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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hate to correct you...but it was 45 seconds.

I hate myself for knowing that on the top of my head.


No wonder Bella is gonna dump him. Two pump chump.

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I hope she reconsiders that eyeshadow. Yeesh. 

4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't get it. I thought she knew she was going home tonight instead of Christie. 

You thought Analyse knew something?

That's awfully nice of you.

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't get it. I thought she knew she was going home tonight instead of Christie. 

She does. It seems like she moved into the anger phase. 

She went from depression to anger, because of course Sis would get her stages of grief mixed up. She'll probably start bargaining to Julyiee Chien-Moonbeam.

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14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I definitely think she'll try to blow up Jackson's game but realistically, will she? Probably not

No, I don't think so, either. I meant to say "try to" in the original post.

I mean, if she did, it would be the first thing she accomplished in the game. 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't get it. I thought she knew she was going home tonight instead of Christie. 

Apparently it took a while for the ugly truth to sink in:

“Hey, all our hard work paid off!  Christie gets to stay!  CHRISTIE GETS TO STAY!!!  YAYYYYYY!!!   

...hey, wait a damn minute....”

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I was making dinner so I was only half paying attention, but Sis breaking down was hilarious. What an absolute idiot. Plus, Tommy crying! Christie making it all about her was the cherry on top. Such fun!

I'm gonna need Nick to somehow guess his way into winning this HOH tbh. It does mean Tommy's protected yet again but whatever. At this point I just want maximum chaos.

I would accept a Nicole or Cliff HOH but only if the went after Christie/Tommy. They'd probably go after Jackson/Holly though. Which actually wouldn't suck either. 

When was the DE last season?

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1 hour ago, Gummo said:

Well, I guess they deserve it, in the sense that they're playing tic-tac-toe while everyone else is drawing on their own faces with permanent marker, but sheesh. 

Or, as an infamous man once said, they're playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Because birds would rather die on their knees than eat watermelon. (Or words to that effect.) 

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1 hour ago, Gummo said:

Well, I guess they deserve it, in the sense that they're playing tic-tac-toe while everyone else is drawing on their own faces with permanent marker, but sheesh. 

3 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Or, as an infamous man once said, they're playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Because birds would rather die on their knees than eat watermelon. (Or words to that effect.) 

This is why, even in the dark days of utter predictable boringness that this game normally provides, I can never truly break free because then I'd miss gems like this.

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Sis just screamed at Jackson that she fucking hates him.

Me too, Sis. Me too. 

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Christie while Analyse is crying:  "I'm trying to think if I was given the opportunity to do this again, if I would.  'Cause this is not easy."  Way to make it all about you, Christie!

Imagine this as a tv theme song:

It’s the Christie shooooowwww!

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Ok...what the FUCK is America's Prankster?

And yes, I just discovered that it's something Americans will be voting for until tomorrow morning (on CBS website that they're announcing tonight but I found on Twitter):


3. America's Prankster Vote Description: During the Voting Period, viewers of the Big Brother 21 television program will be asked to interact with the show by voting for a Houseguest they want to see become America's Prankster via the platform stated below. The eligible Houseguest who receives the most votes during the Voting Period will be named America's Prankster, and will be given the power to secretly control one nominee for eviction during the applicable week, by selecting one nominee at the Nomination Ceremony. America's Prankster will also choose a replacement nominee if their original nominee is vetoed during the Veto Meeting. Evicted Houseguests and the current Head of Household of the applicable week are not eligible to receive votes in the Program. Viewers will vote via the BB Web Site. There is a maximum of ten (10) votes per registered user during the Voting Period.

Oh...oh DAMN. 

Here is the link, by the way: https://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/americas-prankster-vote/rules/

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


Did... did anyone hear that? That fizzle sound that was like a lit cigarette getting dropped into a puddle? That pppffssst sound? Huh. Wonder where that came from.

The only acceptable scenario is if Cliff wins America's Prankster, Tommy doesn't win HOH, and Cliff puts up Tommy.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The only acceptable scenario is if Cliff wins America's Prankster, Tommy doesn't win HOH, and Cliff puts up Tommy.

Nick winning Prankster --> Christie going on the block during a Tommy HoH. Again. 

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Even if Tommy goes on the block, whether as an HoH nom or a Prankster nom, do you think he really goes to jury?

