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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I'm sorry but has Todd even offered? I'm not sure why a gay guy would want to have a baby with a super-morbidly obese unemployed woman with reproductive problems. That is awfully presumptuous.
  2. TBH I am a little, I mean just in a how does tab a possibly get into slot b, he must be hung like a horse.
  3. Fat girl falling in love with a gay man, any other pathetic cliches Whit wants to embrace?
  4. http://kiss951.com/episodes/confession-wednesday-sexuality-baby-daddy/ LOL well I guess it couldn't be more clear that all the signals that Whit thought was him being secretly in love with her were all in her head.
  5. Whit can't even take care of herself, what business does she have raising a child? Or that matter a romantic partner, Whit's life is a wreck, what does she think she has to contribute to a romantic relationship?
  6. Unmarried couples can own property together, gay couples made all sorts of legal arrangements before they could get legally married, I know a few that are still unmarried or very recently married gay couples even though they had been together for decades, owned houses together etc. Even the census has an option for living with unmarried partner.
  7. I just want to mention again how blase Whit was about Buddy's air conditioning being out for days. Buddy doesn't have an air conditioner, you have an air conditioner, he is your tenant and she is just kind of meh, his room might be uninhabitable because I, landlord don't give a shit about fixing my property but she is so concerned about his whereabouts. I know this is all fake but it's kind of amazing how Whit doesn't seem to care at all how bad this show makes her look for no good reason, all she had to say was something like "We have been having air conditioning problems but the part is on order" but instead she is just like ehh, I don't give a shit about my tenant having air conditioning but OMG I haven't heard from him in days, what could possibly be wrong?!
  8. Huh, I haven't seen Buddy in a few days, it might be because his room isn't habitable because the air conditioner has been broken for days. Oh well, it will probably sort itself out. Buddy hasn't paid me rent in a while, huh, he must be in trouble!
  9. Maybe he would pay his rent if YOU FIXED HIS AIR CONDITIONER!
  10. He doesn't want to talk to you! And he isn't talking every day to his ex? Big mystery there. "His air conditioner is broken", your his fucking landlord, fix it! "Well his air conditioner is broken, sucks to be him, oh well!"
  12. Babs has always "dreamed" of going to Hawaii? They appear to be very comfortably upper middle class, Bab's drives a new Jaguar, what dreaming, pull out your Amex.
  13. We are all aware this is a neighborhood newsletter, right? Is someone confused about what that is?
  14. She is bragging about being on the cover of the neighborhood newsletter? Were you also featured on the family Christmas card?
  15. Why does Ashley think that Whit commits to anything? Like what has followed through on in her entire life?
  16. Whit is an "overachiever"? In what sense? BMI?
  17. He was cheating on fiancée Nada Louis with her. According to Nada herself they were "almost" engaged which is not a thing. Whit was also pretty sure she was about to be engaged as well with a man she apparently barely knew. I feel pretty confident that Avi is not a nice guy but before we tear him up for being a cheater and a fraud maybe we should keep in mind that Nada and Whit were also completely deluded about the seriousness of their relationship, "almost engaged" and "fiancee" are not the same thing. I noticed similar weasel words on the exclusivity of their relationship, "He said he didn't want ME seeing anyone else", many men have used the same excuse, well I didn't want you seeing anyone else but I didn't say I wasn't going to see anyone else". I believe Avi was probably preying on this women because they were lonely, desperate and easily manipulated and that makes him not a good person but he is also not fully responsible the delusions that they had, "almost engaged" is not a relationship status, it's a dream. He might have not tried to dissuade her of this dream because it made it easier to manipulate but he either proposed or didn't and it sure sounds like he didn't.
  18. Please tell me that Whit was not for real bragging about having sex.
  19. Isn't Buddy in his mid 30s like Whit? Is Whit going to be shocked, shocked that a 30 year old doesn't want to live with roommates anymore?
  20. I don't think he is a great actor, I think they were just incredibly lonely and desperate and ignored the sirens and flashing red spotlights. I know some big girls in their 30s on the dating scene and it is not fun and they aren't nearly as big as Whit. And were they really signs? At least with Whit he might as well put one of those giant construction signs on her front lawn saying that he isn't that into her. You know what I want to do when I have a busy shitty day? Talk to my partner, not just disappear for a few days without contact.
  21. What is "hinting at marriage"? Whit is in her mid-thirties, by that age a lot of women and men for that matter are kind of done with casual dating, they are established, they know what they want/need in a partner and want to know that the relationship is going somewhere before they invest a lot of energy into it. I mean not picking out rings and wedding dresses but some sort of clarity that we aren't going to casually date for years and that marriage is on the roadmap unless there are any major surprises about compatibility or someone say hiding a bunch of debt or something.
  22. As I mentioned before there are plenty of very wealthy people that live in Cairo, we mainly filter Egypt through the Arab Spring now but when I went to Cairo we stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel & Residences, I could only find one listing for a condo there but it would set you back over $4M USD. There was a mall attached to the hotel and condos and it had stores that you would find at any very high-end shopping center in the US. I suspect Nada's family is very wealthy and Nada probably went to an expensive private American school.
  23. Echoing what other people said how was Nada "almost engaged"? That is not a thing. The guy wasn't even returning Whit's phone calls, hadn't met her friends or family and this is the love of her life, the man she is going to marry. I'm willing to to believe the guy is an asshole, most of us have dated assholes but I'm not convinced that any of these women had a serious exclusive relationship in the first place.
  24. Can anyone identify Whit's car? Granted I drive a small-ish BMW and not what appears to be a small SUV crossover but between the 4 seats my car is rated for 650 pounds, there is easily, easily over 900+ pounds between them, I can't imagine any car being designed to carry anything close to that in just the front seats. I guess it is kind of inconsequential but I assume her weight alone is causing serious damage to that car.
  25. With the current turmoil in Egypt it skews perceptions but there are plenty of wealthy people in Egypt and Nada's family is almost certainly among them. Also a lot of non-native speakers of English learn British English but it's not THAT rare for people to choose to learn American English. It's entirely possible that Nada attended an American school in Egypt and was fully immersed in American English for most of her life.
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