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Welcome To The Barge! Life Away from TFGH

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After watching with my late grandmother since I can remember they lost me entirely when Robin's return became all about Sobrina. W the actual F?


Sobrina was a complete Mary Sue who'd been crammed down our throats. I did laugh my rear off the day she sobbed like an idiot when Robin interrupted the wedding.


And then it all went to hell after that. No AJ/Liz - which had promise for about five seconds. Not even AJ taunting the She-Beast Carly.  Oh there were moments - FonDuke kicking Jason off the pier like a banana peel he'd dropped, the FonDuke reveal - Robin seeing Anna and Robert and Emma again. But then?


Robin's return became all about Sobrina. I was like oh no... I'm gone. And I have watched maybe five minutes in clips since then. They tried to make me hate AJ, they did make me hate Alexis but I'll be switched if I'll hate Robin. Never. Ever.


And of course the manboobed mannipliating gummy bear mobster wanna be that is Sonny Corinthos being front and center just makes me not even want to go there again. But I love snark and the most intelligent snark I've read is about this show. 


I keep trying to get out and the snark pulls me back in. <g>


On a very sad note, I am glad my Grandma hasn't seen what's happened to her show. She was a nurse and this one was special - when it was actually about the hospital.

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Welcome to The Barge, everyone! Here is the place to embark on your TFGH Free Life! Come to vent your spleen - tell us what story or character is sending you on this trip; talk about how long you'll be gone; have a cocktail on the lanai with some of your favorite characters; play some shuffleboard; and explain what might, just might, make you cut your journey short to return to TFGH.


As always, please be respectful of your favorite posters; while you might throw barware against the wall about one story arc, another poster may hold it near and dear.


This thread is simply an experiment that we may or may not continue after seeing how things flow. Let @Stinger97 or me () know if you have any questions!



Maurice Bernard and Steve Burton drove me away from GH for years.  I came back just in time to see Jason Morgan shot "dead" and kicked into the harbor and the return of Sean Kanan's AJ, which were two of the best things this show has ever done.  It's been down hill ever since.  Bringing fan favorite vets back only to waste them, dumb them down, or outright shit on them; the continued presence of Luke Spencer and Sonny Corinthos; and the additions of useless characters like Silas, Kiki, Franco, Sabrina, Felix, Rafe, Levi, and who knows how many others has made me watch less and less. 


Michelle Stafford was the final straw.  She sucks so damn much. 


I have no faith any more in Ron and Frank to do right by these characters or this show's history.  Six months ago I would have been thrilled at the mention of a renewed brownstone.  But these two will just fuck it up with bad storytelling, bad pacing, and cheap ass sets.  And all the speculation that they're going to bring back Jason has me shaking my head wondering why, why, why.  They suck, too.


At some point I guess it will finally sink in that the GH I once loved is never coming back.

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I'm on the daily shuttle to and from the barge (shouldn't it be a cruise ship by now?)  Anyway, I can't not watch GH for some reason.  I think I need to for the snark factor.  I admit, the OL crossover brought me back to the show, but I should have known it would have been bad when the advertised "Mannings are coming to GH!" wound up being Starr and Todd, the latter who was eventually stuck in slagbeast hell.  But, I was excited to see Jason get rolled off a pier, AJ come back, the touching moments of seeing the last appearance of John Ingle and the poignant death of Edward Quartermaine, seeing the always amazing Robert Fucking Scorpio, and other things.  


What sent me over the edge was when the EP and HW began throwing temper tantrum over PP daring to want their characters back, seeding anger in the public by saying that THEY had the best interest of the characters and actors in mind, shitting all over OLTL, to the point of ungracious about offering good luck wishes to the team when it did go back (NLG sealed a place in my heart when she tweeted her congrats to them, but KA couldn't be bothered) and they bring back the three in the most ridiculous and annoying trio of characters who have, if not epic failures, have no place on the show that is overcrowded as it is and where actual VETS have no stories and/or contracts when they deserve them more.


