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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Whitney is not a marginalized person, she is making hundreds of thousands of dollars on national TV peddling her delusion, terrible personality, vindictiveness, narcissism and trying to celebrate the spiraling addiction that is disabling/killing her on national TV, it's like comparing the functional alcoholic to Anna Nicole Smith. Is my 600-lb Life "Fat shaming" to you? Don't compare Whitney to the average fat/obese person, to me that is even more demeaning to them and I think that makes their problems even harder being lumped into the same category as someone like Whit.
  2. What you are talking about is verbal abuse which is never OK and has never been OK, what Whit is talking about is being fat shamed because she inhaled a plate of giant cupcakes, or not adhering to an office dress code because she doesn't feel comfortable wearing pants and would rather wear completely inappropriate looking nude tights or people being concerned that she is near immobile because of her obesity and keeps eating peanut butter and banana snacks, 700 calorie coffees and cookies the size of her head. As a gay man I feel safe saying that I have been called a f**, f*****, or c******** or something similar as many if not more times as Whit has been called some fat shaming word and I have to worry about actual physical hate crimes that come along with those word. Yeah, some people are nasty animals, sometimes it hurts. Actually it happened a few weeks ago as I was sitting at a bar with some friends on the patio, guy drove by in a car, rolled the window down and screamed "F****** F******s" and we laughed it off. There will always be mean people in this world and yet in three years, hundreds of hours of filming we have seen Whit allegedly harassed twice and both of them felt really unbelievable, like almost all of us in this forum were incredulous that they were not planned by the producer. For Whit it seems very much like "fat shaming" means facing the realities of her addiction or uncomfortable truths about her size, mobility and health and for that I say tough shit, put on some fucking pants like the job requires quit, it's like an alcoholic arguing that they should be allowed to drink beer during the work day against corporate rules because otherwise they get the DTs.
  3. Sure, I completely agree with that but it doesn't apply to Whitney at all, at this point Whitney has eaten herself into physical disability and beyond normal societal accommodations for even the really obese. She is an out of control addict that is killing herself and any support for the path she is going through is doing a great disservice to her.
  4. That's the thing, I totally get that as a society we are probably to hard on women for their weight issues, I know there are many women that get dumped on and lectured about their weight because they are unattractively fat, not unhealthily fat and a lot of time that lecturing gets wrapped in false concerns about their health, that's a legitimate issue but... GURL YOU CAN'T WEAR SHOES OR PANTS! And not because they don't make them in your size, it's because you are disabled by your obesity. Listen, I get it, you have an addiction, it's slowly killing you, that's awful and I'm very sympathetic, we really don't have a good understanding about addiction, Whitney, unfortunately may very well eat herself to death and it won't be her fault, it sucks but shut the hell up about loving your obesity or how fabulous you are, or that you don't have a weight problem, or what a great dancer you are or that you don't eat that much, I'm really tired of seeing an addict kill herself while saying everything is just great. Admit you have a problem and try and deal with it and I will be sympathetic regardless of your success at dealing with it but in the words of Judge Judy, "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining".
  5. I think it is just the sheer volume of pizza she is ordering, regulars get noticed, every Friday I go meet friends at a bar and every Monday I meet friends at another bar for happy hour after work, the bartenders know my name, they know my drink, establishments know regular customers. This does not bother me because I know that the bartender doesn't think I am a raging alcoholic because I have two vodka sodas on Monday after work, I'm not trying to hide anything. The problem is Whitney is an addict and she knows it, she knows she shouldn't have ordered that cookie, she knows she is eating too much pizza but like most addicts she thinks she has as all fooled, that she really doesn't eat that much, that it's a mystery why she is 400 pounds, that is her entire thing, that she just happens to be fat and that's OK, that it has nothing to do with her shoveling crap into her face constantly, but that's the thing, she has to keep the charade up, she can't admit this is all her own fault and her intense narcissism makes the problem even worse. But the pizza guy will know she is ordering a large pizza every night, it doesn't matter if he cares or not, someone knows that she is super morbidly obese because she is eating too much god damn pizza. It's the same reason she wouldn't photograph her food, in her mind she wants us to believe that we don't know what is going on, not because we care but because she would know she wasn't fooling us any longer.
