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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I get the biological urge to procreate but honey, you live in a shed, don't have stable employment and I don't see you having stable employment in the short term, dear lord do not have a child.
  2. Also can we stop acting like what Granny is doing is a charactor flaw or makes her somewhat lesser? It's legitimate work, it takes skill, talent, personal dedication and smarts to succeed in. So if a poorly educated model marries a billionaire twice her age it's somehow aspirational but I woman taking control over her own body and making good money doing it for herself is bad? Please, Bravo for Granny for owning her work and not showing shame over it, we all have sex, many of us with many, many partners, often there are private photos, if you are doing it because you want to do it, do it. We shouldn't shame it any more than anyone else selling their image just because they are doing something that all of us do typically in private.
  3. It's just her level of self-importance is so aggravating, like she is the one person in the world that has been asked to both work and keep a tidy house, and not even a house at that, it's a shed. I work, my husband works, we both have stressful, complicated jobs with LOTS OF PAPERWORK, we have bills, two dogs, a cat, we have no domestic help, a 3 bedroom home, a good size yard and you know what...? Our yard is done, the animals are fed, the laundry and dishes are clean and put away, the bed is made, trash bins have been moved where they belong, we cook dinner almost every night, like, actually cook in the oven or on the stove, not frozen food, there are fresh cut flowers in the house. Yes it's time consuming, yes sometimes it isn't fun but we do it because we are fucking grown ups.
  4. And, why exactly? It was the only decent thing in that dump and it's not like they needed LESS storage in there.
  5. Because Robert is the idiot being manipulated, I think it was more of "We know what you are doing, cut it out." warning to her. Contrary to popular belief many female sex workers are very smart, savvy and powerful in a business in many ways designed to take advantage of them. I wouldn't try and pull a fast one on Grandma, I assure you she has seen plenty of low rent women trying to take advantage of men.
  6. I think the question was more "Robert already has 4 other kids that he is struggling to support on top of our grandchild so I would like some assurance that getting him to knock your sad, low rent gold digger womb up is not part of your idiotic plan."
  7. My mother is in her 60s and online dating. We aren't close, in part because she is a racist christian conservative and I'm an electric car driving gay married agnostic liberal that works for a non-profit. We don't see eye to eye on many things. Well several months ago my husband and me were having a perfectly fine meal with her and she told us about a wonderful meal she had with a man she met on online dating but... "So he showed up with a walker! And he was perfectly nice, we had a lovely meal, but I politely told him it wasn't going to work. You know, it just never occurred to me when I put in no other races in my dating profile that I also need to put no disabled people!" Alright Mom, well, I guess we will see you at Christmas, don't expect an invite to our Christmas party.
  8. I would agree except the theatrics of "directing" and being in charge instead of actual work seems to be her MO.
  9. Michael and Juliana - Michael's and his ex remind me of my husband and his ex. Juliana, you have NOTHING to worry about. My husband's ex is still part of our lives (I actually met my now husband through his ex) but I see the same loving contempt that I see with my husband as his ex continues the exact same behavior that doomed their relationship. And why do I get the sense that all the boxes and junk cluttering the house has more in common with his general living situation and not to do with the alleged move right around the corner? I don't know if I buy that it is happening. Anna and Mursel - What does Anna not understand about Mursel not speaking English? HE DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH! What do you want from him? And what does Anna do? I was under the impression that she was like a professional bee keeper, not a women with an unusual hobby. And he thinks she sucks at the one thing they supposedly have in common. Robert and Anny - How much more clear could Anny make it that she does not like or respect you Robert? And why should he? I loved the grandma, she seems like a good influence on her grandchild's life and she's right to be asking these questions about the idiot father of her grandchild and the used-tin foil digger he imported from the DK after 8 hours. And I was thrown with the porn star thing, I got the "cool youth pastor" vibe from the husband, but good for her, there is no shame in being a sex worker and she shouldn't have to be a secret. And Anny, get off your high horse about her being a sex worker, the only difference between what you are doing and what she does is she is actually making money at it and not with a bad attitude. Mike and Natalie - I'm really holding out hope for this couple. I think she is underestimating the easy that they will be able to build the life that she wants in the US but... She genuinely glows talking about him and seeing him, if she is just pretending to do it for a green card go ahead and bring her to the US and get her into acting. Love is not always enough but he seems like a genuine sweet guy and she really seems in love. And can someone please explain the Bojangles situation? What does he do? Does he live in the barn? Does he convey with the property? I get the sense that Bojangles has been on the property for hundreds of years and when you take possession of it you just accept that you now have a Bojangles as part of the deal, just don't upset him. Blake and Jasmin - Oh Blake, you are "doing music"? And living with your mother? Yeah, time to move on from this alleged "music" career because it clearly isn't happening and not going to happen. Jasmin looked totally disinterested in all the photos of them together and more interested in Instagram modeling. Blake, you idiot, Finland is a very nice place, she did not travel half-way across the world to be with a man she barely seems interested in, she is using you to try and start a career in LA being famous for anything. And no, she does not want to have sex with you, what is wrong with you? I mean for she probably isn't interested in you romantically or sexually but based on the fact that she flew into Burbank she probably flew from Helsinki to New York, then took a cross country flight on Jetblue from New York to Burbank. If she is lucky, she may have had another connection. No she is not in the mood for sex, she wants to shower and sleep just like you would you selfish man. Tania and Syngin - You didn't do a god damn thing in that shed, you didn't box things up, put sheets down, run a duster over the walls, NOTHING! For weeks! And then you lied to him about it! Sit down woman, stop bossing him around and acting like he is responsible for your laziness. Actually, don't sit down, clean up the damn shed like you agreed to. She is acting like she imported an employee, not a partner.
