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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Reason # 16 why Kat and I would be best friends forever: she has Queen's Greatest Hits on her music request list. 

Elton John works for me as well.

I would love for her to rock out to "The Bitch is Back".

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Oh, I'm dying, y'all (but just figuratively, lol) at this thread tonight!  Keep the reports and comments coming.  I'm going to try and not pee myself as I sit here on my sofa and anxiously await your updates!

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So what's this America's Field Trip thing? My tivo went kaput right as Julie was explaining it.

My computer shut itself down 3 times since this comp started. It's like it's trying to save me from myself.

They didn’t say much. Just that we get to vote for 3 and for one it will jeopardize their game. 

2 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

So far, this group has been up on the ropes for over an hour.

Probably far above bb’s expectations.  They’ve been saying the slime canons are empty. 

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That rings a bell. I think you're right. They were like in a pool/hot tub or something, right?

After looking on the BB Wiki, I think it was the "Strange Bedfellows" endurance comp at F4, but the wiki doesn't describe the comp or say if he peed.  I do remember it being something about a bed.

12 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

He did. I believe Alison and/or Jun did during the cage comp in S4, and I'm certain Cowboy did during the cardboard standup lightbox comp in S5.

Well, thanks for making me think about Cowboy peeing.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Holly's in the same position I fell asleep in last night before the cat tried to sit on my head and tea bag me at 5 am.

And I thought I had it bad with my cat trying to punch me in the face most mornings at 4 am. 

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Did Jackson really just say, "Not long enough." when someone asked how long they'd been up there? Please.  Dude couldn't handle a week of being a Have Not.  Nice try, but we see through you!

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All this pee talk takes me back to the best endurance comp ever, which I previously mentioned - the Pressure Cooker from Season Six. I truly believe Rachel blew the game for her alliance because she wanted to pee. Because the thing was, people could only leave the Box once a certain number of people dropped out. So Rachel couldn’t leave, even though she was out. I think she convinced herself that they could TOTALLY trust Jenn for the sole reason that she was not the kind of person who would just pee wherever.

Sorry for the trip down memory lane, but this is boring.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Jackson still looks the most solid and the only reason he's probably not falling is so that he doesn't fall before his two fuck buddies and Jack's fuck buddy.

Ew. That's totally it, isn't it? 


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17 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So what's this America's Field Trip thing? My tivo went kaput right as Julie was explaining it.

My computer shut itself down 3 times since this comp started. It's like it's trying to save me from myself.

8 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

They didn’t say much. Just that we get to vote for 3 and for one it will jeopardize their game.

So if this is true everyone votes for the two Jacks and Christie or Tommy so one of them is "jeopardized" then it turns out they really aren't and all the fans get even more pissed (tm Jackson) with BB and America attacks the house with pitchforks and slop maybe.

Edited by green
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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Reason # 16 why Kat and I would be best friends forever: she has Queen's Greatest Hits on her music request list. 

That is the CD in my car player right now. Well, one from a box set in the glove box. What? I like CDs.

All I need now is for someone to reference Gerry Rafferty and my day-long Live Feed thread walk through my favourite things will be complete. 

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Even Jackson is tired of jacks helpful hints. Jack was trying to tell Jackson “the problem” with the way you are holding on is ...  Jackson interrupts him and says “there is NO problem”. Jack says uh, what? And Jackson repeats himself. Haha hope he FALLS on his face in his PEE and then Jack tries to help him up and the he FALLS in Jackson’s pee. On his face. 

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

All I need now is for someone to reference Gerry Rafferty and my day-long Live Feed thread walk through my favourite things will be complete. 

Do you think Jackson can "give up the booze and one night stands"?

That's the best I got for ya.

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