maraleia June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Irisa returns to Defiance and is arrested; Mayor Pottinger offers Nolan her release in exchange for capturing those responsible for nearly killing him; Stahma plots to keep Datak behind bars. Link to comment
SimoneS June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) I was expecting the worse, but this was a solid episode and strong follow up on last week's premiere. The writers did a nice job getting Nolan back in his old job. I liked that Nolan voiced what Amanda could not bring herself to, Kenya is likely dead. He and Amanda fell into bed quickly, but I prefer that than the writers coming up with fake reasons to keep them apart. The Mayor is going through a lot of trouble to get Amanda into bed. Her drug addiction and his monopoly of her drug of choice gives him power over her. I felt for Irisa watching Tommy with that chick, but she left him and he has a right to move in with his life. I expect that they will be back together eventually. Rafe and the miners have a hard life. I hope we get to see more of him. He made me laugh when he offered sympathy with Nolan when he said, "daughters." Edited June 27, 2014 by SimoneS 2 Link to comment
JodhaBai June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 This seasons Amanda feels like an entirely different person than the one we met last season. I don't know if its because the writers decided they didn't like her character last season or if there's something in the story to explain the difference. 1 Link to comment
BungalowSummer June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Great episode! The action at Camp Reverie was pretty brutal. As always, Datak's plan goes sideways and other people pay the price. The last time I saw that particular ploy -- kill your own co-conspirator to impress the boss -- was when Tom Neville used it on Revolution. Datak's lack of success was even worse than Tom's. Provisional Mayor Creepy is not a complete fool. Can Indogenes manufacture replacement parts? Everything concerning Stahma was terrific -- the face-off with Pottinger, the rescue by Nolan, the final corrupting of her son. I have to say, I don't get Tommy and Berlin together beyond a case of sexual opportunism. I guess he just likes women with weapons. I'm sorry that it's another bad thing for Irisa to deal with. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Ruh-roh. Tommy really has moved on. I hope this doesn't mean a bloody end for Berlin. She's a nice addition. This was a strong episode with a coherent story and some excellent (IMO) acting, especially Jaime Murray and Trenna Keating as Doc Ewell. @BungalowSummer, I wondered if she could grow a new finger. I've decided the real reason Amanda wears the veil is to conceal her druggy eyes. Does she know Mayor Creepy Cunning Crafty Evil has the nanny cam set up in her boudoir? Grant Bowler really is a "happy cowboy," isn't he? A la FireFly. If Nathan Fillion ever gets back in shape, he would be a fun guest star as one of Nolan's old cronies. They could slip in a reference to the Serenity. It's nice that the show isn't set so far into the future that they can't make pop culture references that we get. It's very easy to imagine young Nolan enjoying the classics, like Star Wars. I would have loved it more, thought, if he had said, "Actually, I was more into FireFly." Or, even better, Stargate. Poor Alak. It's hard to have a poet's soul in a time of brutality. When he was trying to think of what to call Christie in his anger, I just knew he was really thinking, "You're just like my mother," instead of "so human." Edited June 27, 2014 by shapeshifter 3 Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Well, Berlin already flirted with Irisia on sight. I'm sure there is some.. arrangement.. that could be reached. OT3: "Its legal under E-rep law" Oh my goddess. That would be fun. Berlin as Nolans daughter in law? Tommy being ridiculously out of his depth? Comedy potential: High! I think the bit with the fingerchopping is going to be about the safe, not about torture - bio-metric lock. I love that the mayor saw through Datak like he was made of glass, and that plot line made an interesting contrast with Nolan saving Stahma and being promptly rewarded - Stahma knew who was trying to kill her and why, so could take the rescue at face value and return the favor by smoothing Nolan's way back into defiance's good graces (and my, that is an impressive amount of pull she displayed). It also displayed a weakness in her current setup - if she and she alone is the terror that keeps the criminal element toeing the line, then those who are discontent may hope to escape retribution if they strike at her and in doing so kill her. This is why she made her son carry out the retribution for that - to establish that even if you strike the queen and kill her, revenge will still be taken. 