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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I'm constantly amazed at how much strife seems universal in heterosexual relationships seems to revolve around men refusing to engage in household physical and emotional labor because they are men and men don't do that. Like, the idea that two men could have a happy marriage and a clean and organized house just seems unfathomable to them. Honey, for the 1000th time neither of us is the "woman", we divided up the needs of our household fairly and equitably years ago, we honestly do not have any conflict over who does the dishes, the laundry and takes out the trash.
  2. "Normal", so is it all gay men that you find not "normal" or is it just the ones that you think are too effeminate? Like, exactly how prissy can you think I am before you think I am a unworthy freak?
  3. There is nothing wrong with being a prissy gay man, frankly we would be a lot better off with more "prissy" men than the toxic masculinity bullshit that we are dealing with now.
  4. It's just, weird, to make it a point. Like, I know the passcode to my husband's phone, just like I know the PIN to his debit card. I'm no more likely to go rummaging through his emails, phone calls and text messages than I am to use his debit card to buy a BMW convertible when he sleeps in on the weekend. Chose better partners, this is just pathetic.
  5. So about House of 11... It, doesn't seem to actually exist. It has an address in LA in the LA Apparel Mart but it's claimed suite number doesn't seem to actually exist, from what I can tell the offices suites appear to be labeled with the floor number as part of the suite number (common) but their suite starts with 10 but the building only appears to have 9 floors and the Darcy and Stacy seem to have no real connection to LA, it's weird that you would put your clothing business on the other coast from you. Like, let's pretend that they legitimately opened a real clothing company, why would you base it in LA when you live in Connecticut and not the fashion capital of the US, New York. There are people that live in Connecticut and commute to NYC for work daily. I may be wrong but my hunch is their clothing business is really a company that slaps their logo on whatever random stuff they source, not a business that actually designs products and has House of Eleven inventory. Does anyone believe that House of Eleven is managing shoe inventory?
  6. Not just croissants, perfectly baked, flaky croissants the size of your head. And cornucopia of beautiful fruit that you would have to dig to find in a Whole Foods, if you were lucky. Jesus Fucking Christ, they were about to start bitching that the "cresents" weren't fresh out of the oven like Pillsbury and those gorgeous pears weren't even peeled and soft in their sauce.
  7. One of the most important life lessons I have ever learned is never "loan" anything, ANYTHING. Money, a piece of Tupperware, a car, a hoodie, cocaine, lunch money to a co-worker, ANYTHING. There are stores, banks, rental car companies, credit cards, they have other options unless they have been deemed untrustworthy already. Gift, absolutely! I am more than happy to pick up a co-workers lunch, or give someone a tool, or an old Apple Watch, but it is gone. If they value your friendship and they are a trustworthy friend/relative they will return the gift, the actual gift or pick up your lunch, or a cash gift in return of the same amount but it is a gift. Funny side effect is most people seem to feel much worse about accepting a gift, loans seem like a much smaller ask because they express their intention to repay, even if they aren't going to.
  8. Hmp. Well, I personally think it seems very relevant to explaining why a young man in a culture that expects women to be submissive to their husband would be so fixated on being in a relationship with a controlling older woman that can not give him the children expected of him. Oh well.
  9. OK, as a younger person I am afraid I am going to have to explain this, perhaps in too much detail… "Cuck" is a sexual fetish term that has enter the popular zeitgeist fairly recently. It's basically a patriarchal submissive fetish based on the male partner of a woman being sexual aroused by being the submissive partner of a woman. This is, like all fetishes, is often expressed more popularly in extremes. It's anywhere from the male partner knowing that the woman is openly cheating on him with other partners but being unwilling to raise objections that they feel obligated to express, to watching their female partner have sex with other partners in front of them "unwillingly", to extreme versions of being “forced” to perform sex acts on other men "unwillingly" at the orders of their female partner, the ultimate transgression of male dominance over women. Often protest is part of it, it is the transgression of traditional gender roles that is the point, the enjoyment of it is that you don’t feel you should comfortable with it. I actually know a couple kind of like this, although the husband is admittedly bisexual, his wife takes him to gay bars and picks out men that she is attracted to, not ones that he is, and his submissive role in the relationship is to engage in submissive sexual intercourse with them while she watches and directs. If that all sounds very weird, and as a sexually adventurous gay male even I was taken aback when they first explained their relationship to me, that’s the point. Like all dom/sub relationships abuse is never OK, I personally think Ang is abusive, but we don’t know everything. So, yeah, he might actually like this, and his objections might be part of it given the transgressive nature of it in his culture. A young Nigerian man marrying to be the submissive partner to an older white woman that can’t give him children? What a slap in the face to traditional Nigerian culture.
