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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I'm going to miss Christie and all her crazy. I would prefer if Jess or Sis left just to have people who want to or know how to play the game. I also wanted Christie to go out on Tommy's HOH. I think she would have way more emotional then this week. I think by Thursday she'll be less so with Julie.

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10 hours ago, kellog010 said:

At this point, I can see a Jackson/Nick F2 and then I will have to quit this show for a while. 

Every year when it gets to the final 2,coughpaulcough, I say the same thing - but then I forget by the time the next season starts and I'm all YEAH BIG BROTHER!!!! 

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5 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

Every year when it gets to the final 2,coughpaulcough, I say the same thing - but then I forget by the time the next season starts and I'm all YEAH BIG BROTHER!!!! 

I quit after Season 15, and this is my first year back.  I'm afraid I might be the Jonah causing this shitstorm.  Sorry!

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Nick in the Final 2. Ugh! I couldn't handle that. This weeks HOH is a pretty big since the numbers are so small. Everyone has made so many promises that there aren't too many options who they are going to nominate. I would like Nicole to win HOH. She needs one HOH under her belt. I think it would be hysterical if Jess won HOH because I'm not really sure who she would nominate.

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18 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Nick in the Final 2. Ugh! I couldn't handle that. This weeks HOH is a pretty big since the numbers are so small. Everyone has made so many promises that there aren't too many options who they are going to nominate. I would like Nicole to win HOH. She needs one HOH under her belt. I think it would be hysterical if Jess won HOH because I'm not really sure who she would nominate.

Nick/Sis in F2 is my worst nightmare.

Who do you even root for, in this case? 

Nick's a disgusting creep, but Sis hasn't been playing the game and when she has, she's been playing TERRIBLY. Nick's been playing the game and been doing a decent job, even when being as obvious as he is. But how can you root for Nick when his behaviour has been nearly as bad as JC's last season? I say nearly just because he hasn't resorted to sexually harassing someone in their sleep....yet (he's gotten real close with inappropriate touching, though). 

I'd rather root for Paul to come back and win this time around than choose between Nick and Sis, at this rate.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Nick/Sis in F2 is my worst nightmare.

Who do you even root for, in this case? 

Nick's a disgusting creep, but Sis hasn't been playing the game and when she has, she's been playing TERRIBLY. Nick's been playing the game and been doing a decent job, even when being as obvious as he is. But how can you root for Nick when his behaviour has been nearly as bad as JC's last season? I say nearly just because he hasn't resorted to sexually harassing someone in their sleep....yet (he's gotten real close with inappropriate touching, though). 

I'd rather root for Paul to come back and win this time around than choose between Nick and Sis, at this rate.

Wow, I just realized there is a scenario in which I would root for Sis.  How??  Against anyone other than Nick, I would not root for her.  I do hope to see Nick out next, then Sis, so she doesn't get dragged to the finale due to her utter uselessness.

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4 minutes ago, sphoebus31 said:

Wow, I just realized there is a scenario in which I would root for Sis.  How??  Against anyone other than Nick, I would not root for her.  I do hope to see Nick out next, then Sis, so she doesn't get dragged to the finale due to her utter uselessness.

Imagine a Nick/Sis/Jess F3. 

Yep. Worst nightmare EVER. The clip show and the final HOH comps would be torturous to watch. Oh god. Between Jess' "like like like", Sis "Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin'" and Nick's monotone robot voice, I would have to skip the first 45 minutes of the finale and the whole week of feeds. 

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19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Imagine a Nick/Sis/Jess F3. 

Yep. Worst nightmare EVER. The clip show and the final HOH comps would be torturous to watch. Oh god. Between Jess' "like like like", Sis "Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin'" and Nick's monotone robot voice, I would have to skip the first 45 minutes of the finale and the whole week of feeds. 

Don't forget the humping!

I have to remind myself that Big Brother doesn't provide a satisfying winner every season.  I want someone who plays the game, knows when to go bold, and isn't loathsome.  But even by my own criteria, Jess should be a satisfying winner, and I don't think she would be (maybe because she only seems to have played the game for one week).  Tommy should be good too, but the Christie thing is still bugging.  He never had to play without a security blanket.  And he was a part of the 9/8/6 mob.  If Nicole could win an HOH and then not crumble when forced to choose two people to put up.... 

Edited by sphoebus31
Tommy was part of 9/8/6 mob
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This week will really decide who has the best road to the finals. With that in mind, who are the noms for everyone?

