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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Final Countdown


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  On 10/1/2019 at 12:18 AM, Primal Slayer said:

Surely they wouldn't be wasting Stephanie Brown on Arrow? 


I might be misunderstanding (I admit to not paying as close of attention as I should) but isn’t the assumption that she would be for the spinoff (assuming of course that she’s not just random character X)?

Personally, I think they’d be better off going with a younger crowd for the spinoff, 2040 setting or no.  Stephanie Brown might be a good fit for that.  

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Stephen Amell Previews Arrow's Farewell Run, Opens Up About What Arrowverse Legacy Means to Him


He gets more specific about the timing of his decision to leave - and EBR’s:


TVLINE | For starters, can you clarify when you thought that you’d be done with Arrow after Season 7, and when you decided to come back for 10 more episodes?
I decided midway through Season 6 — basically over the Christmas break — that it was time to be done, and I broached that subject with [Arrowverse overlord] Greg [Berlanti]. He and and I talked for about a month before he formally notified [CW president] Mark [Pedowitz] and [WBTV president] Peter Roth, because he was like, “Think about this a lot, let’s talk about it, because once I kick it up the chain, once the ball starts rolling….” So I thought about it then. I assumed that [the series] was going to end at the end of 7, but Greg’s smarter than me, and he had a really good idea about a limited run in Season 8.

TVLINE | So at the time that you filmed “Elseworlds,” when you saw that end card promising “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” did you know you would be back for the 10 episodes?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew that I was going to be back for 10 episodes of Season 8 before we started Season 7.

TVLINE | Was Emily [Bett Rickards]’s decision to leave at the end of Season 7 informed by your own thinking at the time?
Nope. Nope. Emily was a guest [star] in Season 1, and then she signed a six-year contract that ran through Season 7. She nailed it, and then she was done.

TVLINE | She wasn’t thinking, “Well, Stephen is probably gone anyway at the end of 7, so…”?
No, no. Frankly, from my respective I really would have preferred that she stayed until the end, but from a professional standpoint, as one of her best friends… I get it.


Stuff about the new season:


TVLINE | What’s driving him right now?
Two things: One, he believes the Monitor, because Kara and Barry were going to die and the Monitor gave him [an alternative]. And secondarily, he believes Felicity when she says, “Whatever happens, I’ll find you.” He believes her. There’s a great exchange in [this season’s] Episode 2, between me and Rila Fukushima, who plays Tatsu, where she says, “You’re being driven by anger,” and he goes, “I’m not angry.” Because he’s not. He’s simply doing what has to be done. In a lot of ways, he was driven by anger in those earlier seasons; not so much this year. He’s just making good on the deal he made. He made a deal. He saved Barry, saved Kara…. [Sheepishly] I’m bummed out that he lied to Barry about making a deal.

TVLINE | What sort of conflicts will Oliver get into on a weekly basis, during this final run? The producers [at TCA] were talking about “humongous” events in each episode.
[Sarcastically] Well, yeah, that’d be the first time a showrunner had said, “It’s huge.” [Laughs] Oliver is doing the Monitor’s bidding. Both the first and the second episode are based around a specific task that the Monitor has given him. In both episodes he has to retrieve something.


And once again bragging that he’s dropping spoilers without us knowing: (really hoping this includes the OTA pic he posted last week)


TVLINE | I’ve said this to everybody over the years, to Mark [Pedowtiz], to Peter [Roth]…. You’ve been a tremendous ambassador for the show. You know how to tease what’s ahead without giving things away. Like, “Oliver does a thing 12 seconds into Episode 7 that will cause a reaction from someone….”
But you know that I give out spoilers all the time; I just don’t tell people that they’re spoilers. Like, I say things that are definitive plot points and it just goes [makes whooshing sound over head]. [Laughs] I love it, it’s my favorite thing.

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  On 10/1/2019 at 12:43 AM, Starfish35 said:

I might be misunderstanding (I admit to not paying as close of attention as I should) but isn’t the assumption that she would be for the spinoff (assuming of course that she’s not just random character X)?

Personally, I think they’d be better off going with a younger crowd for the spinoff, 2040 setting or no.  Stephanie Brown might be a good fit for that.  


I think it depends on what the spin off is actually about. Surrounding Laurel/Dinah with a bunch of young 20somethings would feel weird though I guess Ben would be age appropriate. But I think Stephanie is a better fit for Batwoman as she'll undoubtedly be introducing various vigilantes in her show and will need some high profile Bat characters that arent Robins.

