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Good Lord, yet another Twitterstorm.  This time regarding Caitriona and something she said in an interview that fans apparently took as a dis and somehow William Shatner got involved. The shitshow that ensued between the fans was unreal.  Seriously, unreal.  I'm done.  I just went and unfollowed every single Outlander fan site on Twitter.  I find I prefer to be blissfully unaware.  Also, I just don't get THAT worked up over a TV show and the actors involved.  

I feel better already 

Edited by Summer
1 hour ago, Summer said:

Good Lord, yet another Twitterstorm.  This time regarding Caitriona and something she said in an interview that fans apparently took as a dis and somehow William Shatner got involved. The shitshow that ensued between the fans was unreal.  Seriously, unreal.  I'm done.  I just went and unfollowed every single Outlander fan site on Twitter.  I find I prefer to be blissfully unaware.  Also, I just don't get THAT worked up over a TV show and the actors involved.  

I feel better already 

Wow people really need to get a life...Sam and Cait are not a couple and they can't handle the truth.

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6 hours ago, Summer said:

Good Lord, yet another Twitterstorm.  This time regarding Caitriona and something she said in an interview that fans apparently took as a dis and somehow William Shatner got involved. The shitshow that ensued between the fans was unreal.  Seriously, unreal.  I'm done.  I just went and unfollowed every single Outlander fan site on Twitter.  I find I prefer to be blissfully unaware.  Also, I just don't get THAT worked up over a TV show and the actors involved.  

I feel better already 

I think Shatner got involved because this is the 3rd or 4th Twitterstorm in a week because someone said that Sam and Cait aren't a couple, or something related to it. First, Shatner made a joke when someone jokingly said that he should fix Sam up with one of his daughters. Shatner said his daughters were married but @lisamariiiie is single and met Sam at the Paley event. She must have received some hate tweets because then she said that they can stop hate tweeting her because she didn't attend with Sam, she went with Paul Camuso. Then Paul chimed in and said that he knew for a fact that Sam and Cait are not a couple. Both of these people are friends with Shatner. Then, when Cait said in her interview that she and Sam aren't a couple and that some people seem to have a problem separating the actors from their characters, both Sam and Cait were bombarded with tweets about throwing the fans under the bus and calling fans stupid and how Sam and Cait are responsible because of how they act when doing publicity for the show. That's when I think Shatner got fed up and entered the fray. Once you are in his inner circle, he is a very loyal friend. Considering his twitter picture is a picture of him and Sam, I'd say Sam has reached Shatner's inner circle.

I don't follow an fan sites so I learned all this from the twitter accounts of Sam, Cait and Bill Shatner. Bill is also friends with the actors on Supernatural so it's not like he hasn't dealt with intense fandoms before.

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Shatner is a bully himself and this isn't the first fandom he's trolled.  It's a perfect storm of drama out there. Outlander fandom extremists come off very entitled, mothering and lacking self awareness. They dog pile on bloggers, reviewers and even people who have just posted pictures of cast and production. T & L stopped their reviews because fans wouldn't follow the guidelines(spoiling with book plotlines) and attacks on them. SpoilerTv contributor can't even post the ratings and making the general comment that ratings went down without being tweeted that he's being negative and not reporting right. Terry received a long message or something with hurtful things about her marriage because they don't agree with how Moore runs the show. It's not just shippers or anti-shippers. It's random, very vocal fans. 

Other things. I love Cait's dress. She looks stunning in it and it's one of my favorite looks of hers. Only she could pull it off!

I think those writers may be assistants? Otherwise that's a ton of writers to have.

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2 hours ago, toolazy said:

It's to the point where I'm almost embarrassed to admit on the internet that I'm an Outlander fan.  The fawning syncophants on Diana's Facebook page, the Sam & Cait shippers and the idiots who drove Tom & Lorenzo to stop covering the show are all just so very terrible.  I'm mortified to have anything in common with them at all.  

Me too, however, I did ask Tom and Lorenzo a valid question and they blocked me on twitter and for them to get their panties in a twister when they've put themselves out there is really ridiculous. The rest of the rabid fans are another thing.