4 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Well, hello there, Show That I Like! Where have you been for so long? I missed you so much last week! When my biggest complaint is that I am still baffled about why albinos sunburn less easily than I do, I think we may be getting back on track. Last week was focused on science fiction and world-building, which, honestly, aren't really the writer's strengths. This week was about taking established characters and actually writing in a way that utilized them. Only three new people were introduced. Bomberboy was necessary to the plot. Stabby Guy Who Lives in a Prison Where You Can Smuggle Laser Knives In But Nobody Just Makes a Shiv was necesary to the plot. And Stormtrooperella (hey, it's just as subtle as "Berlin,") looks like she'll be an interesting addition to the plot. Not even sure what all I think of Berlin yet. At first, she seemed like a reasonable authority figure. Taking their weapons when they came into town? Standard policy. Then the diary thing seemed very bullyish. Still, I was toying with the idea that she just wanted to see if it was a big incriminating list of smuggling deals or whatever... not that looking at irissa's diary is going to end nonviolently for anyone, but it was theoretically within the realm of possibility that she was trying to act professionally. Then, when they were exchanging war stories, I figured there was probably a significant racist element. Now, after seeing the entire episode, I also have to consider simple jealousy of her boyfriend's, let's face it, smoking hot Klingon ex, as a main culprit. This is all good. Complex motivations are what make the characters that make the show watchable. At least some of the time. Like this week. Edited June 27, 2014 by CletusMusashi Link to comment
GaT June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 At least we know how Stahma feels about Datak now, she does not want him back at all. I think she finally has power, & she does not want to give it up, but I somehow don't think it's going to all end well for her. The Mayor is going through a lot of trouble to get Amanda into bed. Her drug addiction and his monopoly of her drug of choice gives him power over her. I'm wondering if he really wanted production stopped because his people were getting addicted, or if he did it just to get control of Amanda. That's one hell of a con just to have sex with someone. Poor Christie, she really looked uncomfortable in that bath & I can't blame her. Besides the whole bizarre bathing with other people aspect, you're sitting in bath water that's dirty from other people. YEECH. Link to comment
thuganomics85 June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Yep, I agree that Stahma loves being the big cheese, and doesn't want Datak back at all. The way she reacted to the Mayor's "theoretical" suggestion about releasing him, was very telling. She was quick to be all "Oh, no! It will be safer for him to stay!" Oh, Stahma. And now she basically demanded Alak to kill that guy, in order to prove himself a man. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if a downfall is in the cards, but until then, I"m enjoying Queen Stahma. Jaime Murray is awesome! Well, Datak and Yewll's plan ended up pretty disastrous. The Mayor saw right through it, and wasn't going to let his sway him in anyway. Oh, and as an added insult, Yewll had her finger cut off beforehand. Ouch! I hope they have a better Plan B. Glad that Nolan and Irisa are already back in Defiance, and interacting and adjusting to everything. At least Nolan and Amanda are already getting their groove on, but I'm sure the Mayor is going to find some way to mess that up. Irisa wasn't as lucky, since Tommy has moved on with this new Berlin character. I'm curious to see where they are going with her. Besides the Tommy stuff, we also got that big scene of her and Nolan, so I'm hoping she isn't just going to be the "other girl", in a love triangle. I'm hoping she will be showing a side of E-Rep, that isn't just a hurdle for the leads. Christie joining Stahma and Alak in the communal bathtub was about as awkward as one would expect. At least Rafe didn't get invited, because I get the sense he wouldn't be someone who would be all that thrilled seeing his daughter wearing that particular outfit. I do like that Kenya's "disappearance" continues to be playing a part in the show, and it's not like she just going to disappear from the character's minds. Overall, pretty good episode. Link to comment
johntfs June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 I kind of liked Berlin's speech defending the E-rep/Alliance/Empire. All that "Never tell me the odds 'cause you can't take the sky from me" bullshit is fine for legitimate badasses like Nolan, Irisa and the Arkhunters in the game, but it probably sucks major ass to be a zero-level normal in that world. 5 Link to comment
SimoneS June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) What struck me is how similar Berlin's experience was to Irisa's. Both were children alone in a brutal world. Nolan saved Irisa and raised her. Berlin was saved by the E-rep. I think that Irisa got the better deal there. Tommy is attracted to broken young women or maybe those are only types that exist in his world. Christi would be the exception, but unfortunately, it has turned out that her father was right and she has married the wrong man. CletusMusashi: I too think that some of Berlin's attitude towards Irisa is likely jealousy of her boyfriend's ex. She has to know that they have unfinished business. I am surprised that the Mayor has turned out to be so clever and insightful about people's true motivations. He knew to use the threat of Datak's release to control Stahma, saw through Datak's games, and realized that Amanda was using the bombing investigation to help Nolan and keep him in Defiance. It makes the Mayor a worthy opponent for our Defiance citizens. I hope that the doctor's species can regenerate their extremities. I wonder if Christie's life might be in danger. With Rafe no longer controlling the mines, I could see Stahma seeing Christie as a burden to be gotten rid of so she can arrange a more beneficial marriage for Alak. Of course, this would mean that Stahma would have to kill Rafe first. Edited June 29, 2014 by maraleia 2 Link to comment
