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Outlander In The Media


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That was excellent Petunia846 -- one of the best interviews I've seen with Cait.  She's talking to other actors about acting -- people who are in the very position she was in just a couple of years ago -- so her comments are very heart-felt and the questions are all very craft-oriented rather than the usual fan-generated questions.

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Thank you Nidratime. I jumped out of bed (I was reading the site with my iPad) and turned on the TV in time to catch it. Awww.  I love this show and all its cast & crew. So nice to see them getting attention. There was nothing particularly noteworthy in the piece -- just a feel-good love-letter to this beautiful, romantic show. 

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Ugh. Apparently, Ireland is going to get to see the last episode on July 5, so there are definitely going to be spoilers out there that you should all be aware of and prepare to guard yourselves from if you are avoiding spoilers.
This web site mentions the Ireland air date and posts a preview that doesn't do too much spoiling *except*



for an incredible shot of Cait looking beautiful as a 1950's - 1960's woman.



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Wow, so for once I could watch ahead of everyone here? Though to be honest, I wouldn't be 100% sure that the show is on next Tuesday, I can't believe the amount of times in the past (ok, though, I am talking far in the past) where you would tune in to watch the latest episode and then find a repeat. Like maybe RTE programming aren't aware that there's a break next week in the US?

The thing I find most interesting about the Vanity Fair article is that they refer to Outlander as a "mega-hit".  Is it?  I love it.  Most of you love it.  But when I talk about it in my real life hardly anyone I know watches it (unlike Game of Thrones where I've attending "watch" parties and have had long water-cooler discussions about it at work.)  Is it just that I'm an over-50 woman and most of the people I work with are 20-somethings?  Is that why I never encounter the Outlander fan base?

We are described in this article as a "fervent audience".  I think that code for saying we're a bit cray-cray but whatever.  The article DOES acknowledge that STARZ is targeting audiences that are voracious users of social media.  Represent!  Now excuse me while I go check my twitter and Facebook feeds and then go vote for Sam and Cait and Duncan and the show in E!Online's latest popularity contest.  (Just kidding -- I am so OVER voting in those contests.  The kids who love "The 100" can have it now.)

ETA:  I just looked at my Twitter feed and the article below is getting a lot of love from our team.


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11 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

The thing I find most interesting about the Vanity Fair article is that they refer to Outlander as a "mega-hit".  Is it?  I love it.  Most of you love it.  But when I talk about it in my real life hardly anyone I know watches it (unlike Game of Thrones where I've attending "watch" parties and have had long water-cooler discussions about it at work.)  Is it just that I'm an over-50 woman and most of the people I work with are 20-somethings?  Is that why I never encounter the Outlander fan base?

This has been my experience, too. I know a couple of people IRL who watch Outlander and we compare notes, but I know way more people who also watch Game of Thrones and who I can chat with about it. And most of my friends are avid television watchers--we couch potatoes have to stick together. ;)--so I'm actually surprised more of them don't watch. 

As an result, I know not to even think about getting on social media or the internet before seeing a GOT episode because I know spoilers will be everywhere. It's like a madhouse. It was the same way when I watched The Walking Dead. On the other hand, I have to go looking for Outlander spoilers. I really could have gone without watching the entire season and not encountered any major spoilers from the social media sites and websites I visit. It just doesn't seem to generate the same amount of chatter in my friend circle. I would be curious to know if that's true for others. 

Concerning age range, I'm in my 20s, and the people I know who watch are in their 20s and 30s, so I don't know that it's necessarily an age thing. Incidentally, I work at a public library, and the first season's DVDs seems to circulate well with adults of all ages. In fact, there's usually a bit of a wait for it, and we have multiple copies in circulation. For that reason, I know it is popular with our patrons, but even then, I don't have a lot of people chatting with me about it when they check it out or return it, which has been the case with other shows, like Game of Thrones

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3 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

I find "Game of Thrones" to be the show "people" watch because it's popular. It's not the fact that these people have loved the show or the books or whatever. It's the popular show of the moment. (And I include media personalities in this.)

That hasn't really been my experience with it, though I don't doubt that's true for a lot of people. 

