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The Hills: New Beginnings - General Discussion

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So the first thing these fools do is have a little party outside, nobody masked, all hugs and kisses.  Only person masked is the hired help grilling the food.

Judging by the fire pits and the clothes everyone was wearing, this was probably shot during the winter, when LA/Southern CA was on fire as far as covid cases and deaths.

Which would be surprising because there were some restrictions and yet they were able to shoot?

In the little ceremony that Brody (the producers) came up with, a lot of booze and drugs were put in that box, which they buried maybe a few inches in the ground, with lame kicking of the dirt on top of it.  Box wasn't really buried.

Audrina said she had covid and then was locked down most of the pandemic, until MTV came calling, of course.  Trying to date Rod Stewart's son, who seems to be an okay guy but if Rachel Hunter was his mother, he didn't inherit the looks.

Audrina says she doesn't kiss on the first date and says "now with covid and all."  She gets weepy in one TH about how she was treated badly in her 20s by the guys she dated.

She says her daughter is the most important thing in her life but they haven't shown one shot of her, nor in the first season either.  Guess the custody thing still prevents that.

The plot for Speidi is she wants another baby and she feels the biological clock.  Guess they're all around their mid 30s by now.  Bloated Spencer has other preoccupations but he didn't once mention crystals!  Though they claimed they were making a lot of money but the pandemic slowed them down?  Who knew people wouldn't need crystals during a pandemic?

Heidi gets into some skimpy bra and panties, gets weepy about wanting a baby and Spencer is pretending he's not into having another baby  Their place looks nicer than the first season

They show a lot of clips from "1 year ago" but I don't recall many of those.

Brandon woos back his gf, again, kind of boring.

Worst thing about this show is it plays into the stereotypes of Californians being vapid.  Well it's Southern Californians, need to make that distinction.



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16 hours ago, aghst said:

Worst thing about this show is it plays into the stereotypes of Californians being vapid.

Amen to that. I couldn’t get over that not a single woman’s face moved at all. So plastic and stretched. It looked painful for them to emote. And every guy was such a douche-bro. “Self-reflection” my ass. The only fallout from quarantine for these idiots is that they couldn’t get laid or get their fillers for a few months. Oh…and Justin can f’off my television forever. I swear - he’s gotta be a troll. No one can be that much of a stupid, pretentious ass hat naturally. He makes my skin crawl. 🤮

ETA: Spencer continuing to eat his pot pie while Heidi cried cracked me up. Try as I might - I find him amusing. And - although he’s a douche - I think he’s much smarter and savvier than the rest of the men.

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
And another thing…
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4 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

and Justin can f’off my television forever. I swear - he’s gotta be a troll. No one can be that much of a stupid, pretentious ass hat naturally. He makes my skin crawl

😀 well stated! MTV must be desperate for new (old) content.

20 hours ago, aghst said:

Trying to date Rod Stewart's son, who seems to be an okay guy but if Rachel Hunter was his mother, he didn't inherit the looks.




I will get all I need of this show here vs watching so keep it coming. Oh and maybe from Whitney’s IG (I enjoy how weirdly disassociated she is from it, like when she does post it seems like a contractual obligation - though I guess she does those YouTube watches with her husband) And then scrolling Heidi’s occasionally mortifying feed as well. I’m not proud of this assumption but I feel like if they really wanted another child they would have had one by now and they are just engineering storyline out of it.

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Some real reactions, Kaitlynn didn't like seeing Brody with the new girl on the trip, rolls her eyes at something Brody said -- BTW, maybe Brody dropped Kaitlynn because his father is now named Caitlyn?

Brody didn't like loud, drunk Heidi, urging on what's her name to drink, don't let Brody stop her.

The son of Rod Stewart was mocking Justin Bobby about his hairdresser gig.

Audrina didn't want to see that son of Rod Stewart guy on this trip.  Probably being polite or playing along and pretending to be interested in that kid.  Did the producers cast him just to be able to say they have son of Rod Stewart on the show this season?