sjohnson June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 If I had a mad bomber to hold for trial, you know what I would do? I'd loosely tie him down on a stretcher in a far away room. Then I'd be terribly surprised when he gets loose. And doubly surprised when he nevertheless is conveniently stabbed to death anyhow. If I try to get pass the randomness of it all, I can't see Alak as becoming a Man but a boy taking orders from his mommy, unable to question them. Stahma? "Woman is the Devil" is a story that just doesn't get old I suppose. If Irisa had cared about Tommy, she would have written. Fake angst, feh. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 What struck me is how similar Berlin's experience was to Irisa's. Both were children alone in a brutal world. Nolan saved Irisa and raised her. Berlin was saved by the E-rep.... I too think that some of Berlin's attitude towards Irisa is likely jealousy of her boyfriend's ex. She has to know that they have unfinished business. Good points. Maybe Berlin even planned the kiss when she knew Irisa would see. There are several ways Irisa could react, and, just like with any young person in that situation, probably none of them good. I am surprised that the Mayor has turned out to be so clever and insightful about people's true motivations. He knew to use the threat of Dathak's release to control Stahma, saw through Dathak's games, and realized that Amanda was using the bombing investigation to help Nolan and keep him in Defiance. It makes the Mayor a worthy opponent for our Defiance citizens...And/or he could change sides for love, power, or if he grew a conscience and decided Earth Republic was the bad guy. I wonder if Christie's life might be in danger. With Rafe no longer controlling the mines, I could see Stahma seeing Christie as a burden to be gotten rid of so she can arrange a more beneficial marriage for Alak....But she still serves as a PR tool for making humans sympathetic to Stahma's agendas.If Irisa had cared about Tommy, she would have written. Fake angst, feh.Perhaps, but there are reasons other than not caring that she might not write. She could see it as hopeless and not want to lead him on. She might figure that letters from her could be the equivalent of letters to someone today from a known terrorist. It could be a cultural thing. Etc. Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 .. Is the Earth Republic the bad guy? They are clearly corrupt as fuck, but they dont seem to be engaging in any major crimes against sapience, and it isn't like the area is flooded with other forces for any kind of order. "Poorly guarded bomber" was clearly the mayor doing Stahma a solid. If he wanted that guy alive, he would have been in one of the perfectly adequately guarded jails or prisons defiance quite explicitly has. Link to comment
johntfs June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 I'm looking forward to more reveals about the Mayor and what is clearly his long-term, deep-seated obssesion with Amanda Rosewater. I would not be a bit surprised to learn that he's in Defiance for her and really only for her. I think the Viceory from the previous episode is part of the ship conspiracy and had planned to put one of their stooges in the Mayor's office, only to be outmanuevered by Pottinger, who called in every favor he could beg, borrow or blackmail to become the mayor instead. Because Amanda Rosewater was there. Link to comment
QuiGonJ June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Much better than last week. I was fully expecting the Mayor and Berlin to be Colonel Klink and Schultzie, but this week helped to redeem them. Makes sense that the high level people are corrupt and the low level people are nasty but at least somewhat competent. Izein, seems like once they rip out all the gulanite, they might let the town fall to the levels Amanda warned about last season. I was never truly sold on Irisa and Tommy in the first place, because I don't think they've shown Tommy to be strong enough to be with her. So I will watch that storyline, but not really care. The Mayor and Amanda... uhm, check me on this, but she's now a sex worker, right? Why the heck didn't he just pay for her pleasure? I'm sure he has the creds, so that story is still just weird to me. Edited June 27, 2014 by QuiGonJ Link to comment
SimoneS June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Perhaps, but there are reasons other than not caring that she might not write. She could see it as hopeless and not want to lead him on. She might figure that letters from her could be the equivalent of letters to someone today from a known terrorist. It could be a cultural thing. Etc. I agree. Given the circumstances, Irisa not writing Tommy does not mean that she does not care or love him any more. She was terrified and on the run after letting something dangerous into her mind. It controls her to some degree as it made her kill that woman and hallucinate about killing Nolan. Link to comment
HeySandyStrange June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 For all the the E-rep are supposed to be the big bads, I'm starting to sort of like them. I really appreciate that the Mayor isn't your typical evil idiot. Now if only we could find out what is obsession with Amanda stems from, because that part puzzles me. I can't help but think that it is not what it seems, though. Liking Berlin too, she definitely has good points about excepting things for the greater good of all. Not to mention her cape was pretty cool. Link to comment