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For those of you who don't Twitter and missed yesterday's twitter storm, count your blessings.  But that also means you missed this tweet from Sam containing a particularly fetching photo, so I thought I'd share it.  You're welcome.


Edited by WatchrTina
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Sweet. Looks like I picked the right week for breast reconstruction surgery. Not only have I been high on Percocet the last 3ish days, I've apparently avoided stupid Outlander fandumb. Win-win.

It's a fantastic idea to piss off the very people that make your favorite thing happen. What could possibly go wrong?

Remember when civility used to be a value? Now it's whoever makes the most noise or inspires the most memes. 

Edited by Dust Bunny
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

For those of you who don't Twitter and missed yesterday's twitter storm, count your blessings.  But that also means you missed this tweet from Sam containing a particularly fetching photo, so I thought I'd share it.  You're welcome.


Holy shitsnacks!  Who knew he'd be as hot in a cowboy hat as he is in a kilt?!

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

For those of you who don't Twitter and missed yesterday's twitter storm, count your blessings.  But that also means you missed this tweet from Sam containing a particularly fetching photo, so I thought I'd share it.  You're welcome.


Another Twitterstorm?

But my GOD, that picture! It's no secret that I LOATHE Twitter, and I'm totally blaming @WatchrTina for the dream I had last night--in order for me to "talk" to Sam, I got a Twitter account and he "talked" to me. A pox on you, WatchrTina for making me even think about getting an account!

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Just FYI, Outlander trending tonight in my city:

10:17 p.m. eastern time in Washington, DC

Washington Trends

17.2K Tweets
86.7K Tweets
74K Tweets
Just started trending
22K Tweets

Vamos Colombia
Started trending in the last hour
Drew Carlton
Started trending in the last hour
Carlos Martinez
Just started trending
Started trending in the last hour
Just started trending

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8 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Another Twitterstorm?

But my GOD, that picture! It's no secret that I LOATHE Twitter, and I'm totally blaming @WatchrTina for the dream I had last night--in order for me to "talk" to Sam, I got a Twitter account and he "talked" to me. A pox on you, WatchrTina for making me even think about getting an account!

He is awfully pretty in that hat. Cripes, I might need a cold shower.

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Here's a link to Connie Verzak's photo recap of episode 209, Je Suis Prest.  The photos-with-captions are, as usual, very funny.  I almost did not post this, however, because I'm mad at ScotlandNow for creating that whole stupid "Jump the shark" kerfuffle a few weeks ago.  But I just read a LONG post on Diana's Facebook page about it and in it she shares that an editor from the newspaper did eventually reach out to her and acknowledge that they did err in accepting the story that was submitted to them without vetting it with Diana.  So, here you go.


Edited by WatchrTina
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Here's an interview with Sam and Tobias about the process of being cast.  


This is the my favorite part:


“In Glasgow no one cares about us,” Heughan says when discussing the intense fan love the show has inspired. “The other day I was walking down the street and some car drove past and they’re like, ‘You! You! “Outlander!” ’ I was, like, ‘Yeah!’ And they’re, like, ‘Wanker.’ ” Heughan and Menzies both laugh.


I actually find out by reading a script that was sent to me and I was kind of like ‘OK.’ Then it was explained to me, the backstory, about how the character of Willie, they were intending to kill that character, but then the actor who played him was contracted so he had to bail out on a second season and I guess I took the bullet.


Thanks for that, WT. This quote I messed up formatting is from the interview.  If Willie was originally meant to be killed off in this scene instead of Angus, I wonder if that means they had always planned to have Dougal's death scene go down differently, rather than have Willie witness it.

Nidratime - looks like it's adapted from a convo in the book: Let me tell ye in your sleep how much I love you. For there’s no so much I can be saying to ye while ye wake, but the same poor words, again and again. While ye sleep in my arms, I can say things to ye that would be daft and silly waking, and your dreams will know the truth of them. Go back to sleep, mo duinne.

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Well, that was a downer. I just listened to the Scot and the Sassenach podcast and they are less than enthusiastic about Episode 11. They loved the first half but think things go off the rails when Claire arrives at the Duke's house - they term it an unintentional French farce.

