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S03.E13: Like a Snowball Down a Mountain

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Bay and Emmett work together to combat Matthew's blackmail threat and make an unexpected discovery. Daphne gets a big opportunity at the clinic but worries about how it affects her boyfriend Campbell. Meanwhile, Kathryn enjoys the perks of being the author of a highly-anticipated book, until someone from her past threatens its publication.


This episode's art: "Like a snowball down a mountain" by Damien Hirst (2002).

I was impressed with how well John and Katherine handled Bay and the emergency birth control.  Well, the whole thing, actually including learning it was Emmett and not Tank.  Even when John thought it was Tank he was pretty calm with him about it, all things considered.


So, Campbell is going to work across town and that means he won't have time for Daphne.  Ok...  Good riddance.  She's right, she asked, he didn't.  She just didn't wait for something to happen or for a job to open up.  She was proactive.  And apparently she's showing some aptitude.  That said, I wish they hadn't dropped the chef thing.  Yes, she and chef Jeff were incredibly stupid, but she still apparently really likes cooking and is good at it.


Not sure how I feel about the menfolk trying to take care of Regina.  That and getting out the ruler while they were at it.  At least Regina put a stop to that.  I am worried about "Chekov's "gun though.  We saw it, and now Regina is going to learn to shoot.  I don't like where I think this is headed.  


Anyone know when Toby/Lucas will be back?

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The entire storyline with Emmett really made me uncomfortable tonight. Obviously, Matthew is having a hard time and part of his lashing out at Emmett was in response to his unwillingness or inability to come out/his feelings for him - but Emmett is supposed to negate blackmail, his mother getting suspended (granted, for her own heated moment), and, oh yea, the beating he received after being catfished and lured into a secluded location because Matthew happened to have romantic feelings for him? It really bothered me that all the characters basically counseled him to drop the situation...that's not a message I would want to be sending to my teen. Whatever his personal issues, he assaulted and blackmailed Emmett. There is no excusing that. 

  • Love 10

The entire storyline with Emmett really made me uncomfortable tonight. Obviously, Matthew is having a hard time and part of his lashing out at Emmett was in response to his unwillingness or inability to come out/his feelings for him - but Emmett is supposed to negate blackmail, his mother getting suspended (granted, for her own heated moment), and, oh yea, the beating he received after being catfished and lured into a secluded location because Matthew happened to have romantic feelings for him? It really bothered me that all the characters basically counseled him to drop the situation...that's not a message I would want to be sending to my teen. Whatever his personal issues, he assaulted and blackmailed Emmett. There is no excusing that.

(Bolded parts mine) I agree. Had it just been the "cat fishing" without the violence and blackmail, okay, I could see Emmett taking the high road because he felt empathy for Matthew. However there is NO EXCUSE for violence. Like what in the world. Having issues in your personal life, valid or not is not an excuse to physically attack other people. It's really not.

  • Love 3


(Bolded parts mine) I agree. Had it just been the "cat fishing" without the violence and blackmail, okay, I could see Emmett taking the high road because he felt empathy for Matthew. However there is NO EXCUSE for violence. Like what in the world. Having issues in your personal life, valid or not is not an excuse to physically attack other people. It's really not.


That's exactly it. It wasn't someone playing an internet/texting prank on someone - he lured him to a remote location so that he could assault him. Whatever is going on in your personal life, that's not okay, and I hated how even Bay by the end was pretty much "water under the bridge" about it. It really sends a message that so long as someone has a "reason" it's okay for them to do something like that. I really wish that the writers had gone a different way with that - in real life, it would hardly end as neatly as it did when Bay and later Emmett spoke to him. 


Also, it bugged me when Regina was on the phone with 911 and they asked her if they should still send a car when the guy staking her place out vanished. In real life, they would send one automatically even if she told them not to. They have no way of knowing whether the person on the other end of the line is being coerced into calling off the police - a squad car still would have been sent. 


They may be little things, but they take me out of the show - this show gets it so right so often that when it goes the cheap dramatic route it bothers me! 

  • Love 1

Well, that was something.


First of all, Emmett/Bay/Matthew's storyline. I kind of guessed it when I realized the catfishing was going on for far too long and it was only Matthew in on it. If he had friends helping him out, sure. But I did laugh my guess off because 'oh, they might not go there.' But they did, and I'm actually...I don't know, happy with that? I guess it's kind of interesting, and it did make me feel sympathy for Matthew. I'm still pissed that he had to beat up Emmett and blackmail him, but I was afraid this show would make him less of a villain and I was totally right. But it could actually be interesting. 