2 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

I've noticed that with the media. They glomm on at the end. They want to catch the wave.

Oh God yes with the media. Everyone I know who watches the show, myself included, watch because they genuinely like it, but I see so many clickbait articles about the show that are riddled with basic inaccuracies. I agree with you 100% on that. It's probably only going to get worse since the showrunners have stated the end is near. 

According to Diana it's from an old Celtic custom that made it to Appalachians that when someone is born, dies, comes, or goes you go tell the bees---because if you don't keep them informed they will fly away.

So much to ponder with that one!  Is this the final book?  If so I would love to see what happens with everyone and assume to end their story death will occur.  But oh how I don't want it to!  My goodness I am completely and utterly conflicted.  

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This is interesting.  The story is only peripherally about Outlander but it notes how some people feel the TV adaptation does not spend enough time depicting Jamie & Claire's relationship, which is a sentiment that mirrors a conversation we've been having over in the Book vs. Show thread.


I watch three out of the four shows they discuss so I thought it was an interesting read.

Edited by WatchrTina
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On 6/19/2016 at 10:50 AM, WatchrTina said:


I don't know why the quote thing won't go away. Anyway check out this ridiculous so-called article about the show. Really how do these sites stay online??? http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/31880/20160707/sam-heughan-caitriona-balfe-dating-actress-quits-filming-outlander-season-3-duncan-lacroix-confirms-claire-beauchamp-randall-death.htm

Terry Dresbach has re-tweeted this article about a dozen times in the last few hours so I think she really really wants us to read it.  It's good and I don't recall any spoilers for the finale, which the author says she strove to avoid.


Here's the central thesis:


To put it plainly: it is one of the smartest and most proactive shows on television, embracing love and passion and intrigue and refusing to apologize. Will Outlander ever break free of its “kilty pleasure” stereotype in the press? It’s getting close. I don’t think anyone could watch “Wentworth Prison,” or “To Ransom a Man’s Soul,” or “Faith,” or “Prestonpans,” just to name a few, and still reduce the show’s appeal to only one gender or viewers who like only one genre.

9 hours ago, maraleia said:

I don't know why the quote thing won't go away. Anyway check out this ridiculous so-called article about the show. Really how do these sites stay online??? http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/31880/20160707/sam-heughan-caitriona-balfe-dating-actress-quits-filming-outlander-season-3-duncan-lacroix-confirms-claire-beauchamp-randall-death.htm

That particular site is horrendous. I've come across two or three articles that get no facts correct at all.  

Uh oh trouble in Outlander world

In reply to Diana Gabaldon

Maril Davis ‏@TallShipProds 7m7 minutes ago

@Writer_DG um, I never said we couldn't do the hand carving because of concern over "messy blood" That's crazy

Also, on a personal note I just got blocked by William Shatner on twitter when I called him out for his sexist remarks about Claire. He really isn't someone anyone on Outlander should align themselves with.

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To be frank -- pardon the pun -- I don't even care about the initials. It never had a romantic impact for me in the story because I don't find carving into skin an expression of love. Leaving that aside, fans who do "love it" prod and prod and prod, and before you know it people are exchanging irritated tweets. I think, after the first time someone mentions their "unhappiness," they should let it go because, what in the world do they expect to happen now? A redo? Time and time again, Diana, the writers, *and* fans have acknowledged that this is an adaptation, but the moment "their" little special moment doesn't make the cut, it's all over and it's devastating and it's not my story, ad nauseum, etc.

Edited by Nidratime
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Yeah, I really couldn't care less about the initial carving. Seems emblematic of certain book details that don't actually NEED to be portrayed in order to get the point across (i.e. J&C's undying love), but some fans just get obsessed with them.


A couple interesting articles:

Vanity Fair interview with Ron Moore post-finale: http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/07/outlander-season-2-finale-dragonfly-in-amber-brianna

An interesting review of season 2 and the finale from Vox. I don't actually agree with a lot of it, but it's an interesting perspective: http://www.vox.com/2016/7/10/12133430/outlander-finale-recap-season-2-dragonfly-in-amber

Edited by Keeta
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