KBear June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 I like the new Mayor, I like smart villains, that's why I like Stahma but don't like Datak. Datak is a complete thug and I'm glad the Mayor saw right through his little ploy. It's understandable why Stahma doesn't want that idiot back. Of course he's going to get out of prison somehow and it should make great drama between the two. Datak coming back should really disrupt the town. I like what they are doing with Amanda. Last season I thought she was a pretty dull character. This season I like the darker shades. She has lost her sister, lost her town and it has devastated her. The drugs and the sex to dull her pain. It's good for her that Nolan is back, she can use a strong friend, especially when she find out what the Mayor is doing to her. I wonder if she'll ever find out that Stahma killed Kenya. 2 Link to comment
BungalowSummer June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 The Mayor and Amanda... uhm, check me on this, but she's now a sex worker, right? Why the heck didn't he just pay for her pleasure? I didn't get the impression that Amanda was taking paying customers the way Kenya did. I think Amanda has taken over running the NeedWant as Owner/Madam and Manager only, not one of the workers. In fact, it always struck me as odd that Kenya, as owner of the joint, also worked as a whore. I chalked it up to Kenya actually enjoying her work. I don't think Pottinger would openly patronize the women at the NeedWant. First, I think his ego wouldn't allow him to believe he has to pay for sexual favors. Second, he's all about appearances and power. It wouldn't fit the image he's cultivating with the town and his own bosses. Mayor Peepy Creepy would rather jerk off while drooling over his clock-cam feed and plotting how to snag Amanda for himself. In this, his ultimatum to Stahma re the Blue Devil is undoubtedly part of his plan, as is the "accidental" reveal of a bag of the stuff to Amanda. 1 Link to comment
tricksterson June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 My favorite part/? When Nolan leaps onto the car, drags Stahma out and disarms the bomb while Berlin watches gobsmacked. She thought he was playing at being an action hero but now she knows he's the real deal. 2 Link to comment
scarletregina June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 This seasons Amanda feels like an entirely different person than the one we met last season. I don't know if its because the writers decided they didn't like her character last season or if there's something in the story to explain the difference. I thought there were glimpses of the old Amanda when she was making a case for Nolan to be the one to find the bomber. I think the loss of her mayorship and Kenya has her feeling completely lost. That doesn't necessarily explain her drug addiction and I hope they give us that backstory. Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Q: Hey, what did Doc Yewll do when the Mayor had her arrested? A: She gave him the finger. About that, I don't think Indos have any kind of natural super-regeneration. First of all, she was reacting with real emotional horror, even before the pain of the cut. I don't think it was simply her reacting to him getting a way into the safe, because she's never shown that level of emotion before to anyone getting the better of her. Second: aren't they supposed to be really big on prosthetics? 1 Link to comment
AV8n June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Poor Alak, Mommy is like a travel agent for guilt trips. Datak's reaction when he realized that the Mayor had seen through his plan was priceless! Mr. Mayor, can't a girl get some privacy? Have you ever heard of porn? 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Is it possible that the real purpose of the Mayor's nanny cam is to make sure the former mayor isn't plotting against him and to keep tabs on who she's friends with? The accidental porn might just be a bonus. Link to comment
sjohnson June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 "Poorly guarded bomber" was clearly the mayor doing Stahma a solid. If he wanted that guy alive, he would have been in one of the perfectly adequately guarded jails or prisons defiance quite explicitly has. I can't agree the mayor was doing Stahma any favors, or mad bomber would have been securely shackled. After being taken by surprise, Alak should have lost the fight by the way. The mayor had already attacked her business ordering her drug trade shut down. Compounding the offense by booby trapping her assassin isn't necessary: Pottinger can finish her any moment by releasing Datak and she's stupidly let him know it. Unless Alak can successfully hide his wound, he's worsened the situation by showing he can't even kill a prisoner. Link to comment
