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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I have a friend in the same age bracket who will go to the grave insisting he acquired HIV through receptive oral sex, which is not a thing, like, to my knowledge there hasn't even been a documented case of it, although it is theoretically possible, possibly. And the thing is, it's not like he has a reputation to uphold like being a safer sex pillar of the community, everyone knows he would fuck anything that moved back in the 90s, half the time black out drunk. We roll our eyes and move on.
  2. I don't think they over-exaggerated the car accident at all, 1. he could have easily died in it, might have extensive rehabilitation and lifelong PTSD. 2. He totaled a stolen car that he was driving illegally while drunk. That is not a youthful lashing out, those are very serious crimes that could have very serious consequences for both him and his parents. So no, it's not just two broken bones, at a minimum it is going to be a serious legal inquiry and likely legal charges that could put him in juvenile detention if not tried as an adult. Also, as a married gay man, no, I don't buy Anthony thinking that was OK to say, one of the most infuriating things, and thankfully, they have had the decency to not drag sex acts into it, is straight people suggesting as gay married men, one of us must be taking the "female" role, not just sex but in things like emotional labor and household work.
  3. Not just talk about Miranda, repeatedly trash her, in public. Remember, in this timeline, Che has a close friendship with Carrie independent of Miranda, Che should know that a comedy set just repeatedly bashing one of their friends closest and oldest friend is absolutely disgusting and uncalled for. Carrie's response absolutely should not have been, you and Che need to get along at my party, it should have been reading Che the riot act and telling them they are no longer invited to the party and that she is seriously is seriously reconsidering them having a friendship at all. My ex I will fully admit was a shit-stirring pill, he still can be, he also had wonderful qualities that others sometimes didn't see and I would be absolutely livid if one of my friends started bashing him in public. Same with my husband's ex, what he did to my husband I would fully consider unforgivable, but my husband forgave him, he is part of our life and I wouldn't dare share how awful he was to my husband at the end of their relationship. Also, in this world and despite the confusing working the front desk at a vet office, isn't Che supposed to be kind of famous and it is likely that someone would be able to identify the ex they were referring to. Just disgusting behavior.
  4. Someone in the other thread also mentioned caring or an aging partner and the limitations that may bring, you have to remember, AIDS is very much part of a lot of our lived experience, caring for partners in declining health is just, unfortunately, very normalized in our community. Even today I see, well, it's hard to describe to someone outside of the 40+ gay community, in the 90s there was a lot of deep aromantic partnerships that formed with people that both very much reasonably thought one or both of them were going to die soon of AIDS. There were a lot of people that were saved by just months of certain death by new treatments. Even with these treatment, many of these people suffered from severe complications and their partners stuck around, now many of these people are entering the final stage of life because of age and disability and the partners are still around. There is also this kind of a thing in the gay community, especially in the aging population, of like extreme BFFs where they are no longer romantically or sexually involved but have a deep co-habituating household partnership. Again, to sum up something really complicated, when you aren't under pressure in your 20s to marry and have children and society already looks at your "lifestyle" and relationships with destain and revulsion, it really gives kind of a permission structure to just do whatever makes you happy and happy can mean a lot of things outside of the heteronormative relationship structure.
  5. I think it is big part of it, but in a more complicated way. There is much less pressure to have to have children, with family, society and peers, for many gay people having children is an expensive and complicated process so it both self-selects for much more socially and financially stable couples in general and couples that REALLY want children. I do think the large age gaps are partly because of the child factor, but also I think that when having children is no longer a societal pressure you start to arrange your life in a way that prioritizes other things and you start casting a wider social net for potential partners and age becomes less a factor than lifestyle and lifestyle can mean a lot of things. I mean, I kind of even hate to say this because the gay community is already viewed as over-sexualized, but just an example, my husband's ex-partner (Who we are still good friends with) wanted an open-relationship, a more one-sided open relationship, one that he could flaunt on his partner. And his now husband kind of has a flare for the dramatic and a bit of a princess complex which he is willing to indulge, and his husband is OK with the one sided sexual openness that he is willing to indulge. They are completely compatible even with the age difference. I guess the best way to put it, there is a lid for every pot, without the pressure to marry and have children quickly, my experience is that gay men are more willing to wait around for the tightest fitting lid and that lid can be significantly younger or older.
