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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I'm surprised Blair Waldorf didn't make the list. 

Me too, actually. I'm kind of glad though because I thought she was an awful brat for at least four seasons, and unfortunately a lot of the things that annoyed me about her were built into the character from the beginning. I liked her a lot in those first two seasons though, right up until that whole Yale mess where she only applied to the one university and then had a meltdown.

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Oh yeah I wasn't a fan of Blair after maybe season 3 in fact by the end of the show it was hard to find a character I could legitimately say I was a fan of haha (if you think the Arrow writers were bad).

But she would have been who'd I assume from the CW lineup to be an obvious choice and it's a massive credit to the Arrow writers and Emily that Felicity has had the traction in pop culture that she has.

I know that this season the writers intentions are to build up the noobs and that everyone apart from Olivers screen time has suffered as a result but damn writers you've got lighting in a bottle with Felicity/Emily give her something to do. At least the MSF gave me hope that she might have something actually interesting coming up.

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On 12/1/2016 at 3:07 PM, tv echo said:

Celebrating 100 Episodes: Top 10 ‘Arrow’ Characters So Far
Nora Dominick   Nov. 29, 2016

10. Malcolm Merlyn
9. Roy Harper
8. Donna Smoak
7. Thea Queen
6. Laurel Lance 
5. Tommy Merlyn
4. Oliver Queen
3. Sara Lance
2. John Diggle
1. Felicity Smoak

The top 3 are my top 3 now that I really think about it lol.

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11 TV Couples Who Had No Happily Ever After in 2016 
Derek Stauffer   December 09, 2016


Oliver and Felicity - Arrow

Arrow season 4 looked like it was finally going to be the season where Oliver and Felicity got together for good. They started the season in domestic bliss, living in the suburbs, and even got engaged. Yet by the end of the season they were back in Star City and no longer engaged. Arrow season 5 sees them farther than ever from a romantic future, with both of them declaring that they are over the other. Fans might hold hope but 2016 will be known as the year that ended Olicity ... for now.  

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16 hours ago, manbearpig said:

I guess Veronica and Lorelai are kind of CW characters since Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls both had a season on the CW, but it's pretty cool to see Felicity so high up. 

I don't consider Lorelai and Veronica to be CW shows. I consider them to be WB/UPN shows. I consider any show after 2006 is a CW show. 

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16 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

I don't consider Lorelai and Veronica to be CW shows. I consider them to be WB/UPN shows. I consider any show after 2006 is a CW show. 

Me too, I just thought it was interesting. Even weirder now that Lorelai has been on the WB, the CW, and Netflix. Veronica has been on UPN, the CW, and in the movies. I wonder if people think about the WB or the CW when they think of Supernatural...

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You can vote just by clicking on the couple or show pic...

Who Is The CW's Most Iconic Couple?
December 10, 2016 by KELSIE GIBSON


The CW has some amazing TV couples, and we want to know your favorite! Are you obsessed with Oliver and Felicity's ever-changing romance on Arrow? Will you have a hard time choosing between The Vampire Diaries' two biggest love stories? We've limited the poll to couples on current shows, but even though Beauty and the Beast wrapped its final season this year, we still can't get enough of Vincent and Catherine. Throw your support to your favorite couple here! The poll will close on Dec. 27 at 11:59 p.m., so vote now!

What's The CW's Best Show of 2016?
December 8, 2016 by MAGGIE PEHANICK


The time has come to throw your support behind your favorite show on The CW! Do you live for the undead on The Vampire Diaries and The Originals? Will you have trouble choosing between Arrow and The Flash? Or are you more of a Jane the Virgin person? Then again, there are new series to consider as well. No Tomorrow and Frequency are both great, but are they great enough to earn your vote? The poll will close on Dec. 27 at 11:59 p.m., so vote now!

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All polls will close at noon Pacific time on December 24, and results will be announced in special articles starting on Dec. 26...