johntfs June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Is it possible that the real purpose of the Mayor's nanny cam is to make sure the former mayor isn't plotting against him and to keep tabs on who she's friends with? The accidental porn might just be a bonus. It's possible but his behavior isn't congruent with that. He's made his own situation in town more risky and difficult to bring Amanda closer to himself. He probably set up the situation with the kid getting eaten by the hellbug to show Amanda that he needs her to advise him and "influence him for the good of the town." That's a lot of bad feeling to create to "keep an enemy closer." By shutting off the Blue Devil he's annoyed Stahma and raised the liklihood of an accident at the mines that could slow the gulanite extraction (and get people killed, of course). So, he's risking the anger of Stahma and her gang, Rafe and his miners and the E-rep itself, all to become the sole potential source for Amanda to get her fix. Finally, he reinstated Nolan as Lawkeeper in a move clearly meant to show Amanda what an honorable, generous person he can be. This puts Nolan in a position of authority that will allow him to gather intelligence and resources against the time he chooses to move against the E-rep presence in town. The mayor is clearly a cold, clever and ruthless person. He is also a man whose obsessive fixation with Amanda Rosewater is driving him to make irrational decisions that are far from in his best interests. Edited June 27, 2014 by johntfs 2 Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Eh, I figure that was most likely which ever goon tied him up misinterpreting "tie him up and leave him alone" as having an implied "So we can shoot him when he gets free and tries to escape" rather than "So Alak can cut his throat". How is a loyal minion supposed to guess which nefarious plot is underway? On a more meta level, it was necessary to avoid having Alak cut the throat of someone utterly defenseless. 2 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Well, I'm not sure that shutting off the Devil actually makes the mines more dangerous. I mean, it's not an intelligence or coordination booster. It just makes people blunder on when they might be better off taking a nap between shifts. However, I do for the most part agree that he's showing crazy manipulative stalker judgement. Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 .. They never heard of Modafinil? Suppose that probably only works on the human workers.. Uhm. Actually, the fact that the same drugs appear to work on multiple species really makes me wonder what the heck is in them. Link to comment
sjohnson June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Eh, I figure that was most likely which ever goon tied him up misinterpreting "tie him up and leave him alone" as having an implied "So we can shoot him when he gets free and tries to escape" rather than "So Alak can cut his throat". How is a loyal minion supposed to guess which nefarious plot is underway? On a more meta level, it was necessary to avoid having Alak cut the throat of someone utterly defenseless. Ah, I see your reasoning now. I imagined the "shot while escaping" drill was carried out by taking off the restraints, telling the prisoner to run, then shooting them in the back. If you just leave them lying around loosely bound they might figure out the plot and take a nap instead. But I agree that you've nailed the meta level. intention. I've been thinking a little about the happy cowboy exchange between Berlin (Brr-Lynn?) and Nolan (come to think of it, No-Land?) Formally it is a deconstruction of the Nolan character, which could be viewed as a shout out from the writers that the show is just an amiable and unabmitious oater-in-disguise. And there's nothing at stake more important than the viewer's pleasure in Grant Bowler's performance in happily kicking ass. After all, just moments later Berlin is literally in the dirt at Nolan's feet, nothing more than a stumbling block, Very easy to see the show as labeling her as nothing but a fool when it really matters. But is this a little hasty? Or is it a foreshadowing Berlin's discovery it takes a Hero to save us all from the chaos, instead of bureaucrats? (Whereupon naturally she follows the rightful Leader, Nolan?) Earth Republic by its title seems to me to imply that the Votan races are excluded in some fashion. That makes E-Rep a foe of the Defiance principle of unity as a way to live, which was a partial theme of the first season I thought. But the E-Rep doesn't really seem to make much difference to the new races. Did I misunderstand what E-Rep is supposed to be? Edited June 27, 2014 by sjohnson 2 Link to comment
BestestAuntEver June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 .. They never heard of Modafinil? Suppose that probably only works on the human workers.. Uhm. Actually, the fact that the same drugs appear to work on multiple species really makes me wonder what the heck is in them. I know one ingredient is a type of synthesized adrenaline. The dead castithan talked about it would be easier/quicker to get from an actual human. I fear Christie will feel the brunt of Alak's ire. He's not strong or smart enough to stand up to his mom. I believe calling her a human at the end of the group bath was just the beginning. Have they shown us any inter-species children? Link to comment
Gudzilla June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Now if only we could find out what is obsession with Amanda stems from, because that part puzzles me. I think it has to do with how she looks in those "Kenya" clothes. That could just be me projecting though. ;) Link to comment
