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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. She is old enough that she should be able to make her own choices and mistakes, however the show has made it clear that she is not. There has been no mention of education, job, career goals, she lives with her parents. At this point any movement in her life needs to be enabled by her parents. My god, just ask him to fuck you. You are a grown woman, what is with this high school coy shit about having sex with a man you are allegedly in a committed relationship with? For the record, that dress was too tight, it was not flattering on her at all. Watching the show I said to myself that that dress would be cute if it was a size or two larger.
  2. I believe a lot of rehab places have a quasi-job program in place for clients transitioning out that don't have high odds of finding employment/stability. It's not counseling, it's menial labor until you can transition out of that into a real job.
  3. Wow, that's now how I view the show at all, to me the show is not about immigration oddly, it's about setting impossible stakes for a immature relationship that people prone to making other horrible decisions have decided to do. I know several couples that have immigrated via their marriage and their relationships don't seem any more or less real or stable to me than any other married couple. The draw of this show to me is 1. feeling appreciative of my own marriage and 2. laughing at idiots. 90 Day Fiance, Love After Lockup, advice columns, I'm here for the trainwreck. I think that is her English guy. The photos shown show a fit, tan, relatively handsome guy but the glimpses we have been shown on video so far suggest she is meeting a pale, greasy, doughy guy.
  4. I think the root of Paul's problem besides being dumb as a brick is how entitled he feels about everything. I don't have to have this serious conversation, I'm going to hide in the dog house, I don't have to learn Portuguese, I speak English. I don't have to live like everyone else in this country in my sense of personal safety, I'm going to walk around in a bullet proof vest. Of course Brazil would love to have me even though I am a lazy felon that doesn't speak a word of the native language. Paul wants to skip right to marriage and children by whatever means possible without grappling with the fact that he is an immature felon who has not earned stability yet.
  5. I don't want to come off as dismissing the validity of long distance relationships but these people are supposedly planning on getting married after within a few months and I don't think you can make a decision on something like that until you REALLY know someone. I lived with my husband for two years before we got married and believe me, I learned lot in that period.
  6. I want to say Caesar is particularly stupid but infatuation, "love", obsession makes people do insane things and I think we have all seen it with what we would consider otherwise rational people.
  7. I don't think I ever caught that Angela is a nursing assistant. People think because it has the word nursing in it and they work in the medical field that it is lucrative and respected position, people even get scammed by for-profit colleges to get what they think are degrees in it. Nursing assistant is like one step above janitor, it's like a $8-$12 an hour job where you do all the unpleasant stuff like cleaning up feces that actually qualified people that are well paid don't want to do.
  8. Actually you can convert to Amish, it's just incredibly rare and they don't really want you to. As I understand it, it's not a case where they think that if you aren't Amish, you can't get into heaven, but if you want to adapt their principles and beliefs you should do that instead of becoming Amish.
  9. With her pale skin and what looks to be foundation a few shades to light for her, dark eye makeup, bright lipstick, clothing choices, what looks more like a beanie than even a modern interpretation of a religious head garment, every time I see her I think that she looks more like a cancer victim than a devout Muslim. Which is to say, I agree, she looks like she is playing the part of a Muslim, not someone that is doing it out of religious conviction.
  10. Does anyone else think that Caesar's scammer might be using a soundboard to reply to his phone calls? The responses seem pretty generic and the inflection sounds off. Maybe it's just English being their native language.
  11. While it is certainly less common there are plenty of Christian sects that modest dress including head coverings and significant lifestyle restrictions, e.g. the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, etc.
  12. My husband is 9 years older than me, which at my age is the difference between living through the AIDS crisis and not, so I'm kind of defending myself in this... I don't think much of even a major age difference assuming the younger party is at least past 30 and kind of has a life roadmap to check compatibility with against their partner long term. 10 years ago I think our relationship would look very different, now, we both have careers that we are happy in, made some major life decisions independently and the age thing rarely, rarely comes up except differences childhood wise.
  13. She had an awful, abusive childhood and went through amazing hardship before she became famous. In her own words... So, yes, love.
  14. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/anna-nicole-smith/id1380008439?i=1000430260935 I highly recommend this podcast episode and podcast in general, basically all the stuff about Anna Nicole Smith being some gold-digger chasing after a senile old man's money is complete bullshit. He pursued her aggressively and she repeatedly rejected him for years until she became rich and famous in her own right.
  15. I'm sorry but I just refuse to believe that Corey is straight and homosexuality is just not an option in many hardcore Mormon families. I think Evelin was toying with him and he convinced himself that it was his chance to settle down with a woman and is just desperately clinging on to the idea that he thinks he can make it work with her.
  16. The was hell for me and honestly probably Whit. When I was unemployed I was going fucking crazy because of the lack of structure and socialization opportunities even though I was literally doing hundreds of hours of volunteer work.
  17. Are we supposed to be impressed that a grown human women has had sex? By her age having sex should be as titillating as doing laundry. Hell most of the sex I have with my husband is, eh, do you want to fuck? Like we aren't doing anything else and we haven't had sex in a few days, might as well before dinner?
  18. What does Whitney do with her time anyways? When I was laid off I volunteered hundreds of hours to charities, does Whit use any of her enormous amount of free time to do anything of value to humanity? I feel like she would share it if she did.
  19. Seriously what the fuck is this bullshit?
  20. I'm mean she is kind of at the age where a lot of people she knows are married or in serious relationships, being single and having not been in a healthy relationship ever or in a very long time has to feel like a lot of pressure on her.
  21. So far this show has shown Buddy to be a deadbeat, unemployed, controlling, manipulative, an addict, having anger management issues, a criminal record, no real career or prospective career or talents and generally lazy and irresponsible. So now we are supposed to be going for a love plot for these two? Like, what is supposed to be his appeal to Whit & Co? That he is "nice"? Because that obviously isn't true.
  22. Honey when people are telling you that you need to date an unemployed loser recently dumped and in recovery with no career prospects or stability of his own, well, it's not a personal compliment.
  23. Growing, recover, finding stability, needing to find a new healthy "addiction", how about he spend some time trying to better his life and circumstances? Community college, trade school, volunteering, have we been shown that Buddy has any useful skills besides pouring drinks and getting drunk while doing it which renders the usefulness of it kind of moot. Contrary to popular belief I know plenty of people without college degrees that have good white collar careers because they know how to use Microsoft Office and act like professionals in the workplace.
  24. One of my best friends is in his early 80s, his house is paid off, no debt, has 7 figures in retirement savings and just quit his job but has made it clear that he is not retiring, he will likely go back into practicing law full time, in fact I was shocked when he quit his job, I figured he would stay in it until he was physically or mentally no longer able to do it. Some people are just built that way.
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