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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


The Universe is not fucking me over for the second week in a row. I'm manifesting this shit, bro: Do. Not. Keep. Christie. 

I mean, the feeds will be super boring without Christie but at the same time? I want Analyse to go insane as person after person gets sent to the jury house to spend time with Jack and possibly fuck him. 

Unfortunately, I gotta disagree with you. Sure, there's fun in watching Analyse go insane, but we haven't really seen a whole lot of it this week anyway, and I'd rather just be rid of Sis for a few weeks. I cannot stand the idea of her touching F2. 

Plus, Sis will NEVER fight with anyone (and definitely not well) so her presence bores me. Christie might bring something fun for the next few weeks. 

Plus, it's just as much fun seeing Jess think that she's part of an alliance when not one single person is considering taking her to F2 or bringing her in for an alliance or ANYTHING. She's literally only in the house as a number. Even Jess' new #1, Christie, doesn't even take her seriously.

Plus, Sis/Jess is my fearful F2. Both are so stupid and such bad game players. And I don't want to ever root for Jess to win because I really do not like her.

I'm fine with Christie going, but it would truly be Team Fun Feeds if Christie stayed and Sis got evicted. And, don't forget, Sis leaving puts a dent in Tommy's F3 plans and we all know that a losing Tommy makes for a happy audience.

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


The Universe is not fucking me over for the second week in a row. I'm manifesting this shit, bro: Do. Not. Keep. Christie. 

I mean, the feeds will be super boring without Christie but at the same time? I want Analyse to go insane as person after person gets sent to the jury house to spend time with Jack and possibly fuck him. 

Makes me wonder how Jack & Kat are doing? Finger painting? Jenga? Sunning? 

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I really couldn't care less which one of them goes, but Christie staying would mean more drama which I am all for. Plus, I don't care if Jackson gets what he wants or not. More suffering! More drama! Sis is so boring that she may as well not be there anyway.

Edited by Otherkate
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If Christie stays, maybe we will get the Christie / Tommy showdown. I think Christie won't be able to stop herself from exploding on him and blowing crap up (which would be entertaining). 

ETA: BB cut away from the earlier Christie / Tommy convo as soon as he said he was worried about the "incident". For all we know this could be some elaborate scheme to separate their games to eliminate other people from opposite sides. Or maybe I'm giving them too much credit. 

Edited by kellog010
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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

And the verdict is.....


This is hysterical because this type of flip is only good for Christie. If she gets her way with this, she's golden. 

Christie talking herself out of this jam by painting Nick (Nick!!) as some brilliant mastermind has got to go down in BB history.

Even better...if they keep Christie, Christie doesn't have to win HOH this week...I don't even think Nick would put her up if he won...well, maybe if he put her up against Jess. Christie can just continue controlling everyone like she has accused Nick of doing.

Good Times.

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Like I said, if Christie pulls this shit off, she's a Tier 2 winner easily. 

Jackson is so dumb for going along with this. Everyone's so dumb for going along with this. This isn't good for anyone but Christie. It's hilarious. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Christie is working Jackson/Holly to save her instead of saving Sis.

But...but remember that Christie wasn't going to campaign against Sis because "Sis is a perfect little angel"?

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

(By shocked, I mean not shocked in the least.) 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Jess thinks Christie is a "really strong ally"? Bless her heart.

It's funny when Christie told Holly/Jackson that Jess is only a number. I mean, not like she'd tell them the truth anyway, but WE know it's true.

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An alliance by any other name is still a freaking alliance, Nick !! If you have three people who you support to the death, who you will take off the block no matter what, what do you call it? 

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2 minutes ago, missyb said:

An alliance by any other name is still a freaking alliance, Nick !! If you have three people who you support to the death, who you will take off the block no matter what, what do you call it? 

Nick: It's just a deal, missyb! Just a deal, a mutual agreement between four people. But it's not a deal! We don't have a name for ourselves! And a name solidifies an alliance, right? We're not an alliance!