The Kathryn/book storyline just does not interest me at all. I couldn't care less with her story because she's an idiot for making her character's name so close to Sarah Lazar. I mean, I hate when TV shows do this so much. NCIS is the one show that comes to mind and I hated it so much for that, and of course Kathryn thinks that everything will be fine but seeing as Sarah is connected to John and Kathryn, and seeing as she has the same career and rumours floating around as the character, then I'd be pissed too. That's not to say I like Sarah because I hated her last appearance and I hate her now. I just think her agent is an idiot for not pointing out the similar names and Kathryn's an idiot for not changing the name and occupation.


I miss Toby. When is he coming back? I also like Natalie; if she wasn't gay, her and Toby could be a cute couple.


Also I hate the Regina storyline. I just have a bad feeling about all of it. I'm going to guess she, or someone like Angelo, gets shot by the midseason finale. 


And the Campbell/Daphne storyline. On the one hand, I think he needs to stop being jealous; she did go ask for the job and she doesn't have to talk to him about it. They were barely dating when she asked her boss for that job! He could have asked for it, but it doesn't seem like he has. But on the other hand, I understand why he might be frustrated. He has been working there for longer and Daphne's only been there for a couple of months and she suddenly is his own boss? I would be a bit jealous too, actually, and it seems like Daphne really can't do any wrong. But whatever, I just want those two broken up and Daphne with Wilke again. Then I would be able to tolerate her ability to be successful almost every single time.


Yeah, poor Tank. He's going to be pissed for a long time. 

  • Love 1

Saying that Mathew assaulted Emmett is incorrect. He showed Emmett a literal catfish (because that's apparently how kids "catfish" each other on SaB Earth) and made fun of him. Emmett is the one who got mad and attacked Mathew first.


Mathew was being a major ass, but Emmett was the one who actually initiated the physical violence.

Edited by Perfect Xero
  • Love 1

I thought Campbell getting a job elsewhere was a perfect solution. Him breaking up with her struck me as a total dick move and completely out of the blue. It made me wonder if he deliberately sabotaged the inspection, because he was pissed and wanted her to get in trouble.


I have no doubt that Daphne will get a job at Angelo's restaurant, if she wants to explore her cooking skills professionally again.


I like Tank, but the way he changed his story about why he de-pledged was a red flag to me. He's not a perfect gentleman, he's vicious and changes his story when angry. I understood his upset, but that was a juvenile and gross reaction. He handled himself around Bay's dad, though; I'll give him that. I think this is one of those situations where you can't blame anyone for being upset, but you also have to face the reality, and not take it in such a crushing way. But I'm almost 50 and it took me at least a decade or two more than Tank's been alive, for me to figure that out. Sometimes people aren't happy together. It might not be anyone's fault, it's just the way of things. They might even care about you and like you, but there's just some way that it doesn't fit. There might be a reason or it might be a mystery. It's sad but not the end of the world. I'd love it if Tank eventually came around to seeing it this way and they could be friends. Fundamentally, Bay's breaking up with him was going to happen with our without a reconciliation with Emmett. They really were fighting a lot and she clearly wasn't happy.


RE Kathryn's book: It's just stupid to use a name so obviously mimicking the name of a real person. Just change the stupid name for godsake! It's such a stupid problem with such a simple solution, I can't even take it seriously. On the other hand, I think they were trying to set up the insight Regina gave Kathryn, about calling women sluts. And having her publisher refuse to change it, kathryn may have to deal with her own regrets about a bad decision. When is there mercy and when is there retaliation and what are the consequences seemed to be a theme in all the stories this week-- Daphne/Campbell, Bay/Tank, Emmett/Matthew, even Regina/East Riverside. The infidelity issue also keeps being woven into all the relationships on the show. It didn't seem like an accident that they brought this story back in the same episode they had Bay dealing with her own "unfaithfulness."


Matthew has a history if really, really bad behavior. The catfishing and humiliating and blackmailing are not his first rodeo. He was also framing innocent students and committing vandalism against his own people in the process. Dude is fucked up. I think the best argument for mercy would include getting the guy some help, not just letting him continue to act out and be destructive whenever he gets upset, because the path he's on now leads to jail sooner or later. Boy has no coping skills and actions have consequences. If the problem is he's freaked out about being gay, take him to a PFLAG or GLSTN meeting or something. Get him mandatory counseling from a sympathetic person who won't demonize his sexuality OR let him off the hook for his misdeeds. Maybe give him community service at the nearest LGBT Community Center or something (I have no idea what organizations exist in Kansas City or wherever the show is set, but there has to be something they could make him do that would be good penance and also good medicine).


