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S07.E12: The Big House

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I just finished this episode and Jesus, Doggett? This season has been depressing and dark as hell. 

Is it bad that I kinda want Daya to get shanked in the finale?

Edited by TiredMe
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Jesus! I just wrote in two past posts that Penn's life had improved the most during prison! Damn it, that sucked. They killed off another good one, just like Poussey. Fuck Luschek.

Poor Gloria - 9 days from release. Can the guards really give her 5 more years or is that standard for having contraband?

McCullough with the revenge game.

I'm not caring too much about Cindy. 

I loved Taystee and Caputo's (final?) conversation.

Here I go. About to start the last episode...ever. 

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Poor Doggett.  I feel like this wouldn't have happened if she still had Boo...

Poussey!  I thought she'd appear as a ghost telling Taystee not to kill herself, but this was just as good.

I knew McCullough would eventually go on a power trip.  She deserves to be in prison herself.

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I was never a fan of Doggett, but this broke my heart. She really worked hard. She thought she failed the exam for sure. 

Cindy's mess needed straightened out a long time ago. She should have took responsibility from the start. Now, maybe the three of them can start over.

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3 Sam Cooke songs plus a Poussey flashback? Definitely makes this episode my favorite of the season.

Like Cindy, I also listen to Sam when I need to block out negative noise, even if it is coming from my own mind. I felt her on that.

Doggett's death did nothing for me, except that I feel bad that it was Taystee had to find her like that.

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On 7/28/2019 at 2:50 PM, ExplainItAgain said:

Jesus! I just wrote in two past posts that Penn's life had improved the most during prison! Damn it, that sucked. They killed off another good one, just like Poussey. Fuck Luschek.

Poor Gloria - 9 days from release. Can the guards really give her 5 more years or is that standard for having contraband?

McCullough with the revenge game.

I'm not caring too much about Cindy. 

I loved Taystee and Caputo's (final?) conversation.

Here I go. About to start the last episode...ever. 

All of this.

My beautiful Red, I hate to see her deteriorating like this. I wonder how long the EOA (early onset alzheimer's) would have stalled if she hadn't been sent to SHU or could have gotten her UTI treated sooner. 

POUSSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ I almost teared up seeing her again.

Fucking McCollough, doing Alex dirty like that, getting her transferred to Columbus. On to the finale...what a ride it has been. 

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WTF is wrong with Piper? Has she forgotten that just a couple of episodes ago she was in bed with her bar hookup?

Piper is the most useless character this show ever gave us.

Now Gloria is a great character. This should have been her show from the start.

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On 7/28/2019 at 10:49 AM, TiredMe said:

I just finished this episode and Jesus, Doggett? This season has been depressing and dark as hell. 

Is it bad that I kinda want Daya to get shanked in the finale?

Nope. I hope it happens.

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10 hours ago, preeya said:

Nope. I hope it happens.

And it would be great if she could take Aleida out with her.  

Piper has been pretty useless, but she got us into Litchfield.  The rest of the cast made us stay. 

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Dogget broke my heart.  I didn't even realize how much I've come to like her until now.  That was just such a waste. 

I thought it was established a couple season's ago that guards cannot willy-nilly add time to a convict's sentence (someone, Red?, challenged Piscatella on that) and legally, it wouldn't make sense that they could.

A judge sentenced them to a specific amount of time.  That can't be increased without a court proceeding and new judgement.  They might petition for a hearing/trial, or they might request that any early release be denied, but they can't just add time without due process.  That said, 5 years might be the penalty after a hearing and they aren't mentioning the charging/hearing process as a sort of short hand, just assuming they'd win. 

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I assumed that the neckless redheaded guard (sorry, did she have a name?) just pulled the "added five years" out of her ass to use as a threat to get the ladies to roll over on each other, and that it really wasn't in her authority, but she was hoping that the inmates wouldn't know that.

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Even from beyond the grave, Poussey is the best. Love that flashback and reminding us that Taystee did get out but ended up back in again, which is another reason her program is so important. So much misery could have been stopped if she had managed to stay out of jail. 

I didn't at all see Dogget dying at all, holy shit that was heartbreaking. She worked so hard for that GED, you can tell that not getting to finish just crushed her already horribly low sense of self worth. God dang this season is depressing, its just like every episode is another pile on the "life sucks" train. 

On the other hand, I am glad that Cindy does seem to still be working, even if she is also homeless, so maybe she can afford a place sometime soon. And a little Sam Cooke makes everything better.

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So tragic...the whole season, all the stories, th endings for the characters...fucking tragic.

Many people have the attitude that people who break laws deserve to be punished, and severely, to “pay back society”.  Lots of people believe illegal immigrants need to be rounded up and sent back to their countries of origin with no delay.  I know OITNB is a TV show, but I dare anyone to watch the institutional breakdown of people’s souls depicted on this show,  and still not be moved to question if we as a country are doing right by anyone trapped in such broken bureaucratic systems.  Yes, laws are being broken, and people need to take ownership of their actions and bad decisions.  However, the way things are currently (mis)managed only sets up everyone involved for failure. For the people rounded up in ICE raids-  No plan of what to do with the US born children, no plan to provide proper legal or translation services, or adequate temporary housing or medical aid.  For inmates in for-profit prisons - very little meaningful educational or therapeutic assistance.  Inadequate or non existent medical/psychiatric care.  No support channels for post-release to prevent recidivism. Heartbreaking to think of all the real life Maritza’s,Tiffany’s, Tastee’s, Red’s, Karla’s, Morello’s etc etc etc. Tens of thousands of lives destroyed every year.

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