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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I think Jess is going to go. Anyone for HOH next week but Holly!

Btw, how does a DE week work? Eviction Thurs, HOH comp, veto comp, another eviction all in one live hour? Then when is the next HOH comp?  Is someone only HOH for a matter of hours?

29 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie and Jess are officially on the block.

Christie:  "It's all good, Mich.  It's all good."

Me: Or is it?

Seriously I hope Jess goes and the others finally go after H& J.  I especially don’t want Jackson to win. Holly...meh. 

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Christie is talking about Tommy.  "I can't believe I met someone like him.  Like where did he come from?...I just feel lucky that he's here."  She should feel lucky that he's there.  It gave her an advantage.

5 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Btw, how does a DE week work? Eviction Thurs, HOH comp, veto comp, another eviction all in one live hour?


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1 minute ago, Tdoc72 said:

What happens after?  When’s the next HOH? 

(Thanks for answering questions. Newbie. Only saw season 1)

I don't remember if they do the next HOH comp that same night after going off air or if it's the next morning.

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1 minute ago, Tdoc72 said:

What happens after?  When’s the next HOH? 

(Thanks for answering questions. Newbie. Only saw season 1)

The next HoH contest starts later on Thursday night, after the second person goes home. 

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Thanks, guys!

Man, it would suck to be HOH just for an hour. No cozy (but probably jazz filled) bed & shower, no pics from home, no snacks. 

Also I hope they surprise them on Thurs w/the DE. Don’t warn them!

Edited by Tdoc72
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10 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Thanks, guys!

Man, it would suck to be HOH just for an hour. No cozy (but probably jazz filled) bed & shower, no pics from home, no snacks. 

Also I hope they surprise them on Thurs w/the DE. Don’t warn them!

I think they get pics and snacks, but they don't get the HOH room at all.

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16 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Man, it would suck to be HOH just for an hour. No cozy (but probably jazz filled) bed & shower, no pics from home, no snacks. 

They do get their HOH basket full of treats and letter.

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An alternate  (and no less valid) conversation:

Poster #1: “Wait, who won BB21 again? I don’t remember.”

Poster #2: “ I think her name was Beth. She was also referred to as Old Buzzard.”

Poster #1: “Oh, yeah. That one.”

Edited by TimWil
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25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Holly is the perfect Big Brother winner: forgettable, bland, I would hate her winning,

Holly can only win if she's against Nicole, Cliff or maybe Christie. She loses to Tommy or Jackson. The jury is going to be dominated by people who view things in terms of male dominance (yes, even the females in there). Jackson's comp wins will be given primacy so Jackson beats everyone. Tommy doesn't have those wins as of now, but he WILL have them if he's sitting in F2 against anyone except Jackson.

Holly really needs Tommy and Jackson out (as do all of the others).

Nicole beats no one...unless she goes on some kind of competition run....hahahaha.

Cliff beats Nicole and maybe Holly and Christie if he is able to get out Jackson and Tommy. If he continues to be a passive player, I think Holly beats him easily and Christie in a squeaker.

Christie in F2 will really depend on how she gets there. She is actually the one who would benefit most by being the one to stab Jackson and Holly in the back. The others already think she's shady, but if she can interrupt their comp run, I think she will get a lot of credit. However, she may blow all of that if she spends too much time accepting that the universe wanted her to win.

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Christie and Jess having a post nominee love fest. I really can’t stand Christie, because she talk-lies so much, but good lord. Jess? I need gone because, like, she, like, talks so much, like stupidity, and like, has no, like clue as to what is, like actually, like happening? GO AWAY! 

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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Christie and Jess having a post nominee love fest. I really can’t stand Christie, because she talk-lies so much, but good lord. Jess? I need gone because, like, she, like, talks so much, like stupidity, and like, has no, like clue as to what is, like actually, like happening? GO AWAY! 

You really have to work to be as clueless as Jess is. 

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11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

You really have to work to be as clueless as Jess is. 

What's weird is that the one week Jess was in power, she had the best and smartest reads on the house.

And then Christie told her how much she loved her and it was like her entire game IQ downgraded to match Analyse's actual IQ. 