At this point, the East Riverside story is no win, no matter what they do. I think the show bit off more than it could chew with this one.


John being jealous and wanting to get involved in Kathryn's photo shoot was a good character moment. I don't know why, but it seemed very true.

Edited by possibilities

I have to say, I'm not going to miss Campbell or Tank (I'm assuming that's the end of Tank, at least for a while? I'm not sure).


Campbell's departure seemed bizarrely sudden, but I also realize that they had no idea what to do with that character.  And wouldn't it be great if Daphne could stay single for like a second?


How many times have been introduced to a boyfriend of the girls for a season for them disappear almost immediately in the next one? Way, way too many. This happens mostly with Daphne, but obviously, it's happened with Bay too. I think one issue is I don't really see Daphne having any chemistry with any of her boyfriends except Wilke. A bit with Jeff, but that was also really inappropriate. They've casted for Daphne's boyfriend multiple times, and it's always been lack luster. Basically, it's starting to look like she has bad taste in guys.


Good riddance to Campbell.


Who dresses these teenage girls? Daphne was wearing a sweater a kindergartener would wear.


When did Bay discover that Ty lied about cheating on her? I don't remember that (and the fall out from that) at all.


That sweater with the patterned blouse were not a good combination. I don't mind Bay's wardrobe as much as it is usually dark neutrals. I do remember dressing horribly as a teen, but they put some question things on Daphne. To make her the happy one, it veers on juvenile looking.


I was uncomfortable with the Matthew thing too because clearly he has issues. It was cat fishing, the beating and the blackmail. Emmett did start the violence, but Matthew trying to take things in his own hands. This all started with him stupidly trying to take back the school with vandalism and pranks. He clearly needs some help as he is very repressed. I did like that it was shown to be a very complicated situation and ending.

but they put some question things on Daphne. To make her the happy one, it veers on juvenile looking.


Yes. Upon further reflection Bay's clothing is fine it's Daphne's that's frequently ridiculous. 


My issue with Matthew is if Emmett were a girl that Matthew was obsessed with and then did all these bad things to, there would be no question about reporting it to the school and possibly the police.  I can understand not being able to come out and concern about how his family will respond, but how is Emmett supposed to feel safe?  It also seems to send a bad message, to me, to the teens who watch this show. Guy on guy harassment is okay if the aggressor is 'going through some stuff.' Matthew made choices. Each thing he did was a choice. 

  • Love 6

Also, if they had so little time to get the stuff back in Matthew's locker why oh WHY were they sitting there having this big chat?  Delete what needs deleted, stick it back in the locker, and THEN go talk about it.


I'm on the "what person dresses like that" train for Daphne's sweater.  It was so unbelievably awful.


Bye Campbell.  Good riddance Campbell.  Never liked you Campbell.

  • Love 1
So after all that it wasn't even a nude photo that Matthew had? Just revealing? I don't get it. Then why did he care? Should have turned him in.



I say it's probably out of embarrassment. He doesn't want people knowing that he was willing to even take revealing photos because that could circle around the Internet and eventually when he tries to apply for jobs, even a revealing photo could incriminate him and he'll already have a harder time finding jobs. I agree that he should have stuck to turning him in, but I understand why he might not want to. Also, he's a teenager. He's going to act on feelings more than logical thinking. 

I was really refreshed that they had TV parents reacting to the fact that their kid needed to use the morning after pill not because she had sex, but because she didn't use a condom.  Same with the reaction from the father, it wasn't a how dare you have sex with my daughter, it was how dare you put her in the place where she'd need the morning after pill. 

  • Love 4


I'm going to guess she, or someone like Angelo, gets shot by the midseason finale.

Can it be Angelo PLEASE--and killed, not just shot. I've never liked that character and have been waiting season after seasons for him to show his true colors. Guess I"m like the Grandma that way. I've always wanted him o-u-t!


Agreed that Kathryn and the publishing company are idiots for not being more careful in shielding the true identity of characters her book is based on. that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. Also, I too could care less about Kathryn's writing career. Probably because I write for a living and know how actually difficult it is to make any headway and how loooong the editorial process takes in real life unless you're e-publishing.


And although I like RD Mitte in Breaking Bad. His character of Cambell is doing nothing for me here. Good riddance. And agreed that it's time they gave Daphne a break from dating. Personally I think she's a bad actress with a limited range of reactions. Her storylines never interest me.

  • Love 2

Whatever is going on in your personal life, that's not okay, and I hated how even Bay by the end was pretty much "water under the bridge" about it. It really sends a message that so long as someone has a "reason" it's okay for them to do something like that.