Here's my best approximation...

Cliff: Tommy/Analyse

Nick: Jessica....uhmmm...Holly? 

Holly: Tommy/Nick

Analyse: Jackson/Holly

Jessica: Nick/Jackson

Nicole: Jessica/Holly? Analyse?

Tommy:  Cliff/Holly (?)

It's staggering to me that Jackson really isn't on all that many people's shit lists right now, is he? Despite JUST winning HoH and being as vulnerable as you could get.

Edited by Brian Cronin
Edited because I thought I wrote Nick twice but actually I meant Nicole. I was like, "Wait, how do you have Analyse as a possible target for Nick?"
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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

This week will really decide who has the best road to the finals. With that in mind, who are the noms for everyone?

Here's my best approximation...

Cliff: Tommy/Analyse

Nick: Jessica....uhmmm...Holly? 

Holly: Tommy/Nick

Analyse: Jackson/Holly

Jessica: Nick/Jackson

Nick: Jessica/Holly?

Tommy:  Cliff/Holly (?)

It's staggering to me that Jackson really isn't on all that many people's shit lists right now, is he? Despite JUST winning HoH and being as vulnerable as you could get.

Nick would absolutely nominate Jess/Holly, and if one of them won veto and took themselves off, Nicole would likely go up as a replacement. 

Tommy would want to put up Jackson/Holly, but I feel like he's going to throw HOH to avoid making any move. But if he did win, yeah, Cliff for sure and probably Holly. 

Nicole would put up Tommy/Analyse. 

ETA: Heh, I quoted this well before you edited your post

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Nick would absolutely nominate Jess/Holly, and if one of them won veto and took themselves off, Nicole would likely go up as a replacement. 

Tommy would want to put up Jackson/Holly, but I feel like he's going to throw HOH to avoid making any move. But if he did win, yeah, Cliff for sure and probably Holly. 

Nicole would put up Tommy/Analyse. 

Oh, Nicole has actually said something about Tommy/Analyse being her targets? I missed that. 

It's fascinating how Jackson is this big threat and yet HOLLY is the one who seems to be getting the worst of it, right?

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh, Nicole has actually said something about Tommy/Analyse being her targets? I missed that. 

It's fascinating how Jackson is this big threat and yet HOLLY is the one who seems to be getting the worst of it, right?

I know Nicole has talked about Tommy being a threat at one point. Perhaps things have changed since then, but I feel like Nicole would put up Tommy/Analyse, especially since she wants to work with Jackson/Holly, thinks Jess is trustworthy (LOLOLOLOL) and wants to continue working with Nick.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know Nicole has talked about Tommy being a threat at one point. Perhaps things have changed since then, but I feel like Nicole would put up Tommy/Analyse, especially since she wants to work with Jackson/Holly, thinks Jess is trustworthy (LOLOLOLOL) and won't put up Nick unless she has to.

Then I'm rooting for a Nicole HOH, as it'd be really interesting to see what she does. And it would mean she's safe, which is also nice!

8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

ETA: Heh, I quoted this well before you edited your post

You actually quoted it after my FIRST edit, when I was confused as to how I had Analyse under Nick's name, so I took it out and then I went back in again when I thought I had Nick twice and that's when I realized, "D'oh! You were 'right' the first time, you just had Nicole as Nick"! 😄

Edited by Brian Cronin
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57 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Imagine a Nick/Sis/Jess F3. 

Yep. Worst nightmare EVER. The clip show and the final HOH comps would be torturous to watch. Oh god. Between Jess' "like like like", Sis "Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin'" and Nick's monotone robot voice, I would have to skip the first 45 minutes of the finale and the whole week of feeds. 

Production would die. They would do a reset LIVE and have all the houseguest come back in the house to start over. That would be the worst Final 3 ever.

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Just now, PaperTree said:

Any predictions for the HoH competition?  Crapshoot or questions?

I think it might be Knockout, actually. We haven't had Knockout yet and we're about due for one. Plus, with the fractured sides, it's a perfect time for one.

It would be Sis/Tommy/Nick vs Cliff/Nicole vs Holly vs Jess (right now, Jess is only close to Christie so once she's gone, I have NO idea who she gravitates toward). 

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You have absolutely no clue, NO CLUE how I'm fighting the urge to go 'like...like...like...I don't know'  regarding who Jess gravitates to.  Obviously I failed fighting the urge but I think I came up with the answer.  Sys/Nick.  The 'I don't know' told me so.