  6. Whitney preaches a message with very valid points for people that are not her, she has convinced herself that she has a normal weight problem, that she is in the same category as people that are merely aesthetically unpleasing by societal standards when in reality she is the equivalent of a homeless person passed out from alcohol at 2PM on the sidewalk thinking that they are someone that has a few too many beers a few too many times on the weekend but everything is fine because things are going great at work, they just got a promotion and it's not every weekend.
  7. Have we already forgotten about her eating a pint of ice cream in her car and crying that she is "just so hungry?" or that she bought a giant cookie because she ate all the "healthy" bars that her trainer suggested she keep in her car instead of getting fast food? 3 pizza apps, Starbucks, banana and peanut butter snacks, Whit is an addict and like all addicts she tries to hide her addiction. She honestly thinks she has us all fooled, that she eats just like a thin person and the weight just magically appears because of her PCOS and her body type. She wanted booze and a buffet at the intervention on her health! I can't decide how much of this is Whit lying to herself and how much is Whit being an out of control addict and thinking she has us all fooled, she injured herself crossing the street with great difficulty, she couldn't support herself on skis, she passed out at the "dancathon" and as we have seen she is not an intense or even good dancer. The saddest thing to me is Whit is now disabled by her obesity, she is physically incapable of handling her basic care needs like showering or wearing shoes or walking a short distance, she is physically disabled because of her obesity, that should scare the hell out of anyone in her situation but she is justifying it and saying it is not only OK but that she is exceptional because she can pretend to dance or that she wasn't seriously injured trying to use skis after half a dozen people needed to intervene because she couldn't support her own weight on them nor get them off. Whit is probably going to end up on a scooter permanently and then maybe bedbound, if she can justify her current weight disability it's a very short leap to needing a scooter because of a "dancing injury" that somehow never heals. I'm afraid Whit is a lost cause, she doesn't want to change, she is perfectly fine with being being physically disabled by her obesity, worst of all she has turned her entire feelings of self-worth into justifying how fine it is to be physically disabled by her obesity. In a few short years she will be wearing a sheet in bed, and having Buddy bringing her the pizza she ordered from her 3 pizza apps and wondering out loud why her "dancing injury" won't heal but it's fine because she can still move her arms and there are paraplegics so her situation is really not that bad when you think about it.
  8. Finally got around to watching this and really my only two thoughts come down to she looks like she has put on more weight, like 50 pounds and I really think her friends and family are just done with her. As my mother used to say about my grandmother who was an abusive alcoholic in her final years "I'm just going to love her up to heaven". Whitney is a delusional, abusive narcissist who has no desire to change the fact that she has eaten herself to near immobility, they can't force her to change, she has already decided this is OK, she will hurt her ankle and will move to a scooter for the rest of her life before she knows it and will justify it too. Unfortunately she has found her meal ticket, TLC is paying her not to change her life, she apparently has found a life on the speaker circuit to tell other people her life is just great, what are her friends and family supposed to do? They have said their peace so they can choose to be a part of her life which is basically this TV show now or they can cut her out and Whitney will continue to do this show as long as TLC wants to keep it on the air and Whitney will have a "fabulous" move to Charlotte or wherever with a whole new cast of (paid) characters where she continues pursue her "dance career" or accessorizing her Rascal or whatever.
  9. I know a couple like this, as far as anyone can tell they just absolutely thrive on being miserable, they basically go out of their way to be unhappy, if there was a room in their house that they didn't like the color of and they got an insurance check to repaint it because of a water leak or something they would color match the old paint just so they could bitch about it. I don't get it but they have been together for a long time so I assume something is working when I'm not forced to be around them.
  10. I'm just finishing up the episode and gurrrll, you wanted to marry him? This guy that is clearly not that interested in you? This useless lump? If that is what you were seriously thinking you don't love yourself. Stop trying to save the world from body shaming if you don't even have your own house close to in order.
  11. Seriously, I mean that is even more out of control than weight and PCOS, guys do not have any control over how firm their nipples are, what the hell Whit?
  12. I grew up in a affluent household and housekeeper poaching happened all the time between families, in fact our maid for years and still a dear family friend started off just helping out off her full time job with a neighbor and family friend with us and she was working for us full time within a few months. It's a weird crazy thing with families that a full time maid(s), rumors start when someone's maid picks up a hush-hush "helping out" gig with another family, it's really an audition and and an indication that the maid wants to change jobs maybe for money but probably other reasons as well. It's seriously a thing and one that makes people very bitter, Zoila and Jeff both knew what they were doing, Jeff was poaching her from the start and neither Jeff nor Zoila wanted her previous employer to know beforehand. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission when stealing a good maid.
