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Everything posted by AuntieDiane6

  1. I think she DID open the bag but didn't check them individually for little hairline cracks. I think she thought "crack" meant broken open with yolks or whites spilling out. The irony is that The Amazing Race originated in the Netherlands. Ironically, so did Big Brother. She (and Floyd) were both thrilled with so many of the challenges. Ziplining in Singapore? "How fun!" Bungee jumping in Switzerland? "Greatest thing EVER!" Compare them to that stupid nasal Nicole: "I'm scarrrreeeddd of heights!" "I can't DDDDDOOOO that!" "That's too harrrrdddd!" Even when Becca and Floyd got lost (like overshooting the road), they NEVER said "It's your fault!" Unlike Nicole, who said to Victor at least once, "If you had only listened to me .... " And Becca was very supportive last time they were on TAR and Floyd had that bike problem.
  2. She needs to call it daycare or Mother's Morning Out (a lot of churches have a morning program for very young children) But it's very rare to have a SCHOOL PROGRAM for a one-year-old.
  3. Some general observations: 1) Are the only men available to single Real Housewives/Charmers the short bald guys? LuAnn, Bethenny and now Kathryn. It's like the Mole Men from the old Superman are taking over TV ... 2) Cameran seems more attached to her daughter's stuff than to her little girl. 3) Beautiful RV! But what's up with the granny decor inside? 4) Had to laugh about the doors never opening. My parents had a small truck camper and we ALWAYS had the same problem. 5) They seemed awfully close to the edge of the river, especially since it seemed to have no bank. 6) Whitney should have brought his own food in his own cooler.
  4. Plenty of longterm girlfriends have been dumped for the pretty young thing...
  5. Chris dumped his age-appropriate wife and sons a few years ago, so he's ready for a hot young thing and a new young family. Jeff Probst dated a Survivor contestant for a few years himself (he ended up marrying some other celebrity's ex--forgot who)
  6. Clearly, Chris Harrison wants her. EDITED TO ADD: 72 minutes in, Chris has hugged her twice and they have gone out for coffee. Every time the camera focuses on him staring at her, I think ... damn, he wants to sleep with her. EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Chris is now talking to her again in front of a fireplace... yet again, bedroom eyes. If I had never seen this show before, I would have thought Chris was the front runner.
  7. I definitely think the Real Housewives believe the EXACT OPPOSITE. Each and every one of them creates a scorecard of their good deeds and heaven help those who don't reciprocate. The most famous example is Jill Zarin. The battle between Kandi and Kim in Atlanta. Kim and Kyle. Now Bethenny.
  8. Nope. She didn't earn that money; she SUFFERED DAMAGES AND THIS IS REPARATIONS.
  9. Thank you. Whenever I would feel down with caregiving for a cancer patient in my family, I always would remember the famous quote of Zulema to Kara in their Project Runway Season 2 team challenge: "You can cry and cut but you're gonna cry AND CUT."
  10. He could have made a corseted jacket and a pencil skirt... He did a lot of elaborate outfits for the other challenges.
  11. I have had multiple history with cancer, including a sister who died at 46. I appreciate your points about colon cancer specifically and THANK YOU for pointing out the differences with pain etc. with colon cancer vs. other cancers. BUT IF I WERE BISHME, I would try EVEN HARDER to WIN THAT MONEY to support my sister. For someone who went through so much, he really couldn't cope. When you are faced with cancer in your family, you either PUT ON YOUR BIG BOY PANTS AND DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO HELP THE SITUATION or you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. I felt Bishme COULD have won it all but he fell apart. He should have withdrawn.
  12. I agree. I just think he just has been pampered his whole life... heck, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss ACCEPTED AN EMMY ON THE DAY HER FATHER DIED. And he never said WHEN the "relative" died ... it could have been 4 months earlier as far as we know. I understand the concern about his sister ... but colon cancer treatments take MONTHS. And she wouldn't have felt any effects for a week or two if she was going into her first treatment. Hopefully, the oncologist or social worker would have explained how the treatments would go. And I guarantee that she would feel AWFUL if she felt she was the reason he lost PR.
  13. She was cute and bubbly ... and asked completely inane questions. ANW showed a clip of the red-haired kid practicing for 5 YEARS waiting to meet the age requirement and that bimbo asked him, "Did you ever think you'd make it here?" NO, LADY, I SPENT 5 YEARS AT A PROFESSIONAL NINJA GYM AND HAD NO IDEA I COULD GET HERE AFTER THE FILM CREW DID A 2-MINUTE BIT ON ME. So many better questions she could have asked. She seemed like she wanted to be a cheerleader rather than ask what they could have done differently, better etc. Sorry .... this round Zuri is a ZERO. But we have seen in other sports where announcers have improved dramatically, so there is still hope.