Justin Bobby was looking to swoop in and pick up Kaitlynn, when he saw she was bothered by Brody and the new gf.  Told her when the time is right he's ready for kids and family but says in the talking head he doesn't want children.



Edited by aghst
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5 hours ago, aghst said:


Brody didn't like loud, drunk Heidi, urging on what's her name to drink, don't let Brody stop her.

The son of Rod Stewart was mocking Justin Bobby about his hairdresser gig.

Audrina didn't want to see that son of Rod Stewart guy on this trip.  Probably being polite or playing along and pretending to be interested in that kid.  Did the producers cast him just to be able to say they have son of Rod Stewart on the show this season?




I felt kinda bad on the last ep when the Pratt’s were cutting loose & not one person had tine for that

i remember Sean from that Sons of  Hollywood show and he was kind of super hyper and obnoxious, kind of like an unruly toddler. The funniest part was when he recorded a song, and was trying to convince his dad that talent wasn’t the main point of being a singer

Audrina is probably thinking of him as another Ryan Cabrera, “thanks for the paycheck”




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such a weird set up. Someone has a gambling problem big enough to lose their house so his mates organise a poker night!

people all wear their masks into the house/back gardens. Surely most of us take them off as we exit the car before going into houses.

Audrina saying her and Kaityn are similar as just wanting a nice guy??? (didn't Kaitlyn date miley cyrus?)



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I think someone mentioned she was 36?

Not the sharpest tool in the shed.  But all these cast members were little more than high school graduates, if that?

LC wanted to go to fashion school, couldn't hack it there but she has fashion lines and making big bucks.

Similarly, Audrina started out as a receptionist and the producers of The Hills like her look they said so they put her on TV and she's had a couple of TV shows and now on this show again.  Hell if this dries up, she could marry some rich pig (Rod Stewart's son!) and go on one of those Real Housewives show 10-20 years from now, though she has to sharpen her claws for Bravo.

Edit:  stupid auto correct.

Edited by aghst
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Audrina was an aspiring actress when the producers found her and cast her on the Hills. She may have been working as a receptionist for real at the time too though. I'm not sure if they ever said her jobs were fake or not like some other people's. 

I'm pretty sure LC graduated from FIDM. She went to some other college in San Francisco for something else before that and failed. That's where she met Heidi. And Heidi didn't finish fashion school with Lauren. 

Lol trying to get all that out right. 

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So why not do this show?  You could be a minor character like Caroline, who claims to be broke and homeless and they arrange some swank hotel suite for her?  If they film there more than once, you know MTV is picking up the bill.  But since Catelyn shot her down, maybe she won't be on the show any more.

How about that scene where her father slut-shames her and she tells him BS (not abbreviated) and that's why she was homeless.  Yeah I'm sure that's how it happened.  They went back and got them to film it that way to fit the story.

Then they throw this over the top baby announcement/gender reveal party.  You know none of the cast paid for all that.

Spencer with the $100 burritos, taking organic ingredients to a taco truck and having them make it for him.🙄

Again they happen to film it.  You know it's as if it's a stunt for the camera.

Edited by aghst
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Gonna be honest, I dig the show without the Pratt's on it. This past episode made me want more Heidi & Spencer free episodes---not that they had nothing, but they weren't the storyline. The older cast is boring, and not because their lives aren't interesting, but because they're trying to act like they did when they were in their 20's and it's frankly, not believable. 

Jason's addiction and recovery? Completely relatable.

Ashley staying with Jason despite his addiction...capitalize on that.

Audrina going out and dating...people we haven't known for over a decade...way more interesting then this Sean dude that is acting like a dude acting badly on a badly scripted reality show. No more Ryan Cabera's...I mean, Sean basically looks like older Ryan however you spell it. 

Caitlynn moving on and her friend Katelyn...show me more of that.

