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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. But see, that is the thing I don't get, like there are plenty of fat fetishists and drunk horny men. Like from an anatomical standpoint I don't understand and care not to spend much time pondering how it happens but I don't doubt she can find some dude to mash his penis around her pelvic region. The idea of a 30 year old obese or not bragging about being sexually active is just so weird to me.
  2. I think the truth is that Nicole thinks she can't do better than Azan and I'm inclined to agree. I don't think Nicole is getting scammed, at least not anymore than anyone else trying to buy affection, it's just this is the transactional relationship she can afford.
  3. A foundation is a charitable enterprise, at least ostensibly. Sometimes they are used for tax purposes for like "art museums" that aren't open to the public and only used to shield what are really private art collections from taxes but generally speaking the Avery/Fox clan would not be profiting from their foundation besides maybe outrageous staff/board position salaries which would surely be an issue in a foundation taking in so much money running non-profit hospitals. I mean I guess the Fox/Averies could hold minority stakes in hospital acquisitions made as investments by the Harper Avery foundation like Grey-Sloan is purportedly doing with the plane victims and their estates/heirs but if they owned/ran 70 hospitals worth billions of dollars I feel like that would raise a lot of questions and possibly legal issues on if the Harper Avery Foundation was basically just a vehicle for insider trading with untaxed money.
  4. Can someone explain the Harper Avery foundation to me? Because it apparently was a grant making agency that also gave out the Harper Avery awards and as I remember Grey-Sloan was their first hospital acquisition and there was concern over the cost, so much so that the doctors kicked in a significant amount of money to make it happen but it was basically a family fiefdom. Which is fine, I know people with family foundations and I know they can sometimes be quite large. But as of last night the Harper Avery foundation runs 70 hospitals which would make it the 4th largest non-profit hospital system in the US and be worth billions of dollars, it would have massive lines of credit, 10s of thousands of employees and yet it was still a family fiefdom where one board member fires the one crisis consultant and caused the crisis by unilaterally ending a legal contract and there are two board members in the meeting that are handling the entire thing and just decide to dissolve the foundation, transfer all the assets to a new one? I get it's the non-sense Grey's universe where the head of the entire hospital is the chief of surgery for some reason but there were plenty of ways to write this that don't involve the family matriarch just on a whim deciding to dissolve a multi-billion dollar concern and poofing a new one into existence with her name on it and all the assets.
  5. Agree , my father is in his mid-seventies and retired very, very, very comfortably but took a part time job that was offered to him after retirement that he takes very seriously. I get it, I'm out of work right now and have spent 6-10 hours a day volunteering almost every work day starting the Monday after I was laid off. Honestly I prefer to be stocking shelves at the food pantry than sitting at home.
  6. Not to mention Buddy talking about how much work the relationship was and Heather mentioning how much she nagged. And apparently Heather didn't notice his raging substance abuse problems and also that a 30 year old alcoholic drug addict bartender might not be the best person to help raise your children? This is not how relationships are supposed to work in your 30s, it's really weird how everyone involved but Buddy seems to be romanticizing what was clearly a highly dysfunctional relationship at best.
  7. Right? You were making long term life plans with this guy that you clearly didn't even know very well, you reek of pathetic desperation.
  8. I just keep thinking how horrible it must be for Glenn to be listening to her daughter who can barely walk and that has been provided her own couch for seating whine about gender weight bises and aesthetic standards. Gurl we get it, it sucks for fat women, the standards are unfair but you need to be more worried about being dragged out of your house on a tarp by the fire department than if people on the internet think you are sexy, that's what dad is worried about.
  9. The ice cream thing was something different, I couldn't find a clip but it was Whit in her car shoveling ice cream into her face crying "I'm just so hungry!"
  10. Whit is "pretty satisfied"? Were we not just talking about how desperate and alone she is?
  11. Whitney lies about what she eats! She is an addict! My god this very show caught her hiding in her car eating cookies and ice cream. Buddy is fat, he is not disabled by obesity.