Edited by Ellee
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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Imagine a Nick/Sis/Jess F3. 

Yep. Worst nightmare EVER. The clip show and the final HOH comps would be torturous to watch. Oh god. Between Jess' "like like like", Sis "Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin'" and Nick's monotone robot voice, I would have to skip the first 45 minutes of the finale and the whole week of feeds. 

Yes, I think if that were the F3, it would be the nail in the coffin for me - I'd finally break up with Big Brother.  

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22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it might be Knockout, actually. We haven't had Knockout yet and we're about due for one. Plus, with the fractured sides, it's a perfect time for one.

It would be Sis/Tommy/Nick vs Cliff/Nicole vs Holly vs Jess (right now, Jess is only close to Christie so once she's gone, I have NO idea who she gravitates toward). 

Thanks!  Those are usually vicious fun  🙂  

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

GIRL. Let's not go TOO crazy. 🤪 

I know, I know....but Nick and Sis make it REALLY hard right now.

I really would rather hear "YOUR BOY!" than to hear "i love you isabella, even when im touching sis and tommy" (that's my written version of Nick's monotone voice) or "I'm so FUCKIN' hot. Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack. America GIVE ME A FUCKIN' POWER."

Plus, Nick and Sis will never be able to create a moment better than this:


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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I know, I know....but Nick and Sis make it REALLY hard right now.

I really would rather hear "YOUR BOY!" than to hear "i love you isabella, even when im touching sis and tommy" (that's my written version of Nick's monotone voice) or "I'm so FUCKIN' hot. Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack. America GIVE ME A FUCKIN' POWER."

Plus, Nick and Sis will never be able to create a moment better than this:


That was an amazing thing to watch live. He knew he had lost and couldn't believe it. He did all that work and lost. Good tv. LOL!!!

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12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

This is so odd to me because I live in Rhode Island and besides JFK and Ted I have never heard Jack for John and Ted for Edward.  Could it be a generational thing?  

I am a late Gen-Xer.  So is it a Baby Boomer and older thing?

I live in NJ. I had an uncle who died 9 years ago. He was probably born around 1939. His name was John (birth certificate), but everybody called him Jack. Nobody ever referred to him as John. He only used John when signing some kind of legal document, even on his bank accounts.

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17 hours ago, Nashville said:
17 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The Amanda/Andy and Christie/Tommy corollaries are STRIKING, right?

Absolutely - the Amanda/Christie and Andy/Tommy parallels have been ringing church bells for me so loud all season, they’d have had Quasimodo begging for a Xanax.

Does Quasimodo share? Because sometimes this season I'd friggin' kill for a Xanax just to help me get through these episodes.

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So, Cliff got a little bit of Cliff Notes in this morning.

It sounds like there WAS a wall yeller. It sounds like it was about Christie/Tommy, but Cliff and the others don't appear to have heard the context of the yelling (so, yet another wall yeller fail). But Cliff seemed to have misinterpreted it, or come to a different conclusion. He didn't say for sure, but it's possible that the house thinks that the wall yelling was in FAVOUR of Christie, not AGAINST her. 

Just a theory going around, but we know that there was definitely a wall yeller and likely that none of them heard it clearly enough to deduce what it was about.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Cliff got a little bit of Cliff Notes in this morning.

It sounds like there WAS a wall yeller. It sounds like it was about Christie/Tommy, but Cliff and the others don't appear to have heard the context of the yelling (so, yet another wall yeller fail). But Cliff seemed to have misinterpreted it, or come to a different conclusion. He didn't say for sure, but it's possible that the house thinks that the wall yelling was in FAVOUR of Christie, not AGAINST her. 

Just a theory going around, but we know that there was definitely a wall yeller and likely that none of them heard it clearly enough to deduce what it was about.

Fucking wall yellers never succeed. It's best to just not do it. I hate that Tommy and Christie got a major advantage by accident, but the answer isn't to go yell over a wall. 

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30 minutes ago, Mystery said:
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'd rather root for Paul to come back and win this time around than choose between Nick and Sis, at this rate.


If Paul came within 10 miles of the BB house, no way, no how would I ever be watching. I couldn't watch that big, obnoxious mouth for another second. I wouldn't care if Jack won this season. And I hated Jack.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

but I feel like Nicole would put up Tommy/Analyse, especially since she wants to work with Jackson/Holly, thinks Jess is trustworthy (LOLOLOLOL) and wants to continue working with Nick.