Heidi whining about another baby while shooing her kid off with the nanny, drinking so much her boobs fall out and Spencer eating $100 burritos? Boring as can be. If that is how they actually act?? Fine, whatever, but it's not entertaining...it's sad. It's not even a fun trainwreck, it's just a wreck. 

Hell, I'd like to see Brody dig into his own messed up childhood to resolve his issues with commitment and date someone normal...someone not Audrina. 

And Justin Bobby, his commentary is everything. I wouldn't touch the man with a 10 ft pole, but his interviews are at least honest and he has no issues throwing shade where it belongs. 

And Brandon...dude, get that kid some anger management classes stat. His level of intensity is like Joe from Netflix level and I fear for that girl. But show more of them because at least with cameras rolling we know he can't lock her in a box in the basement of a book store. 

Okay, I'm done now...sorta, MTV could actually make this a decent reality show but they're focusing on the wrong stuff. 

And why don't we get more of Frankie? He gets a credit, but zero storyline. 

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On 6/21/2021 at 7:54 PM, Loves2Dance said:

Gonna be honest, I dig the show without the Pratt's on it. This past episode made me want more Heidi & Spencer free episodes---not that they had nothing, but they weren't the storyline. The older cast is boring, and not because their lives aren't interesting, but because they're trying to act like they did when they were in their 20's and it's frankly, not believable. 

Heidi whining about another baby while shooing her kid off with the nanny, drinking so much her boobs fall out and Spencer eating $100 burritos? Boring as can be. If that is how they actually act?? Fine, whatever, but it's not entertaining...it's sad. It's not even a fun trainwreck, it's just a wreck. 

Hell, I'd like to see Brody dig into his own messed up childhood to resolve his issues with commitment and date someone normal...someone not Audrina. 


Okay, I'm done now...sorta, MTV could actually make this a decent reality show but they're focusing on the wrong stuff. 



Yes I agree!  Why the Pratts think they need to do all of this fighting with others and stupid "trying for a baby" stuff (first they were too serious about trying, then they "turned up," then they tried to get back into baby mode, blah blah), I do not get it.  I like Spencer when he is REAL.  I like him on his podcast, and in interviews.  He is funny and relatable.  They always try to do too much for the show and it is such a turn-off for viewers.  Just be normal!!

As far as Caitlynn - I like her but there is nothing there.  I don't like her friend, I am not sure why there was a flashback with her family.  She is weird.  Why did she leave her marriage with LITERALLY the shirt on her back??  And LITERALLY no where to go?  Why not talk about that?  Or not at all is fine with me.

Yeah I'd like to see that too, but Brody will never dig into it.  He gives the camera juuuust enough to get a paycheck.

Agree, this could be good.  But it is all over the place.


On 6/23/2021 at 9:36 AM, catherinejane said:


I like it when Whitney pops in and out of the show. She seems fairly normal.


Why isn't she a cast member?  

I swear she always has a sister coming into town or leaving town, just like the old "The Hills" days.

I don't know if she is genuine or not, she is always flummoxed by even the little things.  Or, as she would say, "little thinKs."

I used to be KCav's biggest fan... I don't like her at all now.  

OMG Justin Bobby and his tales of woe... and he was in a "gang" called "kids being bad" or whatever.  Juvie?  And he was shot?  Ok, sure.  He is all over the place.

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wasn't it heidi who had a sister coming who Spencer hated? and Spencer also had a sister who then went into Made in Chelsea?


Whitney was a cast member last season, she spoke a few times about miscarriages etc. But she probably just has zero drama going on, 1 or 2 small kids and husband and just can't be arsed with that scene anymore/can't be arsed to create drama for a paycheck.

Would be nice to see lo bosworth again. She also appeared to be laurens other friend, never a person in her own right (until season 6 when she was in the titles).


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On 6/24/2021 at 8:09 PM, heatherchandler said:

I have to say that I am so sick of reality shows spending so much time on people popping champagne bottles.  Do the producers think we care about someone opening a bottle?  We do not care if it is "scary."