  10. In all fairness Jihoon continues to grossly misrepresent his ability to provide her a large western style apartment to be a stay-at-home mom in South Korea, it's impossible and he knows it.
  11. 1. Have you had a room professionally painted lately? It is shockingly expensive. I mean sure I don't know the labor market in India but I had my old condo repainted several years ago for sale and it was insane. If I didn't want it to look perfect for sale and not wanting to bother spending time painting a house I don't live in a color I didn't like there is no way I would have spent anywhere close to what it cost to have it painted. And yes, I got bids. 2. I live in a large liberal city that I grew up in, my wealthy father who isn't even particularly religious, after over a year after being married to another man who I have been with and lived with for years. He has come to every family function over that time and my father still refuses to acknowledge we are married. It's the same with the rest of his siblings and all of my nieces and nephews from his side of the family. As recently as a few months ago a legal document had to be rewritten after repeatedly reminding him that the wrong was on it (I hyphenated my last name with my husband's) and he repeatedly told me it didn't matter. (Yes! It matters! That's not my legal last name and hasn't been for over a year!) My point is, it is far from rainbows and sunshines for gay couples in the US and let's not pretend it is even after our right to marry in the US was recognized, after Mexico BTW.
  12. I get the impression that Dad is fairly successful, like, probably not super yachts and a new G-V but is more than capable of supporting his two adult daughters in relative comfort without issue... I grew up in this world, have either of them considered looking into having a fake career that makes them not look like useless dipshits? Like, if you don't actually need to work there is an entire range of "respectable" "careers" where you don't have to do much or even do it well and still project to the world that you are not a worthless muppet. Handbag designer, owner of a money losing "boutique", part time development associate for a small charity (you throw fucking parties for a living), start an albino ferret rescue, sit on the board of a few non-profits and call yourself a "philanthropist" because you throw them a few grand of Dad's money every year, these and many , many more options are available to you if you don't want the complete summary of "So, what do you do?" to be "Well, I get the check from the trust fund every month and ugly cry when the cheating loser I was online dating from halfway across the world calls me fat."
  13. Funnily enough completely unrelated to the episode because my husband hasn't seen it yet, we were just talking the other day about refinancing our house that he bought for a song pre-gentrification, getting it paid off by 55, spending the next ten years plowing money into savings and retiring in Mexico overlooking the ocean. I think some of this discussion of homosexuality in Mexico is so funny because gay men of comfortable but not extravagant means retiring to Mexico is EXTREMELY COMMON. I seriously doubt this is some crazy leap of faith that Kenny is making just because of Armando, he's probably been planning this for YEARS and knows other gay expats already living there. Maybe his timeline changed because of Armando but what he is doing is not trailblazing homosexuality.
  14. So at least as I understand it the vast majority of apartments in South Korea are rented using a practice called Jeonse or "Key money", basically it's a truly massive deposit often secured by a bank loan based on the total value of the property you are renting. There are places that will rent using systems closer to what we use in the US but it is most common for those properties to be rented to foreign nationals and they still require quite onerous deposits and again, focused on properties rented by foreign nationals (i.e. executives pulling down big salaries). Maybe things have changed some but some quick googling tells me that is still the prevailing rental system in South Korea. Deavan is an idiot if she thinks Jihoon is going to be able to come up with a large western style apartment. Well, I mean an idiot overall but even most idiots can Google how to rent an apartment in South Korea.