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9 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Fucking hell. I can’t stand Christie so this makes me deeply unhappy.

I feel the same about Christie but I’m torn because A. I NEED a Christie v. Tommy and 2. Analice said on the show that her social game is so good, she’d stay against anyone in the house. So if these asshats decide to flip, they’d better make it a blindside on dipshit Analice, because that would be entertaining. And she wouldn’t understand the first time, of course, so chenbot would have to repeat herself. Slooooowly. Hell, maybe nick would win an HOH and put Jess up with Christie. 

I dunno, I’m trying to look at the bright side and I get that Analice is dull as dirt, but man I can’t stand Christie and her big.fucking.mouth.

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Tommy's telling Jess that he feels that the blowup yesterday put a target on his back.


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I just got home so I did not have to listen all day ,but, CHristie is a darn good campaigner ! 

Nicks sulking is awful. He thinks his strategy of telling everyone who he is loyal to, working for, puts first, is a terrible one. Not to mention the target it puts on his allies. 

Good job Christie. You may do it.

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

I feel the same about Christie but I’m torn because A. I NEED a Christie v. Tommy and 2. Analice said on the show that her social game is so good, she’d stay against anyone in the house. So if these asshats decide to flip, they’d better make it a blindside on dipshit Analice, because that would be entertaining. And she wouldn’t understand the first time, of course, so chenbot would have to repeat herself. Slooooowly. Hell, maybe nick would win an HOH and put Jess up with Christie. 

 I dunno, I’m trying to look at the bright side and I get that Analice is dull as dirt, but man I can’t stand Christie and her big.fucking.mouth.

Here's how I see it.

Would you rather Christie in F2 and potentially win....or Analyse?

For me, with how previous seasons go, Analyse will make F3 for sure, and potentially F2, if she makes it through this week. No soul is going to evict her because once Christie's gone, Tommy will spend all of his energy protecting her, as will Nick. Analyse being in F2 is my worst nightmare. I'd rather see someone who, quite frankly, deserves to be in F2. And right now, Analyse is the only one I feel adamant on not deserving to be in F2. 

So...I gotta go with the lesser of two nightmares to stick around. More Christie is going to be a nightmare, but not as much as Useless Sis earning at least $50,000. Other opinions may vary, which is cool, but I feel like I've been adamant for weeks on fearing that Sis will make F2, so I'd rather she went. 

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Jackson is telling Cliff that Tommy, Analyse, and Nicole are wrapped around Nick's finger.

Jackson seems like he's making a push to Cliff for Analyse to be the one to go this week.

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Holly told Cliff that she thinks it's paranoia that makes her sometimes think that Nick and Nicole know each other because of what she called Nicole's unwavering loyalty to Nick.  If only she'd buy a clue about who the two that know each other really are.

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Christie is with Analyse getting teary eyed again.  

Analyse: "I've been saving my tears for tomorrow."  Analyse told her that the reason why she doesn't get so sad about the prospect that she might leave this week is because she knows that at least Christie will still be in the house.

Christie:  "That's  a really good way to look at it."  Ha!  Of course she would say that.  If Christie's business fails, she might have a future in being a cult leader.

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I hate all of these people, so I’m team good feeds and want Christie to stay for the drama. Sis is fucking furniture. And this would be a horrible move for Jackson, which also makes me happy. And hurts Nick’s game, which ALSO makes me happy. Yeah, a no-brainer for me.

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14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Would you rather Christie in F2 and potentially win....or Analyse?

Yeah but I don't want Christie rewarded for thinking that because she's a good person, the Universe is doing her a solid. And in this scenario, I look forward to Analyse's F2 speech. It would be like GinaMarie's, but without the heavy accent. "I'm GinaMarie! I can only be me! Youse guys look amazing!"

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Yeah but I don't want Christie rewarded for thinking that because she's a good person, the Universe is doing her a solid. And in this scenario, I look forward to Analyse's F2 speech. It would be like GinaMarie's, but without the heavy accent. "I'm GinaMarie! I can only be me! Youse guys look amazing!"