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

What's weird is that the one week Jess was in power, she had the best and smartest reads on the house.

And then Christie told her how much she loved her and it was like her entire game IQ downgraded to match Analyse's actual IQ. 

Jess describes her husband dominating the household and her letting him because that's his role. It doesn't sound like there's that much passion in the marriage. Since coming into the house Jess has formed extremely strong feelings for Kat and Christie. Maybe it's not sexual. But there's definitely something off about her attachment to Christie. At least Kat was genuinely kind and caring to Jess. Christie barely talks to her.

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7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

It's a bad move for Jackson to take out Jess but on the other hand it's kind of deserved for Jess as she's managed to do nothing but piss away allies with an alarming speed since jury began. She lost Kat, but instead of rebuilding bridges she's burned Nicole and Cliff more and more with her hostile behavior. She's attached at the hip to a girl (Christie) who doesn't give a crap about her. She's made it known that she wants all the guys to go. I have no idea how she went from the inoffensive house mama to someone most of the house hates but she's done it. So ... this sort of actively bad gameplay does get you evicted. It was just a matter of time.

I have said it before, but I never understand when someone wants to vote out people of the same gender or be in an alliance with only people of their same gender.  It just does not  seem like good gameplay to me.  

You have to go for threats regardless of gender.  Also, I think in theory having a mixed gender alliance is good because some people might not be open to talking about certain things with members of the other gender.  Therefore, if you have both women and men in your alliance you have all of your bases covered. 

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Holly is the perfect Big Brother winner: forgettable, bland, I would hate her winning, and I bet next season, there will be a conversation like this:

Poster #1: "Wait, who won BB21 again? I don't remember."
Poster #2: "Watermelon Head? No, his girlfriend. Dark hair."
Poster #1: "The Anal Lice girl?"
Poster #3: "Holly Allen. She was sleeping with Watermelon Head. Anal Lice was with Aqua-Douche"
Poster #2: "Riiiight. I remember her now. Kinda. So about Sweden's neutrality..."

Still one of the more fascinating conversations we had this season and it had nothing to do with Big Brother

So she is basically going to be Lisa from season three. 

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32 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Jess describes her husband dominating the household and her letting him because that's his role. It doesn't sound like there's that much passion in the marriage. Since coming into the house Jess has formed extremely strong feelings for Kat and Christie. Maybe it's not sexual. But there's definitely something off about her attachment to Christie. At least Kat was genuinely kind and caring to Jess. Christie barely talks to her.

Jess wanted to eat lunch at the Cool Kids table. Period. Christie was supposed to be her invitation there but she somehow kept convincing Jess to front her all of her lunch money and then never inviting her, leaving Jess to eat her tuna sandwich in the bathroom with the other nerds while telling herself that she's totally not a nerd and her time will come but Christie is still totally her best friend and one day, Christie will acknowledge her.

Or something like that - sorry, I found a stash of Sweet Valley High novels that I thought I got rid of and I've been devouring them (Elizabeth Wakefield is a fucking bitch. Like, so's Jessica but damn. So much for the good twin). Unfortunately I've also been addicted to Classic WoW this week while weaning myself off the Big Brother feeds so my head is a really weird place at the moment. 

13 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

So she is basically going to be Lisa from season three. 

Who? (I kid.) But yeah, Holly is definitely going to be one of the least memorable winners if she wins. She still has time to make an impact but it's less and less likely as we get down to the end. 

Edited by Callaphera
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9 hours ago, missyb said:

Jackson cracking up. Not just Jackson, I am laughing out loud.



4 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie and Jess are officially on the block.

Christie:  "It's all good, Mich.  It's all good."

No disagreement here, Christie.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Holly is the perfect Big Brother winner: forgettable, bland, I would hate her winning, and I bet next season, there will be a conversation like this:

Poster #1: "Wait, who won BB21 again? I don't remember."
Poster #2: "Watermelon Head? No, his girlfriend. Dark hair."
Poster #1: "The Anal Lice girl?"
Poster #3: "Holly Allen. She was sleeping with Watermelon Head. Anal Lice was with Aqua-Douche"
Poster #2: "Riiiight. I remember her now. Kinda. So about Sweden's neutrality..."