  6. Is it just me or is Aiden just completely obnoxious all the time? I just can't see Carrie being happy with someone who is so constantly extraverted and over the top, I just don't see him fitting in with the kind of people she socializes with. As for Anthony, it is EXTREMELY common for there to be big age gaps between partners. Plus the guy is almost 30, like, it's not like Anthony would look like he was preying on the naivety of someone that hasn't made some decisions about their life, by his age it's not shocking that he might be attracted to the stability of Anthony and his social circle, Anthony is not ugly, he owns a business, is socially well connected. Yeah, there is an age gap but not so much one where they are fundamentally in different life phases. And again, this kind of thing is extremely common in the gay community and not even exclusive to wealthy well connected gays. I'm just thinking about our gay married couple friends, I honestly may be the closest age to my husband at 9 years apart.
  7. None of it makes any sense just on surface, this company has no accounting department, the only person that knows their financial state but the director of sales. It's like the whole thing was written by gay theater kids using ChatGPT. Just dreadful, what I hated most of it, as a very openly gay person with a very diverse friend group, it made me feel homophobic. It is just too much.
  8. My takeaway is Chris likes the idea of being viewed as so cool, progressive and open minded that yeah, of course he would be with a trans woman, he probably brought it up all the time, will probably continue to bring it up going forward when this doesn't work out, but he can't get over his transphobia so he wants to make it out to be, I was rejected by this trans woman, it wasn't me, I was totally into her, she just kicked me to the curb.
  9. Without getting into some religious debate, yeah, there is a lot a someone that is a devout convert to Catholicism could find incredibly appealing about being in a relationship with a native Israelite Catholic that has nothing to do with anything but those factors.
  10. I consider myself 100% gay, married to another guy, no sexual attraction to women whatsoever. I've had sex with women before and while I consider it extremely unlikely that I would have sex with a woman again, it's not like I didn't not enjoy it. Also, I've had sex with a straight guy before, 100% have no reason to believe he is anything but 100% straight identified, we were at a party, had a couple of drinks but were absolutely sober enough to consent, started with some straight girl daring him to have sex with a guy, saying she would have sex with him if he had sex with one of the gay guys at the party, everyone was laughing about it, before I knew it things had escalated to, wait, all three us are actually willing to go through with this and we were having sex, girl kept her end of the deal and I quietly excused myself because it was very clear he was very much into having sex with her and very much not into it with me. Anyways, I am so over this show, I don't understand anything that is happening. I mean, seriously, there is like zero story arc, I don't understand how any of the characters fit together, none of them have any chemistry with each other, I'm just watching completely two dimensional characters play dress up. edit: I originally wrote that post at work and want to expand a bit, it is incredibly common for 100% straight and gay identified people to engage in sexual relationships with both men and women and not consider themselves bisexual and assuming they must be gay or straight or bi identified is really prejudiced, sometimes to a really harmful degree. I work in public health and around HIV, professionally, we absolutely do not use gay to define sexual relationships, we use MSM or Men who have Sex with Men. There is a statically significant portion of men at risk of HIV that consider themselves 100% heterosexual that occasionally or even regularly that have sex with other men, sometimes sex is just, sex. We don't assume that some 20 year old having sex with a their rich 85 year old partner must be a gerontophile or physically incapable of deriving pleasure from the sexual encounters. And I would also note, of Bobby Fine's generation, it was actually not unheard of for even openly gay men to engage in sexual relationships with companionate opposite sex partners because of AIDS.
  11. There was one throw away line about how Curtis is filming the 5th episode of his show, his TV show go picked up. Curtis is about to be a more famous out gay actor than Cary and it is going to really break him.
  12. Do any of these people, work? Like can they give a coherent explination of their job functions besides "I sell real estate!" I know it is reality TV and all that, but could they at least pretend to do any actual work? Like, make a copy on occasion? Plug in their laptop?
  13. Also, nailing the "do gooder" industry, I work in a professional position in a field of, well, think providing housing to refugee widowed mothers with special needs children and while I do feel personally fulfilled by the position, dear lord the baggage that comes with it outside of the job socially. Like, seriously, they do pay me to do it, I'm a professional with health insurance, retirement matching, an office and drive a nice car, I'm not a martyr judging your job.
  14. They mentioned at one point "contractually obligated", which is something that very much can be the case, especially as a lot of the value of P! is her association, the investors/partners in the network could in fact require a security detail for investment and/or insurance reasons. It's actually not uncommon for corporate boards to put security requirements in for top executives that if a security incident occurred with them it could potentially harm the company financially (i.e. hurt the stock price).