Nicole STILL thinks Jess is trustworthy and wants to work with her? SERIOUSLY?  Come on, Nicole. 

Not gonna lie, I would love to see Nicole kick Nick's ass in the F2 because Nick has been running his mouth saying he could never "take" Nicole to the end because he would beat her 9-0 and that would be "so boring". :eyeroll   But he's just fine going to the end with Sis because she's a better competitor.....somehow.

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3 minutes ago, mikewho said:

If Paul came within 10 miles of the BB house, no way, no how would I ever be watching. I couldn't watch that big, obnoxious mouth for another second. I wouldn't care if Jack won this season. And I hated Jack.

I think I would rather be stuck in a Pandora's Box with Jessie for twelve days than to ever see Jack win the game. 

But I'd also rather be stuck in a Pandora's Box and listen to Rachel screech "BREEEEEENNNNNNDDDDDDOOOOONNNNNNNNN" for twelve days than to have Paul return for another season.

None of these options are good.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think I would rather be stuck in a Pandora's Box with Jessie for twelve days than to ever see Jack win the game. 

I can just imagine it.  Jessie says your assignment is to count all  his various upper body muscles and determine the biggest, strongest, best looking ones and so forth.   🤣

I could never ever be alone with Jessie and not ask him if he WANTS CAKE?

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11 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Maybe I'm losing my mind but I totally wouldn't mind it if the wall yeller somehow caused Sis to go home instead of Christie.

Me too. Not because I love Christie. Just to see Jackson’s angry reaction. 

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29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think I would rather be stuck in a Pandora's Box with Jessie for twelve days than to ever see Jack win the game. 

I don't think I saw Jessie's original season. But wasn't he the one they kept bringing back to host some competitions, who had nothing to offer other than flex his muskles?

Given that he had air where his brains should be, I think that even if he won, he wouldn't understand what it meant.

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33 minutes ago, mikewho said:

I don't think I saw Jessie's original season. But wasn't he the one they kept bringing back to host some competitions, who had nothing to offer other than flex his muskles?

Given that he had air where his brains should be, I think that even if he won, he wouldn't understand what it meant.

I hated Jessie on his original season, but I have to admit I enjoy it when he comes back as Mr Pectacular!

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Sis just looked at the camera and asked for someone to send her free cosmetics because her face is breaking out.  I think she asked for a power again a couple of minutes ago, too.

So she knows she's on TV and how to ask for stuff.

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38 minutes ago, mikewho said:

I don't think I saw Jessie's original season. But wasn't he the one they kept bringing back to host some competitions, who had nothing to offer other than flex his muskles?

Given that he had air where his brains should be, I think that even if he won, he wouldn't understand what it meant.

it was so bizarre. no one liked him but they kept bringing him back!  

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3 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Well, Grodner liked him...

Grodner is the one who brought him back for REAL, but then when she started bringing him back as a punishment, then I think fans got into it. I know I thought much better of him one he started going along with being used as a punishment. 

But yeah, back when he was a real contestant, he was terrible. 

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Grodner is the one who brought him back for REAL, but then when she started bringing him back as a punishment, then I think fans got into it. I know I thought much better of him one he started going along with being used as a punishment. 

Same here.  My impression of him has definitely softened as it's clear he's in on the joke.

I would love to see him telling Jackson or Nick that their muscles are really small. 

Edited by vb68
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Oh, we definitely need Mr. Pectacular dropping by the house to tell Jackson he's lost definition and the problem is Too Much Watermelon.

Bonus points if Jessie borrows Gallagher's Sledge-O-Matic and gets to work on Jackson's reserve stash.


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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Grodner is the one who brought him back for REAL, but then when she started bringing him back as a punishment, then I think fans got into it. I know I thought much better of him one he started going along with being used as a punishment. 

But yeah, back when he was a real contestant, he was terrible. 

Yea, who was it that got stuck with him for a certain amount of time in the Pandora's box room?  I started to like him then. 

I usually try to be a fan of fellow Iowan's but I just COULD NOT with that guy up until that point.

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2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Yea, who was it that got stuck with him for a certain amount of time in the Pandora's box room?  I started to like him then. 

I usually try to be a fan of fellow Iowan's but I just COULD NOT with that guy up until that point.

It was definitely Rachel, but was it Season 12 or 13? I can't remember. 

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