Still one of the more fascinating conversations we had this season and it had nothing to do with Big Brother

I swear, I would not have gotten this far this season without you, I pretty much lost interest when the vote flip happened and Christie stayed.  Fuck her universe.  In my best Tommy impression, " I love you so much!" 

I will be saltier than I am now if either of them wins, I will totally own the fact that I simply cannot get over their advantage. I don't give flying fuck how "good" a game this one or that one thinks they played... (picture me with my fingers in my ears going "I can't hear you, neener, neener, neener...") And it pisses me off to no end that I actually have to say that I'd rather see Jackson win than either of them.  Fuck Jackson! 

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23 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

You have to go for threats regardless of gender.  Also, I think in theory having a mixed gender alliance is good because some people might not be open to talking about certain things with members of the other gender.  Therefore, if you have both women and men in your alliance you have all of your bases covered. 

Again, though, that's why I ding Derrick in BB16, since he was going to go with an "All-Bro" Alliance that might have worked out due to the ridiculous Battle of the Block, but generally was a terrible idea, and he was saved by having Christine and Amber join his alliance. 

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12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jess wanted to eat lunch at the Cool Kids table. Period. Christie was supposed to be her invitation there but she somehow kept convincing Jess to front her all of her lunch money and then never inviting her, leaving Jess to eat her tuna sandwich in the bathroom with the other nerds while telling herself that she's totally not a nerd and her time will come but Christie is still totally her best friend and one day, Christie will acknowledge her.

You absolutely NAILED it here. 

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10 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

 Fuck her universe.  

I gave your post a laugh emoji for this line in particular (though I enjoyed the rest of it).  I am not sure why it made me laugh so much but it did.

Edited by BK1978
Because I left out an important part of the post which I added in bold. Yes I am a moron.
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Well they got beer and wine. This is somewhat more interesting after listening to Jess repeatedly refer to herself as a question mark. She did say that... "I'm a question mark." No argument Jess.

Jackson was trying to get people to shotgun beers. Holly looked annoyed as if she suddenly realized Jackson is just a little frat boy. Everyone declined - except Tommy who has always wanted to do that. Jackson taught him. 

And... that's all I could take.

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Again, though, that's why I ding Derrick in BB16, since he was going to go with an "All-Bro" Alliance that might have worked out due to the ridiculous Battle of the Block, but generally was a terrible idea, and he was saved by having Christine and Amber join his alliance. 

Even Hayden's bro alliance would not have worked without their side alliances (Brittney).  That was actually a brilliant idea, have a four core person alliance and have each of the four have someone outside of the alliance who they are really close with.  Granted I was not a fan of them (sort of a fan of Enzo) but still I have to give credit where credit is due.

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21 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

I will be saltier than I am now if either of them wins, I will totally own the fact that I simply cannot get over their advantage.

You and me both. I know people like to point out that Holly and Kat knew each other as well and I know that every family is different but from the sounds of Tommy's stories about his family, they're all really close and when someone in the family dates someone for eight fucking years, they're not just Aunt Whoever's Girlfriend, they're Family with a capital F. I understand that there may be some hard feelings about the end of the relationship (I think? Sometimes it sounds that way, sometimes it doesn't) but eight years of family events is not the same as "We knew each other because we were in the same pageant circle/modeling sphere for three weeks one year." There's a bond and a trust there that you don't get from just being someone's acquaintance or Instagram friend. 

Also and for the record, Kat and Holly were at the same pre-show casting call and I think that's where a lot of the "They had a pre-game alliance!" comes from - and I believe that either Tommy and/or Jessica (or maybe Nicole) were also there because there was one night in the hammock that they were talking about the others they had seen there ("the girl with the pink hair", "the one who seemed like a bitch") and the person manning the FISH button was on a bathroom break or something. 

14 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Jackson was trying to get people to shotgun beers. Holly looked annoyed as if she suddenly realized Jackson is just a little frat boy. Everyone declined - except Tommy who has always wanted to do that. Jackson taught him. 