They don't lay all the fault with Diana, noting that decisions had to be made based on other choices made earlier in the season. But, in their opinion, there is too much exposition once at the Duke's home, a bad choice to have Mary kill the rapist, and they hate Murtagh killing the Duke in front of Claire and Mary (because he made his vow to show Jamie alone).  

While I understand what they are saying, I still loved the episode. Sigh

  • Love 1

Well, that was a downer. I just listened to the Scot and the Sassenach podcast and they are less than enthusiastic about Episode 11. They loved the first half but think things go off the rails when Claire arrives at the Duke's house - they term it an unintentional French farce.

If you like the episode, that's all that matters. I've been rolling my eyes at the TSatS analysis. They intro the whole thing by talking about how great the episode was and then they piss all over everything, leaving the listener to wonder what was great. Were they grading on a very steep curve? Frankly, if they really think the episode is not good, they should say so. Then, the listener won't be scratching their head wondering why their effusiveness doesn't align with their analysis.

Oh, by the way, the stuff that happened in Sandringham's castle was pretty similar to what happened in the book, so that means they had a problem with that as well.

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11 hours ago, toolazy said:

I think it was a great choice to have Mary kill her rapist.  

In other, extremely embarrassing news, here's an article from Vox about Outlander's toxic fandom:


I think there are elements of the fandom who don't want to believe the truth about, in this case, the fact that Sam and Cait aren't dating and they do bully those who believe it when Sam and Cait say they are dating other people. I hate that this is ruining a great experience for the majority of us. Also, note to twitter peeps. Don't piss off the Shat.

On another note I've had to stop listening to TSatS podcast precisely for the same reasons as Nidratime. They are all over the place.

Edited by maraleia
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I'm with maraleia and Nidradine. I started listening to the TSatS podcasts only a few weeks ago and yeah, I've enjoyed it less and less as the weeks have gone on.  Their focus does seem to be on the negative.  I was really disappointed when they got on the band-wagon and stirred the whole "jump the shark" pot, (especially when it was later revealed to have been a tempest in a teapot based on a poorly-researched article that ScotlandNow should never have reported without vetting it with Diana first.)  The two podcasters seem to be lovely, intelligent, thoughtful people (and a rather adorable married couple) but in order to fill an hour-long podcast and to promote discussion among their listeners, they do seem to focus on the negative.  I waited and watched the most recent episode "live" last night so that means I did NOT watch the twitter feed nor live-tweet during that time-frame.  Then, basking in the after-glow of a good episode, I scanned the Outlander-related twitter-feed for that hour and was shocked to see the TSatS team tweeting some really negative stuff.  I'm not sure that pod-cast is contributing to my enjoyment of the show any more.

Edited by WatchrTina
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I take it all back.  I just listened to TSatS's podcast for ep 211 and I'm back to loving these two all over again.  I do NOT agree with everything they say but I even when I disagree I have to give them props for making their arguments in an intelligent and often very funny manner.  I think they should tweet less because the limited format of tweeting can sometimes make them come off as harsh or unreasonable whereas the longer form of the podcast allows them the space they need to explain their reasoning and often even to debate and disagree on some points.  The strong objections that they had to the confusing plot of the second half echoes some of the comments I made in my own post about the problems I had with the "choreography" of the plot -- especially the comings and goings around the Duke's house.

Okay this the was funniest part of their podcast and it echos something Ron Moore and Diana Gabaldon said in the official STARZ behind-the-scenes podcast.  Let's talk about Rupert's eye wound.  According to Ron & Diana, the prosthetic for Rupert's eye wound was so realistic that Grant O'Roark (the actor who plays Rupert) had trouble dealing with it.  He didn't want to look in the mirror.  Well apparently Alastair (the "Scot" of TSatS) has a similar issue regarding eyes.  Lani, his wife (Sassenach who makes up the second "S" of TSatS) said that she struggled with the scene where Claire works on Rupert's eye wound but she knew Alastair was going to have an even worse time of it because if she forgets to close the bathroom door and he catches sight of her taking out her contact lenses he is completely creeped out.  He got creeped out just by her talking about it on the pod cast.  I laughed.  A lot.  

I have more to say about their criticisms of this episode but I think I'll take them elsewhere.  I just wanted to take back what I said about not listening to them any more.

Edited by WatchrTina
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