It's ugly no matter which way this mess turns.  It's still an ugly mess.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Yeah but I don't want Christie rewarded for thinking that because she's a good person, the Universe is doing her a solid. And in this scenario, I look forward to Analyse's F2 speech. It would be like GinaMarie's, but without the heavy accent. "I'm GinaMarie! I can only be me! Youse guys look amazing!"

UGH exactly! She’s going to be all I manifested this and that and and and....she’s going to be unbearable (well, MORE unbearable...who knew that was even possible?) 

I pray Cliff heard what we think he heard and he tells someone....COME ON! 

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Cliff:  "Sis thinks she has my vote and Nicole's"

Holly:  "And mine and it breaks my heart."

Cliff is making it clear that he's happy to vote how Jackson wants but he wants them to know that if he and Nicole vote that way, they're giving up safety with certain people.

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Oh I'm seriously far behind in reading this forum. Anyone care to tell me how in the world Christie manifested this potential flip? Last I heard she was Jackson's target. In fact, I heard that over and over and over again.

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 I have to assume that Jackson's blood sugar is low and once he has his quarter hourly bowl of watermelon he will come to his senses.  There is no way this a good move for him. And I will laugh extra hard if he is on the block next week. 

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Just now, Maverick said:

 I have to assume that Jackson's blood sugar is low and once he has his quarter hourly bowl of watermelon he will come to his senses.  There is no way this a good move for him. And I will laugh extra hard if he is on the block next week. 

The only person who benefits from this is Christie. 

I can't even say it benefits Analyse to go to the jury house to Jack because he can't even make her orgasm. 

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I think it is fun! The possibilities. Tommy versus Christie. The betrayal Nick will feel from Nicole ( if she votes SIs out). Jess's utter confusion ( and feeling safe). 
I hope Nicole is on board. This is entertainment. 
Nick will be stunned that his nugget did not vote with him.

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Still trying to look for a bright side: Analice stays, tommy happy and peaceful. Christie stays, tommy stressed out more every day because she is fucking exhausting. And demanding, delusional, and entitled. So if tommy and the rest of these buffoons keep her, I hope she makes them all absolutely miserable every minute of every freaking day. 

By the way, the heatwave here is supposed to be slightly less godawful starting tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll be less of a cranky bitch. 

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3 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I have to assume that Jackson's blood sugar is low and once he has his quarter hourly bowl of watermelon he will come to his senses.  There is no way this a good move for him. And I will laugh extra hard if he is on the block next week. 

Well, I think Christie would actually honour at least a one week deal with Jackson/Holly if this happened. She's not a stupid player. She knows, without Jolly, she's out the door this week. If she stays, I do think she won't put them up if she wins next week. 

If Sis stays, it's the house against Jolly for sure. If Christie stays, they weaken Tommy, Cliff won't put Jackson/Holly up, Nick's the biggest target going into next week, and it's actually great for Nicole's game because she can get closer to Tommy and, if Nick doesn't win veto, she could be the new F2 goat. 

So, Jackson/Holly benefit at least a little bit. There's less of a chance of one of them leaving next week, rather than the 99% guarantee that one of them leaves next week. Jackson/Holly would at least have the possibility of buying themselves a week, rather than both of them pretty much being on the block next week if Holly doesn't win HOH. 

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This turn around is kind of Nicks fault. He was so worked up proclaiming his honesty and transparency that he scrambled to get ahead of it. He heard CHris may through him under the bus and he scrambled. Christie took advantage of it. Good for her. and you know what? She came out ahead. Nick was awful and whinney. He did not do well at all. IMHO

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Really good talk. Jackson really says it like it is. In a straight forward manner ( sometimes spattered with Jacksinisms). Nick just whines about his honesty and screws peoples games up. 
I'm glad Christie's told her about Nick saying he had Nicole in his back pocket. Good that Jackson tells her about appearing wishy washy but this is the time to show you are not.

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