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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I'm just trying to understand why she feels such an obligation to be told? They aren't in any kind of relationship, fake or otherwise anymore, I didn't call up my ex to announce my engagement, why does she think she would be informed?
  2. I was thinking the same thing, the devastating news is, a healthy child was born? Was she hoping for a miscarriage?
  3. Did anyone else notice that Ashley, who is almost as fat at Whitney and Buddy didn't seem to be struggling like at all with that "hike" and I was waiting for the team of Sherpa to show up with a crane and a truck full of rigging equipment to get her over a 6 inch high obstacle? My god it seems like they did everything short of rubbing her with a barrel of Crisco/Swiss Navy and dragging her up the waterfall with rope.
  4. There was the son of a family friend who claimed he was straight but every time he got drunk he would sexually assault me knowing I was an out gay man. Not looking for sympathy, it was basically kissing me and grabbing my genitals, I am not traumatized by it now, or at the time, even though in the time of Me Too I understand it was legit sexual assault even though I found it more annoying than anything. Anyways, I was with the daughter of another family friend with him, a very overweight woman that I have never known to have a romantic partner, even to this day, we are both in our late 30s. He was blackout drunk, she was trashed, I was tipsy after leaving some club in Las Vegas, where, again, had repeatedly grabbed at my penis and forcibly kissed me multiple times as a "joke", as he would always claim. Anyways, we were taking him up to his hotel room and all of a sudden she turned into crazed hornball, I had to kick her out his hotel room because I legit thought that she was going to rape this man who couldn't stand without assistance and was clearly more interested in having gay sex with me while drunk than getting with her, a woman, drunk or sober he had shown absolutely no interest in. I remember that night so vividly, just oh my god this incoherent "straight" man who regularly sexually assaulted me and clearly wanted to have sex with me is about to be raped by this lonely fat woman WHO KNOWS that while drunk was exclusively interested in trying to have sex with men and not any woman. I, for obvious reasons, don't have any contact with either one of them and haven't in quite awhile, I just wanted to share how I genuinely and vividly believe their crossing of the "fleshhold' went. Some sad drunk woman literally trying to strip the clothes off a unconscious closeted gay man and do, I don't even know what, suck on his flaccid penis as he slept? I honestly to this day wonder what was going through her mind at the time besides it obviously being rape.
  5. I finally attempted to resume this episode while cooking dinner and gave up. “We all have to wear masks, unless we are in water!” How does water prevent viral transmission?” ‘Buddy should have asked me about having a guest in my house!” It’s not your fucking house, you are a renter and if you are following any rental agreement or tenant law that I have ever seen, based on what you have presented Buddy has every right to that property that you do, unless your landlord wants to evict him. God what a controlling horrid person.
  6. Just imagine thinking that way. I'm reminded of how my now husband's ex-partner, who cheated on him multiple times and left him for one of the people he cheated with announced that he had "reservations" about our relationship when we first got together. Well dear, I am reserving the right to tell your cheating ass, who devastated my husband when you left, to shut your goddamn mouth and let us, two employed, functional, middle-aged adults to make our own fucking decisions on how we want to live our lives and will not entertain one minute of your non-sense. We were together for like a year, living together when he made a big show about how he was wrong about us and we clearly make each other very happy and that he officially approved of our relationship. Honey, we live together, we have been in a committed relationship for a year after years of friendship, kindly sit down,, we did not ask for, need or want your approval.
  7. She drives an SUV so it's an open hatch to the back. Lots of people put dogs back there because it is air conditioned and heated and a large flat spot where the dog can curl up and also not scratch the leather. The dog is probably perfectly happy back there:
  8. It's the desperation to find a man and have a baby that is so sad. I get that companionship and sex are nice and all that, but a man can't fix you. Get your life in order, there isn't anyone that isn't broken that would want to be a part of the Whitney shitshow, two broken people don't lead to a happy life, once you stop being a pathetic mess you will find someone that isn't also a pathetic mess that wants to be two individually functionally people that works better as a team.
  9. Is it just me that that feels concerned that Whit takes such joy in dealing with her feelings in acts of senseless violence and destruction of property? Honey, you aren't Taylor Swift, you are supposed to understand that she was fucking nuts in that music video.
  10. Whit's fans are crazy and desperate and social media harassment is very much a thing that ruins people's lives when the person that they think it is being done for is marginally famous. I don't doubt for one second that Whit's swarm of morons has been engaging in extreme harassment of Chase.
  11. Her wanting "closure", like everything Whitney thinks relationships are transactional. What do you want Whit, him to admit that it was all fake so he could get paid to be on TV to promote his bar and his best friend's business? Sorry Whit, he didn't love you, nothing else left to say, it was all made up for TV. There is your "closure" Whitney, you happy now? You don't get a baby as a parting gift.