Reason #2317527 why Tommy's fakeness bugs me, especially because no one calls him on it ever - Jackson taught him how to shotgun beer the first night they got alcohol when the feeds were on. I remember because it was the most pathetic attempt I'd ever seen. Not that I know anything about shot-gunning beer in my youth, of course. 

I drank it with a straw like a proper lady because someone told me it would get me drunk faster. 

Edited by Callaphera
italicized the wrong word and it bugs
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31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

sorry, I found a stash of Sweet Valley High novels that I thought I got rid of and I've been devouring them (Elizabeth Wakefield is a fucking bitch. Like, so's Jessica but damn. So much for the good twin).

First off, the Sweet Valley High board game is the BEST and basically my favorite board game of all time. I'm always Lila and I will finish planning my sweet sixteen party before Enid finishes her beach party, thank you very much.

Second, am I the Elizabeth in our Wakefield pair? I don't want to be Elizabeth.

... Now I'm wondering which HG would fit which Sweet Valley High character role.

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8 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

First off, the Sweet Valley High board game is the BEST and basically my favorite board game of all time. I'm always Lila and I will finish planning my sweet sixteen party before Enid finishes her beach party, thank you very much.

Second, am I the Elizabeth in our Wakefield pair? I don't want to be Elizabeth.

... Now I'm wondering which HG would fit which Sweet Valley High character role.

Nicole would be Enid. Bella is Lila.

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25 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I'm always Lila

This is because Lila is the best and the superior choice. 

25 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Second, am I the Elizabeth in our Wakefield pair? I don't want to be Elizabeth.

No because that makes me the Jessica and I don't want to have to spike your drink at prom so that I win Prom Queen and then you drive drunk and kill my boyfriend and have the biggest sham of a trial ever with our dad and brother - whose like a freshman in college at that point - representing you meanwhile I never apologize for my actions or get in trouble. Man, SVH got weird towards the back end. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SWEET VALLEY UNIVERSITY.

16 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Nicole would be Enid. Bella is Lila.

Nicole is definitely drippy SVH Enid. Bella is, like, Enid in SVU when she becomes Alexandra and thinks that being an edgy bitch makes her cool. Because see above about Lila being the best and superior choice in all things. 

I'm torn between Nick being the horndog Bruce Patman or Winston Egbert, just with bonus creep factor. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I’m meh on Christie & Tommy knowing each other. I do think it’s an unfair advantage but it wasn’t their fault. They had to play the cards they were dealt. 

Also for the millionth time, I hate Jackson. And Holly too but mainly b/c she’s dating Jackson. I wish she would vote him out so I could root for her. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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2 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

I’m meh on Christie & Tommy knowing each other. I do think it’s an unfair advantage but it wasn’t their fault. They had to play the cards they were dealt. 

Owning my unbolding so that I could bold for quoting purposes.

They seriously need to fire Robyn Kass. She's not even trying. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Owning my unbolding so that I could bold for quoting purposes.

They seriously need to fire Robyn Kass. She's not even trying. 

It's seriously pathetic that they seriously seemed to have just somehow signed up two otherwise unconnected (as in, not two mactors) people and still got two people who knew each other! It's absurd.

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51 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Even Hayden's bro alliance would not have worked without their side alliances (Brittney).  That was actually a brilliant idea, have a four core person alliance and have each of the four have someone outside of the alliance who they are really close with.  Granted I was not a fan of them (sort of a fan of Enzo) but still I have to give credit where credit is due.

It really was a clever approach. That's why I typically put Hayden ahead of Derrick on Tier 2 (winners who led successful alliances all the way to the end - which is a lot harder to pull off than it sounds). I go Maggie/Hayden/Derrick in Tier 2. That's still good enough to be, like, the sixth best winner ever, so it's not like I don't think Derrick did an excellent job, ya know? 

Maggie gets the top spot, though, because her alliance was dysfunctional as FUCK and while I never liked Maggie, she did an amazing job holding that shit together. The idea that Eric would become this sort of martyr figure for, like, fucking APRIL is absurd and all due to Maggie's brainwashi...er...leadership of that group. 

