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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Christie, crying alone in the boat room.
Big Brother: "Christie - please go to the diary room downstairs."
Christie: "Of course. OF COURSE."

Now Nick is crying in the target/bullseye room to Tommy and Cliff. And horking back his snot. Ew.

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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:


That doesn't reach the heights of Bayleigh biting her tongue last year, but it's Nick.  He tried.

But Manifest the truth for once is pretty good for this season.

Edited by vb68
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In the past few days, Nick: "I can beat Nicole 9-0 in F2 but that's not fun. I'd probably lose to Jackson 4-5. I can beat Jess 9-0."
Nick today: "I don't know who I can beat. I don't think about it."
Also Nick today: "At least I'm honest."

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Tommy: Nick, get a tissue.


Nick: "Nah, I'm just gonna go to the DR." (They had called him in a minute or so before that.)


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Jackson, please stop talking about the different cuts of pork. You have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Pork Tenderloin is Fatty (it's the extra lean portion).


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4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I am watching that now and you are correct. LOL. This has got to make the TV edit.

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12 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Production would die. They would do a reset LIVE and have all the houseguest come back in the house to start over. That would be the worst Final 3 ever.

Well I was going to say  Andy/GM/Spencer but Peach beat me to the punch below...

9 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

I hated Jessie on his original season, but I have to admit I enjoy it when he comes back as Mr Pectacular!

I despised Jessie during both of his seasons.  But then he started  wrestling for Impact Wrestling (Insert any insults here about me being a wrestling fan.  In my defense I do not watch it as much as I used to.) and he was such a good bad guy that I actually became a fan.  Another fun fact is he was in a tag team with Robbie E (I do not recall if that was the name he used on the show) from The Amazing Race and also Tuna Beard Austin. 

Also, as you and others have said him coming back and in on the joke of him being a punishment made me enjoy seeing him back on television.

6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't know, there's still Andy/Gina Marie/Spencer.

See what I said above.

Edited by BK1978
Because I obviously do not read what I write and make a ton of typos...
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Holly is very well aware that Cliff has not agreed to him and Nicole working with Holy and Jackson. He kind of side stepped Jacksons suggestion.
Now Sissy is worked up. She is saying Jackson instigated Christie ( my word not hers!). Throw her the HOH, she will but them up (holly and Jackson).

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jessica's facial expressions are, like, made for telenovelas.


"Pregnant with twins? From two different fathers?" *dramatic zoom in*

Mi familia!

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Holy is pretty hot for Nick right now. She thinks if Nick goes, Nicole will be more willing to work with them. She wonders what the hold Nick has over Nicole. He is the only one who actually burned him.

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Does Jackson chew?  I didn’t realize that.  It may be why he is always eating.  I don't know.

Tommy made sure to stay in the background during all of this.  Wonder if he was concentrating on not peeing his pants.

Cliff was soaking it all in. Nicole looked a little bored but I would bet she and Cliff talked about it afterwards.  Despite looking bored she took it all in too.

Jackson was listening closely.  Don’t know why but I didn’t think he would.  Might have to look at him a little differently.  Jack leaving was good for him in multiple ways.

Loved the pics of Jess and her expressions. Did she and Christie talk after this?  Was her first question ‘what do you mean Analyse is your best friend in the house?’

Seeing Analyse ping-ponging back and forth — sad to say I thought — wonder if she wants to say can you talk a little slower please.  

ETA. I enjoyed the links.  Thank you. 

Edited by Ellee
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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The pork Holly made:


Apparently it was prepared Raven-style.

These people can't cook for shit.

4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson, please stop talking about the different cuts of pork. You have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Pork Tenderloin is Fatty (it's the extra lean portion).


Mmm... Pork tenderloin...

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Taco Tuesday! or: Nick and Christie go at it in front of the rest of the house and Jess makes hilarious faces (08/20/2019 7:53 pm BBT Quad Cam)

Part One: https://streamable.com/xfway
Part Two: https://streamable.com/ojlvj
Part Three: https://streamable.com/fy3eb

Thank you for the links! 

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13 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm fascinated that Christie's angry about going home and decides to blow up NICK's game. I mean, fuck Nick, of course (I always need to say that), but it seems like an almost random choice on her part.

I would bet that Christie and Tommy discussed who it was that she would target.  Tommy stayed totally hidden throughout that fight.  The question to me is was it  so Tommy would be the one to talk to everybody with insider information to be everybody’s good guy or simply put a target on Nick. 

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Well, in that case, I gotta give Christie credit for being a really good friend to Tommy on the way out. Which is particularly impressive considering Tommy was celebrating with Holly and Jackson after the POV that sealed her fate. 

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Even though they are not supposed to split the money they do. I’m sure Christie and Tommy have some kind of deal. 

In the first few weeks weren’t they calling it ‘bananas’?  I don’t know.

Edited by Ellee
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I don't know whether it's been commented here but I think there was an indication from Cliff talking to the cameras that there was an incident "last night" and implying something is up. Has anyone heard about it?

Edited by himela
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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jessica's facial expressions are, like, made for telenovelas.


“Waddaya mean, the visiting alien from another planet isn’t the father of my baby???”

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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Even though they are not supposed to split the money they do. I’m sure Christie and Tommy have some kind of deal. 

This would explain a lot. 