Chaos Theory June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) Don't worry Alak the first murder is always the hardest. It gets easier. I am not sure if Amanda is a sex worker or just a madam and I am not sure which I would prefer. Honestly her personality leans towards her running the joint and not having sex but that is starting to change. Like the season is saying everyone has their breaking point. I think she is not opposed to the idea it is just that as of right now she hasn't actually taken money for sex. Edited June 27, 2014 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
BungalowSummer June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Earth Republic by its title seems to me to imply that the Votan races are excluded in some fashion. That makes E-Rep a foe of the Defiance principle of unity as a way to live, which was a partial theme of the first season I thought. But the E-Rep doesn't really seem to make much difference to the new races. Did I misunderstand what E-Rep is supposed to be? I think the Earth Republic may give lip service to unity and peaceful co-existence, but my gut feeling is that it's human-centric and ultimately dedicated to destroying the Votans. It was pretty clear that was the colonel's underlying agenda and his reason for wanting to find the Kaziri and its ultimate weapon. The Earth Republic moved into Defiance for the gulanite mines and I think it was Rafe who said they're trying to mine all of it as quickly as possible. That's why they're running the mines at a loss by paying exorbitant wages and running the operation 24/7. It would seem the E-Rep believes another war with the Votans is coming and it wants to be prepared. I wonder if Viceroy Mercado knows about the Kaziri. Mayor Peepy Creepy is fishing for information about it, and knows Doc Yewll is somehow involved. Since the reveal of ex-(now dead-)Mayor Nikki as a disguised Indogene, we also have to wonder who else might be not be what they seem. 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 (edited) I think the Earth Republic may give lip service to unity and peaceful co-existence, but my gut feeling is that it's human-centric and ultimately dedicated to destroying the Votans. I think the Earth Republic is old-style segregation; peaceful as long as you stay on your side of the fence. Then there is always the extra special nut jobs who go the extra mile to destroy the Votans. Haven't decided yet what brand the new Mayor is yet. He strikes me as a creepy stalky opportunist and not a genocidal mad man; but I have been wrong before. Edited June 29, 2014 by maraleia 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 A 9 month time jump is pretty specific. It's the exact length of a human (and maybe even Irathian) pregnancy. Nolan finds Irisa, and her first desire is to return to Defiance, where Tommy is. Could she have given birth to Tommy's child? If so, the Berlin thing is going throw her a curve ball, at the least. BTW, what does the title of the episode, "In My Secret Life," reference? Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 The game goes into some detail about it - inter-species fertility requires medical intervention, but are possible. And not very difficult to do for Casti-human hybrids. RE: shot while trying to escape: The E-reps like to video everything, so the classic method doesn't work so well. That also implies the mayor now has Alak doing the deed on video. This doesn't matter too much if he doesn't use it immediately, because it would be hard to sell "We didn't notice this recording during the initial investigation" 3 months down the line, but he might make a point of handing it over to Stahma, or not. It isn't like the entire town isn't going to know exactly who killed him anyways - he tried to bomb the Tarr matriarch and wound up with lots of stab wounds in a cell? Not a difficult mystery. Link to comment
JodhaBai June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 I like what they are doing with Amanda. Last season I thought she was a pretty dull character. Th I liked Amanda last season. I like that she was a 'normal' character amongst the chaos. This season? Its early but not liking the direction the writers have gone with her. Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 Thing is, she grew up through decades of chaos, and then when we first saw her she was normal. That doesn't tell us who she truly is, it only tells us who the writers needed her to be in order to launch a new series. Nolan actually makes more sense, the more we learn abut him. Hopefully, the same will be true of Amanda. Link to comment
johntfs June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 (edited) I think the Earth Republic is old-style segregation; peaceful as long as you stay on your side of the fence. Then there is always the extra special nut jobs who go the extra mile to destroy the Voltans. Haven't decided yet what brand the new Mayor is yet. He strikes me as a creepy stalky opportunist and not a genocidal mad man; but I have been wrong before. I figure the E-rep stands on alien rights about where we in the U.S. were on gay rights maybe 20 years ago. Sort of, "We're willing to tolerate you in our society and even let you do technically illegal things (like have cleansing rituals) as long as you don't make things obvious. Just keep your cybernetics and your baths and your weird Irzu rituals out of sight and out of mind. And quit having so many goddamned parades!" I will say that I have a suspicion that life under the Votanis Collective is probably worse, overall, except for those in positions of power. I know I would not want to be a human (especially a human woman) living under the rule of the Casti. Of the five Indogenes we've met, three were actively trying to destroy Defiance. One volunteered to become an astronaut hero so he could murder the President and only became decent because he essentially became another (human) person. The most sympathetic Indogene is Doc Yewell, who was apparently kind of a Josef Mengele back in the day. The Irathiants don't come off as evil or oppressive, but they very much gives off a vibe of fatalism and only the strong survive. They might tolerate humans living in their areas, but aren't going out of their way for them. And if some of the humans die from diptheria the asymptomatic Iraths happened to have, well, it's Irzu's will or human immune systems are pussies. Either way, not an Irath problem. Still, the Iraths can definitely produce their share of hot Chewbaccas... Edited June 28, 2014 by johntfs 2 Link to comment