Well, Batwoman is the titular character and the show is in its premier season.  They may just want to focus on Kate Kane right now,  instead of becoming new heroes/batfam parade. The potential new spin off looks to be a team centric show, so it would make sense to send Stephanie there.  Since both shows would exist in the same universe, the character could always crossover or be transferred, later on.  JMO. 

Edited by suncity
  On 9/30/2019 at 2:07 PM, tv echo said:

That looks like an engagement ring. But it's too early for Mia and every other character that I care about is already fixed up.

  On 9/30/2019 at 3:14 PM, tv echo said:

-- AS: "So I play adult Zoe, and you see her in Star City 2040, 20 years later. Um, and she is the daughter of Wild Dog, Rene Ramirez... She grew up, in her childhood, watching her father be a vigilante, saving the city, and was really inspired by that. And so, inevitably, she grew up wanting to be just like her dad. And so she becomes a vigilante herself. And she is a Black Canary, working with the Canary Network, um, to save the city. She - she gets very emotional and -." 

-- Interviewer interrupted her at this point to ask if she get to do a lot of physical stuff and if she has a stunt person telling her what to do. AS: "I do have a stunt double. Um, I would like to do my own stunts. Hopefully, one day. Maybe next season."


Anticipating that the pilot gets picked up, I guess.

Is everyone in the Canary Network a Black Canary? Or do they get colours based on their standing like belts in martial arts?

  On 10/1/2019 at 2:30 AM, statsgirl said:

That looks like an engagement ring. But it's too early for Mia and every other character that I care about is already fixed up.

Anticipating that the pilot gets picked up, I guess.

Is everyone in the Canary Network a Black Canary? Or do they get colours based on their standing like belts in martial arts?


Well if she's talking about the spin off that would point to it being set in 2041 or at least some sort of merged timeline, I can't see them bringing them all to the present. If I was in an Arrowverse pilot I would assume it was getting picked up but I don't think this one is certain. I wonder if she's a regular? Wouldn't she have been announced in the early girl power press release? She might not be well known enough I suppose. 

I'm sure SA is hinting things but I don't really want to try and guess exactly what. 

If they're grading Canaries based on martial arts, white belt is often when you are just beginning, which isn't appropriate for Sara, though I suppose it could represent her rebirth. 

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*  *  *
... Arrow was on location in Burnaby's Central Park for a scene in the park with Supergirl lead Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, and Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor....
*  *  *
On Sunday, I took a rare chance to see if I could meet any of the people coming in for it. I was definitely rewarded for my efforts. Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman in almost everything, came in to do his role in Crisis as an older Bruce Wayne. A bit later, the aforementioned Jon Cryer arrived. I also saw Katherine McNamara & David Ramsey from Arrow, and Danielle Panabaker from The Flash come in.

Edited by tv echo
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A plane crash in Arrow’s season 8 episode Purgatory.
Will this explain how Roy Harper ended up on Lian Yu? I saw Colton Haynes leaving set yesterday.
*  *  *
Crew staged the plane crash for two days in Delta’s North 40 Reserve Park with fuselage strewn around, atmospheric smoke and a loud explosion or two.
Who was on set? Everybody’s in this episode apparently.
*   *  *
Atmospheric smoke.
*  *  *
Simulated crash site.
*  *  *
Welcome to  Arrow in North 40 Reserve Park.

Edited by tv echo

I'm sure you've now aware of the COIE news that Audrey Marie Anderson will be playing Lyla as Harbinger in the crossover. 

I will forever wonder what alternate version(s) of Felicity there might have been if EBR had signed on for the 8th season of Arrow, not just for the crossover but throughout the final "tribute" season.

Edited by tv echo
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  On 10/2/2019 at 7:25 PM, Trisha said:

Seems like this is an Oliver/Digg team up with no Laurel in sight (yet): 


She's in the episode stills posted on other sites. There's one of her from the scene in the trailer where she snarls "It's about time you showed up". 

Lyla being a part of Team Monitor is a bit of a surprise. Looks like everyone will tag along at some point  with Oliver for on his multiverse trips.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 8:31 PM, lemotomato said:

There's one of her from the scene in the trailer where she snarls "It's about time you showed up". 


I know it won’t be the case, but my first thought was Laurel following Oliver and Diggle around, them not really inviting her along, and then the “you can’t sit with us!” from Mean Girls. 

  • LOL 2

Yet another breakdown to help explain what we saw in the latest S8 trailer...