CarterMatt Awards 2016: This year’s categories, plus nominations and results schedule
DECEMBER 5, 2016 

MG is nominated for Favorite Showrunner (he's currently in last place):

Poll categories still to be posted:
Sunday, December 10 – Best Fanbase
Monday, December 11 – Best Couple 
Tuesday, December 12 – ‘Ship of the Year
Wednesday, December 13 – Breakout Star
Thursday, December 14 – Best New Show
Friday, December 15 – Best Reality Star
Saturday, December 16 – Show of the Year

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Voting, just as it is for all of their categories, will remain open until December 24 at noon Pacific time (WTF?! Liz and Reddington of The Blacklist are currently in the lead)... 

CarterMatt Awards 2016: Are Klaus & Caroline, Oliver & Felicity, Alex & Meredith, or Carol & Daryl ‘Ship of the Year?
DECEMBER 13, 2016 


Oliver and Felicity, “Arrow” (The CW) – At one point, it looked like these two were getting set to go down the aisle together — it’s been a rough year for Olicity. Maybe they’re a microcosm for 2016 as a whole? They started out engaged, and ended up with Oliver accidentally killing her new boyfriend. Still, it doesn’t seem like she specifically blames him for what happened, and there is always a chance that they could eventually work things out down the road. It’s going to take a lot of work, but they’ve gone through a lot already together. What’s another struggle or hurdle?

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That's quite a collection of kickass women.  I agree with some, ot with others but definitely agree that the writing has failed Felicity of late.

The poll states that it's for couples who are not together right now.


While yesterday in the CarterMatt Awards we spoke about couples in the world of television who are already together and are hoping to potentially stay strong moving into the next year. For today, we’re talking about couples that many people out there want to see take some of those first steps — or take them again, in some cases. The category is called ‘Ship of the Year, and the sole purpose here is identifying some of the people who we personally feel are the best couples who are not currently together. They can be people who have broken up, people who have hinted at wanting a relationship, or people just in-demand by fans. There’s no real criteria here beyond that they could not have been an item at the time in which we started this category on December 13, 2016.

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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

"Lizzington" is really that popular?  Ugh. *shudder*  

Isn't he basically a father figure?  I know he's old enough to be her father.  Didn't she think at one point he was? 

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Teddy and Tawney, Rectify

Oliver and Felicity, Arrow




Parker Young, Arrow

Jason Dohring, The Originals


And I posted this yesterday in News and Media but it really should have gone here:



The Walking Dead‘s Negan

Arrow's Rene aka Wild Dog


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Olicity being put on lists like this on E and TV Line I find encouraging cause usually sites like these will push tv producers/show runners agendas when it calls for it. I'm choosing to hold on to that as a positive.

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14 TV Moments That Broke Our Hearts in 2016
Dec. 21, 2016 by SAMANTHA


7. Oliver and Felicity break up in Arrow season 4

No breakup hurt worse than the moment Oliver and Felicity broke up following a huge lie and lack of trust that spelled the downfall for this couple. And not the first breakup. Somehow this second, more permanent breakup hurt all the worse as we watched Felicity make the very difficult decision to say goodbye to Oliver despite her love for him. Right after we watched these two be fake married but confess not-so-fake and oh-so-very-real vows that made our hearts melt. And just when you thought this was what would bring Olicity back together, we saw that it wasn’t. It’s proof that love isn’t always enough. You need to fight for a relationship. But it’s not even the breakup so much as it’s how the Arrow writers have handled these two characters since — namely in season 5. If this is their way of slowly rebuilding Oliver and Felicity’s relationship then they need some help jump-starting their rebuild.
*  *  *
10. Laurel Lance dies in Arrow 4×18

Coming in at number ten is the death of Lauren Lance in the season four finale of Arrow. After being stabbed by an arrow, Laurel seemed to be recovering in the hospital after surgery when suddenly she took a turn for the worse and tragically died with Oliver, Felicity, and the rest of the team looking on.
*  *  *
14. Leonard Snart dies in Legends of Tomorrow 1×15

At first he was a lovable villain, then he was our favorite character in Legends of Tomorrow, and then …then he was sacrificing himself for the team. And that’s not even what hurt the most, what hurt the most is that he got to have one final moment with Mick, his almost-brother, one final moment with Sara, the woman he might have had an epic love with. It’s the possibilities that hurt. It’s that we could have had more than we did. And yeah, there’s also the fact that the Legends have a time machine. Can’t they fix this?