  15. I married for my first and hopefully only time in my mid 30s to someone in their mid 40s and every time we started even thinking about a wedding, things would just snowball so quickly into spending thousands and thousands of dollars. We were both already established in our independent lives, did not want to be the center of attention and if anything our financial goals were shifting towards retirement, not a party. So, we had our parents and two of our best friends attend a courthouse ceremony, we were married in jeans and polo shirts and then had a party at our house with a few dozen of our closest friends that was absolutely not a wedding reception, we had just happened to have been married a few hours earlier and there just happened to be a cake and sparkling wine. Best decision that we ever made, no one felt obligated to bring a gift, no one felt left out of the ceremony, the two friends that were there were ostensibly only to take photos (They weren't, but that was the cover), I think the whole thing, I mean, everything, marriage license, cake, wine, party supplies, came in at well under $1,500 and I would do the same thing all over again, we couldn't have been more happy with how it turned out.
  16. I thought it was well understood that HoE was not "designing" any clothing or manufacturing any clothing, but importing clothing from Asia and "branding it" Their "office" was clearly not "their" office, I'm pretty certain that it is just a business that will source and then screen print, embroidery and sew in labels for anyone that wants a vanity clothing business.
  17. I'm so confused about this "twin wedding" drama, 1. They are already married, 2. She is not even in a relationship, much less engaged, why would there be a twin wedding?
  18. I was at an event that one of the Real Housewives show was filming at. Can confirm, they were at the "event" but spent almost all of the event shooting in a complete separate, roped off area and had a "fight" in one of the open areas where they were all laughing and having fun and then as soon as the camera started rolling they where having this huge, over the top dramatic "fight", filming would stop and it was all laughs again and then have another take of the "fight". Frankly it was really disgusting, the CEO of the charity that it was for really regretted agreeing to it, he was a good friend of mine and said it was a huge mistake, that he didn't understand what he was agreeing to with regards to their behavior at the event and just thought it would help bring attention to his charity instead of being a giant embarrassment.
  19. Does she though? Her concept of having a baby seems to be that you connect them to an Amazon Alexa and sleep 10 hours a day.
  20. How many times did they go on and on and on about how scandalous it was that Twit and Lenny would be "sharing a hotel room" and it turned out to be a villa where they would have completely separate rooms? Also, we know the thing with Lenny is completely scripted because otherwise he would have one hell of a sexual harassment claim against her.
  21. No, I agree. When things started getting serious between me and my now husband I was very clear, we are breaking this off now if you want children, I cannot get more emotionally invested in this relationship over a non-negotiable like that. Now we have two dogs and two cats and that is are absolute limit to things in our home that we don't have absolute control over, lol. I actually posited to my therapist awhile back that maybe I shouldn't have been so rash to foreclose on the idea of children, it now being far to late in our lives to really reconsider. I have never felt better than when she said I would not be a good parent and I absolutely should have not had children.
  22. See, I hate that attitude, I absolutely know I am not equipped to raise a child mentally, I would be an awful parent. And all of my peers my age with young children complain constantly about how awful it is. Oh, sure, they talk up the good stuff and say it is totally worth it, but the chaos sounds like my personal hell. If Bilal does not want a child, and he clearly does not, he should not have one.
  23. Why did she need someone to cook and clean for her? Her mother had and has full time care.
  24. I was thinking the same thing, Todd looks like he has lost a lot of weight. Since he was already pretty slim it's not as noticeable but he is starting to get a sickly gaunt appearance. I think that is this, we are in our own bubble here all hate watching this show, but something that you have to keep in mind is there are a significant number of really pathetic people that really do think Whit is living a fabulous life and are invested in a parasocial relationship with her. My husband and me used to have this borderline stalker that thought we had the most glamorous life in the world because we had people that genuinely enjoyed our company and were in a LTR. He once told my husband that it was was completely unfair that he had two relationships (We are still friends with his ex) because he was older than us and had never had one before and that he wanted to "steal our happiness"
  25. From what they have shown of her parents, I suspect they are very well prepared for retirement and there is a good chance they had long term care insurance. I had an older friend who passed earlier this year, was the CEO of a smaller non-profit, when he retired 2 years before his death in his early 70s was making around $150k a year and had on the high-end of $2m in retirement savings. You would never know it, he lived in a modest home, although full of fine things in a nice area, drove a modest car. All of his family lived into their late 80s-early 90s, an honestly, he probably would have to if it wasn't for cancer and was financially prepared to.
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