Add to that the triumphant return (storywise set up at least, and with the rating to boot) of Robin, only for her to be shat on for the poor broken-hearted and knocked up Pweftect Pwincess Sobby, And the resident Village Idiot, Carly, who has never gone so googoo over a man IN HER LIFE like she has for the serial killer, killing off AJ, even though they brought him back to great fanfare and praise, and not putting him back with his babymana, who he had the greatest chemistry with (which the asshat's would see if they got over their hardon for the class clown), frankly inappropriate child love triangle (which will soon become quads, oy), the most predictable wife returns after X number of years, the overrunning of the cast, the shoddy sets, terrible wardrobe, makeup done probably by the cast themselves, and and...


When is happy hour here?  I think I need a drink...or five.

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Oh lawd. I was so enjoying my Sangria last night when I returned from work, enjoying my time on the barge since late March,

after Kimberly/Robin left...and then I'm hit with the news she's coming back!


The utter annihilation of her character at the current head writer's hack hands, also known as the douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit, was what finally had me jumping on those stick thingies where the boats and ships are moored? over to The Barge.


I grew up, or rather, I watched Robin grow up on this show; a show that used to be so, so good. Even though I knew better, even though I'd prepared myself, I didn't realize how horribly Robin's exit was going to be and the fuckcraptistic reason of "this was what everyone eventually agreed on was the best exit story" bullshit was going to be shoveled in my direction. As if I'm some bubble-brained maroon.


But nothing will make me hate Robin. Nothing. But my love and loyalty for the actress, who for God knows, what reasons, continues to return to have her character shit upon again and again, is yanking me back. So yes, fellow bargers and visitors, I set my dvr to record today's show because I'd read here, that we will see Robin today.


If that fuckwit has a brain, he'll show us that Robin's been threatened and blackmailed and prevented from calling home, letting alone returning home.


But when she leaves again, then I will return here again. I'm marking this chaise, so y'all will know 'tis just a temporary leave...

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At some point I guess it will finally sink in that the GH I once loved is never coming back.


I think that sank in for me a long time ago, which is why I've been on the Barge for quite some time.  It's lovely here, and I'm probably here for the duration.  I mostly like discussing the history of the show's better days, anyway - I'm not really tempted to watch the stories the current regime wants to tell.  Most of it sounds ugly and hateful.  I don't ask for soap characters to be pure as the driven snow, but when the likes of Sonny, Carly, and apparently Franco and this new Dr. O person and others are constantly getting the upper hand - even though they're vile, gross people - well, I just have no interest in that.  That's neither good drama nor fun escapism for me.   


explain what might, just might, make you cut your journey short to return to TFGH.


I used to think a "Who Killed Sonny?!" storyline would make me want to watch again, but at this point, it sounds like there are so many nasty murderers and other assorted criminals wandering around that Sonny dying wouldn't help much.  And I'm not sure I even want to watch Sonny lying silently in a coffin.  The actor is probably perfectly nice in real life, but I've found Sonny the character boring and awful since day one. 


What I really want is for Finola Hughes to get a better job on a better show, and then Anna can be written off when Robert comes and whisks her out of the hellhole that is Port Charles.  I don't ask for much - I'd settle for a short scene where he shows up at her door, and she takes about two seconds to think about how shitty life in PC is these days, and how much of a moron Duke is ... and then she just leaves with Robert.  That I would tune in for.  

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Well, Jason Quartermaine - with his original personality - should be angry at Sonny, who took a confused, brain-damaged college kid (who once aspired to be a doctor and save lives) and turned him into a mob-enforcer hitman. 


He should be pretty pissed that Carly used him to help her screw over AJ ... and then screwed him over, when she decided being with AJ and later Sonny was the better bet ... and still, for years afterwards, expected him to do her bidding. 


One hopes Jason Q would accept this his own terrible decisions are also to blame.  But I think Sonny and Carly certainly took advantage of him over the years. 


But I wouldn't leave the Barge to see a return of Jason's personality, or even to see him turn on Sonny or Carly.  I don't care enough about these three idiots, and the revolving door of Monica's undead sons is ludicrous. 

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True. But did Jason Q. Even know the Slagbeast? Or Sonny? His anger would be that of a stranger and not have the same impact, I suppose.

Not that I care, because I don't. It would be the same thing that happened to the Qs- brain damaged Jason didn't know them and rejected them. It would be poetic justice and Karma if Jasob rejects the Succubeast of a heifer and the midgety moobster.

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I was assuming a scenario where Jason came back with his Jason Q personality and memories, but also his memories of his life as Jason Morgan.  Which I think would be the most interesting scenario, where the full horror of what he turned into and what he did hits Jason Q.