Breaking down the ‘Arrow’ season 8 trailer
Lynsey Neill  October 1, 2019


1) Oliver’s narration
*  *  *
As Oliver narrates the first seconds of the trailer, we are reaffirmed on a couple of things:

  1. This last season isn’t going to forget about Felicity Smoak and Oliver’s family. Sometimes shows do that when an actor/actress decides to leave a show. Fortunately, Felicity Smoak, Mia, and William, are at the forefront of Oliver’s mind and a constant motivator as he gears up for Crisis.
  2. Oliver is not going to be moping the whole time. Now, not to say that I don’t love it when Oliver has some teary feels for his love Felicity Smoak, but if the entirety of season 8 was spent with him in sad-comatose state, that will be a hard pill for us to swallow. For a lot of reasons.

And let’s not forget we saw him carry around a picture of Felicity and Mia.


1) Oliver’s narration
2) Familiar faces
3) Familiar places
4) Future!

Edited by tv echo
  On 10/3/2019 at 12:19 PM, Chaser said:

MG made a comment about withholding some names till the end credits to keep the surprise. I have a feeling if EBR were to make an appearance, this is what they would do. I don’t think they would announce it.


I think that was just for crisis? I doubt they’d hold back news of EBR appearing in S8.

Colton Haynes is returning to Arrow for the final season
By Chancellor Agard October 03, 2019


EW has exclusively learned that Colton Haynes is indeed returning to Arrow and will recur in the final season. The news arrives two months after the star’s demotion from series regular status sparked some fear that he might not appear in the CW superhero drama’s farewell song. Thankfully, those worries were all for naught.

“We couldn’t have ended the show without having him back,” showrunner Beth Schwartz tells EW.

Edited by tv echo

802 synopsis...


“Welcome to Hong Kong” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

THE RETURN OF TATSU – Oliver (Stephen Amell), John (David Ramsey), Laurel (Katie Cassidy Rogers), and Tatsu (guest star Rila Fukushima) seek out an important person within The Monitor’s (guest star LaMonica Garrett) plan. Connor (Joseph David Jones) has a heart to heart with his brother (guest star Charlie Barnett).  Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Sarah Tarkoff (#802). Original airdate 10/22/2019.

Edited by tv echo

Interview on the red carpet at The CW's Summer TCA All Star Party on Aug. 4 in Beverly Hills, CA...

Arrow | Ben Lewis And Katherine McNamara | The CW
The CW Network   Oct. 6, 2019

-- BL: "It's great to be coming on, both of us being series regulars, in the last season. Feels really special. I mean, they have such a well-oiled machine there. It's such a great family. We're just really lucky to be a part of it."

-- KM: "What's great about this season is, we see Mia try to be a part of a team for the first time. And she does not play well with others. She was raised by, um, Felicity in isolation, trained by Nyssa al Ghul, so she was never really trained to play well with others. And we get to see her try and maybe fail at that for a little while before she figures it out."

-- BL: "It's really interesting because both of our characters were raised as essentially only children. And so now, we, um, are trying to figure out how to be, um, a family. And also I feel like, with the Arrowverse, it's like the possibilities are endless, you know what I mean, for what the future could hold."

Edited by tv echo
  On 10/9/2019 at 12:44 PM, tv echo said:

Keep an eye out for this interview - maybe he'll reveal whether or not he's in the spinoff...


Hopefully they do bring him and William on. They've already set up a Romantic angle with Mia. Plus I really like the dynamic with him William and Mia and dont want it broken up 

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  On 10/9/2019 at 1:31 PM, jay741982 said:

Hopefully they do bring him and William on. They've already set up a Romantic angle with Mia. Plus I really like the dynamic with him William and Mia and dont want it broken up 


I hope they do, I really don't want a season of "Team 2040" as they call themselves, learning to be a team and family and then have Mia ripped from them into the past or everyone else  die or cease to have existed or whatever. I doubt he'd be able to announce it in any interviews but there might be clues, like AS might have in one recently. 

I had a discussion with someone who rubbished the idea of Connor and William being in it "because it's a female team and female show" but they haven't said it's a female only team and even female lead shows have male characters. They also thought JH and KC would be more important than Mia because they're Canaries even though the casting announcement literally singles her out the new GA. 

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So I guess she might be doing something different than just looking after baby Mia during COIE? Or Oliver comes up with a better lie than he usually does? Since it's "great"  I assume they're not erasing her from existence to make Mia a multiverse anomaly for a potential spin off. 

Edited by Featherhat

I wish I had the willpower just to completely ignore Arrow and anything Arrow-related for the next entire season and then, when the season's over, come back and read about what happened, in order to decide whether or not to watch the season online or on blu ray.