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Felicity Smoak is now officially the Champion in THR's fan poll for Favorite Female Character of All Time (a/k/a Best Female Character)! Considering the competition, this is an amazing achievement...

Here's the top 10* plus some other notable rankings among the top 32 (there were 358,632 total votes cast):

(* Rank is determined by not only total votes, but also how far an entry advances within the bracket. So it is not uncommon for an entry with fewer votes to advance further than another entry with more votes.)

1.  Felicity Smoak, 'Arrow'     32,476 (WINNER)
2.  Princess Leia, 'Star Wars' Series     14,306
3.  Hermione Granger, 'Harry Potter' series     19,637
4.  Rey, 'The Force Awakens'     15,028
5.  Daenerys Targaryn, 'Game of Thrones'     15,536
6.  Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'     11,511
7.  Mary Poppins, 'Mary Poppins'     12,187
8.  Phoebe Buffay, 'Friends'     11,584
9.  Arya Stark, 'Game of Thrones'     12,778
10.  Ripley, 'Alien' Series     11,099
13.  Katniss Everdeen, 'The Hunger Games'     11,511
15. Buffy Summers, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'     12,911
17.  Jessica Jones, 'Jessica Jones'     11,323
20.  Lorelai Gilmore, 'Gilmore Girls'     8,256
27.  Veronica Mars, 'Veronica Mars'     7,564

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9 best classic sci-fi TV episodes for the holidays
Henry Hanks   Fri, Dec 23, 2016 6:05pm


The holidays have made for some memorable television in the genre, and here are nine great examples from sci-fi Christmases past, in no particular order.
*  *  *
Arrow: "Year's End"

A crucial episode -- as every midseason finale is for this series -- which set up the rest of Arrow's first season. Oliver throws a Christmas party, having learned his family stopped celebrating when he disappeared. He also learns of what the Dark Archer is up to, and the Archer's true identity is revealed for the first time. This episode is also one of the first to suggest chemistry between Oliver and Felicity.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Amends"
Quantum Leap: "A Little Miracle"
The X-Files: "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas"
Arrow: "Year's End"
The Flash: "The Man in the Yellow Suit"
Twilight Zone: "The Night of the Meek"
The Real Ghostbusters: "Xmas Marks the Spot"
Pushing Daisies: "Corpsicle"
Mystery Science Theater 3000: "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians," "Santa Claus"

FYI, "Year's End" was 1x09 and included this Olicity exchange (video courtesy of Olicity Queen)...

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7 hours ago, tv echo said:

Felicity Smoak is now officially the Champion in THR's fan poll for Favorite Female Character of All Time (a/k/a Best Female Character)! Considering the competition, this is an amazing achievement...

Here's the top 10* plus some other notable rankings among the top 32 (there were 358,632 total votes cast):

(* Rank is determined by not only total votes, but also how far an entry advances within the bracket. So it is not uncommon for an entry with fewer votes to advance further than another entry with more votes.)

1.  Felicity Smoak, 'Arrow'     32,476 (WINNER)
2.  Princess Leia, 'Star Wars' Series     14,306
3.  Hermione Granger, 'Harry Potter' series     19,637
4.  Rey, 'The Force Awakens'     15,028
5.  Daenerys Targaryn, 'Game of Thrones'     15,536
6.  Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'     11,511
7.  Mary Poppins, 'Mary Poppins'     12,187
8.  Phoebe Buffay, 'Friends'     11,584
9.  Arya Stark, 'Game of Thrones'     12,778
10.  Ripley, 'Alien' Series     11,099
13.  Katniss Everdeen, 'The Hunger Games'     11,511
15. Buffy Summers, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'     12,911
17.  Jessica Jones, 'Jessica Jones'     11,323
20.  Lorelai Gilmore, 'Gilmore Girls'     8,256
27.  Veronica Mars, 'Veronica Mars'     7,564

I absolutely know that when they started the list, they weren't expecting Felicity Smoak to be at the top and that she is and definitively is, makes it all the more sweet.  Great exposure.  