wmdekooning June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 Liking Berlin too, she definitely has good points about excepting things for the greater good of all. Not to mention her cape was pretty cool. I've been thinking a little about the happy cowboy exchange between Berlin (Brr-Lynn?) and Nolan (come to think of it, No-Land?) My first question is, how aul' is Berlin supposed to be that she knows about "Star Wars"? Maybe I just forgot about the Defiance time period relative to ours, can somebody help me? I totally got a kick out of her "BUSTED-ass roller with your hot Chewbacca."(Emphasis on the word "busted" intentional here.) And yes, her cape is pretty nifty, especially how she didn't get jacked by Irisa wearing it. Didn't Edna Mode say "No capes!" for a reason? Link to comment
ramble June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 Finally got caught up & yea! I'm glad it's back. I tried but I'm not liking the new Amanda. Although honestly last season's Amanda didn't do much for me either. I know she & Nolan were destined to hook up at some point but it is the plot I'm the very least interested in. My favorite interaction is still generally Nolan & Irisa. They just work for me. Every time she tells him he's an idiot I see the little girl speaking to him for the first time. My rewind moment this week was the mayor's Bioman telling Doc Yewll to think of something happy while her finger was being cut off, "like Christmas." He said it so quietly & earnestly that I enjoyed it regardless of the finger cutting ickiness. Link to comment
johntfs June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 I fear Christie will feel the brunt of Alak's ire. He's not strong or smart enough to stand up to his mom. I believe calling her a human at the end of the group bath was just the beginning. Have they shown us any inter-species children? Not on the show, though Amanda's "She (Irisa) looks pureblood" after Nolan tells her Irisa is his daughter indicates that Human/Irathiant crosses are at least possible. Alak's biggest problem is that his marriage is going in the opposite direction than he'd wanted and expected. Alak wanted to be Mr. Christie McCawley. I think he loves Christie, but he kind of loves the idea of her family more. Alak didn't care about the mines, he just wanted to marry into Christie's family and out of his own. He wanted to get away from his father's explosive temper and his mother's wheedling manipulations. He was looking forward to dressing in blue jeans, living at the ranch and getting his hands dirty with actual dirt. Instead the E-rep shit-canned his dream by stealing the mines and his father got thrown in jail for being stupidly angry. Now his wife is bathing with his mother in Castie slave clothes and he's now his mother's mouthpiece and "head" of his dad's crime syndicate. Christie's intensely naive questioning was pretty close to the last straw. I don't think Alak would hit or hurt Christie, but he might very well give her a large dose of "straight talk." Something like: "Are you kidding me with this crap? Do you not get the world in which you live? My father was a crime boss. So now I am also a crime boss. Yes, I do illegal things. It's right there in the title, crime boss. I do those things to keep you in the lifestyle to which you became accustomed before the E-rep dragged your father down into his own mines. I also do them because if I don't, my mother will have terrible things done to us. And if she doesn't, my criminal employees who work for me because I am a crime boss, will drag us outside and shoot us in the head if they're not making money anymore. Got it?" 1 Link to comment
sjohnson June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 RE: shot while trying to escape: The E-reps like to video everything, so the classic method doesn't work so well. That also implies the mayor now has Alak doing the deed on video. This doesn't matter too much if he doesn't use it immediately, because it would be hard to sell "We didn't notice this recording during the initial investigation" 3 months down the line, but he might make a point of handing it over to Stahma, or not. It isn't like the entire town isn't going to know exactly who killed him anyways - he tried to bomb the Tarr matriarch and wound up with lots of stab wounds in a cell? Not a difficult mystery. Ooh, good point! This proves that Stahma is fundamentally as big a fool as Datak. He would do something stupid to satisfy his ego, she ordered Alak to kill Skeever to satisfy hers. Not just for revenge against Skeever but to bully Alak. Now Pottinger can produce a recording at any moment and take away the male she needs as a front. (All he has to say is that the investigation delayed arresting Alak while seeking evidence of who assisted in setting it up and/or who ordered the hit.) Maybe the writers were just sloppy? They really do mean to portray Stahma as a Francis Urquhart capable schemer? (Frank Underwood for you youngsters.) Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 Having Alak do it wasn't about ego - it is about safety. There is a saying: "if you strike at a prince, kill him". Stahma cannot afford to be the sole lynchpin keeping her empire together, because if she is, successfully killing her means you likely escape retribution. Noone with as many enemies as she has just by virtue of being a crime boss will live long in that situation. Dathak stayed alive in large part because anyone that bought a rifle and shot him would have died horribly at the hands of Stahma soon after and everyone in the crime buisness in Defiance knew that. She had no comparable shield, the idiot bomber brought that to her attention, and she fixed it. How clever or not it was.. It was a forced move. Hmm. Logically, that means Alak might have had to set the whole thing up on his own - the demonstration is useless if she walks him through it. Of course, mostly he demonstrated that he just isn't cut out for this, even if he does know how to use a knife, so, logical next step for Stamah is to.. Corrupt Christie into a sufficiently scary protege? Link to comment
QuiGonJ June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 My first question is, how aul' is Berlin supposed to be that she knows about "Star Wars"? Maybe I just forgot about the Defiance time period relative to ours, can somebody help me? I totally got a kick out of her "BUSTED-ass roller with your hot Chewbacca."(Emphasis on the word "busted" intentional here.) If I had to guess, they've added an interesting wrinkle, Rafe McCauley said he missed computers, but Berlin clearly has computers. Perhaps it's something like in the sticks, tech is hard to come by. The E-Rep... they have everything, including Blu-Rays and the backup of the internet. Link to comment
Scarlett45 June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 Having Alak do it wasn't about ego - it is about safety. There is a saying: "if you strike at a prince, kill him". Stahma cannot afford to be the sole lynchpin keeping her empire together, because if she is, successfully killing her means you likely escape retribution. Noone with as many enemies as she has just by virtue of being a crime boss will live long in that situation. Dathak stayed alive in large part because anyone that bought a rifle and shot him would have died horribly at the hands of Stahma soon after and everyone in the crime buisness in Defiance knew that. She had no comparable shield, the idiot bomber brought that to her attention, and she fixed it. How clever or not it was.. It was a forced move. Hmm. Logically, that means Alak might have had to set the whole thing up on his own - the demonstration is useless if she walks him through it. Of course, mostly he demonstrated that he just isn't cut out for this, even if he does know how to use a knife, so, logical next step for Stamah is to.. Corrupt Christie into a sufficiently scary protege? I agree, if Stahma can be threatened so easily she has no real power. As Alak said a man that can't protect his family has no honor. The guy did try to murder his mother in a very cowardly way- a bomb. In a typical "mob family situation" Alak would not be the son you would have running things. He would be the one you send to law school/medical school etc to bring the family prestige and legitimacy; but being that he is an only child Stamha needs him to step it up. I think Tommy and Berlin could be interesting. I understand that Berlin wants order and peace in the world and thinks that the E-Rep can deliver that. Tommy was an orphan, who became law keeper, he also seeks stability. Link to comment
Izeinwinter June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 (edited) Berlin's camcorder was brand new, add in the holo-displays, the cameras.. The E-Rep is definitely back in the consumer electronics business. Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if half the reason they are in defiance isn't the nuke plant beneath it. Either for repair and restart or in order to take it apart for parts and fuel. That would also explain why they are running a train line to what appears to be a not very large town. It's a maglev system, that means it doesn't run on gulenite or biofuel - it runs on electricity. Lots of it. Of course, if the E-rep is planning to run a good chunk of their infrastructure off the nuke plant down in the mines, they are never ever going to leave. Other things I want to bring back from season 1: Remember that E-rep lady with two husbands? I really would like a poly solution to the irisa/tommy/berlin situation. Because 1: I hate the form triangle drama usually takes. 2: Making Belin Nolan's daughter in law would be really funny. 3: Irisa/Berlin would be fun. Edited June 28, 2014 by Izeinwinter Link to comment
shapeshifter June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 (edited) I wonder if Berlin could be using Tommy in some way, because he was a law keeper before the eReps took power. Maybe Irisa will have to make a choice to save his life from Berlin at some point. Another curious thing about her: IMDb lists her character name as Jessica "Berlin" Rainer. Edited June 28, 2014 by shapeshifter Link to comment
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