back when the stroke news originally came out but I don't believe Bab had an actual stroke, I'm almost certain she had a transient ischemic attack. It's sometimes referred to as a "mini-stroke" and looks exactly like a stroke but it's not one, almost everyone makes a full recovery within a few days if not hours with no long term deficits. It's not a good thing, there is some evidence that it makes a real stroke later down the line more likely but it's not a stroke.
  22. I have mentioned this before and I am pretty sure it is true. Someone said that Whit mentioned in her book that she was drinking 6 beers a night when she was struggling with depression in Korea. In the early season filmed at her parents house her bedroom was constantly littered with bottles of alcohol and wine. I think it is fairly obvious that she is still struggling with significant depression between her weight and romantic life which has come through a few times "I'm just so hungry! *shovels a vat of ice cream into her mouth in her car*). Same with Buddy, almost every time they show him he appears to be either highly intoxicated or hungover. And you are right, people who aren't drunks themselves rarely want to spend much time around drunks much less live with them. It also explains her weight, her poor personal hygiene and would even contribute to her thinning hair. I would bet money that Whit is still struggling with major depression, is self-medicating with alcohol and that Buddy is her enabler, I'm guessing they both get sloshed daily.
  23. Am I the only one not impressed by the Fitness Marshall? His videos seem as interesting, entertaining and skilled as a random drunk person at a bar. Also about as annoying. And I have no idea what the purpose of the backup booties is but I find the name off-putting.
  24. As a gay man let me tell you that there is something really uncomfortable about it and also that it happens very frequently. I'm just going to hazard a guess but I think it is something about awkward weird obese women thinking straight men just don't appreciate how wonderful and wacky they are because they can't get past their bodies and gay men freed from the sexual attraction bit are just going fall in love with them.
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