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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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58 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack to Christie and Tommy:  "This is our game.  We have it."

Is Jack the one that has doubled down on cocky?  Well ... at least according to Ana-whatever. 

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6 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Are they filming the HOH comp right now you think? Can’t remember if that part is prerecorded...

No.  The HOH comp will be live.  They usually block the feeds earlier in the afternoon on eviction day for a time.  I'm not sure if they're going over instructions for the live show with them tonight or what exactly they do during this time but it seems pretty standard on eviction day.

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They are doing the "HoH lockdown" that is done before every live show.  They get locked in the HOH room so that the crew can come in and set everything up for the show and do a dry run with camera angles and what not.  I can't remember if the HGs do their trial run during this time or shortly before the show.  Feeds should come back up around 3:30-4:00 (central time) and then tend to go back down around 5-5:30 (CST) until show time (which I think is 7??) 

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Christie doesn't trust Nicole.  She says that Nicole was really trying to work Christie, Holly, and Analyse yesterday to keep Kemi.  Tommy disagrees and says that he doesn't think Nicole has picked a side.  Christie says she feels like Nicole is playing both sides to see where she best fits.  

I fail to see the point of anyone in the majority alliance to speculate about, or accuse a non-alliance member of being untrustworthy. What difference does it make? They are targeting those people anyway, what difference does it make if they can trust them or not, and why do they think they should be trustworthy or loyal to them if they're not in their alliance?


I suspect Christie’s strategy is simply to immediately voice every conceivable charge against someone which pops up in her head.   Christie can then take credit for the ones which pan out, while the rest fall unnoticed into the truly HUGE roaring chasm of her background noise.

Thanks Nashville. That makes more sense.

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Christie's telling Jackson that as soon as the battleback is over, she wants to win HOH and put up Nick and Bella.  She says hopefully Sam won't play veto and if Nick or Bella come down, Sam will go up.  She's trashing Nick to Jackson.

Christie also says she doesn't even care if Sam tells Nick that people are getting sketched out by him because she says that will make Nick even more crazy.

Edited by zorak
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32 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I fail to see the point of anyone in the majority alliance to speculate about, or accuse a non-alliance member of being untrustworthy. What difference does it make? They are targeting those people anyway, what difference does it make if they can trust them or not, and why do they think they should be trustworthy or loyal to them if they're not in their alliance?

I think it's a combination of boredom and narcissism. They're bored and have to yap about something to fill the time; might as well be the TEMERITY(!) of these people, who don't recognize their awesomeness and bend to their will at all times.

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Kemi is talking about how last year people were calling Angela's moustache the 17th houseguest.  Holly and Christie are horrified that people were saying that last year.  I know there was debate last year about Angela having a moustache but I don't recall anyone here saying that, so I guess that happened elsewhere on the internet.  Kemi says she would never be out there watching the live feeds watching people live their lives.  She says she would catch the show 3 times a week and that's it.

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Here's the thing. After almost two decades of this show, nothing changes. You can always see who will make it to almost the end as they pick off the other HGs one at a time. The last few standing are always predictable. The HGs always follow the same pattern: they play somebody else's game and carry stronger players until those stronger players get rid of THEM. 

Two seasons ago, most of them carried Paul to the end. Now, they will carry Jack and Jackson. Whoever wins tonight's HOH should put up those two and they should get one of them out. That is what smart players would do. But they will put up weaker players like Cliff or Nicole or Kemi again if she is still there. 

At the beginning, it is always a popularity contest game with nobody wanting to alienate a "cool kid." If I was in that house and won HOH tonight I would make sure that this week either Jack of Jackson was evicted. I would risk a target on my back and try to make the others see what they had to do for their own game going forward. One of those two has to go, and they have to be split up. Why can't they see that? It is an alliance that will kill their own game. 

But sadly, these are not risk takers who make bold moves. They are afraid to be alienated by the guys running the game. It would not matter to me because "no risk, no gain." I would make sure every HG saw clearly who they were carrying to finale night and convince them that they have no chance of winning as long as one of those two are there. They are a formidable duo and they have to be destroyed NOW. 

Foolish players. Some things never change in this game. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kemi says she would never be out there watching the live feeds watching people live their lives.  She says she would catch the show 3 times a week and that's it.

So I’m guessing that’s one monthly All-Access subscription CBS can just kiss off....

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14 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Here's the thing. After almost two decades of this show, nothing changes. You can always see who will make it to almost the end as they pick off the other HGs one at a time. The last few standing are always predictable. The HGs always follow the same pattern: they play somebody else's game and carry stronger players until those stronger players get rid of THEM. 

Two seasons ago, most of them carried Paul to the end. Now, they will carry Jack and Jackson. Whoever wins tonight's HOH should put up those two and they should get one of them out. That is what smart players would do. But they will put up weaker players like Cliff or Nicole or Kemi again if she is still there. 