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Oliver & Felicity are #2 on Screener's list of "10 Ships That Should Happen in 2017" (see video in article)...

From Stydia to Bellarke, these TV ships give us hope for 2017


Not ever ship gets a happy ending, and some ships feel like they're going to take their sweet time getting together.

2016 might have been a great year for some couples, but others didn't quite make it across the finish line. These ships are still platonic -- or sometimes even enemies -- despite history, obvious feelings, and even declarations of love in some cases. Not all of them will make it in 2017, we know, but they're still giving us hope for the new year.
*  *  *
Oliver & Felicity ('Arrow')

After getting engaged and then breaking that engagement in Season 4, we were kind of hoping Season 5 of "Arrow" would bring Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) back together in a beautiful and natural way. That has yet to happen -- Oliver actually ended up accidentally killing her new boyfriend -- but we've got faith that this ship will set sail in the long run.

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Christmas conspiracy theory- Olicity being on all these best of 2016 shipper lists in a year where they were essentially not a ship is a push by the network to promote a sweeps reunion (?) Again based in no factual proof but the weirdness of Suzanne Gomez tweeting congratulations to Olicity making best of lists. :p

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What Was the Worst TV Episode of 2016? 
Derek Stauffer   December 29, 2016


7. "Broken Hearts" - Arrow 

Some of the shows gathered on this list come from bad shows, or at least shows that had a bad year. Most of them, though, are from great shows that really mangled their weekly storyline. These hurt much harder because it is obvious the show is capable of much more, they just didn't deliver for one reason or another. "Broken Hearts" from Arrow is one such episode.  

Arrow season 4 might be considered one of the worst seasons of the show but there are plenty of redeeming moments in several episodes that keep them from being completely awful. There is very little to redeem "Broken Hearts." It serves as a finale to one of Arrow season 4's worst story arcs, Oliver discovering and protecting his lovechild son, William. It also explores in depth Oliver and Felicity's illogical and frustrating break-up, which basically means the two cry about their feelings for a good hour. In between all that unnecessary angst there are appearances by Arrow's worst and most one-dimensional villain to date, Cupid.  
*  *  *
4. "The Race of His Life" - The Flash

As a whole, The Flash season 2 is not that bad. When you focus on just the final run of episodes though, The Flash fails at an almost spectacular level. The season 2 finale, "The Race of His Life," is just plain bad, as the mediocre villain Zoom is taken out in the laziest way possible. There is nothing surprising or even interesting about the way that The Flash wraps up its season 2 storyline. Whether it is the reveal of who was the Man in the Iron Mask or how Zoom was ultimately defeated, "The Race of His Life" is an exercise in boredom. 

The biggest offense is the big cliffhanger where Barry travels back in time to save his mother's life. It takes almost everything that was good about the season 1 finale and the big lesson that Barry learned in that episode and completely disregards it. The Flash at least had the decency to open season 3 by acknowledging how terrible a decision Flashpoint was for Barry, but it doesn't change the fact that it should have never happened. 

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5 hours ago, tv echo said:

It serves as a finale to one of Arrow season 4's worst story arcs, Oliver discovering and protecting his lovechild son, William. It also explores in depth Oliver and Felicity's illogical and frustrating break-up, which basically means the two cry about their feelings for a good hour. In between all that unnecessary angst there are appearances by Arrow's worst and most one-dimensional villain to date, Cupid.  

I really appreciate that they are clear that it's the break up and the secret child that were the problem, not the relationship, not everyone makes the distinction.   

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Is it wrong that I voted for 3 shows I don't even watch over Arrow?? I think the pettiness has set in, I really don't like BamBam and his monopolizing of so much of Arrow. I blame him for some of the big problems, like the decline in quality stunts for the last 2.5 season.

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18 minutes ago, tv echo said:

The poll includes Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

Tony and Pepper got together in the comics (post IM movie?) in fact I believe they even have a kid together.

Another thing Shannon, who submitted the poll is (last I looked) an Olicity shipper so....

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