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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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49 minutes ago, alihart41 said:

Sure, but they literally named it that week, after Bella was already on the block, I believe. If that's not a sign of an official formation I dunno what is. It was definitely dormant the following week during Holly's HOH.

Just a guess, but I don't think Kat was 100% in for the initial formation of Cliff's Angels.  She went along with it, but at that time really seemed to be more in with the "Cool Kids", ie, being their "spy" on the other side.  I am more inclined to believe she was all in for the most recent version so in her perception, maybe it did only form during Jess's HOH.

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4 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I wonder who Jackson will nom next to Christie.

I don't think it matters much. Only takes three votes to force a tie. Christie is toast if she's on the block come Thursday. 

Edited by Cutty
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20 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

According to Jackson, it's apple cider in their barrels. He knows because he smelled it.

Because Snackson sensed that it could be something he could eat (or drink, in this case). 

Next year, they should fill it with actual beer so the houseguests who are behind can get drunk and entertain us.

Edited by The Companion
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I think Christie might actually survive up against Tommy. Jess automatically votes out men, Cliff hates Tommy and who knows what Analyse thinks? Tommy is still the best person to go up against her, though, because Jackson knows that Tommy is against him, too.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Christie might actually survive up against Tommy. Jess automatically votes out men, Cliff hates Tommy and who knows what Analyse thinks? Tommy is still the best person to go up against her, though, because Jackson knows that Tommy is against him, too.

Even if tommy goes it will be worth it to watch them both squirm all week 

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Christie: "Sounds like a manifestation if you ask me."

Shut the fuck up.

Jackson: "Sounds like a man with a job to do."

Shut the fuck up. 

Analyse: "If this is mayonnaise, I'm going to throw up."

And Nick doesn't know what Crisco is. I don't know why I'm surprised because he didn't know what an artichoke or a Greatest Hits compilation was, either.

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Christie just said that Jackson always said he was winning this comp.

"Sounds like a manifestation to me."


If I never hear any form of manifest again, it will be too soon.

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Just now, Dmarie019 said:

Even if tommy goes it will be worth it to watch them both squirm all week 

Oh, it will be glorious. I think there's even a small, like, say, 5%, chance that the one who thinks he/she is going unleashes the "we knew each other" nuclear bomb.

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Christie might actually survive up against Tommy. Jess automatically votes out men, Cliff hates Tommy and who knows what Analyse thinks? Tommy is still the best person to go up against her, though, because Jackson knows that Tommy is against him, too.

Analyse has her final 3 with Nick and Tommy, so I'm guessing she'll boot Christie. I'm not gonna get too hopeful yet until after Veto after how the universe fucked us last week.

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3 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Even if tommy goes it will be worth it to watch them both squirm all week 

I don't know which is more annoying to contemplate. Christy as HOH, or Christie on the block. Either way she sucks up all the air with her drama. 

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Just now, Lamima said:

He may nominate Cliff and Nicole as Crustie and Oompa blather him with 65Shooters strong crap.

Oh no. Jackson is definitely aiming for Christie. He can't stand her. 

So we'll get crying Christie telling us that "It's not faaaaair!" until Veto at least. And then beyond if no one uses the Veto on her/she doesn't win.

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And I'll get this disclaimer in there before Jay comes by later to freak out over this result. I don't like Jackson. I am not even saying he is not as bad as Tommy and Christie. I am only saying that it is more entertaining this week to watch Tommy and Christie on the block with each other than it would to see Holly and Jackson. It's not a pro-Jackson opinion at all. He is a worse person than Christie and Tommy.

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10 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Just a guess, but I don't think Kat was 100% in for the initial formation of Cliff's Angels.  She went along with it, but at that time really seemed to be more in with the "Cool Kids", ie, being their "spy" on the other side.  I am more inclined to believe she was all in for the most recent version so in her perception, maybe it did only form during Jess's HOH.

Again, not disagreeing, but it doesn't change the fact that Cliff's Angels was formed that week and they did that pose in the HOH room, even if in her mind she was only 50 percent in then and just went to 100 percent in last week.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

So we'll get crying Christie telling us that "It's not faaaaair!" until Veto at least. And then beyond if no one uses the Veto on her/she doesn't win.

I bet Tommy is the first person to start taking Jackson is watermelon sliced up to the HOH.

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1 minute ago, alihart41 said:

Again, not disagreeing, but it doesn't change the fact that Cliff's Angels was formed that week and they did that pose in the HOH room, even if in her mind she was only 50 percent in then and just went to 100 percent in last week.

I can't even imagine thinking, "Yes, we formed the alliance in that week, but I only started taking it seriously last week, so that's the week I'm counting as the first week, m'kay?" makes any sense. 

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