At the beginning, it is always a popularity contest game with nobody wanting to alienate a "cool kid." If I was in that house and won HOH tonight I would make sure that this week either Jack of Jackson was evicted. I would risk a target on my back and try to make the others see what they had to do for their own game going forward. One of those two has to go, and they have to be split up. Why can't they see that? It is an alliance that will kill their own game. 

But sadly, these are not risk takers who make bold moves. They are afraid to be alienated by the guys running the game. It would not matter to me because "no risk, no gain." I would make sure every HG saw clearly who they were carrying to finale night and convince them that they have no chance of winning as long as one of those two are there. They are a formidable duo and they have to be destroyed NOW. 

Foolish players. Some things never change in this game. 

Typically, the dominant heads of the alliances early on DON'T win Big Brother. It was only through some nonsensical manipulation that Paul and Derrick got to get to the end in their respective seasons (and obviously Paul didn't even win his). Tyler, meanwhile, had to do some severe gamesmanship and be lucky with a moronic opponent to make it to the end of his season (where he didn't win, either). 

The typical Big Brother winner is the person NEXT to the dominant head of the alliance, as they're left when the big target gets picked off. That's why it makes sense to work with the alpha guys at this point. They'll be targeted later when their alliance inevitably splinters. 

Most BB winners fall under the category of "Just there where the other people did the stuff" (Lisa, Drew, Winner of BB9 who I don't count, Jordan, Rachel, Ian, Steve, Nicole, Josh). Even Andy, who I would put a bit above those others because he did try something different, was in the position he was in because he stuck with a big alliance. 

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9 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

At the beginning, it is always a popularity contest game with nobody wanting to alienate a "cool kid."

Love him or hate him, this is exactly what Cody tried to do back in BB19 when he tried to backdoor Paul after the first Veto, but Paul's untouchability and immunity screwed Cody over, and Paul couldn't be put on the block.  Some folks say that was was Cody going against his alliance, but I think that was Cody clearly recognizing a threat, and trying to eliminate it.  He just didn't have the time to discuss it in committee.  On the spot, Cody then put up Christmas, another popular and strong player in the house, and also a threat.  Cody got excoriated by his alliance and the rest of the house (except Jessica) for actually having the audacity to play the game.  He may be kind of a right-wing jerky robot, but I will always appreciate Cody trying to actually play the game.

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2 hours ago, zorak said:

I know there was debate last year about Angela having a moustache but I don't recall anyone here saying that, so I guess that happened elsewhere on the internet.  

Oh, we talked about it! I came down on the side of her having a mustache lol. But actually I think the people who said it was like shadows or whatever were right. 

Kemi's 'people who watch the live feeds are losers' comments were, well, accurate but I don't like being called out for my loser-dom, dammit!

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, we talked about it! I came down on the side of her having a mustache lol. But actually I think the people who said it was like shadows or whatever were right. 

Kemi's 'people who watch the live feeds are losers' comments were, well, accurate but I don't like being called out for my loser-dom, dammit!

I know we talked about it here.  I, too, thought it looked like she had one and then I could never unsee it.  I was just saying that I don't remember anyone here going so far as to call it the 17th houseguest.

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7 hours ago, zorak said:

Analyse actually said that Cliff must be afraid of her since Cliff wants to target Jack and Analyse.  She really thinks highly of herself.  I think Analyse just said something about gutting Orwell.  She said she wants to go off on Cliff and say, "You fucker!"  Oh that Analyse.  She's the sweetest person in the house (according to the unholy alliance).

Analyse finally found a personality (maybe it was under the same dresser that Orwell was hidden under?)! Too bad it's a shitty one. 

5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

There was a weird accident and all accounts of BB9 were wiped out from the world, so I won't count anything from that alleged season

It's like how buildings don't have a 13th floor. Big Brother went from BB8 to BB10. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I think BB3 Amy had the biggest impact for a comeback, because...

IMO, the reason Marcellus didn't use the veto was because he was trying to make some kind of egotistical statement about how he obviously didn't need to use it since he was on the block with Amy.  And so, Amy's return created the most laughable moment in BB history.

And that's really what BB is about, isn't it?  It's not about winning or losing.  It's not even about how you play the game.  It's about laughing at the contestants.

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It's kind of weird that this cast (well, most of them) manages to be so terrible, yet also really, really boring. 

I've barely watched the feeds lately but have been following along here (and you all are WAY more entertaining anyway). 

This season needs a shakeup, but I don't even know who to root for tonight for HOH...maybe Nicole? I guess I like her and Sam the most at this point, but it just seems like another predictable week ahead no matter who wins. 