  13. I guess it depends on the nebulous idea of "shame", doesn't it? I have family members that I know have racist "feelings" but they know to keep their damn mouths shut in anything but trusted company to not let it leave the room because they know it would be shameful to express those ideas in public. I could have said two dozen cuttingly mean things to the friends of friends that I was having drinks with last night which was my want but it would have been shameful for me to do so, I strive to be a better person than that. Shame is not necessarily a bad thing, I would argue it is an overall good thing. We all have thoughts and decisions we are shameful of, life is trying to find the middle of compassion, tolerance, empathy, and personal urges and irrational prejudices while walking the tightrope of social and behavior norms to get along as a society. Whit should feel shame for buying that giant cookie and filling her car with coffee flavored sugar water, a normal person feels shame quite frequently, I feel shame for not holding the elevator for my neighbor the other day, I feel shame for not taking my dogs on a long walk yesterday because I really wanted to go to happy hour, I feel shame that I drank way too much at happy hour, shame is part of the human condition, we all make mistakes and we are supposed to feel bad about them, that is how we improve. No, Whit shout not be demeaned, belittled, or treated poorly for the body she is in because of her addiction, but no, you don't get a fucking pat on the back for eating only part of a giant cookie and wearing shoes for 10 minutes, Whit wants a participation parade for not being bedridden because of her obesity at this point. Yeah, Whit should feel bad about buying that cookie, Whit should feel bad that she can't wear shoes, Whit should feel bad that she can't even follow through with her commitment to take a photo of the food that she eats because she doesn't want her trainer to know it was a plate of cupcakes. Sorry Whit, you should be ashamed of what you are doing to yourself, all the body positivity in the world doesn't make a bit of a difference if you can't fucking wear shoes because you inhaled a cake between eating a quart of ice cream and 8 inch cookie. I feel compassion, Whit needs help, she is obviously not in control of her emotional and physical well being but that doesn't mean she shouldn't feel bad about her decisions.
  14. I just want a satisfying answer as to what exactly Whit does all day, a 1 day internship is not a job, a 1 day dance class for 20~ people is not a job and as far as I can tell it's not even a real class, it's never been listed on the dance studio's schedule even though she is listed as an instructor, she has no speaking schedule listed on her NBS website, as far as I can tell NBS is not a registered charity, her NBS website has not resources, it's just all about Whitney. It appears that Whitney and NBS and MBFL is basically Whit just making excuses for being a disabled fat celebrity. Basically all this show is at this point is Whit just being an addict being enabled well past rock bottom. As a socially active gay man in his 30's in a major city believe me, I get the absolutely toxic culture of body shaming but It's not that airline seats are uncomfortable, you can't fit into oversized restaurant chairs, it's not that Forever 21 doesn't carry your size, it's that Lane Bryant doesn't carry your size. Gurl, you can't even wear shoes, literally, you can't wear shoes. I fully support the idea of not shaming people's bodies, we absolutely do have a body image stereotype completely divorced from modern science of a "healthy" weight that is toxic but Whit has eaten herself into disability and getting fatter by the day, it's like saying we shouldn't shame people with acne that have full health coverage for not going to the dermatologist because people with bad psoriasis have bad skin too. Actually it's worse than that, it's like saying people with horrible meth addiction shouldn't be shamed for their bad skin because people have bad psoriasis. Get help Whit, you have an addiction that is killing you, you are not someone that just doesn't fit into conventional weight standards, you are not fat, you are not obese, you are an out of control addict. If Whit fully admitted her addiction and the harm it is causing her I would fully support her even if she never lost a pound, addictions are terrible and I believe there are many degrees of addiction that can or can not be treated. It's awful, it kills me that there are some people that can go to AA to deal with their alcohol addiction on their own volition and some that are going to drink themselves to death and there is nothing even the most loving and caring loved ones with all the resources in the world can do about it, that is such our understanding of addiction. But that is not who Whit is, she is just an incredibly enabled out of control addict at best, at mostly likely worst, one being egged on as a circus sideshow. I've said it before and I will say it again and again, this is gross, shame on you TLC, this is a real human being, at this point the entire premise of the show is beyond fucked up.