Better would be Tommy and Christie having to campaign against each other on the block.

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Even if Tommy goes on the block, whether as an HoH nom or a Prankster nom, do you think he really goes to jury?

Better would be Tommy and Christie having to campaign against each other on the block.

Sadly, probably not. Cliff would need to make sure him and Nicole are definitely not on the block AND get at least Holly or Jackson.

Which, for me, could work if Nick is NOT on the block and one of Holly or Jackson is. That would mean that Cliff, Nicole, and one of Holly/Jackson control the votes. That would be the only way for Tommy to leave. 

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Man, there’s not enough Visine in the world to get those eyes cleaned up before showtime.

I find it ridiculous how they sob and wail and weep over an eviction. They get more upset than men on death row.

Edited by DakotaLavender
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29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The only acceptable scenario is if Cliff wins America's Prankster, Tommy doesn't win HOH, and Cliff puts up Tommy.

It has to be Cliff or Nicole to win that, right? ( He asked ever so hopefully.)

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6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

It has to be Cliff or Nicole to win that, right? ( He asked ever so hopefully.)


Luckily for us, voting doesn't open until after the episode and it sounds like it'll be a live HOH, especially if casuals are voting until tomorrow morning. I suspect it's a Knockout Comp anyway. So casuals should also get to know who HOH is in order to vote. So, if Cliff or Nicole win HOH, it would be beneficial to vote for the other, if you like Cliff or Nicole...or simply want the chance of Tommy going up.

If Tommy wins HOH....vote whoever you want, I guess. I'd still vote Cliff or Nicole because Christie would go up on the block....on another Tommy HOH.

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BB keeps putting me in the uncomfortable position of realizing that I'm laughing my head off at a young person on my tv who is crying their eyes out. And they're not acting! I love this show but sometimes I think it's making us all crazy, the viewers and the participants. 

The worst part is, if Christie and Analyse sob their way through tonight's show, I'm going to laugh. I won't be able to help it no matter how much it makes me hate myself in the morning. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Luckily for us, voting doesn't open until after the episode

Halfway through the episode, actually. 6:30 PM BBT/PDT.

Unless the episode started 10 minutes ago and I should cut the cat off from Youtube videos of birbs on the TV. 

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9 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

The worst part is, if Christie and Analyse sob their way through tonight's show, I'm going to laugh. I won't be able to help it no matter how much it makes me hate myself in the morning. 

I must be a mean person deep down because I would love it if Analyse just walks out like Kat without hugging anyone.  (Well Kat hugged Jess, I think.)

But still. I would laugh watching Christie, Nick, and Tommy all sob their eyes out that she didn't hug them.

Come on, Analyse! I never asked you for much! 

Edited by vb68
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Well, from what I have seen on the feeds and the show, Cliff is the number one prankster in the House. 

Not that that necessarily means he would be voted America’s prankster.

it is really a popularity vote.

But since he and Nicole are the most popular, you would think one of them would get it.

unless Tommy does?!

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l don’t even think I can watch this shitshow tonight. I am so disappointed, the only thing that keeps me going is the absolute devastation Christie will feel when she learns America hates her, which means the universe does as well....hopefully she’s not got 500k to keep her warm at night. 

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It's pre-empted here so we can all enjoy a Patriots pre-season game 😞 I'll have to catch it on the web site tomorrow.

I would say I hate the Pats now but that ship sailed long ago

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11 minutes ago, phlebas said:

It's pre-empted here so we can all enjoy a Patriots pre-season game 😞 I'll have to catch it on the web site tomorrow.

I would say I hate the Pats now but that ship sailed long ago

I'm lucky the pre-season Eagles are on NBC  🙂

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It's bizarre to still have twists like this this late in the season. 

Also, this isn't even a reset! What the fuck is happening?! They need SOMEthing! They can't skip DE, it's their third highest rated episode of the season!

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Also, this isn't even a reset! What the fuck is happening?! They need SOMEthing! They can't skip DE, it's their third highest rated episode of the season!

Well, it is called Prank WEEK. What would be a bigger prank than having a fake eviction?

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Analyse:  “I’ve played a very loyal and individual game.”  

Also WTF at Christie’s outfit.  

Nick voted to evict Christie.  Jess and Tommy voted to evict Analyse.

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