I wish they could do a triple eviction down the road, just so more than one evictee could return. One coming back, unless there's a big shift, isn't going to be enough to change anything.

I wish Grodner didn't love her alpha dudebros so much. She's probably loving this season.

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11 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I wish Grodner didn't love her alpha dudebros so much. She's probably loving this season.

I feel like Grodner pasted over the picture of Paul on her Trapper Keeper with a picture of Jack and she's busy doodling hearts and "Mrs. Allison Matthews" all around it. 

P.S. Holy shit, Love Island suuuucks. 

Edited by Callaphera
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47 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I think BB3 Amy had the biggest impact for a comeback, because...

IMO, the reason Marcellus didn't use the veto was because he was trying to make some kind of egotistical statement about how he obviously didn't need to use it since he was on the block with Amy.  And so, Amy's return created the most laughable moment in BB history.

And that's really what BB is about, isn't it?  It's not about winning or losing.  It's not even about how you play the game.  It's about laughing at the contestants.

This will never, ever not be funny.

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4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

This will never, ever not be funny.

<video snippage>

That smack upside the head will forever be in my top 5 favourite Chenbot moments. "What were you thinking?!"

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4 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Here's the thing. After almost two decades of this show, nothing changes. You can always see who will make it to almost the end as they pick off the other HGs one at a time. The last few standing are always predictable. The HGs always follow the same pattern: they play somebody else's game and carry stronger players until those stronger players get rid of THEM. 

Two seasons ago, most of them carried Paul to the end. Now, they will carry Jack and Jackson. Whoever wins tonight's HOH should put up those two and they should get one of them out. That is what smart players would do. But they will put up weaker players like Cliff or Nicole or Kemi again if she is still there. 

At the beginning, it is always a popularity contest game with nobody wanting to alienate a "cool kid." If I was in that house and won HOH tonight I would make sure that this week either Jack of Jackson was evicted. I would risk a target on my back and try to make the others see what they had to do for their own game going forward. One of those two has to go, and they have to be split up. Why can't they see that? It is an alliance that will kill their own game. 

But sadly, these are not risk takers who make bold moves. They are afraid to be alienated by the guys running the game. It would not matter to me because "no risk, no gain." I would make sure every HG saw clearly who they were carrying to finale night and convince them that they have no chance of winning as long as one of those two are there. They are a formidable duo and they have to be destroyed NOW. 

Foolish players. Some things never change in this game. 

Agree completely which is why even though I never really liked Scottie, I did appreciate him putting Brent up against Winston.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

That smack upside the head will forever be in my top 5 favourite Chenbot moments. "What were you thinking?!"

I also love Jason being like "You should have used the veto." And Marcellas not even packing and having to leave the house with shirts draped over his shoulder. Ah, good times.

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Just now, IndyMischa said:

I was pretty sure Kemi was going tonight, right up until showtime. But Jess has EPIC bitchface, to the point where it might have flipped, and they told her while the feeds were off?? 

One can only hope.  But I’m not holding my breath. I hope Kemi blows up some stuff right now.

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She’s calling out Nick and Bella.  I wish she had made her cut off the head of the snake comment she told Nicole she was going to say.  It really would have been great because it looks like Bella is maybe wearing a snakeskin patterned top.

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Piss poor speeches. Kemi's was almost a duplicate of Jessica. Thank you CBs, production, etc. Both said it. I thought you were not allowed to talk about production.

Love you all. Didn't use the word Grateful. Disappointing. 

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Piss poor speeches. Kemi's was almost a duplicate of Jessica. Thank you CBs, production, etc. Both said it. I thought you were not allowed to talk about production.

Love you all. Didn't use the word Grateful. Disappointing. 

Does Kemi know they’re called Grateful?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Does Kemi know they’re called Grateful?

I believe she does. I think Bella told her but, I could be wrong on that. Maybe it is just Sam that knows the name 

P.S. Kemi also , when she mentioned the walls, said they were very thin, pause, Cliff.

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Just now, missyb said:

I believe she does. I think Bella told her but, I could be wrong on that. Maybe it is just Sam that knows the name !

I’m not sure Kemi knows for sure that there is the 8 person alliance and who all is in it.  I know she knows certain people are working together but I don’t know if she realizes that Christie and Tommy are part of it.

And Jackson just threw a hinky vote!

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I think Jackson went rogue. He really wanted to blame this vote on someone else and Jack vetoed the ides. So,  something  probably happened during feeds being down( and he probably did get the ok from Jackson)

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Which side will Nick chose? Whatever Bella wants?!

It depends. Nick has potential but he could also flop.

We'll see who his true closest ally is this week. Whether it's Bella, Sam, or his boner for Analyse is too strong to resist, it'll be a week that we'll know if it's predictable or not in a few hours.

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