  15. Well, he sure seems to have very specific tastes in women with certain car interiors, one that Stacy did not have in her Nissan Maxima before going picking him up:
  16. Re: NoBS Fit Whit at the beginning portrayed the NoBS Campaign like it was a charity meant to empower body positivity. It was not and is not, it was always Whit's for-profit personal marketing brand. So with regards to their meeting on a dating app, bonding over their love of fitness and body positivity, wanting to start a body positive fitness partnership, blah blah bullshit I suspect that from the beginning NoBS Fit was just a straight up business deal to license NoBS that Whit promotes in the interest of her cut of the profits and a desire to license the brand to other entities. Which is to say, I don't think has much say in or even cares how NoBS Fit is run or requirement to participate as long as he writes her a check every month for her cut.
  17. So Mother Paul shows up promising "rice and beans", which can be a hearty, delicious, nutritious meal and it is always a thoughtful gesture to cook for parents of a young child and pulls out a plastic grocery bag which appeared to contain one can of beans and maybe half a pound of rice. Then she enters her child's bug infested, trash filled shack in a trailer park full of trailers most of which look like they maybe should be thrown in a landfill and then she speculates with her unemployed son she won't even allow in her own home that his wife may be unhappy. Yeah, I think she might be.
  18. Or at least learn about your dream! I don't think there is anything wrong with being a bartender, I know a bartender that has been working at the same bar for decades, it's a very large bar, of the years he worked his way up to general manager and pulls down well over six figures and he still bartends 5 days a week (or at least did pre-covid). Being a bartender is a real, well paying career for some people, but not people that apply to a bar, have no idea what kind of bar it is and don't do any research to figure out bar knowledge for that type of bar like how to pour their most popular beer.
  19. Making it? You mean his idea of becoming an opera singer bartender fireman? Yeah, that plan is going about as well as soap making witch doctor. But I believe Tania's mother is a tradesperson which is an in demand career that she could probably provide a huge amount of assistance entering had he not been a lazy drunk that lives in her shed and steals her alcohol. Tanya is much worse both they both suffer from feeling entitled to whatever lifestyle they want doing whatever makes them feel special despite having no special skills, talents, ambition or education. Most people just kind of have jobs that they are ambivalent about. Do you have any idea how many decent jobs there there are are doing things like a clerk in the county register office that require minimal education and you pretty much just need to be a not lazy fuckup to until you collect that sweet, sweet pension? They are actually kind of difficult to fill because no one wants to say they file and make copies for a living.
  20. I was thinking the same thing! "The good news is your cholesterol is great, the bad news is your uterus is riddled with cancer." And did anyone notice in the airport that Tania wasn't wearing her boot and had the crutch on the wrong side and not even using it correctly? God she is exhausting.
  21. She may have a trust fund, it's more common that you might think. I work in the non-profit sector and it is crawling with people not doing their jobs for the money, like, literally they don't need the money, because either a trust fund or a spouse that earns much more money.
  22. So just for reference those Christian healthshare programs are about the closest thing you can get to a legal scam, people pay into them for years, thousands and thousands of dollars and there is absolutely no guarantee of any coverage, some of them seem down right sadistic. Oh, cancer? I feel for you but we talked to your pastor and he says you haven't been to church as often as you should and you didn't buy a cookie at the bake sale, maybe if you had been more godly we could help out financially, but we will sure pray for you!
  23. OK, did anyone follow the fish thing? Aren't they staying at a hotel? They didn't talk about cooking the fish, or bringing it to the parents house to cook, they just said Dracilla wanted a decapitated fish and for some reason that request needed to be obliged. As for the Ethiopian hospital, it did look well equipped except for the fact that, nobody seemed to be giving birth in the hospital, it looked like the entire OB/GYN wing was completely deserted, which seems unusual for a hospital that is set up to regularly deliver children.
  24. Had I missed anything previously or was I the only one that got whiplash from seeing Ericee's living circumstances. I mean first of all, I don't believe he is straight but beyond that, he lives in a minimally furnished cheap looking house with a strange seeming roommate and drives an very old car, Suzuki hasn't even sold cars in the US in almost a decade. I'm all about being frugal but he has always presented himself as very vain and image conscious, so he likely either doesn't have the means or the willingness to support Larissa in the lifestyle she seems to demand.
  25. OK, he was petulantly repeatedly attempting to eat a lemon he obviously found incredibly disgusting, my point still stands regardless of the type of citrus.
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