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Everything posted by AuntieDiane6

  1. Black women will get flak and criticism for whatever they do. If they marry down they get flak for that. PHAEDRA KANDI If they're proud to have a huzzbin, they get flak for that. DeSHAWN If they stay alone, they get flak for that. Double points if they remain childless. KENYA's AUNT If they have kids by themselves, they get flak for that. KENYA's efforts pre-Marc If they're a baby mama, and they later on get married to another man, they get flak for that If they marry a black man on their same level, they get flak for that. I remember Obama's old white girlfriends coming out of the woodwork to say Obama only married Michelle because she was black and having a black wife would help him with votes from black people. NENE If they have a lot of money and choose to remain unmarried to keep her money to herself, they get flak for that. If they have a lot of money and marry a black man and make him your manager to make him feel important and good about himself, they get flak for that. EVA If they marry a non-black man, they get flak for that. I'd add: If they marry a habitual baby daddy, they get flak for that. KANDI with A.J. If they marry a rumored gay man, they get flak. KIM FIELDS No matter what a black woman does with her relationship choices, she's going to get flak for it.
  2. Anyone can make fun of greedy SOBs ... it takes a special genius to make fun of the idealists.
  3. They know! They have MANAGERS and AGENTS who give them notes and tips for the show and its style. And they're PROFESSIONAL ACTORS. They KNOW how to act scared even when they're not.
  4. Please. Oprah got many criticisms: she was too spiritual, she was anti-Christian (when she would have new age guests like Gary Zukav), she was too fat, she lied about everything from her weight to her relationship with Gayle ... and she was parodied in hysterically funny sketches on the Wayans' brothers show, In Living Color. As for Ellen, I think her bits are funny and probably an enjoyable change for the celebrities who know what they're in for ... Her guests are no different from those who dress up in silly costumes for Let's Make a Deal or answer stupid questions on Family Feud.
  5. Well, for heaven's sake, if you KNOW that about yourself, then the last thing in the world you should do is HAVE A CHILD with a woman who you barely know who already has three children with three different men. I know many men who were directionless, hopeless and bitter. You know what straightened them out? BECOMING A FATHER. I've seen many men who started to take a career and their lives a lot more seriously once they realized they were creating an even WORSE childhood for their child otherwise. If he hasn't provided child support, I am sure the state of California will find a job for him.
  6. Didn't she also buy an apartment with that Million Dollar Listing guy? Did that one sell?
  7. The golden ticket is probably based on AGT's Golden Ticket where you don't have to go through the semi-finals to get to the finals (a deal).
  8. Yes, that's what I remember too. I wondered about how to package the knives... whether they supply packaging and what that costs. I really couldn't believe they got all that interest...
  9. AuntieDiane6


    He's a loser. He's not breaking anyone's heart--he continually flubs up. Why do you expect anything more from this choker? Usually he collapses on the easiest element of the routine too. I'm disgusted that the commentators continually make excuses for him. He woke up "and didn't feel awake all day"? I would have laughed him out of the stadium. He has the talent. He needs to go see a sports psychologist or he needs to sit home during major competitions. Or maybe he should practice with the women's team--he alone has more spills, falls and errors than THE ENTIRE WOMEN'S TEAM COMBINED. I don't feel sorry for him. I am disgusted.
  10. I hated that he made the sweeping claim that if he lost, it would be BECAUSE HE WAS CHRISTIAN. What an awful thing to say. Who knew that turd's religion or if he even had one? He's a lousy dancer and a worse liar. And an attention whore who shopped around his own talk show and got NO INTEREST AT ALL.
  11. And it was REALLY GOOD. The only flaw was that Cuba Gooding Jr. was totally miscast. I read the book "Until the Twelfth of Never" and it appears Dan just wanted to move on but Betty was just so bitter that he ended up dealing with a crazy woman. Even now, she could have been out of prison if she just would say she was sorry! Parole keeps getting denied because she won't say it....
  12. The Oscars also have the problem of having too many obscure Sundance winners are vying for the awards. Nobody has seen them and nobody cares who wins among the 5 depressing Holocaust films of the prior year. The last year that people were excited about the Oscars was when TITANIC won. He steals every scene he is in on BARRY. He totally deserved the win. Great idea. BARRY would fit into that category.
  13. I read it and I like--no LOVE--Sandra's confidence. It's great to see women with confidence to win rather than be afraid of being a part of a "girls' alliance" (as so many of the guys call it.)
  14. YES! I sorta love/hate to admit it, but I bought Survivor: SAMOA which was Russell's first season. To see him lose when he clearly expected to win was ... epic. Then I bought Heroes vs. Villains which was filled with so many classic moments. JT giving Russell an idol, followed by Russell and Parvati laughing their heads off at JT's earnest letter ... Parvati shocking Russell with her idol play, Sandra burning Russell's hat and best of all, Sandra winning.
  15. When the kids were swinging at the Piñata, I thought they were trying to hit Braunwyn's mother.
  16. He may be a little glum about looming fatherhood and is trying to get it all the NINJA fun now before the baby. In his earlier packages, he did not look that excited about being a father and his comments seemed very rehearsed.
  17. Does anyone know if Bravo is going to re-run Season 4 in his memory? I would love to hear his, "Did you miss me?" followed by his memorable laugh....
  18. Well, if that is Shane's reasoning .... he is an idiot. He and his wife are on a high-paying REALITY TV SHOW and he's coming off as a dick. How can that possibly benefit his legal career? The OC is filled with a lot of seniors--if that is how he treats HIS OWN PARENTS, how is he going to treat his clients?
  19. She wants to be a grandmother even less. Besides, her face is full of fillers and Botox and she hasn't talked about her homeopathic beliefs in a few seasons now. That might have been her cause when she was a "real" housewife but I don't think she cares now. His first divorce was also against his Mormon values.
  20. None. Girls go on The Pill at 15 for several reasons: 1) to regulate their periods (especially if they're in sports) 2) for acne 3) for birth control. As for the Kelly drama, everyone would have forgotten it by now IF KELLY WOULD STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
  21. Or someone who's transitioning .... like an early Caitlyn Jenner when she was starting with the hormones. I don't know why Beverly Hills doesn't have plastic surgeons who can do facial work that looks MASCULINE.
  22. When I first heard Braunwyn's husband's voice from the other room, I thought it was a gay BFF. And the closer the camera focuses on him, he's not as attractive as I thought last week.... Yikes.
  23. Especially if he can't pitch a "tent" as big as Denise Richard's husband's!
  24. I thought she lived in London with her second husband, Richard. She's talked very nostalgically of those years.
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