  10. That limo was tacky to the extreme, it looked like a McDonald's funhouse inside and the H2 was discontinued it 2009 it it was at least 10 years old. And it was just the two of them, why not get something classy like a chauffeured S-Class? One would think that if he was wealthy, living in Greenwich and worked in the high-end wine business that he would find even the idea of that limo as gauche, honestly I would be horrified if I ordered a limo to take with someone and that thing turned up. That hospital looked like something out of either a horror movie or a gay porn. Also the husband did a terrible job translating, there was no other option? I work in public service and we can get a translator on the phone in basically any language if needed just like any hospital in the US, surely the same can be said of Russia. And Russia does have major economic problems but they also have plenty of rich people, would would think they could find better faculties. And did the operating room have a patio? It looked like one of the nurses was taking a smoke break during the surgery. Re: Pet Names Unless we are out in public my husband and me rarely, rarely call each other by our first names, I would think something was wrong if I heard him call me by my first name in the house. Chanel and Versace? Honey he can't even afford an iPhone or a two bedroom apartment, there isn't Versace in your future. It looks like our "activist" finally managed to wash and brush her hair, I guess her astronaut, firefighter, boat captain, physics professor, opera singer gave her some hair tips. And what are all her accomplishments that he is going to have to be OK with?
  11. Just getting around to watching this episode, some stray thoughts: Why would a wine bar offer a glass of water with you wine order? I've never seen that before. Part of the reason the cruise was a great idea is if he had a steerage level room off season he could have paid much less than a plane ticket and a hotel room that his girlfriend wouldn't have been able to tell how inexpensive it is. I'm a gay man so I have limited experience with shopping for lingerie but do typically buy it by digging the bins labeled with sizes and a random assortment of items just shoved into them? Why would he need his wife to drop his child off for him? Literally all he does all day is drive a car. It's like a landscaper hiring someone to mow their lawn. iPhones aren't that expensive. Like sure, the latest greatest iPhone will be but you can buy a brand new iPhone 6S on a pre-paid plan at Walmart for $150 and she probably needs a phone anyways, I'm sure you could find a newer or the same phone in great refurbished condition for less. If she was so nauseous during the phone call why did she stand up and start spinning around? And she didn't know Russia was kind of run down and cold? We are around the same age which means our childhood was shaped by the cold war and two of the mayor takeaways for western anti-Russian propaganda were that it was a failed economy and miserably cold there. The she-shed, she said she hadn't finished it like she needed to paint it or something, she hadn't even bothered to spend like literally 30 minutes picking stuff up, it was a disaster. She made it sound like she still needed to go out to Ikea for a couple of items, not that she had done absolutely nothing! Her hair! Why is it so flat and tangled, it looks like she hadn't washed it in days and got out of the shower without shampooing it and just let it air dry, didn't even bother running a brush through it. And how many damn flowers did she need in the room? Bouquet after bouquet kept showing up. And I love me some flowers, like one of my splurges in life is there is always fresh cut flowers in my house, I typically buy flowers every 1-2 weeks but honey, that is way too much. OK, bee keeper is so Muslim that she won't be allowed to drink wine but not so Muslim that he doesn't have a beard and will share a bed with her? Like everyone is free to practice their religion in their own way but him drawing a religious hard line on only wine seems weird.
  12. Also love isn't enough, a lot of it is if the sum of both people are greater together than they are alone. I was very much in love with my ex however as a couple I know we fed our worst tendencies and habits, we were frankly an awful couple that constantly enabled each other, when I broke up with him I did not like what I had let myself become. I think that it is what really pissed me off about the "They don't even know what their favorite color is." That is trivia, it maybe helps you buy a better birthday gift. Let me know how you calm your partner down when they have a full blown panic attack.