  14. Katherine had the implants at the last reunion because Andy Cohen (of course) commented on them. The problem was summed up best by, of all people, Tamara Judge of RHoOC. She said that when you get big implants you're wearing Size 16 tops and size 8 pants. "You can't wear your cute little tops anymore because they don't fit. And once you're into plus-size clothing, your choices are more limited and they tend to be too big around the waist and hips." She had hers reduced. Katherine is definitely shopping at Catherine's Stout Shop. You can look great in larger sizes (look at Olivia Davis and those actresses dressed by Christian Soriano) but she isn't looking great or shopping right.
  15. Jail will keep them off the road. If they don't follow a judge's simple orders, if they leave rehab early, if they make excuses for drinking, what makes you think they won't get behind the wheel of a car when they're drunk?
  16. It's not quite the same situation, but HOWARD STERN says Hillary Clinton might have won if she had come on his show. "I have the audience that Hillary Clinton has avoided: the young white working-class male. I think she could have picked up votes if she came on my show and honestly talked about herself and her goals and how she got where she is. All people ever see is a screeching woman waving her arms who apparently doesn't know how to use a microphone."
  17. No, it's the ass who's in them. I'm sure Bethenny Getting Married was her idea. After all, he isn't even mentioned in the title of the show and she picked a photo OF JUST HERSELF for the cover of THEIR wedding album. And let's remember, after they were done with the vows, she turned AND WALKED DOWN THE AISLE BY HERSELF. To his credit, Jason refused to allow his proposal OR Brynn's birth to be filmed. Just when she was starting her talk show (and Jason refused to move to LA), she "claimed" she had a miscarriage. More headlines. Then she went crying to Ellen DeGeneres about how mean Jason was to her. Oh boo hoo.... Then when Ellen wouldn't give her top guests first, she burned her bridges with her. I still think Jason's parents are nice, sweet people (although I also agree there have been a couple of issues that have concerned me). Bethenny could drive Jesus himself crazy.
  18. I always am sad when the only African American Bachelorette EVER always manages to be on viewers' Most Hated List ... She did a fine job and had to deal with the pressure of "Look! Ratings dropped!" "You're a lawyer but you better not act too confident." Just like how Michelle Obama has ended up on Most Hated Lists, despite working her az off. Lawyers SHOULD be assertive and confident.
  19. Well, here's the thing that I wish SOMEONE, ANYONE would ask her, "If life begins at conception, why hasn't anyone proposed regulating In Vitro Fertilization? Rich, (primarily) white married couples get to create genetically perfect children of the sex of their choice without ANY regulations AT ALL?" Of course, I know the answer. All the pro-lifers KNOW someone in their family, their circle, who has had IVF.
  20. Me too! Fourth of July at the Foxboro stadium outside Boston! The entire audience sang along to Philadelphia Freedom since it was the Bicentennial!!! My friend and I even hitchhiked back to Boston. Safely.
  21. The industry doesn't like to acknowledge it, but many of the female models are as young as 12. Even in the first season of PR, one of the models was 16. Men traditionally have a longer career. Many of these guys, to me, looked to be in their 30s. Given how few male models are household names, they probably don't mind the attention even if it's over the top. And I haven't heard of male models complaining about #metoo. I could be wrong, though.
  22. This sounds EXACTLY like Bethenny and Jason on RHoNY. It also sounds like Porsha's sister Lauren. She had a baby with her "boyfriend" who is evidently out of the picture now. I'm surprised Lauren has never mentioned or discussed her situation on the air. Or even their mother.
  23. EVERY designer has to compromise his or her vision! Clients, stores, colleagues, budgets, ease of production ... all have an effect on a designer's "vision." And there have been wonderful team projects; the most memorable in Seasons 2 and 3. Chloe and Emmett in the Banana Republic challenge; Daniel and Andrae; Laura and Michael Knight ... I think his catty remarks hit the bullseye. His eye-rolling and hmmms are his reactions to the arrogance of these loser designers who think they know better and have no humility while he is one of the most successful young designers in the world. In almost every example, I agree with his reaction. I'm in your age group, but I wish women had a similar word for "GUY." Men have boy > guy > men. Women have girl > women. Sometimes I DO wince when I hear "girl" but other times, it sounds more fun than WOMAN. No one ever makes a movie called Women's Night Out.
  24. I consider Ramona's remarks about Barbara's wrap dress as a helpful intervention--like how my friends and I surround another friend to tell her, "NO MORE LULAROE LEGGINGS! You have worn them EVERYWHERE. Put on your big girl pants (and we mean that literally) Barbara lives in New York City so she knows the drill. You dress fashionably in NYC. As someone pointed out, maybe she's meant for a home design show. She just isn't pretty. Her face looks spackled. Her makeup does nothing for her. And she seems ill at ease.
  25. She's like the unpopular girl that your mother makes you invite to your party because she's friends with the girl's mother. Exactly! They talk about sex the way virgin guys brag about getting laid ... they talk to impress rather than with any insight. Like they are aiming to be in Sex and the City: The Golden Girl years.
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