Succubeast of a heifer


Hee hee.  I kinda love this phrase.


Michelle Stafford was the final straw.  She sucks so damn much.


I paddled out to the barge after seeing her first scene on GH. I saw immediately she wasn't going to play anything other than Phyllis and I don't need that in my life! I miss watching a soap though, I may have to give Y&R another try. At least MS is gone, though I'll have to put up with that block of wood ....

Keep in mind, you will PROBABLY encounter at least one block of wood on any soap that you watch. It's just the way it is....


(As I typed this, I was picturing myself as a 27 year old blonde, laying in a lounge chair on the Lido Deck at the barge, wearing a hot pink bikini, sipping an umbrella drink, and fanning myself with a huge white straw hat. Oh, and I said it with a slightly southern drawl.)

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I'm going to complain about the stories here.

Ron, you suck. You suck for ruining Roger Howarth twice. You had two chances with The Phantom of the Soap and you screwed them both. You may have lost your precious Stevie Poo, but you got the magic that was Sean Kanan and you messed that up. Why? Because he wasn't an underwear model? Here's the thing, this is about acting and story

You can and did line your beefcake up, but no one bought it. Ahhhh I had hope when you dock and rolled Jasus, but I fear you will f that up. Also, there are more than 3 gay people in any town. Everyone saw She's All That. And the more you try to make me love characters, I will hate them.

Now, if you could get SK back, reset RoHo as not Franco, recast other characters, quit ruining legacy characters, get some decent Q's, and cut back on latex masks- I may forgive you. Remember Todd/Blair reuniting at the Vickerman thing? Do stuff like that. Oh and if/when you recast Jasus, do not make him The Borg. We might be friends.

I've spent many years on The Barge now. If RF!S, Faison, Helena, Jerry, or Anna are on, I will watch most of the time. However, it's because I enjoy watching the actors who play those characters. The characters themselves bear no resemblance to the ones I cared about in the 80s/90s thanks to shoddy writing.

I would watch Anders Hove and Finola Hughes sit around and stare at each other for an hour before I would watch 99% of the dreck being churned out by this regime on a daily basis.

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I've basically been on the barge for at least the past three or four months, routinely deleting a week's worth of episodes unwatched. I honestly can't even remember what was happening when I was watching regularly. Which is probably why I quit. But anyway, my question is...are there any signs of improvement? I tried reading through the current plots thread, but I can't really tell if anything is worth tuning in for right now. So, does anyone think the show has gotten any better/more interesting recently, or should I stay on the barge in ignorant bliss?

Carrie, I shuttle between home and the barge all the time. I even upgraded to a bigger room since I was sure I'd be spending more time here, but I keep going back to GH. However, I do think the show has become more interesting lately. It has all the things a soap should have -- budding love, scheming lovers and exes, mysterious villains, etc. Sometimes, however, the folks doing those things aren't the ones we'd like to see on screen. i'd recommend tuning in on a Friday if you're curious, since they seem to be on schedule right now. A lot of stuff is supposed to happen around Halloween (which is also a Friday), but sudden immersion on that day after a prolonged absence might overpower you. Or enrage you. 

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 My people!  I feel like I've found my home. 


I'm currently on the barge waiting out Donna Mills latest stint and Carly and Franco's EPIC hallowedding and holding out for

Faison's return next month.

.  I truly cannot understand how the press (okay, such as there is still soap press) is going wild over Michelle Stafford and Donna Mills. I don't care about either, never will have an interest in either, and frankly resent that people are treating their presence on GH as some big treat to me.


Meanwhile, I feel like I'm watching (well, would be watching) that episode of Brady Bunch where Ken Jones and his wife adopt three kids of different races. 


But anyway, my question is...are there any signs of improvement?


To me, it's truly unrecognizable as GH anymore.  The focus right now is on Franco and Carly (with Sonny thrown in), Nina and Donna Mills (or Nina and Franco, or Nina and Rosalie, or Nina and Silas), Kiki, and Ava and Sabrina.  To me, 90% of the characters on any particular day are despicable and not worthy of my attention, even in scorn or as "love to hate." 

Edited by Francie
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I tried to watch today. Just could not force myself to care about any of them.