  15. Thoughts: 1. Alistair theory, it's the breeder's pig that she intends on using for breeding after using him for show drama, that's why he isn't fixed and they won't fix him. 2. I knew Whit wouldn't pick Katie because of this high school bullshit but of course she picks the black trans-woman and the white woman that wasn't Katie, so transparent. 3. Whit talking about how advanced other dancers are and her dance "career", I have yet to see any dancing skill from Whit, she can't even lift her legs, she teaches what, one, casual "dance" class a week for a dozen students who are completely unskilled and not pursuing dancing beyond a casual class? This show is really pathetic, I can't even feel bad for Whit at this point.
  16. The room and floor that they are about to demo?
  17. I highly doubt it was very valuable if they were taking it down in that manner, they probably needed a scissor lift to take it down properly and someone trained to do so along with transporting it to the site and back, if it was going to become a whole expensive operation it's easy to see the owners just saying just get it down, if it breaks it breaks. I'm not a chandelier expert but I am sure it's not a Baccarat chandelier or anything and I bet Jeff or one of his associates has a pretty good idea of the value of the chandelier and it was decided that it just wasn't worth the effort to deal with reselling it vs the cost to make sure it came down in perfect/good condition. Actually unless it is an antique or something special like a Baccarat it's easy to imagine that there is in fact zero market for used chandeliers, where would the markets for people penny pinching on a major and long term fixture and needing a massive chandelier even intersect?
  18. It's not even just the Whit was shoveling in cupcake, it was the amount of cake she was putting into her mouth in one bit. It's a tasting, not a food eating contest, taste the cake, small bite, appreciate the flavor and texture. She wasn't tasting anything, she was trying to get as much cake into her body in as little time as possible, there was no way she was appreciating what she was eating.
  19. I don't know that Lenny is a plant, maybe he just just really has as much of an unappealing personality as he appears to have in the show, wants a girlfriend or at least wants a girl, any girl, to think she is his girlfriend for whatever reasons and likes that TLC is writing him a check. I know many people in trainwrecks of relationships just because they want to be in a relationship, this one just comes with a TLC paycheck.
  20. I'm guessing the chandelier was trash and they took it down that way with the owner's permission for entertainment value. Didn't she say at one point that they could just drop it?
  21. It's beyond morbidly obese, she was morbidly obese 200 pounds ago, at this point she is disabled by her obesity, she can't even engage in basic self care. It's honestly very sad to say again it's feeling gross to watch this spectacle of a pathetic woman killing herself with with this kind of delusion. TLC is taking advantage of her.
  22. Right which is always the rub with body positivity/fat acceptance. Yeah, it's true, we have a culture that is often too harsh on people that are aesthetically overweight but probably suffering from little to no physical ailments because of their weight and people like Whitney who are literally hundreds of pounds overweight and disabled do to their obesity try and group themselves in with them. Whitney is disabled do to her obesity, period, she needs to have a reality check that she is in fact disabled at this point. And that's fine I guess, if that is the way she wants to live her life that is her choice but she needs to understand that at this point she is just an episode of my 600 lb life with a cheerier title and soundtrack.
  23. Last confirmed weight was 387, right? She is obviously quite a bit larger than that, she's at least in the 400s. I mean this is really, really sad honestly, she is one minor injury away at this point from being bed ridden/scooter bound permanently if she doesn't get her food intake under control.
  24. Jesus, she looks like she has put on another 50-100 pounds since the current episode. I just started catching up on this after hate watching last season and I can't even really hate watch this season because she is so pathetic. I'm not a fan of the fat acceptance movement but she at least seemed kind of like a sympathetic character in it at the start of the show, now, honestly this show is starting to feel gross, we are basically watching a pathetic, mean, delusional, lonely, manipulative, insecure narcissistic bully eat herself into immobility. It's basically like watching Penny from My 600 lb life before she gave up on being ambulatory. I mean seriously this show is incredibly depressing now, I don't even know the motive of it anymore because I don't know how anyone could watch it and not think Whit is just a really, really sad person dancing figuratively and literally for our entertainment.
  25. OK so Hank saves Boris's life multiple times, been one of his most trusted confidants and he allows his bumbling but somehow overall competent hospital administrator full access of his $100 estate with full staff and Hank apparently nothing? I mean I guess this satisfactorily ties up all the loose ends but come on, at the beginning of the series Boris was giving Hank a gold bar for saving a random party goers life and at the end of the series he is basically paying his annoying, half-incompetent brother millions of dollars a year and his offer to Hank is to be his third-wheel?
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