Pretty much. The whole thing was infuriating and so, so, so cheap and cliched. Did they really have to make Matthew gay and pining for Emmett while expressing it through anger? I was half-expecting a suicide attempt from Matthew, since the exact same storyline has played out over the years on countless teen shows (Glee and the long-gone Jack & Bobby come to mind). GET NEW MATERIAL, WRITERS.


I like Natalie, though, and it's nice to see her and Bay be pals. More Natalie!


Kathryn is starting to seem dangerously stupid. Her book sounds beyond trashy and naming a character after your real-life nemesis but changing like two letters? S-t-u-p-i-d.


Campbell always seemed like a jerk to me and I could never stand listening to him or watching his weirdness with Daphne. Good riddance. She should have picked Jorge. No matter, though, I'm sure she'll have a new suitor in no time. Daphne's Mary Sueness continues - people create jobs especially for her now. *eyeroll*

  • Love 3

I agree with other people when it comes to Matthew, and how lightly the writers seems to want to let him off for all the truly vicious, and almost borderline, sick things he has been up to. First, he’s slashing tires to get the hearing kids kicked out of school, and then he’s catfishing to the point of harassment and real viciousness...

It seems to me that Matthew has more issues than just struggling with being gay going on. He obviously has anger and behavioral issues that needs to be dealt with properly, and I don’t think the writers should let the character off so easily.


I feel bad for Tank for how Bay has handled things with him regarding Emmet, but to be honest, he’s starting to display symptoms of being a “Nice Guy..” - and I find myself not really liking him too much.


Why do I get the feeling that the writers are setting up Regina’s boss as something more ? I get the feeling that they intend - or at least intended - for something more to be going on between the two of them, and I don’t want. The writers seem to have finally created a relevant place for Angelo within the family, I don’t need any marital problems between him and Regina going on down the road with the boss.

I agree with another poster who said that Angelo is going to get shot. Just look at what a good father he is trying to be to Daphne all of a sudden. Look at how protective he is of Regina, and how anti-guns he is. Look at how Bay is so excited to have him around and how the Kennishes are A-OK with having a "Welcome" dinner for him. He's totally going to get shot in the season finale.

And agreed that it's time they gave Daphne a break from dating. Personally I think she's a bad actress with a limited range of reactions. Her storylines never interest me.

I've always thought she was a terrible actress, and the only things worse than Daphne's love life story lines are all of her other story lines. 


I hate Bay's love life story lines, and hate what they did with Toby and his "wife." 


The writers seem to think teens are just dating constantly and never have a moment where they aren't dating anyone and are actually living their lives and developing who they are.  I think it sends a terrible message - you have no life unless you are dating someone all. the. time.

  • Love 1

I always feared they would repair EBay by making Bay a cheater too, and that's what happened. It lessens what Emmett did, in the minds of the writers. It's a cheap out, but they really screwed themselves when they had Emmett sex up Toby's GF that time.


Matthew has anger issues. Don't like the hearing kids in school -- he slashes tires. Can't have secret love crush -- catfishing, violence and blackmail. The soft landing Emmett gave him does not solve this.


I was so hoping that Bay would be Natalie's secret crush, and I don't know why. But it's nice to know Nat is out proud and has a GF.


I'm a bit behind on catching up but I agree with those who said that letting Matthew get away with such a dastardly crime for sake of him "going through issues" should not be ignored and does send a bad message.

The main theme of tonight's episode was about accountability and everyone should have been.


I'm glad Emmett has Melody and Bay to help him through this but honestly I'm sick of Bay already. The cheating thing was the final nail in the coffin for me. I understand that when you're young, you have to make a few mistakes before you learn and grow but her impulsiveness is too annoying. The only silver lining is that she realized that she needed to be more honest with herself and her feelings for Emmett but it should NOT have been at the cost of hurting someone else and lying to them on top of it. I didn't see her and Tank as a great couple but don't date someone just because they're nice to you. She's dated 4-5 guys since Emmett after he cheated and then didn't seem to want to act on these feelings until Emmett started "dating" someone else. I would cut her some slack if she hadn't been through heartbreak before, but she should've had the experience at this point to realize what she wants and/or what not to look for.  This "pride" thing she gets from Regina I swear.


And don't even get me started on Daphne!


But the sisterly bond they're sharing has grown on me that both girls are comfortable going to each other for advice now.

Edited by Eri

Yeah...like it would have been so hard to call her reporter "Jezebel St. Claire" or some other obviously fake name. I'm guessing it would have still been obvious who the female sportswriter was based on, simply because there probably weren't many female Sportswriters covering the Royals when John was on the team, but it wouldn't have given Sarah nearly as much cause for an injunction.

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