  12. Whit is eating herself to death, she is so fat she has her own sofa to sit on and we are just going to gloss over all of that to talk about other people's tragic addictions?
  13. Whit not only was not involved but had no idea about Buddy's intervention? Great friend.
  14. OMG Heather and Buddy are not Ross and Rachel, why are we still talking about their shitty bad relationship? You got complete closure, he doesn't want to be with you, case closed.
  15. "Our relationship was just so much unbearable stress that I can't even consider entering into another one" Move on you stupid woman!
  16. I was so sad and alone and desperate (because I'm super morbidly obese) but he would have done this to anyone!
  17. Born and raised in Dallas which is Texas but it's really not steeped in Southern tradition, I use yes ma'am and no sir all the time, not in the way Whit does but I've always just defaulted it as the polite way to address someone you don't know the name of. That said I volunteer a lot with extremely low income people and have had to try and break myself of it because I have learned that it can come off as extremely condescending when the social/financial power dynamic is so obviously and drastically not in the favor of the person you are say serving in the free kitchen.
  18. On a similar note all her hysterics about the doctor clearing Babs to drive, I seriously doubt that Whit could get a medical doctor and car engineer to be thrilled about her driving either.
  19. I'm sure Heather could spend hours dissecting the end of their relationship how how about we start with Buddy is a rock bottom addict that can't even take care of the bare minimum basics of being an independent adult, he literally has minders to keep him from overdosing/drinking himself to death, like what part of that sounds like a man that can be in a healthy romantic relationship? There is your answer, Buddy can't even take care of himself much less you and your two kids. Sure you can make it more complicated but he is in rehab because HE IS GOING TO DIE if he doesn't make serious, serious, serious progress, progress that will likely take months if not years to just do the basics of being a functional independent human, your feels about the break up do not matter.
  20. True, I think the point is more how obvious Whit's weight has become enough of a disability at this point that any sort traditional job is going to be impossible for her. She struggled hard at the two fake jobs she has had on the show and she doesn't have any special skills or talent that is going to have an employer change the roles and responsibilities to accommodate her. Morbid obesity is not a disability under the ADA, employers are completely free to tell her she is just too fat to work there because she is, they don't have to buy her special chairs or make dress code accommodations.
  21. I know I have harped a little on Heather wanting closure from the obese alcoholic drug addict that dumped her but Heather is no prize pig either, Buddy seems to have consciously chosen not to have a professional career (And I know plenty of people without degrees that have professional careers, I mean they aren't headed to the C-Suite but they have 9-5 office jobs with decent middle-class incomes) much if any responsibility for his life with his parents paying the phone bill, living rent free with his disgusting friend, here is some closure Heather, you are in your 30s with two kids, part time work, no indication that you are particularly financial secure and you aren't particularly attractive, maybe you just have nothing to offer this man child but more baggage. Heather keeps acting shocked that the relationship ended and has no idea why, well did you have any indication it was headed towards anything else? You weren't even living together, in fact it looked like what, 2 years in you were still casually dating, Buddy wasn't looking at rings and houses in the suburbs with good school districts, he was mostly just drinking and doing cocaine. edit: Maybe I am being too harsh on both of them but I think my overall point is that I see absolutely no indication that Buddy has any interest in making the kind of responsible life choices that one makes at his age if he had any desire to be in a serious long term relationship, especially with someone with two young children. Buddy can't even pay his rent or phone bill in his 30s, he isn't looking or capable of playing house with a partner.
  22. What is this closure that Heather wants? The morbidly obese alcoholic drug addict dumped your ass, it's closed. Also he heavily implied that he cheated on you or at least tried.
  23. Put gas in your car Whit?! What the fuck is wrong with you, you do nothing, how are you so lazy that you won't even put gas in your car? And what has Whit not quit?
  24. SHE DID NOT RUN 8K. OMG stop saying she ran anything, she didn't even hobble 8k.
  25. Shut up Buddy, get off your high horse. Yeah you are right but still shut the fuck up.
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