  13. I'm not sure how I feel about the situation, it appears that she and the website he met her on are pretty upfront about it being sex work and that Caesar knew he was buying the fantasy, it's not different in my eyes than Caesar paying for any other kind of sex work. The revelation isn't that Caesar is being strung along for money, it's that she is very, very upfront about it and he doesn't care. Honestly I think the only issue here is Caesar can't afford what he wants to buy. It's very clear to me that Caesar understands their relationship is transactional, he is just mistakenly under the impression that she is somehow going to lower her price to a level that he can afford to have the fantasy that he wants. He is completely and obviously wrong but there are plenty of other cam girls that will sell him this fantasy that he is seeking if he "moves on". The problem is he wants to be taken advantage of and can't afford it, that's his problem, not the person that is selling him what he wants to buy.
  14. So, my husband and me both wear $15 wedding rings we bought on Amazon and we could have easily afforded much, much, much more expensive wedding rings. We just aren't flashy people (I have a Rolex that was given to me as a gift by my parents that I haven't worn in probably over a decade), we decided titanium was the best material choice for us for numerous reasons and it just isn't an expensive metal and honestly spending hundreds of dollars on a fancy brand for a titanium ring was basically the same product as one off Amazon for $15 as far as anyone could tell.
  15. Avery's mother should just quietly throw her passport and birth certificate in a shredder, she is too useless now to figure out how to get new ones and by the time she has matured enough to accomplish an adult task that requires forethought and planning she will have given up on the whole marriage thing.
  16. Does Tiffany understand what "work" he is doing? Does Ronald? Does she understand how things work for addict felons in the US, even with job credentials? I mean, sure, there are functional alcoholics that fuck up big time, go to rehab, are on FMLA/Short-term disability, clean up their act and go back to their old careers. That is not Ronald, he will have a hard time renting an apartment even with a job and the jobs that are available to him without some inside connection/under the table arrangement are vanishingly small to come by. His options are like dishwasher at a family business and hope he works his way up to below market wage manager after building a LOT of trust and keeping on the straight and narrow with a child and a wife and a shitty job. I'm almost certain he is doing some transitional work in the facility, which is common for people that can't just rejoin the workforce because of their history. He, professionally, is working towards being trusted to work as as maybe a maintenance assistant, as long as he doesn't handle any money.
  17. Exactly what does she think the standard of living is for under-employed felon addicts in the US is? He'd be lucky to get a job as a janitor.
  18. It's because she hasn't progressed developmentally beyond a 8 year olds understanding that everything is a negotiation. Nap time, candy for breakfast, 5 more minutes at the park, eating meat even though she is vegan, centuries of cultural norms and traditions, she is under the impression that no dancing is just the opening offer, surely just a little harmless finger dancing would be OK.
  19. Damn you! Thank god my husband isn't home because Copacabana certainly isn't playing all over the house right now.
  20. The whole thing is just so weird! Maybe he has like a micropenis or something? I don't understand his apparent complete lack of desire to be physically intimate. Like, I'm a dolt when it comes to subtle sex signals, but she is telling you she wants to fuck you, do the things.
  21. This is exactly it, she thinks this is all one big game, that she gets to go to the middle east and be Muslim on her terms, that she is somehow going to negotiate a marriage of equals with her now husband. I want to be very careful and not paint Muslims with an overly broad brush, there are absolutely progressive Muslims but that is clearly not the culture she is entering.
  22. The worst thing about Darcy is she is not healthy enough emotionally to be in a healthy relationship. No doubt if she tries hard enough she will find a partner to enter into a horribly dysfunctional relationship but it's doomed from the start. It's my firm belief that you can't be happy in a healthy, mature relationship with someone else until you find happiness and fulfilment being alone, the rest will follow.
  23. Isn't she like a CNA? She is probably pulling down like $10-$14 an hour, does Mykull understand the kind of lifestyle she has in the US? I think he is under the impression that she is a woman of at least some means when she clearly is not. She might not even get healthcare from her workplace much less insurance that covers IVF. Furthermore, does Mykull even know if he can have children? Many men suffer from infertility. I guess it is kind of minor when it comes to their trainwreck of a relationship, but say he is infertile, then what? Maybe he should consider the fact that he might not be able to have biological children before he makes having a biological child his raison d'etre.
  24. I think it is exactly the same thing, age is no guaranty of fertility on her or HIS part. My husband's and my parents are both conservative christians in the Texas, they have been supportive but I know neither family is thrilled with having a gay atheist family as part of the clan, it ways that they have made less subtle on some occasions. I just think it is a little gross to dismiss out of hand how their attraction to each other could possibly be believable.
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