People on shows will pop the bottles and let it spray.

They’re not the ones paying $50 or more a bottle.  TV doesn’t mind, it looks cool to have it spray out and people reacting to it.

They apparently rented a swanky Airbnb for Kristin so they could film her and Audrina popping that bottle among other things.

The little reception party for Kristin, full of vapid dialogue and them screaming and laughing at everything.

She does look great for being a mother of 3 young kids.  So does she still have her own show?

those flashbacks from the original Hills I don’t even remember.  Kristin was on The Hills and she was hooking up with Brody?  And Kristin introduced Heidi to Spencer?

I thought LC got away from Laguna Beach to get away from Kristin among others.  Then they put in Spencer and Brody on the show, probably over her objections.  And Heidi, who was supposedly LCs good friend, decided to bang Spencer, who was spreading vicious rumors about LC’s sex tape and the appearance of her privates.

All before social media but there was a lot of online chatter then, using whatever online media was popular then.

So if the producers brought on Kristin, that was another twisting of the knife.  No wonder LC got the hell out.





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Caitlynn is on the show because she’s a pretty young thing and may have drama as Brody boinks other women.

Women in their 30s should know better than to get involved with him but looks like Audrina hasn’t been paying attention, even though she alludes to being mistreated herself.

Caitlynn should chalk up her marriage as a youthful mistake and move on but on this show she has to appear like she’s bothered whenever Brody is with someone else.

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But Caitlyn dated MILEY CYRUS. I mean thats huge! why would she want Brody?

Audrina should occasionally mention she is a mum, even if the child can't appear on tv. Looks odd to not mention it.

And it was right to tell Heidi that the party was a baby announcement, isn;t she desperate to have a kid right now? just nice to give a friend a heads up on that sort of thing.


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4 hours ago, aghst said:

The little reception party for Kristin, full of vapid dialogue and them screaming and laughing at everything.


Uugh the stupid small talk, “oh my god how many kids do you have?” is annoying and I avoid it in real life.. definitely don’t want to watch it on a show.  And the scream/laugh is horrible.


4 hours ago, aghst said:

Caitlynn should chalk up her marriage as a youthful mistake and move on but on this show she has to appear like she’s bothered whenever Brody is with someone else.

Yeah but I think she’s still in love with Brody.

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On 6/21/2021 at 7:54 PM, Loves2Dance said:

And Brandon...dude, get that kid some anger management classes stat. His level of intensity is like Joe from Netflix level and I fear for that girl. But show more of them because at least with cameras rolling we know he can't lock her in a box in the basement of a book store. 

Did I miss an episode?  I saw the coming attractions for the scene with him screaming at the camera, but I never saw that scene.. the last episode I saw had Brody getting out of the car and Audrina hiding in the back seat.  Was that not the end of the episode?

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I am disappointed Mischa Barton is not back. Sounds like filming was not a good experience for her. On the one hand, she actually works, so I can see why hanging with people who are content to loaf around all day living off their parents and grandparents (while closing in on FORTY) would get old. On the other hand, reading between the lines, sounds like Mischa isn't prepared to be called out for the stuff she's still doing that she says she isn't doing, and instead of just saying she has decided she wants more privacy she has taken to calling her most recent (and likely only!) employer a "shit show" which, while accurate, is hardly professional, Mischa. No wonder you aren't getting work much. Mischa Barton kind of strikes me as someone who always sees herself as the victim and everything is someone else's fault.


I thought I would hate Katelynn but I actually thought she came off pretty well in the San Diego episode. I have no patience for people who randomly insert themselves in other people's drama, so I actually cheered when Brody called out Audrina for scolding him over his unhappiness with Amber drinking, and watching her frantically backpedal. Although Brody, I don't have a lot of patience either for people who chose to date partners 15 YEARS YOUNGER and then complain that they're immature.

