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S15.E25: Jump into the Fog

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14 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Now that they know how rare Gus' blood is, I hope they start banking his for him.

Is Agoraphobic Woman From London the absolute only person in the world that is a match for him?

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18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Is Agoraphobic Woman From London the absolute only person in the world that is a match for him?

There was a guy in Canada but he needed blood, too (wacky hijinks ensue).

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Still can’t stand the merdeith/deluca pairing. I fear this storyline means there’s no immediate ending in sight. I can see him as a fling but that’s about it. 

Maggie doesn’t annoy me like she does to other people. In fact I normally really like her character but she was way too annoying this episode. 

I feel really sorry for Tom. I also like his character. Especially in his jokester happy mode. Don’t want to see him in a downward, depressed spiral. 

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On 5/16/2019 at 8:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't think they ever left her apartment. I think he showed up, they fucked for a few days, and he left.

On 5/16/2019 at 8:37 PM, dmc said:
On 5/15/2019 at 11:02 PM, statsgirl said:

The weekend he was in Germany?

On 5/16/2019 at 8:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't think they ever left her apartment. I think he showed up, they fucked for a few days, and he left.

This, no they have never been on a date.  Owen has basically kept Teddy on the back burner through three relationships (first wife, Christina, Amelia) all she gets is the occasional conversation between surgeries, fucking in Germany and watching snow. But she chose that lol 

People think Meredith and that awful Derek were some epic relationship, and I don't think they ever formally dated either. Mostly they just banged, fought, broke up, then banged some more. They seemed miserable together, and miserable apart. But both couples have felt like they went through the trenches together, nonetheless, because Grey's is always trying to make everything as muddled and dirty as possible. Owen and Teddy shared an incredibly significant part of their lives (and trauma) together in the war, and maybe the suburbs is easy after all that. Cristina was my favorite character when she was on the show, but she was also the most privileged, and she just couldn't understand how much Owen craved a more cliche American life after what he had been through. She wanted more, and I loved her for it. She wanted her version of the trenches, and ultimately got it.

It's like none of them can really stand each other, but who has the time to find anyone outside of the hospital and those crazy hours? I still cry foul that Meredith has gotten as much done as she has professionally as a single mom, even with mooching off of all of her friends.

All of these "people" are insane. Alex is the most stable one, just for being consistent and able to say when he feels messed up. The rest are all psychotic for their umpteen levels of denial.

I hope we get a really mean Tom next season now that he is free of Teddy the preggo. I enjoyed his comic relief and cockiness before, and his fawning all over some woman accidentally knocked up with another man's kid seemed incredibly inorganic. He is not a good man, and this version of him is dull. I think he got swept up in wooing her hormones. Bring back the snark! He and Amelia have a funny friendship that reminds of Cristina and Alex back in the day.

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23 minutes ago, Spicymustard said:

Maggie doesn’t annoy me like she does to other people. In fact I normally really like her character but she was way too annoying this episode. 

She annoyed me at first, but over the years I've grown to like her in the cast. I hope this camping trip doesn't make or break them. Nothing they said is something they can't deal with (and need to) about themselves. They were squeezed out of their comfort zones, and things rose to the surface, but Jackson has a controlling mother and keeps wanting Maggie not to control him and do things his way, Maggie likes the safety of routine and creature comforts and not being ambushed by foreign elements that could have been avoided. Meet in the middle guys. It's possible to get there, if you can get over yourselves for any amount of time. XD

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9 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

She annoyed me at first, but over the years I've grown to like her in the cast. I hope this camping trip doesn't make or break them. Nothing they said is something they can't deal with (and need to) about themselves. They were squeezed out of their comfort zones, and things rose to the surface, but Jackson has a controlling mother and keeps wanting Maggie not to control him and do things his way, Maggie likes the safety of routine and creature comforts and not being ambushed by foreign elements that could have been avoided. Meet in the middle guys. It's possible to get there, if you can get over yourselves for any amount of time. XD

Jackson's problem is, he feels that if he loves something, that someone else has to love it to or understand it to where he can be humored. Maggie's problem is she wants things that she is comfortable with. However, Maggie suffers from some type of Gerascophobia an abnormal or incessant fear of growing up. She constantly has to talks about being treated like a baby or when she thinks people are out to get her because "she is so young". She is in here early 30s now, time to get over things. "I hate bugs, I hate camping, I can't have a relationship serious so I have to go buy milk." All it does is paints them as people that don't understand reality. Is Maggie still going to talk about how people make her feel small when she is in her 50s and needs knee replacement surgery? Is Jackson going to discover a love for Hang gliding at 40 and then wants everyone to do it with him to feel the fun? It gets old.