I'm just so apprehensive as to what MG is going to do to Felicity or Olicity this season.

Edited by tv echo
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Posted by a fan (Srta Roheli) on youtube on Oct. 8...

-- DR: "Hey, guys. David Ramsey here on the set of Arrow. Well, there's nothing really to prove that I'm on the set of Arrow, but I am. Today we are in the midst of our crossover... I'm doing an episode of Legends, Legends of Tomorrow, on the Arrow set. It's crazy. I'm so confused. Yesterday I was on Flash on the set of the Legends. I was on a spaceship. It's very strange stuff going on, very strange stuff in this crossover. But it's fun. Cannot wait for you to see crossover episode of Arrow, episode 8, and, um, Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl and Flash and, um, yeah, like that. Even the great Cress - Cress William came over to our set from Black Lightning. It was awesome."

-- DR: "I just found out some things that'll be going on in episode 10. I think you guys are going to be very, very excited."

Edited by tv echo

The headline is misleading - it sounds like JDJ is involved in the spinoff, but the article doesn't confirm that his role is "major"...

'Arrow' star Joseph David-Jones says Connor Hawke could play a major role in spin-off 'Canaries'
Remus Noronha Oct 9, 2019


Joseph David-Jones' Connor Hawke has been a very important part of The CW's 'Arrow' since season 7 and the actor has been promoted to a series regular for the upcoming eighth and final season. Speaking in an interview with MEA WorldWide (MEAWW), David-Jones revealed that though 'Arrow' is coming to an end, fans can still hope to see more of Connor, possibly as part of the 'Canaries' spin-off that was reported to be in development at The CW last month.

"I definitely don't think it's going to be the end for Connor," the actor said. "I am excited to see how he fits into things going forward. I think we’re going to see more of him. With this spin-off and with everything, it is going to be a different show from 'Arrow'. It's finding its own pace, has its own rhythm, but I'm interested to see where Connor kind of fits into all of that and how his relationship with Mia will continue to grow."

David-Jones made his first Arrowverse appearance in season 1 of 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow', where he played an alternate version of Connor who was his timeline's second Green Arrow after Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) went missing in action. Though he's reluctant to reveal too many spoilers, David-Jones doesn't rule out the possibility of him putting on the hood of the Green Arrow once again.

"It's not outside of the realm of possibility," he teased. "There are others who want the same thing and hopefully, it happens." 'Arrow' coming to an end is going to be a landmark moment for the Arrowverse. After all, it was so influential that the entire shared universe of The CW's DC shows takes its name from the series.
*  *  *
The planned spin-off based on the children of Oliver and his friends is going to have some really big shoes to fill and David-Jones is pretty mindful of the fact that any show that hopes to succeed 'Arrow' is going to have its work cut out for it.

"It created a whole universe and it was something that, when they started it, no one knew that it was going to be that big and no one knew that it was going to spawn so many different things, so many different shows into this entire universe," David-Jones said while talking about 'Arrow' ending after season 8.

"I think because of shows like Arrow, it's left behind an entire legacy of grounded credible comic book content. Now there's so many grounded superhero shows where it's really about the characters who are in them as opposed to, you know, just the bad guy of the day. It's no longer this campy thing. It is something where you're watching a real person navigate through issues that we have, but on a scale and through a narrative that is indicative of comic books and it's changed the face of TV," he added.

"I think people will always remember this show for doing that. It’s such a delicate thing working on a spin-off for this because nobody wants to do injustice to 'Arrow'. It started everything. So they’re trying to honor the legacy of something and then they'll have it be its own thing."

Edited by tv echo
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  On 10/10/2019 at 7:00 PM, tv echo said:

it sounds like JDJ is involved in the spinoff, but the article doesn't confirm that his role is "major"...


To be fair, if you're the love interest to the lead, it's not like you're going to have a minor role, which is probably what both he and the writer are figuring.

  On 10/10/2019 at 7:05 PM, lemotomato said:

I'm not familiar with that site, but that's a bold assumption they made of the title and focus of the spinoff.


Yeah I don't think it's going to be called Canaries, since Mia is the lead and they've officially spoiled she's Green Arrow. If JDJ really is in it as seems likely then it's highly possible William and Zoe will be too. Without knowing if they are or not for sure it's hard to predict how KC and JH fit in. Mentors or 100% part of the gang. 

I like S1 a lot in places and I'm looking forward to seeing ST again especially, but there are several call backs I could do without, which I think will be in play like Lauriver and the godawful triangle between Oliver/Laurel/Tommy. 

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