Edited by Tatum
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On 6/27/2021 at 6:12 PM, Kornfan said:

I really wish they had brought Stephanie back. But I enjoy watching Heidi and Spencer too much

Why didn't they? I remember she did a podcast interview and said that she wouldn't film again. She was also upset about how some scenes went down. But she's been silent on social media about it. And very quiet on instagram for months now. I hope she's doing okay. 

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On 6/29/2021 at 1:36 PM, Tatum said:

I am disappointed Mischa Barton is not back. Sounds like filming was not a good experience for her. On the one hand, she actually works, so I can see why hanging with people who are content to loaf around all day living off their parents and grandparents (while closing in on FORTY) would get old. On the other hand, reading between the lines, sounds like Mischa isn't prepared to be called out for the stuff she's still doing that she says she isn't doing, and instead of just saying she has decided she wants more privacy she has taken to calling her most recent (and likely only!) employer a "shit show" which, while accurate, is hardly professional, Mischa. No wonder you aren't getting work much. Mischa Barton kind of strikes me as someone who always sees herself as the victim and everything is someone else's fault.

Wait...what is Mischa doing???

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1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Wait...what is Mischa doing???

Spencer talked about it in his Cosmo blog...I can't remember if Mischa says she no longer drinks at all, and doesn't like to be filmed drinking, or if she said she drinks but in extreme moderation and Spencer said she drinks a lot, but either way, his comment had to do with her drinking more than she claims to and not wanting the cameras around when she is.


Now, Spencer Pratt isn't the most reliable source ever, but in this case, it doesn't seem to be that far fetched.

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I have such a hard time with new Jason vs old Jason.  I mean, I know everyone ages but his voice, his mannerisms, his personality, are all so radically different than the Jason we saw on Laguna Beach & The Hills.

I find Heidi & Spencer entertaining, but Spencer talking shit about Jason's sobriety, just because Ashley was put off by Heidi's drunk shenanigans, was a serious low blow. Brody seems downright afraid of Spencer too.  Weird.

Caitlyn can lose me with the Audrina breaking girl code. Have they ever even had a conversation? You're no friends, you're co-workers, and Brody is a beautiful man...

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I'm kind of surprised Caitlin is as jealous as she is. Last season she didn't even seem that into Brody IMO. I would of thought Jason would of picked a different type of girl than his wife. She dresses really nice but seems very prissy and uptight. I just would of pictured Jason with a Kristin or Heidi type of girl. But he's a new Jason now apparently. I wonder why no Brandon in the last episode. I still have to watch last night's show.

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2 hours ago, snarts said:

I have such a hard time with new Jason vs old Jason.  I mean, I know everyone ages but his voice, his mannerisms, his personality, are all so radically different than the Jason we saw on Laguna Beach & The Hills.

I find Heidi & Spencer entertaining, but Spencer talking shit about Jason's sobriety, just because Ashley was put off by Heidi's drunk shenanigans, was a serious low blow. Brody seems downright afraid of Spencer too.  Weird.

Caitlyn can lose me with the Audrina breaking girl code. Have they ever even had a conversation? You're no friends, you're co-workers, and Brody is a beautiful man...

I've thought this too with Jason. His voice still creeps me out too as it just doesn't seem natural!

I agree with you about Caitlyn, she isn't close enough with Audrina (or with anyone else from the group for that matter) for them to feel obligated to treat her with kid gloves about anything involving Brody. I'm honestly wondering why she is even there if she has such a problem with him talking to or dating anyone else. 

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3 hours ago, aghst said:

Caitlynn looks like she wanted to "fix" Brody, make him the husband and father that he's avoided being so far.

Wasn't it some weird situation about them not really being married, even though she claimed they were?

I thought it was well established that their Indonesia wedding was not legally binding in the US, and Brody never completed the paperwork to make it official in the US. I think he at some point even said the marriage was always going to be symbolic only and that he never intended to be legally married in the United States.