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I finally finished this episode......

Maggie/Jackson....Jackson wants Maggie to love camping like he does but basically scoffed at April regarding her religion which was a much more personal issue to his wife than a camping trip. I like Maggie fine but not with Jackson. 

Meredith/Deluca.....Again, not buying this relationship.  I like both characters separately just not as a couple.

Owen/Teddy.......I guess for me this is the best outcome as I do not really care about either one that much and hopefully they will create a loving home for the new baby (and Leo).  Also Teddy sucks for doing that to Tom and I hope he gets a more deserving storyline next season.

Amelia/Linc.......I actually kind of like them together. Amelia has become one of my favorites.  

Alex/Jo......I am glad she told him she loved him and needed help. 

Nico/Glasses.........Nico is boring and i have actually grown a wee bit fond of glasses.

Richard/Catherine.......I am just not a Catherine fan and love Richard.   

I think Grey's should just focus on a lot these characters as actual individual people instead of forcing everyone  into a relationship that a lot of us aren't buying.  Also it is okay for them to have outside of the hospital friends/dates etc.....  

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On 5/18/2019 at 11:23 AM, funnygirl said:

The season finale was the lowest rated episode of the series to date. 

1.3 demo/5.99 million.  

It was up against The Big Bang Theory series finale-- which I did watch.

I turned to Grey's during commercials and everything I saw made me roll my eyes until I thought they were gonna fall right out of my head. I haven't yet worked up the gumption to watch the entire Grey's ep.

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I know I probably should get the reference, but who was Alison? Owen's girlfriend/Teddy's BFF who died in Iraq?

Jackson going out in the fog with a flashlight to "see what's going on" was so ridiculous. It's fog, a naturally-occurring weather system. Did he think someone down the road was pranking him with a ginormous fog machine?

I get it's foggy in Seattle but they've done the "danger! Characters in the road during awful fog!" thing for a season finale before, and it wasn't too long ago. Remember Alex and Meredith in the back of the ambulance with the sick little baby, coming from the podunk hospital that didn't even have tubes small enough to intubate the baby, and the ambulance broke down on a blind corner in the fog?

So, did Schmidt just come out to his mom for the first time as she was serving him soup? Her response was very classy but, jeez, we forego what could have been a good storyline to focus on Niko's emotional constipation. I hope Niko leaves for UCSF next season. Schmidt really does deserve better than that piece of wood. A pretty piece of wood, but that's it.

There's no way Webber, Alex, and Meredith will be fired come next season, so there just was no tension there for me. 

I love this show but now it's like I love it for what it used to be, like a comfortable piece of furniture that is kinda worn out and ugly and doesn't really do anything for the room but you're not quite ready to let it go even though you know it's definitely past time to do so.

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Glasses didn't bother me this episode but I would much rather see some of the other interns like Casey.

Maggie, shut up. I understand she hates camping. But how hard is it to suck it up one damn time and try to enjoy yourself? Adults do that in relationships. They do things for other people. Instead she prattles on and never listens to other people. I hope this is the end of Jaggie but that's too much to hope for.

Meredith and the rest of them are all idiots too. Also, there wouldn't even be a fucking trial. She would get a slap on the wrist, if not charges dismissed. I don't buy any love between her and Andrew. Blah. Also, Mere OWNS part of the damn hospital. You can't fire her. Pretty sure Alex owns part of it too.

I now hate Teddy for what she's doing to Koracik. Hopefully, this means Teddy and Owen will go live in Germany. 

Wow, this finale really infuriated me. 