Went back and read some of my old retcon chapters and notes. That's as close as I think I'm ever going to get to a GH I can enjoy.

OMG -- that picture of the barge is awesome!! Well done!!


Haven't had a chance yet to check out the chapters yet.  Looking forward to it!

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At this point, I think I've accepted that I'm on the Barge for good now. Any GH fix I need I've been getting by working my way through old timey GH episodes on the web. I never saw the first half of the 80s, so it's new to me, at least.

(And by Barge, we really mean luxury cruise ship, right? Cause I want a fancy room ...)

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At this point, I think I've accepted that I'm on the Barge for good now. Any GH fix I need I've been getting by working my way through old timey GH episodes on the web. I never saw the first half of the 80s, so it's new to me, at least.

(And by Barge, we really mean luxury cruise ship, right? Cause I want a fancy room ...)


Of course it's a luxury cruise ship.  Nothing but the best.


For those interested in late 80s or early 90s GH storylines, I highly recommend RobertAnnaFan's youtube channel.  She has entire storylines, unedited, grouped as playlists.  It's awesome.


In particular, I recommend the "1986 Robert's Return/Mr. B" storyline from 1986 (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL46ADDEE0A32C643C)


The 1988 "Snowman" storyline where Grant Putnam kidnaps Anna (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0F0A5C0815B9B180)


And, despite the cheesy alien parts (which is nothing compared to the cheese being served on a daily basis on today's GH), the original Faison storyline.  Back when he was charming, bad ass, and truly scary, and nothing like the comic book villain he is today. (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKw03OGtVrT24RlVGyQbcKMWCEFmKsa-g)

A nice thing about watching episodes from 1980 is that I finally know why Kelly's is called Kelly's! All of the Kelly family must have left town by the late 80s when I started watching (when Ruby ran the place - but kept the name).

On an unrelated note, I would leave the Barge temporarily to see Sonny die in a particularly painful manner. So if someone could just pop in here and alert me if that is about to happen ....


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On an unrelated note, I would leave the Barge temporarily to see Sonny die in a particularly painful manner. So if someone could just pop in here and alert me if that is about to happen ....

I doubt it's ever going to happen, but I will alert the full media if we are sure it's gonna happen.  I can't think of anything, short of winning the lottery, that would give me more pleasure.

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After hearing and seeing the attempts to pimp "Hallowedding," I am happily spending this week on the barge.


Like Carly would marry Franco.


Like Carly would wear a black dress to her own wedding.


Like Carly would caught dead doing a theme wedding.


We get it, FrankenRon. You want your Halloween-themed slew of episodes. Have at it. I'll be enjoying a Halloween-themed cocktail on the promenade deck instead.

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Happy Halloween to all the barge passengers.  Here's a reminder of GH Halloweens gone by, back when the entire cast got to dress up and celebrate:




I especially love Tracy and Lord Ashton in the background here:



Edited by Francie

If you want to see newcomer Bryan Craig owning Mo, you tube the Morgan/Sonny scenes from yesterday. Morgan tells him what a pig he is for killing AJ.

Today is the day to watch if you want to catch the AJ reveal. It should go on today and Monday. I can recap if you want. Thus far, Sonny is getting owned by his sons. If Bryan Craig doesn't get the Gold Chocolate Bunny this year, Shenanigans! !!

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Question, what website do you all use in order to watch scenes you are interested in. I think I'm headed to the barge for a break but I don't want to miss any scenes with Robin, Brad or Faison.

Current stuff?  Youtube or hulu plus.

If you want to see newcomer Bryan Craig owning Mo, you tube the Morgan/Sonny scenes from yesterday. Morgan tells him what a pig he is for killing AJ.

Today is the day to watch if you want to catch the AJ reveal. It should go on today and Monday. I can recap if you want. Thus far, Sonny is getting owned by his sons. If Bryan Craig doesn't get the Gold Chocolate Bunny this year, Shenanigans! !!


Unfortunately that didn't turn out to be the case at all. Once again, Sonny owned all, and the only thing revealed was that Morgan was brought in the Ava killed Connie loop. But that was so long ago, now, the statute of limitations has probably run, at least according to the criminal laws of FrankenRon's Port Charles.  I have no doubt this upcoming month will be a long, drawn out mess, as TPTB try to stretch the drama through the end of seeps.

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