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I don't give two craps that it wasn't their fault.  I'm not even convinced it wasn't... Christie would say she manifested that shit.  But TPTB did indeed realize it at some point just prior to air or they wouldn't have even mentioned it on the show.   They have alternates.  The conspiracy theorist part of me thinks they really tried and wanted this to be some duo twist, but like all their twists, it failed. BUT if it was, AND it did (prior to air) then they damn sure should have pulled one of them OR let ALL the houseguests know from the outset "just like in summer camp, some people know each other" and let the game begin.  Yeah. Woulda been tons more fun right from the git in my opinion! And fair... er.  

ETA:  And the conspiracy theorist in me DOES think that they only mentioned it because social media lit the hell up over it, that comment by Julie at the start the show was simply CYA.

Edited by LuvizBlind
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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's seriously pathetic that they seriously seemed to have just somehow signed up two otherwise unconnected (as in, not two mactors) people and still got two people who knew each other! It's absurd.

I'm still mind blown that no one in Production knew about the Holly/Kat connection until they brought it up themselves in the Diary Room. I have to figure that Production knew about Christie/Tommy at some point before they mentioned it in the DR but who knows, this whole season feels like a mistake and an afterthought. 

I think Christie has been an alternate for a previous season so that might explain it but even still. 

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24 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No because that makes me the Jessica and I don't want to have to spike your drink at prom so that I win Prom Queen and then you drive drunk and kill my boyfriend and have the biggest sham of a trial ever with our dad and brother - whose like a freshman in college at that point - representing you meanwhile I never apologize for my actions or get in trouble. 

There are soaps that can't write magic like this.

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2 hours ago, BK1978 said:

So she is basically going to be Lisa from season three. 

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Who? (I kid.) But yeah, Holly is definitely going to be one of the least memorable winners if she wins. She still has time to make an impact but it's less and less likely as we get down to the end. 

Hey Lisa may be bland and not very memorable, but she had  a tremendous impact on the game going forward. She's the whole reason we have a sequestered jury vote.  It's funny to think now that they ever let evicted houseguests watch the show and come back to vote. (Social media was in it's infancy stage at that point. We had TWoP, though.)

Edited by vb68
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17 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Hey Lisa may be bland and not very memorable, but she had  a tremendous impact on the game going forward. She's the whole reason we have a sequestered jury vote.  It's funny to think now that they ever let evicted houseguests watch the show and come back to vote. (Social media was in it's infancy stage at that point. We had TWoP, though.)

While it's obviously better this way, I also can't give Danielle too much of a break for that season, since those WERE the rules at the time and she had to know everyone was going to be pissed at her after watching all the shit she said about people.

But yeah, if BB3 was played under modern rules, Danielle wins it for sure.

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In actual Big Brother news, Holly is mad that she's not the BB19 Jessica of the season and that the entire house isn't targeting her so that she gets to make super impassioned DRs and inspire people by fighting for her Big Brother life every week. No one's voting for Holly to get the Halting Hex because she and Jackson are playing too dominant of a game. Woe. Woe is Holly. Holly is full of woe because... she's winning at Big Brother. And everyone loves a comeback story and she doesn't have one.

Also Holly is going to have a podcast and sell clothes for? to? in honour of? the homeless. 

For the record, Holly is Olivia Davidson in our SVH recast. Who's Olivia, you ask? She's Elizabeth's 7th best friend for life who works at the Oracle and dies in The Earthquake, never to be mentioned again. In other words: ZzzZzzzZ.

Edited by Callaphera
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It is so obvious to me that Jackson is going to win this thing and he will be sitting next to Holly. I am always angry on finale night. But unless he goes on Thursday in the double eviction, he will be there on finale night. 

And he realizes this. He is trying to improve his social game. I can't stand him. 

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Oh, even better. Holly's going to have a talk show. Called Hot Takes with Holly. Where she interviews the HGs. BECAUSE THAT ALWAYS GOES WELL IN THE HOUSE. 

Brought to you by our sponsor, Irish Spring soap. (Insert 10th Doctor crying in the rain "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" GIF here.)

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16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Brought to you by our sponsor, Irish Spring soap. (Insert 10th Doctor crying in the rain "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" GIF here.)

I'm sure the makers of canned beets will gladly help out.

(And no, I can't actually name any specific brand of canned beets....)

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