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I for one, am incredibly glad this season is over. It’s like a different writer, one who has never watched a single episode of greys, took over for the entirety of the season. 

Meredith and DeLuca together is vile, and completely ridiculous! 

Maggie has turned from mildly irritating to completely, mind numbingly whiny.

Glasses.... just no. Too much screen time when there are other, really interesting and likeable residents and interns.

Owen has gone from one of my favourite characters to one of my worst.

Teddy and Koracick together was ill thought out and just ludicrous.

Jo.... what can I say about Jo. I’ve had to start fast forwarding every scene she’s in. I can’t stand the self indulgent way she’s turning her mums pain into her own. And if I have to hear one more time how she “has his face” when her mum said the complete opposite, then I might just have to give up on the programme altogether! And that accent of hers is getting worse with every scene she does.

Even Bailey has been ruined. She’s been my absolute favourite from the very beginning. Her little glimpses of comic relief amongst her hilarious rants has always been a highlight for me. Now she’s so consumed in bureaucracy and lording it over everyone that the writers have totally lost sight of who she is 

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21 hours ago, Tallulah7606 said:

Meredith and DeLuca together is vile, and completely ridiculous

Agreed. I kinda liked the idea of Meredith and Linc, but shondalogic put boring deluca with her instead 

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On 6/1/2019 at 12:38 PM, Tallulah7606 said:

I for one, am incredibly glad this season is over. It’s like a different writer, one who has never watched a single episode of greys, took over for the entirety of the season. 

Meredith and DeLuca together is vile, and completely ridiculous! 

Maggie has turned from mildly irritating to completely, mind numbingly whiny.

I guess I stand alone but I don't find Mere and Deluca vile. I think they are kind of cute. But I only see them as a fling -- at least for Mere. I do not see them as long term nor do I see them as "end game" whatever the hell that means.

I agree about Maggie. Oh and Jo too. I can't stand her character and lately I can't even watch her.

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Well, I just binge-watched the last three episodes and the fact that I'm only getting around to watching them now pretty much says it all.  I'm just glad we didn't see Maggie or Jackson get hit by a semi.  That'll probably happen next season but I swear if they had ended on that I would have had to quit this show.

So four of the hospital's senior surgeons / department heads just got fired AND are gonna be brought up on charges of insurance fraud?  Yeah.  Right.  That'll stick.<insert sarcasm emoji>

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22 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

So four of the hospital's senior surgeons / department heads just got fired AND are gonna be brought up on charges of insurance fraud?  Yeah.  Right.  That'll stick.<insert sarcasm emoji>

I know right! Like we’re supposed to be in suspense now until season 16 to see how Merediths life pans out. Of course they’re not going to fire her permanently! The show is named after her! It’s just a stupid non-cliffhanger. 

And Webber is obviously safe too. That hospital couldn’t function without him. 

Using any threat to Meredith’s life or job as a cliffhanger is utterly pointless. We know she’s always going to survive. And the day she doesn’t sign a new contract, we’ll hear about it months and months before her character is written out, and that will be the day the show ends. 

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22 hours ago, Daisy said:

i find it hilarious when Meredith, Weber and Alex got fired they all looked shocked. as if that never occurred to them. I don't blame them.

The entire story is so stupid. All of a sudden, Katherine doesn't want Pro Bono because it got expensive (with her money?). Bailey is all about legality when she has fought the system since day 1. I know the show is set up until season 17, but really the show is so out of ideas its gotten to Family Guy bad. 

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I'm glad that Jo is okay, but I hate that they did that to her, and Alex. Unless it's to close out his, "I make every woman go crazy" thing, since this wasn't on him, just as the others weren't. 

I only really liked Teddy before, when she was teaching Cristina - she was a good teacher, and great when she wasn't around Owen. I loved that she kicked him out of her house, and told him that she deserved better - only for them to have her be pregnant, just to bring her back?? Damn it. They don't all need to be paired up, and Owen is proving that he can't be alone. 

I wasn't keen on the other guy, when he first showed up (I've liked him in other shows, but we have enough egos on this show). I've ended up really liking him. He deserves better. 

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