1 hour ago, himela said:

I don't know whether it's been commented here but I think there was an indication from Cliff talking to the cameras that there was an incident "last night" and implying something is up. Has anyone heard about it

Is this the wall yeller? Someone playing a recording into the backyard saying that Christie and Tommy owned a store together? (They don't). No one could make out what was being said, though. 

Finally, that segment Sunday night on how Jackson endlessly repeats phrases was funny, but IRL, being with someone who did that would be my absolute worst nightmare. It's bad enough if your SO (or parent) is 80, and starting to repeat everything, but if they're already doing it in their 20's? Yeesh. Buy a lifetime supply of earplugs. That would get old sooooo fast. 

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Cliff said "we had something unsettling happen last night".

I guess if they knew anything we would know by now. So either nothing happened or production has asked them not to talk about it.

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Apparently Cliff talked to Tommy saying that he doesn't believe what he heard but even if it is true, it will not have an impact in his game. So they must all know but they are asked not to let it influence their game.

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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm fascinated that Christie's angry about going home and decides to blow up NICK's game. I mean, fuck Nick, of course (I always need to say that), but it seems like an almost random choice on her part.

Reminds me of a barfight I was in once. 

A work buddy and I and three ladies walked into a little Nashville hole-in-the-wall apparently RIGHT as the fight was starting, and furniture was flying within 10-15 seconds of our entry.  We just get off in a corner - one lady is hiding behind me, the other two are hiding behind my buddy Bertney (more on that in a sec) - and wait for the fun to settle down.  Anyway, some half-drunk dimestore cowboy is running around - staggering around, really - in circles looking for somebody to hit, he comes running over at Bertney and me with his fist drawn back, and... 

I say “half-drunk” because Cowboy Sid was apparently still sober enough to focus before he threw that punch.  And I guess I previously neglected to mention my buddy Bertney was about 6’10” and 250-odd pounds of Louisiana Coushatta Indian.  

Bertney just puts his fists on his hips and looked DOWN at Cowboy Sid, Sid looks UP at Bertney for I swear every bit of a solid 5-second count - then Cowboy Sid turns around, runs away, and goes hit some other guy who was just standing over in the corner watching the fight.

In any case - Christie taking out her Block ire towards Jackson by attempting to trash Nick’s game, reminded me for all the world of Cowboy Sid running off to punch that poor clueless motherfucker standing in the corner of the bar.

54 minutes ago, himela said:

I don't know whether it's been commented here but I think there was an indication from Cliff talking to the cameras that there was an incident "last night" and implying something is up. Has anyone heard about it?

Wall yeller, shouting about the Christie-Tommy pregame relationship.  Cliff was apparently the only HG who actually heard what was being said - and with no way to validate OR disprove what was said, Cliff is taking the (arguably very wise) position of ignoring whatever he heard.

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How about captioning this one?   Saw one of shirtless Nick but I couldn't do that to us. 😀  That, I believe, is also the look she had when she was talking about living 3 exits away from Tommy.


Edited by Ellee
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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Dear Big Brother,

Please stop giving the HGs pork chops. We're concerned for their safety. That shit just ain't right. 

Live Feeders and the Pork Farmers of America

Maybe Big Brother is also over this season and is manifesting a group exit.  Then yay! the last person evicted wins!   Go Kat!

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11 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I was bummed that Christie turns out to be a rational/calm arguer.  

She was, but she was also an obnoxious arguer. God, I want to grab her hands when she kept clapping them together when she was trying to make a point. 

Not that Nick was any better. He deserved getting that fight. He deserved it way worse after how he treated Nicole during HIS HOH week. 

I would be totally fine with Nick going next week. 

My preferences on who I want gone next:

Nick ---> Sis ----> Jess ----> Jackson ----> Cliff -------> Holly -------> Nicole--------> Tommy

Why I have Tommy as the one I don't want gone? I don't know. I guess because he's the best game player by far and I can't tolerate shitty game players. 

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tommy's reaction here is pretty great lol.

I haven't watched the whole thing yet. I'll probably just watch the edited tv version tbh. I just don't really care enough to sit through watching it all.


I think the fight only lasts 15-20 minutes and most of it is Christie either talking or interrupting Nick and clapping her hands obnoxiously to try to make a point. 

Part of it is Nick yelling and blubbering because he doesn't have any good points to make, since he's already told people these things because Christie was stupid enough to announce her plan to confront Nick about a day earlier, so he already knew this was going to happen.

Basically, it's Christie trying to blow up Nick's game but making sure she doesn't get Tommy's vote to stay, and Nick having nothing good to say because everyone already knew he was a rat in the first place.

But it IS fun to watch everyone's reactions. Jess tries to get involved at one point because Nick kind of drags her in, but she doesn't really get involved. Tommy just looks like he's made a mistake aligning with his aunt's ex girlfriend. Jackson enjoying the show is the best part, honestly, but he blew up his game by being obvious in his role in all of this (he encouraged Nick AND Christie to go through with it).

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2 hours ago, Ellee said:

Even though they are not supposed to split the money they do. I’m sure Christie and Tommy have some kind of deal. 

In the first few weeks weren’t they calling it ‘bananas’?  I don’t know.

lasagna, they called it lasagna 

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3 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:


Lol ... 4 years of high school Spanish and I had no clue ...

Are we talking ‘Get the hell out!’  If so ... that is so perfect. 😁

ETA:  Adding this so as not to discredit my HS, that was 55 years ago.  🙄

Edited by Ellee
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