  12. My first year wedding anniversary was in August, so I have now spent more time in quarantine with my husband than not. I figure if our first year we can survive a pandemic, it should be smooth sailing for the rest of our marriage lol.
  13. Quarantine, working from home, no outside distractions, from what I have seen COVID is accelerating the demise of a lot of relationships that were already limping along. Spending the rest of your life together sounds like a nice abstract when you aren't spending every moment together trapped in a box.
  14. Buddy being the sense of reason, wow. "Plenty of fat women have happy marriages." YES! THEY DO! I KNOW THEM! Maybe you would find more luck finding a partner if once they looked past your weight the only thing there wasn't an awful personality desperate for any kind of attention, even if it means humiliating yourself.
  15. "Do you love her?" "Yes." "Did you ever love me? "Well, yeah, uh, um, I still care about you Whitney." I care about my lime tree and when we were getting close to a freeze recently my husband asked me if I wanted to wrap it and I was just like, whatever happens happens. People use strong and more forceful words to describe their love of throw pillows, much less friends, family, pets and romantic partners. God this is so sad, he can't even pretend for TV anymore.
  16. I loved the "If my mom had been able to stay with me". Honey, you mom did not have pressing obligations, your own mom was sick of your shit and left. How sad for you. And why is Buddy delivering groceries to her? There are grocery delivery services that you can use.
  17. I've been working from home since April as are most of the people I know, god knows you can to these things remotely. Hell I was even able to pick up a used pan/tilt/zoom HD video conferencing camera pulled out of some office conference room for not that much money, we video chat with our friends and family life size on our den 65" TV, these are all things within the realm of the possible if Whit gave a shit, they even make ring lights with iPhone docks for like $100, there you go Whit, NoBS Active right from your living room!
  18. I'm just excited to see her ugly cry.🤣
  19. I'm just trying to understand what Whit thinks is appealing about her regularly making a fool of herself on national TV as far as romantic partner is concerned. Sane people generally don't seek out low level fame whores as romantic partners.
  20. In all this pandemic mess the one thing I have heard from all my other friends in committed relationships is "Whatever else is going on right now, THANK GOD I'm riding this through with my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/husband/wife!" LIke, what is the wedge? We are going through a once in a lifetime crisis, you don't fucking work, you are not having a normal human reaction to this with an actual romantic partner, how is this not obvious and humiliating to you?
  21. She is engaged, but shocked that the suggestion of co-habitation? A grown woman who brags about having sex like that is not a thing that most grown people have experienced? This show, I just, can't even more, even out of snark. I feel like I am given an addict another hit.
  22. Can I just say how much I hate that? I work in an office of about 20 people and every couple of weeks a card treated with a secrecy level normally reserved for the Coke formula. Tom knows he is getting a card and everyone in the office will be obligated to sign it, this isn't the CIA, just leave it by the coffee maker in the kitchen. As for the Whit living situation, do none devoutly religious (arguably independent) adults NOT live together before marriage these days? I thought that was just a thing you sorted out before you walked down the aisle.
  23. I mean this seems like a running theme on this show and sadly for many marriages. "You complete me", my deficiencies are your strengths, we are going to make everything work together, this will be different once we are married! As a married person that wasn't allowed to get married until very recently, I'm a big proponent of marriage. I think I would be an absolute wreck going through the pandemic if I wasn't in a stable marriage with my husband, but the thing is, both people have to be functional adult humans independently before you team up for something better, two drowning people can not save each other.
  24. I was laid off a few years ago and both my parents (Which, BTW, were not supporting me, I was already living with my now husband and was easily able to cover my expenses with unemployment given our cohabitation ) insisted that I need to just storm in the front door of say KPMG and demand to be hired as a manager. Just absolutely convinced that if I just took more initiative a well paying job would just land in my lap because of my moxie. Even after I shortly found new employment my father insisted that if I was to rise in my position, I needed to be the first one in the office every morning and the last one to leave and make sure my boss KNEW IT! I manage a government contract for a non-profit, even pre-COVID I would go DAYS in between seeing my boss, who works on the other side of the campus. My in-laws are insisting similarly about brother-in-law that was recently laid off from his corporate job There seems to be some bizarre fever dream from the 60+ crowd that the 20-40 something white collar worker can just manifest more money by just putting more hours doing work in Excel or pouring over the legislation that defines the role of my contract. Nope, I'm pretty much just an inelastic cost center, my boss pats me on my head once a year in my performance review for not fucking anything up.
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