ETA: I believed they said on the show last season that by the time they got around to filing the paperwork, they were already considering (or had decided on) breaking up, but according the a post in the other Hills thread, Spencer told Cosmo that Brody was never going to get it legalized in the US because he did not want finances mingled. However, if Caitlynn did not know that and expected the legality in the US to be matter of quick paperwork, I don't find it that weird she refers to Brody as her ex husband. But I also think she's not over him. Once she is, she will probably just refer to him as her ex, and drop off the husband part.

Edited by Tatum
Indonesia, not Thailand
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Its weird how Ashley says how much she wants to be friends with Heidi. Yet she's always looking for a problem with her. She acts surprised when Heidi doesn't show up to her events. But every time Heidi is brought up Ashley never has anything nice to say or she's frowning her face up about Heidi's behavior. Frenemies. Not sure what Spencer's deal is with Jason. Brody was really enjoying stirring the pot. He was all smiles gossiping. He kind of reminded me of Jax in that scene. Its like this season Audrina and Brody are the new Justin Bobby and Stephanie. Kaitlynn is acting how Audrina was last season over Justin and Stephanie.

Edited by Kornfan
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These people are vapid or strange or intense or mixed up or all of the above, but I do think they are authentic.  Like, I think this is really how they are.  Am I naive?  I'm kind of impressed by how open they are and how real I think these situations are.

The exception is Kaitlyn. Last season Kaitlyn was open about not liking this group and not wanting to be around them-presumably this was when she had one foot out Brody's door and one foot into Miley's.  But she's a hustler and she makes her money via social media, so now she's back and she's got to pretend she cares about Brody, who she left and enjoyed taunting when she was shacked up with Miley.  She should be on Vander Pump Rules.


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"The wrath of the Pratts" is a thing!  Brody won't take sides because then he'll become the target.

Spenser did admit he was drunk and feeling defensive, will always defend him and Heidi.  Is it self-awareness or did that zen master really pull off his mojo?

Kaitlyn says she doesn't care if Brody and Audrina hook up, only if they lie to her about it.  Then talks about how great her new guy is, how he's the opposite of Brody, how they had real adult conversations for the first time in her life.

Then in another TH, she says Audrina saw how Brody evaded responsibility when it came to marriage and parenthood with her, so if Audrina, a single mother, wants to purse that ...

Yeah she doth protest too much about moving on and being over him.

Hmm, Heidi and Spenser had to downsize their business.  Still can't believe selling crystals is a thing.  Did the show help them sell that garbage, from the notoriety?  Or is the show their real income?

Brandon trying to get his gf to move in, BORING.  Why is a young and rich guy so obsessed with that?  Is that the only story idea they could come up with for him?




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Imo Ashley is just looking for reasons not to like Heidi. She was immediately aggressive towards Heidi and Spencer. All the women love and respect Brody. Spencer seemed kind of hurt by Audrina, when he told her she was lying in front of the group. Justin Bobby and Stephanie don't talk anymore? I found it odd he's back in Audrina's life like that. I don't think Brody is really feeling Audrina like that. Their scene with the smores seemed very staged and awkward.

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Everything with Audrina ALWAYS feels staged and awkward, not sure why. It all seems fake fake fake especially because she is a mom of a real young kid and that is her real life right now. They don't even mention her child; how am I to try to believe she and Brody are involved in some deep way? I can never figure out if Audrina is fake or just completely vapid. She's a little fascinating in that way.

But the thing with Jason and his wife is real, in that they were really offended by Spencer questioning his sobriety.  Because he did just relapse (!) and he's a dad now, and because he pretty much supports the family by being a famous "sober person", I understand his reaction. But I still think Jason and his wife are uptight and no fun, and Jason's wife isn't doing him any favors by getting so worked up. Chill out, pregnant lady! No one cares what that clown Spence Pratt said about your husband to shitstir on a reality show. Jeez.

Who was that Jen girl with Whitney who they brought in to give that weirdo Heidi some friends to talk to? That wasn't Jenn Bundy, was it?

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