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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Jack is already claiming (to Ovi) that he only won HoH because it was Jessica who was last up against him, otherwise he would have thrown it. 

Also that the vote was still not sure right up to showtime even though Ovi lost the vote 12-0.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christie: "It's literally summer camp!"
Meg from BB17: "Damn it, four seasons too early!"

Jack to David: "It's literally the longest someone has been in sequester before."
Jessica: "Uh... no, it's not."

Edited by Callaphera
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Jackson was groveling to Ovi and telling him that he had to vote for him because someone was going to cast a rogue vote and blame it on someone else, and my feed froze. Ovi seemed to be all "no big deal" about it.

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3 minutes ago, Christina said:

You all will never guess this, but Christie manifested it!!!! She just told David.

There's not enough eyeroll in the world. I guess just in case she weren't already dead to me with the crying, wishing for summer camp where no one goes home, is a nice coffin nail. 

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Fucking hell. This is like my personal hell. Like why am I even watching the feeds right now? Why do I hate myself?

The one plus, David is fucking fine as hell with the most soothing and sexy voice so I guess it's not all bad.

1 minute ago, PhoneCop said:

I was gonna say there's still hope with the second Whacktivity, but I believe both Jackoffs are signed up for that.

Oh, one of the Jackoffs is 100% winning the Wackadoodle Comp this week because BB never, ever lets me have nice things.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

While Amanda and McCrae were pigs that threw trash (and everything else) around their bed with wild abandon, it was BB19's Raven and Matt who had the drawer full of used condoms - which someone found during Hide and Go Veto. I mean, the dude put his spunk towel on the kitchen counter and there it sat for at least eight to twelve hours. Of course he would stash his used condoms in the empty drawer of a dresser. 

It's so hard to keep the gross habits of the hamsters straight. 

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Poor Jackson. How in the world is he going to transition into Holly's pants if he can't get rid of Kat until week 5?

Sam: "Hey, Jack, can I just hold onto these two shirts just in case they call me into the DR?"
Jack: "Sure, you're going on the block for it."

Fuck. A whole fucking week of this shit. 

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I had to peek and see what happened before the episode airs here - seriously? A Jack HOH? C'MON. Damn it.

Why do I still watch this. Ugh.

But David's back (kind of?), so that's cool. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Poor Jackson. How in the world is he going to transition into Holly's pants if he can't get rid of Kat until week 5? 

I think he's just rolling with it at this point. He walked with her to the storage room and carried her luggage to the bedroom for her. Lol. 

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2 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I had to peek and see what happened before the episode airs here - seriously? A Jack HOH? C'MON. Damn it.

Why do I still watch this. Ugh.

But David's back (kind of?), so that's cool. 

I mean, we already know Kemi and Jess are going up on the block and one of them is going to join Camp Comeback so...

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

I think he's just rolling with it at this point. He walked with her to the storage room and carried her luggage to the bedroom for her. Lol. 

Holly last night was talking about how she hopes the editors don't use the bits where Jackson is telling Holly that he prefers her over Kat and how hot she is and blah blah blah. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Can Christie shut the fuck up about love and energy and friendship. Like just stop. NO ONE WANTS THIS!

Dream scenario? Jack finds out about Christie shit talking him, and combined with him trying to run the house, he throws her up and she joins Camp Comeback.

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Jackson was telling Jack that he "had to throw it" with "it" referring to the comp; I specify because it's Jackson we're talking about here. Then, my feed froze again. Coincidence? I think not.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, we already know Kemi and Jess are going up on the block and one of them is going to join Camp Comeback so...

How long until we start calling it Camp Minorities. Or Camp Not-Like-Us?

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I present this without commentary: Ovi to Christie, "Hey, I can still work with y’all."

So, what's the deal with the Wackadoodle powers? Like say Ovi gets back into the game, can he still us his power?

When Jackson was relaying his convo with Ovi to Jack he made reference to Ovi saying he could still use his power if he gets back in the game.  Jackson said he told Ovi that nobody else knows about the power and as long as Ovi doesn't try to use it against them, Ovi will be fine.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean, I guess, but we still have to suffer through Jack so.

Rachel Reilly won the second HOH in BB12. Guess Jack could win BB22?  

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Bella and Nicole were trying to count off who they consider to be on their side and who they need to have on their side.  Bella was saying herself, Nicole, Nick, Sam, Christie, Jess, and Cliff.  She told Nicole that they really need Cliff to be on their side and that Nicole needed to get tight with Cliff (which they seem to have a secret thing based on Cliff's morning talks).  Nicole was cautioning Bella about trusting Christie completely on the basis of the fact that when Nicole was up in HOH last night Christie was openly saying things in front of Tommy and Jack.  Then they got interrupted and Jack called his house meeting.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

...did Jack just call a house meeting? 

LOL, yep. 

Jack's already hit HOH-itis.

And he's basically telling David and Ovi "thanks for coming but....we're not gonna talk game with you. BYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE."

But I blame Christie because she suggested this.

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Jack having the house meeting Christie wanted him to have ( lol, who is leading who). 
He is basically telling everyone to try and avoid talking game to people who were kicked out of the house. 
Okay Jack, we'll do that. 
What the .................?????

Oh, allowing the evicted HG to hang out with them. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Jack is telling everyone they need to avoid talking game with the Camp Comeback people. Like the fuck lol.

39 minutes until his HoH-itis hit peak HoH-itis. Congratulations, Jack! You won the title of Quickest Ego Trip Ever!

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Why is David even entertaining this?

I hate this. Like I truly can't.

Because he's a recruit and, thus, doesn't know the game at all. 

But I'm hoping he's just playing along because what else is he supposed to say?

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jack is telling everyone they need to avoid talking game with the Camp Comeback people. Like the fuck lol.

That’s the point of them being back. This is just beyond yucky. I think I’ll be glad that I will be traveling for work starting in a couple of weeks and won’t have time to pay too much attention to this

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what the actual flock is this stupid house meeting all about? why should the ousted guests avoid "game talk"? Lordt. Someone get that Jackarse busted Drogo out of the house...

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

39 minutes until his HoH-itis hit peak HoH-itis. Congratulations, Jack! You won the title of Quickest Ego Trip Ever!

To point out, Christie suggested it and told Jack to hold the meeting. 

So Christie's still high on HER HOH.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

To point out, Christie suggested it and told Jack to hold the meeting. 

So Christie's still high on HER HOH.

Yeah but Jack was the one standing there with his dick pointed to everyone (no but really, that pose is such a manly power pose meant for intimidation to show strength) and he's the one who gave them the edict from on high so I guess Christie had a case of HoH-itis but it spread to Jack, only his case is SO. MUCH. STRONGER.

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

I hope he earns a lot of enemies from his main alliance and the 50 other alliances. 

Well, Christie shared her HOH with Jack so I guess she thinks she can share his.

Jack, later this week: "Oh my God, it's not the Christie Show. I LIKE GIRLS, OKAY?"

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